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Should Common Law Doctrines Dynamically Guide The Interpretation of Statutes?

Pages 171-189 | Published online: 01 May 2015

  • See for example: P Finn, “Statutes and the Common Law: The Continuing Story”, in S Corcoran and S Bottomley (eds), Interpreting Statutes (Sydney, Federation Press, 2005); P S Atiyah, “Common Law and Statute Law” (1985) 48 Modern Law Review, 1; J Beatson, “Has the Common Law a Future?” (1997) 56 Cambridge Law Journal, 291; id, “The Role of Statute in Common Law Doctrine” (2001) 117 Law Quarterly Review, 247; P Finn, “Statutes and the Common Law” (1992) 22 University of Western Australia Law Review, 7; R Pound, “Common Law and Legislation” (1908) 21 Harvard Law Review, 383.
  • O Dixon, “The Common Law as an Ultimate Constitutional Foundation“, in S Woinarski (ed), Jesting Pilate (Sydney, Law Book Co, 1965), 212–13; Theophanous v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd [1994], 182 CLR 104 (High Court of Australia) (Mason J); G F K Santow, “Aspects of Judicial Restraint” (1995) 13 Australian Bar Review, 116, 141.
  • See analysis in R J Traynor, “Statutes Revolving in Common Law Orbits” (1968) 17 Catholic University of America Law Review, 401, 403.
  • X v APRA [2007] HCA 4 (High Court of Australia) (Kirby J); R v Wilson; Ex parte Kisch [1934] 52 CLR 234 (High Court of Australia), 244; Blue Metal Industries v Dilley [1969] 117 CLR 651 (High Court of Australia); Cooper Brookes (Wollongong) Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation (Cth) [1981] 147 CLR 297 (High Court of Australia), 304; K & S Lake City Freighters Pty Ltd v Gordon & Gotch Ltd [1985] 157 CLR 309 (High Court of Australia), 315; CIC Insurance Ltd v Bankstown Football Club Ltd [1997] 187 CLR 384 (High Court of Australia), 408; Project Blue Sky Inc v Australian Broadcasting Authority [1998] CLR 335 (1998) 194 CLR 335 (High Court of Australia), para 69; Ferdinands v Commissioner for Public Employment (2006) 224 ALR 238 (High Court of Australia) (Kirby J); P P Frickey, “Structuring Purposive Statutory Interpretation: An American Perspective” (2006) 80 Australian Law Journal, 849; K Goodall, “Comparative Statutory Interpretation in the British Isles” (2000) 13 Ratio Juris, 364, 366–67; D N MacCormick, “Argumentation and Interpretation in Law” (1993) 6 Ratio Juris, 6; J Spigelman, “Principle of legality and the clear statement principle” (2005) 79 Australian Bar Review, 769, 722; J Steyn, “The Intractable Problem of The Interpretation of Legal Texts” (2003) 25 Sydney Law Review, 5, 6.
  • See V Rodriguez-Blanco, “A Revision of the Constitutive and Epistemic Coherence Theories in Law” (2001) 14 Ratio Juris, 212.
  • See support for a “principled taxonomy” P Birks, Unjust Enrichment (Oxford University Press, 2nd edn, 2005); A Burrows, Remedies for Torts and Breach of Contract (Oxford University Press, 2004); A Burrows, “Remedial Coherence and Punitive Damages in Equity”, in S Degeling and J Edelman (eds), Equity in Commercial Law (Sydney, LawBook Co, 2005); P Birks, “Equity in the Modern Law: An Exercise in Taxonomy” (1996) 26 University of Western Australia Law Review, 1; id, “Equity, Conscience and Unjust Enrichment” (1999) 23 Melbourne University Law Review, 1; id, “The Law of Restitution at the End of an Epoch” (1999) 28 University of Western Australia Law Review, 13; id, “Rights, Wrongs and Remedies” (2000) 20 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 1; id, “Three Kinds of Objection to Discretionary Remedialism” (2000) 29 University of Western Australia Law Review, 1; A Burrows, “We Do This at Common Law But That in Equity” (2002) 22 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 1; G Samuel, “English Private Law: Old and New Thinking in the Taxonomy Debate” (2004) 24 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 335. See also: A Duggan, “Is Equity Efficient?” (1997) 113 Law Quarterly Review, 601.
  • Felton v Mulligan [1971] 124 CLR 367 (High Court of Australia), 392 (Windeyer J); O'Rourke v Hoeven [1974] 1 NSWLR 80 (New South Wales Supreme Court), 99 (Meagher J); Pilmer v Duke Group Ltd (in liq) [2001] 207 CLR 165 (High Court of Australia), 201–02; P Cane, “Taking Disagreement Seriously: Courts, Legislatures and the Reform of Tort Law” (2005) 25 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 393, 412.
