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Rejuvenation after encounters between different artistic forms: a synopsis of studies of indigenization of Christian art in China


  • Chu Xiaobai 褚潇白. “Lingting ku’nan: Tushanwan tianzhujiao huihua yishu zhong de kongjian yishi jiqi zongjiao jingshen 聆听苦难:土山湾天主教绘画艺术中的空间意识及其宗教精神” [Hearing Sufferings: Spatial Consciousness and Religious Spirit in Tushanwan Catholic Painting]. Zongjiaoxue yanjiu 宗教学研究 [Religious Studies], no. 2 (2012): 233–238.
  • Chu Xiaobai 褚潇白. “Tushanwan huaguan: Zhongguo xiyanghua de yaolan 土山湾画馆:中国西洋画的摇篮” [Tushanwan Art Museum: The Cradle of Western Painting]. Zhongguo zongjiao 中国宗教 [China Religion], no. 3 (2011): 47–49.
  • Chu Zhuo 楚卓 and Tan Jingtuan 谭景团. “Guangxi tianzhujiao misa yishi jiqi yinyue yanjiu 广西天主教弥撒仪式及其音乐研究” [The Liturgy and Music of the Guangxi Catholic Mass]. Yishu tansuo 艺术探索 [Arts Exploration], no. 6 (2009): 5–11.
  • Dong Li 董黎. “Jiaohui daxue jianzhu yu Zhongguo chuantong jianzhu yishu de fuxing 教会大学建筑与中国传统建筑艺术的复兴” [Architecture in Missionary Colleges and the Revival of Chinese Traditional Architectural Art]. Nanjing daxue xuebao 南京大学学报 [Journal of Nanjing University], no. 5 (2005): 70–81.
  • Dong Li 董黎. “Lingnan jindai jidu jiaotang jianzhu yishu 岭南近代基督教堂建筑艺术” [Architectural Art of the Christian Church in Modern Guangdong]. Shijie zongjiao yanjiu 世界宗教研究 [Studies in World Religions], no. 4 (2008): 51–58.
  • Dong Li 董黎. Zhongguo jiaohui daxue jianzhu yanjiu 中国教会大学建筑研究 [A Study of the Architecture in Chinese Missionary Colleges]. Zhuhai: Zhuhai chubanshe, 1998.
  • Dong Li 董黎 and Du Cheng 杜诚. “Qing mo jiaotang jianzhu de fengge yu leixing yanjiu 清末教堂建筑的风格与类型研究” [A Study of the Style and Typology of Late Qing Church Buildings]. Huanzhong jianzhu 华中建筑 [Huazhong Architecture], no. 11 (2009): 140–143.
  • Dong Li 董黎 and Yang Wenying 杨文滢. “Cong zhezhong zhuyi dao fugu zhuyi: Jindai Zhongguo jiaohui daxue jianzhu xingtai de yanbian 从折衷主义到复古主义:近代中国教会大学建筑形态的演变” [From Eclecticism to Restoration: Transformation of Architectural Forms in Chinese Missionary Colleges]. Jianzhu 建筑 [Architecture], no. 4 (2005): 160–162.
  • Gao Caixia 高彩霞 and Tian Qi 田棋. “Zhongxi jianzhu wenhua pengzhuang xia de Ningxia tianzhujiao jiaotang 中西建筑文化碰撞下的宁夏天主教教堂” [Merging of Chinese and Western Architectural Culture in Catholic Churches in Ningxia]. Zhongwai jianzhu 中外建筑 [Chinese and Overseas Architecture], no. 4 (2008): 73–76.
  • Gong Hongyu 宫宏宇. “Chuanjiaoshi yu wan Qing shi de zhongxi yinyue jiaoliu: Hua Zhi’an yu ta de Zhongguo yinyue lilun 传教士与晚清时的中西音乐交流:花之安与他的《中国音乐理论》” [Missionaries and Late Qing Education in Chinese and Western Music: Ernst Faber and his The Theory of Chinese Music]. Wuhan yinyue xueyuan xuebao 武汉音乐学院学报 [Journal of Wuhan Conservatory of Music], no. 1 (2010): 122–128.
  • Gong Hongyu 宫宏宇. “Chuanjiaoshi yu Zhongguo yinyue: Yi Su Weilian weili 传教士与中国音乐:以苏维廉为例” [Missionaries and Chinese Music: A Case Study of William E. Soothill]. Wuhan yinyue xueyuan xuebao 武汉音乐学院学报 [Journal of Wuhan Conservatory of Music], no. 1 (2008): 131–141.
  • Gong Hongyu 宫宏宇. “Jidujiao chuanjiaoshi yu wan Qing Zhongguo de mangren yinyue jiaoyu: Yi Angenisi Guoshili Murui wei li 基督教传教士与晚清中国的盲人音乐教育:以安格妮丝·郭士立、穆瑞为例” [Christian Missionaries and Late Qing China’s Music Education for the Blind: The Cases of Agnes Gutzlaf and William Murray]. Zhongyang yinyue xueyuan xuebao 中央音乐学院学报 [Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music], no. 1 (2012): 104–110.
