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Drones as Machines of Sacrifice: Enframing the Zoological Components of On-Screen Warfare


  • Ackerman, S. (2012) Rare Photographs Show Ground Zero of the Drone War. Wired [online] [accessed 4 June 2022]. Available at: <https://www.wired.com/2011/12/photos-pakistan-drone-war/>.
  • Agamben, G. 1998. Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, trans. by D. Heller-Roazen. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Agamben, G. 2002. The Open: Man and Animal, trans. by K. Attell. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Ali, S. & Rehman, J. 2013. Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities of Pakistan: Constitutional and Legal Perspectives. Richmond: Curzon Press.
  • Bousquet, A. 2018. The Eye of the War: Military Perception from the Telescope to the Drone. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press.
  • Cernuschi, C. 2012. Barnett Newman and Heideggerian Philosophy. Plymouth: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
  • Chamayou, G. 2013. A Theory of the Drone, trans. by J. Lloyd. New York: The New Press.
  • Crawford, N. 2013. Accountability for Killing: Moral Responsibility for Collateral Damage in America’s Post-9/11 Wars. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Cronin, B. 2018. Bugsplat: The Politics of Collateral Damage in Western Armed Conflicts. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • De la Durantaye, L. 2009. Giorgio Agamben: A Critical Introduction. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Dorrian, M. 2014. Drone Semiosis: Weaponry and Witnessing. Cabinet: A Quarterly of Art and Culture, 54:48–55.
  • Feldman, A. 2015. Archives of the Insensible: Of War, Photopolitics, and Dead Memory. Chicago: the University of Chicago Press.
  • Gregory, D. 2012. From a View to Kill: Drones and Late Modern War. Theory, Culture, and Society, 28(7-8):188–215.
  • Gregory, D. 2017. Dirty Dancing: Drones and Death in the Borderlands. In: L. Parks and C. Kaplan, eds. Life in the Age of Drone Warfare. Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 25–58.
  • Heidegger, M. 1977. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays, trans. by W. Lovitt. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Heidegger, M. 1995. The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude, trans. by W. McNeill and N. Walker. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Kapadia, R. 2019. Insurgent Aesthetics: Security and the Queer Life of the Forever War. New York: Duke University Press.
  • Kazim, H. 2011. Drone War in Pakistan: Photos from the Ground Show Civilian Casualties. Spiegel International.
  • Martin, M. 2010. Predator: The Remote-Control Air War Over Iraq and Afghanistan: A Pilot’s Story. Minneapolis: Zenith Press.
  • Parks, L. 2017. Vertical Mediation and the U.S. Drone War in the Horn of Africa. In: L. Parks & C. Kaplan, eds. Life in the Age of Drone Warfare. Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 134–157.
  • Pong, B. & Maxwell, S. 2020. The Aesthetics of Drone Warfare: A Conversation with Tomas van Houtryve and Mahwish Chishty (ASAP Journal, 2020) [accessed 17 March 2021]. Available at: <https://asapjournal.com/the-aesthetics-of-drone-warfare-a-conversation-with-tomas-van-houtryve-and-mahwish-chishty-by-beryl-pong-and-sophie-maxwell/>.
  • Pugliese, J. 2013. State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Pugliese, J. 2020. Biopolitics of the More-Than-Human: Forensic Ecologies of Violence. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Shah, P. 2012. My Drone War. Foreign Policy.
  • Stubblefield, T. 2020. Drone Art: The Everywhere War as Medium. Oakland: the University of California Press.
  • Walters, W. 2014. Parrhēsia Today: Drone Strikes, Fearless Speech and the Contentious Politics of Security. Global Society, 38(3):277–299.
  • Wilcox, L. 2015. Bodies of Violence: Theorizing Embodied Subjects in International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Yousaf, F. 2021. Pakistan, Regional Security and Conflict Resolution: The Pashtun ‘Tribal’ Areas. New York: Routledge.