  • R v Young [1999] 46 NSWLR 681 (New South Wales Supreme Court), paras 17–22 (Spigelman CJ) citing Cooper Brookes (Wollongong) Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation (Cth). See also: Allen v Emmerson [1944] KB 362 (King's Bench); Quazi v Quazi [1980] AC 744 (HL), 807–08 (Diplock LJ); Stewart v Lizars [1965] VR 210 (Supreme Court of Victoria); Archbishop of Canterbury's Case (1596) 2 Co Rep 46a; Anthony Horden and Sons Ltd v The Amalgamated Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia [1932] 47 CLR 1 (High Court of Australia), 7 (Gavan Duffy CJ and Dixon J); R v Neal, Regos & Morgan [1947] 74 CLR 613 (High Court of Australia), 624 (Latham CJ); R v Wallis; Ex parte Employers Association of Wool Selling Brokers [1949] 78 CLR 529 (High Court of Australia) (Dixon J); Plummer v Needham [1954] 56 WALR 1 (Western Australia Supreme Court); Lake Macquarie Shire Council v Ades [1977] 1 NSWLR 126 (New South Wales Supreme Court); Leon Fink Holdings Pty Ltd v Australian Film Commission [1979] 141 CLR 672 (High Court of Australia), 678 (Mason J); David Grant & Co Pty Ltd v Westpac Banking Corp [1985] 184 CLR 265 (High Court of Australia), 276 (Gummow J); John v Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1988] 166 CLR 417 (High Court of Australia), 434; Tokyo Mart Pty Ltd v Campbell [1988] 15 NSWLR 275 (New South Wales Supreme Court), 283 (Mahoney JA); Downey v Trans Waste Pty Ltd [1991] 172 CLR 167 (High Court of Australia), 180–81 (Dawson J); Saraswati v R [1991] 172 CLR 1 (High Court of Australia), 23–24 (McHugh J); Field v Gent [1996] 67 SASR 122 (South Australian Supreme Court); Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission v Secretary, Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [1996] 67 FCR 83 (Federal Court of Australia), 95; Bermingham v Corrective Services Commission of New South Wales [1998] 15 NSWLR 292 (New South Wales Supreme Court), 299D, 300C; Marks v GIO Australia Holdings [1998] 196 CLR 494 (High Court of Australia); Henville v Walker [2001] 206 CLR 459 (High Court of Australia) (Gleeson CJ, Gaudron, McHugh and Hayne JJ); Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Clark [2003] 57 NSWLR 113 (New South Wales Supreme Court), 143 (Spigelman CJ); HTW Valuers v Astonland [2004] 217 CLR 640 (High Court of Australia); Murphy v Overton Investments [2004] 216 CLR 388 (High Court of Australia), 407.
  • CIC Insurance Ltd v Bankstown Football Club Ltd 408 (McHugh J); IW v City of Perth [1997] 146 ALR 696 (High Court of Australia), 702 (Brennan CJ); Newcastle City Council v GIO General Ltd [1997] 191 CLR 85 (High Court of Australia), 642 (McHugh J); R v Young, 687–88 (Spigelman CJ); Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth) v Chan [2001] 183 ALR 575 (High Court of Australia), 588–89; Trust Co of Australia Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue (Q) [2003] 197 ALR 297 (High Court of Australia) 310; Network Ten Pty Ltd v TCN Channel Nine Pty Ltd [2004] 218 CLR 271 (High Court of Australia), para 87; J Spigelman, “Statutory Interpretation: Identifying the Linguistic Register” (1994) 4 Newcastle Law Review, 1.
  • McKinnon v Secretary, Department of Treasury [2006] HCA 45 (High Court of Australia), para 52 (Hayne J, considering the definition of “reasonable grounds“); Frickey, “Structuring Purposive Statutory Interpretation: An American Perspective”, supra, n 4.
  • H Hart and A Sacks, “A Suggested Restatement on the Use of Legislative History“, in W N Eskridge and P P Frickey (eds), The Legal Process: Basic Problems in the Making and Application of Law (New York, Foundation Press, 1994), 1253–54; Inland Revenue Commissioners v Ayrshire Employers Mutual Insurance Association Ltd [1946] 1 All ER 637 (HL), 641; Blue Metal Industries v Dilley; Cooper Brookes (Wollongong) Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation (Cth); Bropho v Western Australia [1990] 171 CLR 1 (High Court of Australia), 20; Mills v Meeking [1990] 169 CLR 214 (High Court of Australia); CIC Insurance Ltd v Bankstown Football Club Ltd; Newcastle City Council v GIO General Ltd; Project Blue Sky Inc v Australian Broadcasting Authority [1998] CLR 335, 641; Al-Kateb v Godwin [2004] 219 CLR 562 (High Court of Australia) (Kirby J, in dissent); Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations v Gribbles Radiology Pty Ltd [2005] 214 ALR 24 (High Court of Australia); Palgo Holdings v Gowans [2005] 221 CLR 249 (High Court of Australia), para 35 (Kirby J, in dissent); R v Lavender [2005] 218 ALR 521 (High Court of Australia), para 97 (Kirby J); Stevens v Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment [2005] 221 ALR 448 (High Court of Australia); Frickey, “Structuring Purposive Statutory Interpretation: An American Perspective”, supra, n 4.