  • Gong Hongyu 宫宏宇. “Jidujiao chuanjiaoshi yu Zhongguo xuexiao yinyue jiaoyu zhi kaichuang 基督教传教士与中国学校音乐教育之开创” [Christian Missionaries and the Beginning of Musical Education in Chinese Schools]. Yinyue Yanjiu 音乐研究 [Music Research], no. 1 (2007): 5–17.
  • Gong Hongyu 宫宏宇. “Jidujiao xinjiao chuanjiaoshi yu Zhongguo yinyue: Yi Li Taiguo weili 基督教新教传教士与中国音乐:以李太郭为例” [Protestant Missionaries and Chinese Music: A Case Study of George Tradescant Lay]. Zhongguo yinyue 中国音乐 [Chinese Music], no.1 (2013): 43–50.
  • Gong Hongyu 宫宏宇. “Yang Yinliu de chuanjiaoshi laoshi: Hao Luyi qiren qishi kao 杨荫浏的传教士老师:郝路义其人、其事考” [The Missionary Mentor of Yang Yinliu: Louise Strong Hammand]. Zhongguo yinyue xue 中国音乐学 [Musicology in China], no. 1 (2011): 46–54.
  • Gu Weimin 顾卫民. Zhongguo jidu zongjiao yishushi 中国基督宗教艺术史 [A History of Chinese Christian Art]. Shanghai: Shanghai shudian chubanshe, 2005.
  • Guan Jie 关杰. “Jidu zongjiao yinyue yu Harbin dushi yinyue wenhua de xingcheng 基督宗教音乐与哈尔滨都市音乐文化的形成” [Christian Music and the Formation of Harbin’s Urban Music Culture]. Harbin gongye daxue xuebao 哈尔滨工业大学学报 [Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology], no. 4 (2012): 84–88.
  • Ji Zong’an 纪宗安. “Ming Qing zhiji ru hua yesuhuishi yu Zhongguo zaoyuan yishu zai ouzhou de yingxiang 明清之际入华耶稣会士与中国造园艺术在欧洲的影响” [Jesuits Who Entered China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Influence of Chinese Garden Design in Europe]. Shijie zongjiao yanjiu 世界宗教研究 [Studies in World Religions], no. 1 (1998): 96–106.
  • Jin Shiyu 金世余. “Woguo jindai jiaohui xuexiao yinyue jiaoyu yingxiang guankui 我国近代教会学校音乐教育影响管窥” [A Brief Review of the Influence of Missionary Schools’ Music Education in Modern China]. Xi’an yinyue xueyuan xuebao 西安音乐学院学报 [Journal of Xi’an Conservatory of Music], no. 1 (2008): 63–65.
  • Kong Peipei 孔培培. “Yang Yinliu zhu Zhongguo yinyue shigang he Zhongguo gudai yinyue shigao bijiao yanjiu 杨荫浏著《中国音乐史纲》和《中国古代音乐史稿》比较研究” [A Comparative Study of Yang Yinliu’s Historical Outline of Chinese Music and his Draft History of Ancient Chinese Music]. Zhongguo yinyue xue 中国音乐学 [Musicology in China], no. 3 (2003): 38–49.
  • Li Chao 李超. “Tushanwan huaguan: Zhongguo zaoqi youhua yanjiu zhiyi 土山湾画馆:中国早期油画研究之一” [Tushanwan Art Museum: A Study of Early Chinese Oil Painting]. Meishu yanjiu 美术研究 [Art Research], no. 3 (2005): 68–77.
  • Li Chao 李超. “Xiaoshi de yaolan: Tushanwan huaguan 消失的摇篮:土山湾画馆” [The Missing Cradle: Tushanwan Art Museum]. Zhongguo tianzhujiao 中国天主教 [Catholic Church in China], no. 6 (1998): 43–44.
  • Li Rong 李荣 and Lu Dan 鲁丹. “Yunnan shaoshu minzu diqu jidujiao jiaotang de wenhua quanshi 云南少数民族地区基督教教堂的文化诠释” [A Cultural Interpretation of Christian Churches in the Ethnic Minority Areas of Yunnan]. Huazhong jianzhu 华中建筑 [Huazhong Architecture], no. 7 (2009): 220–224.
  • Li Xiaodan 李晓丹 and Zhang Wei 张威. “16–18 shiji Zhongguo jidujiao jiaotang jianzhu 16—18世纪中国基督教教堂建筑” [Chinese Christian Church Architecture in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries]. Jianzhushi 建筑师 [The Architect], no. 4 (2003): 54–63.