  • R N Graham, Statutory Interpretation: Theory and Practice (Toronto, Edmond Montgomery, 2001); R Dickerson, “The Diseases of Legislative Language” (1964) 1 Harvard Journal on Legislation, 5, 10; R N Graham, “Good Intentions” (2000) 12 Supreme Court Law Review, 147; R N Graham, “A Unified Theory of Statutory Interpretation” (2002) 23 Statute Law Review, 91, 118; R N Graham, “Right Theory, Wrong Reasons: Dynamic Interpretation, the Charter and ‘Fundamental Laws'” (2006) 34 Supreme Court Law Review, 1.
  • Applying Graham, Statutory Interpretation: Theory and Practice, supra, n 12, 116 to the terminology in: CIC Insurance Ltd v Bankstown Football Club Ltd 408; Newcastle City Council v GIO General Ltd (McHugh J); R v Young (Spigelman CJ).
  • P A Cote, The Interpretation of Legislation in Canada (Cowansville, Les Editions Yvon Blais, 2nd edn, 1992), 4; G Williams, Learning the Law (London, Stevens, 11th edn, 1982), 99.
  • F Bennion, Statutory Interpretation (London, Butterworths, 3rd edn, 1997), 375; E Brunken, “Interpretation of the Written Law” (1915) 25 Yale Law Journal, 129; F H Easterbrook, “The Role of Original Intent in Statutory Construction” (1988) 11 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 59; K Mason, “The Intent of Legislators: How Judges Discern It and What They Do If They Find It” (2006) 27 Australian Bar Review, 253; L P Millett, “Construing Statutes” (1990) 20 Statute Law Review, 107, 108; J Spigelman, “The Poet's Rich Resource: Issues in Statutory Interpretation” (2001) 21 Australian Bar Review, 224, 225; id, “Principle of Legality and the Clear Statement Principle“, supra, n 4; Hart and Sacks, “A Suggested Restatement”, supra, n 11.
  • See eg, F Bennion, Statute Law (London, Oyez Publishing, 1980); E Driedger, The Composition of Legislation, (Ottawa, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1957), 161; G MacCallum, “Legislative Intent” (1966) 75 Yale Law Journal, 754, 781; Graham, Statutory Interpretation: Theory and Practice, supra, n 12, 123. See also F Bennion, “Jaguars and Donkeys: Distinguishing Judgment and Discretion” (2000) 31 University of West Lost Angeles Law Review, 1 (agreeing with outcome, disagreeing that it is due to legislative intent).
  • F de Sloovere, “Preliminary Questions in Statutory Interpretation” (1932) 9 New York University Law Quarterly Review, 407, 415; Graham, Statutory Interpretation: Theory and Practice, supra, n 12, 123. See for example: R v Ireland; R v Burstow [1997] 4 All ER 225 (HL), 233 (Steyn LJ), 240 (Hope LJ); Vigolo v Bostin [2005] 221 CLR 191 (High Court of Australia); Bennion, Statute Law, supra, n 16.
  • Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd [1999] 4 All ER 705 (HL).
  • Vigolo v Bostin; Dickerson, “The Diseases of Legislative Language”, supra, n 12, 11; Graham, Statutory Interpretation: Theory and Practice, supra, n 12, 123.
  • S Bottomley, “A Framework for Understanding the Interpretation of Corporate Law in Australia“, in Corcoran and Bottomley, Interpreting Statutes, supra, n 1, 159–60; W N Eskridge and P P Frickey, “Legislation Scholarship and Pedagogy in the Post-Legal Process Era” (1987) 48 University of Pittsburgh Law Review, 691; Frickey, “Structuring Purposive Statutory Interpretation”, supra, n 4.
  • S Corcoran, “Theories of Statutory Interpretation“, in Corcoran and Bottomley, Interpreting Statutes, supra, n 1; Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations v Gribbles Radiology Pty Ltd [21] (Gleeson, Hayne, Callinan and Heydon JJ); Spigelman, “Principle of Legality and the Clear Statement Principle”, supra, n 4; Graham, Statutory Interpretation: Theory and Practice, supra, n 12; Millett, “Construing Statues”, supra, n 15, 109; Spigelman, “The Poet's Rich Resource: Issues in Statutory Interpretation“, supra, n 15, 225.
  • Stevens v Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment 476 (McHugh J); SEC v Collier 76 F 2d 939, 941 (2d Cir) (Hand J).
  • On the legislative process see Q Johnstone, “Evaluation of the Rules of Statutory Interpretation” (1955) 3 University of Kansas Law Review, 1, 15; H Evans, Odgers' Australian Senate Practice (Canberra, Department of the Senate, 11th edn, 2001), 2; I C Harris, B C Wright, and P E Fowler, House of Representatives Practice (Canberra, Department of the House of Representatives, 5th edn, 2005); Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Cabinet Handbook (Canberra, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 5th edn, 2004).
  • Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Legislation Handbook (Canberra, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 1999); J Macey, “Public Choice: The Theory of the Firm and the Theory of Market Exchange” (1988) 74 Cornell Law Review, 43.
  • See for example the Australian Liberal Party's rejection of a luxury car tax.
  • See eg D A Farber and P P Frickey, “Jurisprudence of Public Choice” (1987) 65 Texas Law Review, 873, 878; Evans, Odgers' Australian Senate Practice, supra, n 23.
  • Reformulation of the argument in Harris, ea, House of Representatives Practice, supra, n 23, purporting to follow the argument in P Schanck, “The Only Game in Town: An Introduction to Interpretive Theory, Statutory Construction and Legislative Histories” (1990) 38 University of Kansas Law Review, 815.
  • Hart and Sacks, “A Suggested Restatement on the Use of Legislative History“, supra, n 11.
  • W D Popkin, “The Collaborative Model of Statutory Interpretation” (1988) 61 Southern California Law Review, 541, 567; M Seidenfeld, “A Civic Republican Justification for the Bureaucratic State” (1992) 105 Harvard Law Review, 1511, 1532.
  • Argument based upon: R Shiller, Irrational Exuberance (Melbourne, Scribe Publications, 2000); W N Eskridge, “Politics without Romance: Implications of Public Choice Theory for Statutory Interpretation” (1988) 74 Virginia Law Review, 275; J Macey, “Promoting Public-Regarding Legislation Through Statutory Interpretation: An Interest Group Model” (1986) 86 Columbia Law Review, 223.
  • G Staszewski, “Avoiding Absurdity” (2006) 81 Indiana Law Journal, 1001; C R Sunstein, “Beyond the Republican Revival” (1988) 97 Yale Law Journal, 1539.
  • See eg Faber and Frickey, “Jurisprudence of Public Choice“, supra, n 26, 908.
  • See support in Eskridge and Frickey, “Legislation Scholarship and Pedagogy in the Post-Legal Process Era“, supra, n 20, 694–701; M Gleeson, “Judicial Legitimacy” (2000) 20 Australian Bar Review, 4, 6; M McHugh, “The Strengths of the Weakest Arm” (2004) 25 Australian Bar Review, 181; Marbury v Madison, 5 US (1 Cranch) 137, 169.
  • As in George Hudson Ltd v Australian Timber Workers' Union [1923] 32 CLR 423 (High Court of Australia); Rola Co (Australia) Pty Ltd v Commonwealth [1944] 69 CLR 185 (High Court of Australia), 203; Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations v Gribbles Radiology Pty Ltd [21] (Gleeson, Hayne, Callinan and Heydon JJ); Stevens v Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment 476 (McHugh J).
  • Frickey, “Structuring Purposive Statutory Interpretation: An American Perspective“, supra, n 4, 857.
  • F H Easterbrook, “‘Statutes' Domain” (1983) 50 University of Chicago Law Review, 533, 544–46; id, “The Supreme Court, 1983 Term – Foreword: The Court and the Economic System” (1984) 98 Harvard Law Review, 4, 14–15; W Landes and R Posner, “The Independent Judiciary in an Interest- Group Perspective” (1975) 18 Journal of Law and Economics, 875, 879. Discussed in: Macey,“Promoting Public-Regarding Legislation Through Statutory Interpretation: An Interest Group Model”, supra, n 30.
  • Stevens v Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment 476; Schanack, “The Only Game in Town: An Introduction to Interpretive Theory, Statutory Construction and Legislative Histories“, supra, n 27.
  • See eg Schanck, “The Only Game in Town: An Introduction to Interpretive Theory, Statutory Construction and Legislative Histories“, supra, n 27, 849; Easterbrook, “The Role of Original Intent in Statutory Construction” supra, n 15, 64; Easterbrook, “'Statutes' Domain”, supra, n 36; Public Service Board of NSW v Osmond [1986] 159 CLR 656 (High Court of Australia), 689; Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations v Gribbles Radiology Pty Ltd [21] (Gleeson, Hayne, Callinan and Heydon JJ); Stevens v Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment 476 (McHugh J); United States v Medico Industries Inc, 784 F 2d 840, 844 (7th Cir, 1986); Rodriguez v United States, 107 S Ct 1391, 1393 (1987).
  • Theophanous v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd 196; In Re Ericson, 815 F 2d 1090, 1094 (7th Cir, 1987); Shell Oil Co v Iowa Department of Revenue, 109 S Ct 278, 281.
  • J Bell and S G Engle, Cross on Statutory Interpretation (London, Butterworths, 3rd edn, 1995), 165–66; S Fish, “Change” (1987) 86 South Atlantic Quarterly, 423; NLRB v Federbush Co, 121 F 2d 954, 957 (2nd Cir); Schanck, “The Only Game in Town: An Introduction to Interpretive Theory, Statutory Construction and Legislative Histories”, supra, n 27, 835.
  • See eg Theophanous v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd 196; Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations v Gribbles Radiology Pty Ltd [21] (Gleeson, Hayne, Callinan and Heydon JJ); Stevens v Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment 476 (McHugh J).
  • Follows George Hudson Ltd v Australian Timber Workers' Union.
  • S Fish, “Anti-Foundationalism, Theory Hope, and the Teaching of Composition“, in S Fish (ed), Doing What Comes Naturally: Change, Rhetoric, and the Practice of Theory in Literary and Legal Studies (Durham, Duke University Press, 1989), 344; T A Aleinikoff, “Updating Statutory Interpretation” (1988) 87 Michigan Law Review, 20; W N Eskridge, “Public Values in Statutory Interpretation” (1989) 137 University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1007; L L Fuller, “The Case of the Speluncean Explorers” (1949) 62 Harvard Law Review, 616, 625–26.
  • Cote, The Interpretation of Legislation in Canada, supra, n 14, 16.
  • Graham, “Good Intentions“, supra, n 12, 100; Eskridge and Frickey, “Legislation Scholarship and Pedagogy in the Post-Legal Process Era”, supra, n 20.
  • F Bennion, Statutory Interpretation: Supplement (London, LexisNexis, 2005), S162; W Gummow, Change and Continuity: Statute, Equity, and Federalism (New York, Oxford University Press, 1999), 1; R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, Ex parte Pierson [1998] AC 539 (HL); Finn, “Statutes and the Common Law: The Continuing Story”, in Corcoran and Bottomley (eds), Interpreting Statutes, supra, n 1, 53.
  • National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum Plus Ltd [2005] AC 680 (HL) [64] (Hope LJ); Babaniaris v Lutony Fashions Pty Ltd [1987] 163 CLR 1 (High Court of Australia), 13–14 (Mason J); Takapana Investments Pty Ltd v Teco Information Systems Co Ltd [1988] 82 FCR 25 (Federal Court of Australia), 32 (Goldberg J); Esso Australia Resources Ltd v FCT [1997] 150 ALR 117 (High Court of Australia), 121; Towney v Minister for Land and Water Conservation for New South Wales [1997] 147 ALR 402 (High Court of Australia); Nettlefold Advertising Pty Ltd v Nettlefold Signs Pty Ltd [1998] 90 FCR 453 (Federal Court of Australia), 470; Telstra Corp Ltd v Treloar [2000] 102 FCR 595 (Federal Court of Australia), 603 (Branson and Finkelstein JJ); Algama v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [2001] 115 FCR 253 (Federal Court of Australia), 263–64 (Whitlam and Katz JJ); Repatriation Commission v Gorton [2001] 110 FCR 321 (Federal Court of Australia), 327–41 (Heerey J), 333 (Emmett J), 334–45 (Allsop J); Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Energy Resources of Australia Ltd [2003] 204 ALR 487 (High Court of Australia), 492–93 (Ryan and Finkelstein JJ); NATB v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2003] 133 FCR 506 (Federal Court of Australia), 519; Jones v Daniel [2004] 212 ALR 588 (High Court of Australia), 594 (Moore J); Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v Hicks [2004] 138 FCR 475 (Federal Court of Australia), 477 (Hill J); SOK v Minister for Immigration and Indigenous Affairs [2005] 85 ALD 323 (Administrative Appeals Tribunal), 329 (Branson J), 331 (Marshall J); Vigolo v Bostin [25] (Gleeson CJ); W N Eskridge, “Overriding Supreme Court Statutory Interpretation Decisions” (1991) 101 Yale Law Journal, 331, 397; E Levi, “An Introduction to Legal Reasoning” (1948) 15 University of Chicago Law Review, 501, 540; Burnet v Coronado Oil & Gas Co 285 US 393, 405–07; Erie RR Co v Tompkins, 304 US 64, 77–78; Apex Hosiery Co v Leader, 310 US 469, 488–89; Cleveland v United States, 329 US 14, 18.
  • H Woolf, Access to Justice: Interim Report to the Lord Chancellor on the Civil Justice System in England and Wales (London, HMSO, 1995); Queensland v J L Holdings Pty Ltd [1997] 189 CLR 146 (High Court of Australia); Bright v Femcare Ltd [2002] 195 ALR 574 (High Court of Australia), 605–06 (Finkelstein J); J Spigelman, “Case Management in New South Wales” (Speech delivered at the Annual Judges Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 22 August 2006); Justice J Spigelman, “Just, Quick and Cheap: A New Standard for Civil Procedure” (2000) 38 Law Society Journal, 24; R Ackland, “Lawyers in Limbo as Bar Raised”, Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 10 March 2000, 17.
  • Telstra Corp Ltd v Treloar 602 (Branson and Finkelstein JJ); R A Heiner, “Imperfect Decisions and the Law: On the Evolution of Legal Precedent and Rules” (1986) 15 Journal of Legal Studies, 227; H Monaghan, “Stare Decisis and Constitutional Adjudication” (1988) 88 Columbia Law Review, 723, 744–46; R Pierce, “Reconciling Chevron and Stare Decisis” (1997) 85 Georgetown Law Journal, 2225; F Schauer, “Precedent” (1987) 39 Stanford Law Review, 571, 599; R von Moschzisker, “Stare Decisis in Courts of Last Resort” (1924) 37 Harvard Law Review, 409, 410; Morange v State Marine Lines Inc, 398 US 375, 403 (Harlan J), 405; Eskridge, “Overriding Supreme Court Statutory Interpretation Decisions”, supra, n 47, 401.
  • C Nelson, “Stare Decisis and Demonstrably Erroneous Precedents” (2001) 87 Virginia Law Review, 1, 63.
  • Follows: Lake Macquarie Shire Council v Aberdare County Council [1970] 123 CLR 327 (High Court of Australia), 331 (Barwick CJ); Street v Queensland Bar Association [1989] 168 CLR 461 (High Court of Australia), 537 (Dawson J); McGinty v Western Australia [1996] 186 CLR 140 (High Court of Australia); Singh v Commonwealth [2004] 209 ALR 355 (High Court of Australia) (McHugh J); J Goldsworthy, “Originalism in Constitutional Interpretation” (1997) 25 Federal Law Review, 1. Follows discussion on obtaining the correct interpretation in: P Margulies, “Judging Terror in the ‘Zone of Twilight’: Exigency, Institutional Equity, and Procedure After September 11” (2004) 84 Boston University Law Review, 383; L C Marshall, “'Let Congress Do It’: The Case for An Absolute Rule of Statutory Stare Decisis” (1989) 88 Michigan Law Review, 177, 199; T H Maynard, “The Uniform Limited Offering Exemption: How ‘Uniform’ is ‘Uniform’? - An Evaluation and Critique of the ULOE” (1987) 36 Emory Law Journal, 357, 400. Implicit in: M P Healy, “Communis Opinio and the Methods of Statutory Interpretation: Interpreting Law or Changing Law” (2001) 43 William and Mary Law Review, 539, 622; S F Ross and D Tranen, “The Modern Parol Evidence Rule and Its Implications for New Textualist Statutory Interpretation” (1998) 87 Georgetown Law Journal, 195.
  • See discussion of litigation and discovery costs in the context of interpretation in: Queensland v Commonwealth (Second Territory Senators Case) [1977] 139 CLR 585 (High Court of Australia) (Gibbs J); John v Federal Commissioner of Taxation, 438–39 (Mason CJ, Wilson, Dawson, Toohey and Gaudron JJ); C S Diver, “Statutory Interpretation in the Administrative State” (1985) 133 University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 549, 572.
  • Ross and Tranen, “The Modern Parol Evidence Rule and Its Implications for New Textualist Statutory Interpretation“, supra, n 51; Diver, “Statutory Interpretation in the Administrative State”, supra, n 52, 572.
  • Supported in: D Bogan, “Generally Applicable Laws and the First Amendment” (1997) 26 Southwestern University Law Review, 201, 236.
  • Ross and Tranen, “The Modern Parol Evidence Rule and Its Implications for New Textualist Statutory Interpretation“, supra, n 51. Conceded in: A L Tyler, “Continuity, Coherence, and the Canons” (2005) 99 Northwestern University Law Review, 1389, 1409–10; Eskridge, “Legislation Scholarship and Pedagogy in the Post-Legal Process Era“, supra, n 20, 1525; Marshall, “'Let Congress Do It’: The Case for An Absolute Rule of Statutory Stare Decisis”, supra, n 51, 197–200.
  • E Elhauge, “Preference-Eliciting Statutory Default Rules” (2002) 102 Columbia Law Review, 2162; E Elhauge, “Preference-Estimating Statutory Default Rules” (2002) 102 Columbia Law Review, 2027, 2087.
  • W N Eskridge, “Dynamic Statutory Interpretation” (1986–7) 135 University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1525.
  • Follows: Tyler, “Continuity, Coherence, and the Canons”, supra, n 55, 1408–09.
  • Following R B Stewart, “Beyond Delegation Doctrine” (1987) 36 American University Law Review, 323, 331; Tyler, “Continuity, Coherence, and the Canons”, supra, n 55, 1408–09.
  • See eg Thompson v Goold & Co [1910] AC 409 (HL), 420; Wentworth Securities Ltd v Jones [1980] AC 74 (HL), 302 (McHugh JA); Marshall v Watson [1972] 124 CLR 640 (High Court of Australia), 649 (Stephen J); Kingston v Keprose Pty Ltd [1987] 11 NSWLR 404 (New South Wales Supreme Court), 423 (McHugh JA); Bermingham v Corrective Services Commission of New South Wales; D Auchie, “The Undignified Death of the Casus Omissus Rule” (2004) 25 Statute Law Review, 40.
  • Pierce, “Reconciling Chevron and Stare Decisis“, supra, n 49, 2238; Schauer, “Precedent”, supra, n 49, 572–75.
  • Telstra Corp Ltd v Treloar 602 (Branson and Finkelstein JJ); M Gleeson, “The State of the Judicature” (2002) 76 Australian Law Journal, 24, 29–30; S Kenny, “Maintaining Public Confidence in the Judiciary: A Precarious Equilibrium” (1999) 25 Melbourne University Law Review, 209; M Kirby, “Precedent Law, Practice and Trends in Australia” (2007) 28 Australian Bar Review, 243; J Spigelman, “Negligence: The Last Outpost of the Welfare State” (2002) 76 Australian Law Journal, 432; McHugh, “The Strengths of the Weakest Arm“, supra, n 33; Pierce, “Reconciling Chevron and Stare Decisis”, supra, n 49, 2239.
  • Follows statements on following precedent in: Geelong Harbor Trust Commissioners v Gibbs Bright & Co [1974] 2 ALR 362 (High Court of Australia), 369–70 (Diplock LJ); Morange v State Marine Lines Inc, 403; Kirby, “Precedent Law, Practice and Trends in Australia”, supra, n 62, 243; Pierce, “Reconciling Chevron and Stare Decisis“, supra, n 49; Monaghan, “Stare Decisis and Constitutional Adjudication”, supra, n 49, 752–54.
  • McHugh, “The Strengths of the Weakest Arm“, supra, n 33, 192; Kenny, “Maintaining Public Confidence in the Judiciary: A Precarious Equilibrium”, supra, n 62.
  • Follows the discussions in: Monaghan, “Stare Decisis and Constitutional Adjudication”, supra, n 49, 749–50; Pierce, “Reconciling Chevron and Stare Decisis“, supra, n 49, 2241. See eg, Theophanous v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd, and reaction in: M Kingston, “Government Reversal on Free Speech”, Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 2 October 1996, 1. See also City of Akron v Akron Centre for Reproductive Health Inc, 463 US 416, 419–20; Webster v Reprodutive Health Services, 492 US 490, 518–19; Planned Parenthood v Casey, 202 US 833, 845–69.
  • Pierce, “Reconciling Chevron and Stare Decisis“, supra, n 49, 2240–42.
  • Thompson v Byrne [1999] 161 ALR 632 (High Court of Australia), 646 (McHugh J); L Alexander, “Constrained by Precedent” (1989) 63 Southern California Law Review, 1, 9–13; M Dan-Cohen, “Bureaucratic Organizations and the Theory of Adjudication” (1985) 85 Columbia Law Review, 1, 31; J McGruther, “Chevron vs. Stare Decisis” (2003) 81 Washington University Law Quarterly, 6, 612; A Miguel, “Equality before the Law and Precedent” (1997) 10 Ratio Juris, 372; A Scalia, “The Rule of Law as a Law of Rules” (1989) 56 University of Chicago Law Review, 1175, 1178; P Stephens, “The New Retroactivity Doctrine: Equality, Reliance and Stare Decisis” (1998) 48 Syracuse Law Review, 1515; Graham, Statutory Interpretation: Theory and Practice, supra, n 12; Pierce, “Reconciling Chevron and Stare Decisis”, supra, n 49, 2243.
  • Telstra Corp Ltd v Treloar 602 (Branson and Finkelstein JJ); Morange v State Marine Lines Inc, 403 (Harlan J); Pierce, “Reconciling Chevron and Stare Decisis”, supra, n 49.
  • See eg D J Meltzer, “The Supreme Court's Judicial Passivity” (2002) Supreme Court Review, 343, 388; Tyler, “Continuity, Coherence, and the Canons”, supra, n 55, 1408.
  • P Young, “Equity, Contract and Conscience“, in Degeling and Edelman, Equity in Commercial Law, supra, n 6, 512; Aquaculture Corporation v New Zealand Green Mussel Co Ltd [1990] 3 NZLR 299 (Court of Appeal of New Zealand) (Cooke P); M Tilbury, “Fallacy or Furphy? Fusion in a Judicature World” (2003) 26 University of New South Wales Law Journal, 357, 358; Burrows, “Remedial Coherence and Punitive Damages in Equity”, in Degeling and Edelman (eds), Equity in Commercial Law, supra, n 6, 390; Burrows, “We Do This At Common Law But That in Equity“, supra, n 6.
  • National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum Plus Ltd [62]-[63] (Hope LJ); Babaniaris v Lutony Fashions Pty Ltd 13–14 (Mason J); Arthur JS Hall & Co (a firm) v Simons [2000] 3 All ER 673 (HL); Healey, “Communis Opinio and the Methods of Statutory Interpretation: Interpreting Law or Changing Law“, supra, n 51.
  • Telstra Corp Ltd v Treloar 602 (Branson and Finkelstein JJ).
  • Ngati Apa Ki Te Waipounamu Trust v The Queen [2000] 2 NZLR 659 (New Zealand Court of Appeal) [82]; R v Secretary of State for Home Department; Ex parte Simms [2002] 2 AC 115 (HL), 131; R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, Ex parte Pierson 587 (Steyn LJ); Simpson v Attorney-General [1994] 3 NZLR 667 (Court of Appeal Wellington), 712; Bropho v Western Australia 18 (Mason CJ, Deane, Dawson, Toohey, Gaudron and McHugh JJ); Plenty v Dillon [1991] 171 CLR 648 (High Court of Australia) (Gaudron and McHugh JJ); Coco v R [1994] 179 CLR 427 (High Court of Australia), 437–38 (Mason CJ, Brennan, Gaudron and McHugh JJ); Durham Holdings Pty Ltd v New South Wales [1999] 47 NSWLR 340 (New South Wales Supreme Court), 353 (Spigelman CJ); Daniels Corp International Pty Ltd v ACCC [2002] 213 CLR 543 (High Court of Australia); Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v VFAD of 2002 [2002] 125 FCR 429 (Federal Court of Australia), 269; Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v Al Masri [2003] 126 FCR 54 (Federal Court of Australia), 76–77; Plaintiff S157/2002 v Commonwealth [2003] 476 CLR (High Court of Australia) [30] (Gleeson CJ); Al-Kateb v Godwin 577; Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd v Australian Workers ‘ Union [2004] 209 ALR 116 (High Court of Australia), 123–24; Spigelman, “Principle of Legality and the Clear Statement Principle”, supra, n 4, 774–76.
  • Bropho v Western Australia 23; Malika Holdings v Stretton [2001] 204 CLR 290 (High Court of Australia) [29]-[30]; Gifford v Strang Patrick Stevedoring Pty Ltd [2003] 214 CLR 269 (High Court of Australia) [36]; Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v Al Masri [86]-[91]; Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd v Australian Workers ‘ Union [19]; Spigelman, “Principle of Legality and the Clear Statement Principle”, supra, n 4, 779–82.
  • Bv DPP [2000] 2 AC 423 (HL), 470.
  • Theophanous v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd; Fish, “Change”, supra, n 40; Bell, Cross on Statutory Interpretation, supra, n 40; Fish, “Anti-Foundationalism, Theory Hope, and the Teaching of Composition“, supra, n 43.
  • Follows: Al-Kateb v Godwin [150] (Kirby J).
  • Bropho v Western Australia; A Glass, “Reflections on Judging: Judging as Application” (2007) University of New South Wales Faculty of Law Research Series, 35 on the content of “natural justice”; M Wait, “The Slumbering Sovereign: Sir Owen Dixon's Common Law Constitution Revisited” (2001) 29 Federal Law Review, 57; M Zagor, “Uncertainty and Exclusion: Detention of Aliens and the High Court” (2006) 34 Federal Law Review, 127; Dixon, “The Common Law as an Ultimate Constitutional Foundation“, supra, n 2.
  • Fish, “Anti-Foundationalism, Theory Hope, and the Teaching of Composition“, supra, n 43, 344; Eskridge, “Public Values in Statutory Interpretation”, supra, n 43; Aleinikoff, “Updating Statutory Interpretation“, supra, n 43; Gummow, Change and Continuity: Statute, Equity, and Federalism, supra, n 46, 13–14.
  • Theophanous v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd 196; NLRB v Federbush Co, 957; Shell Oil Co v Iowa Department of Revenue, 281; F H Easterbrook, “Textualism and the Dead Hand” (1998) 66 George Washington Law Review, 1119–20; K M Gebbia-Pinneti, “Statutory Interpretation, Democratic Legitimacy and Legal-System Values” (1997) 21 Seton Hall Legislation Journal, 233, 276–78; Jackson v Birmingham Board of Education, 544 US 167, 195.
  • Theophanous v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd 196; Bell, Cross on Statutory Interpretation, supra, n 40, 165–66.
  • Stradling v Morgan [1560] 75 ER 305 315; Bropho v Western Australia, 21–22 (Mason CJ, Deane, Dawson, Toohey, Gaudron and McHugh JJ); Malika Holdings v Stretton [30] (McHugh J); Spigelman, “Principle of Legality and the Clear Statement Principle”, supra, n 4, 779.
  • Bropho v Western Australia 18 (Mason CJ, Deane, Dawson, Toohey, Gaudron and McHugh JJ); Malika Holdings v Stretton [29] (McHugh J); Regie National des Usines Renault SA v Zhang [2002] 210 CLR 491 (High Court of Australia); R v Janceski [2005] 223 ALR 580 (High Court of Australia) [62] (Spigelman CJ).

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