  • Lin Miao 林苗. “Chongshi Yang Yinliu de jidujiao yinyue shijianguan 重识杨荫浏的基督教音乐实践观” [Rethinking Yang Yinliu’s View of Practicing Christian Music]. Yishu tansuo 艺术探索 [Arts Exploration], no. 6 (2008): 57–64.
  • Meng Weiping 孟维平. “Beijing lishi shang de jiaohui xuexiao yinyue jiaoyu 北京历史上的教会学校音乐教育” [Music Education at Christian Schools in the History of Beijing]. Renmin yinyue 人民音乐 [People’s Music], no. 11 (2010): 48–50.
  • Nan Hongyan 南鸿雁. “Bentuhua: Hangzhou tianzhujiao yinyue wenhua shulue 本土化:杭州天主教音乐文化述略” [Indigenization: A Brief Review of Catholic Musical Culture in Hangzhou]. Renmin yinyue 人民音乐 [People’s Music], no. 12 (2002): 41–43.
  • Nan Hongyan 南鸿雁. “Hu Ning Hang diqu de tianzhujiao yinyue: Minguo shiqi xiangguan yishi yinyue yu yinyue wenben de gean yanjiu 沪宁杭地区的天主教音乐:民国时期相关仪式音乐与音乐文本的个案研究” [Catholic Music in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou: A Case Study of Ritual Music and Music-Related Texts in the Republican Period]. Nanjing yishu xueyuan xuebao 南京艺术学院学报 [Journal of Nanjing Arts Institute], no. 4 (2007): 7–21.
  • Nan Hongyan 南鸿雁. “Minguo shiqi Hu Ning Hang diqu jiaohui zhongxiao xuexiao yinyue jiaoyu guankui 民国时期沪宁杭地区教会中小学校音乐教育管窥” [A Brief Review of Music Education in Shanghai, Nanjing, and Hangzhou in the Republican Period]. Meiyu xuekan 美育学刊 [Journal of Aesthetic Education], no. 2 (2011): 47–52.
  • Nan Hongyan 南鸿雁. “Neimenggu zhong xi bu tianzhujiao yinyue de lishi he xianzhuang 内蒙古中、西部天主教音乐的历史和现状” [History and Reality of Catholic Music in Central and Western Inner Mongolia]. Tianjin yinyue xueyuan xuebao 天津音乐学院学报 [Journal of Tianjin Conservatory of Music], no. 4 (2001): 29–34.
  • Pollard, Samuel. Zai weizhi de Zhongguo 在未知的中国 [In Unknown China]. Translated by Dong Renda 东人达 and Dong Min 东旻. Kunming: Yunnan minzu chubanshe, 2002. (English version published in London: Seeley, Service & Co., 1921).
  • Qin Xu 秦序. “Yang Yinliu xiansheng zai yinyue wenxueshi yanjiu fangmian de ruogan zhongyao gongxian 杨荫浏先生在音乐文学史研究方面的若干重要贡献” [Mr. Yang Yinliu’s Several Important Contributions to the Study of the History of Music Literature]. Zhongguo yinyue 中国音乐 [Chinese Music], no. 4 (1999): 4–7.
  • Tian Qing 田青. “Yang Yinliu yu Zhongguo zongjiao yinyue 杨荫浏与中国宗教音乐” [Yang Yinliu and Chinese Religious Music]. Yinyue yanjiu 音乐研究 [Music Research], no. 1 (2000): 62–76.
  • Wang Li 王莉. “Zhongxi jianzhu wenhua jiaorong xia de Shaanbei tianzhujiao jiaotang jianzhu 中西建筑文化交融下的陕北天主教教堂建筑” [The Blended Influence of Chinese and Western Cultures in Catholic Church Buildings in Northern Shaanxi]. Shanxi jianzhu 山西建筑 [Shanxi Architecture], no. 28 (2007): 62–63.
  • Wang Li 王莉 and Zhang Weijun 张微俊. “Zhongxi wenhua jiaorong xia de Yan’an Qiao’ergou tianzhujiao jiaotang 中西文化交融下的延安桥儿沟天主教教堂” [The Blended Influence of Chinese and Western Cultures in the Yan’an Qiaoergou Catholic Church]. Zhongwai jianzhu 中外建筑 [Chinese and Overseas Architecture], no. 7 (2008): 68–70.
  • Wang Mingfeng 王明风 and Liu Xinhong 刘新红. “Minzu yinyuexue de zongshi: Jianshu Yang Yinliu xiansheng de yishu yeji 民族音乐学的宗师:简述杨荫浏先生的艺术业绩” [Master of Ethnomusicology: A Brief Review of the Artistic Achievements of Mr. Yang Yinliu]. Zhongzhou daxue xuebao 中州大学学报 [Journal of Zhongzhou University], no. 4 (2005): 50–51.
  • Wang Xiaoqian 汪晓茜. “Yizhi he bentuhua de erchongzou: Dongwu daxue jindai jianzhu wenhua yichan dui women de qishi 移植和本土化的二重奏:东吴大学近代建筑文化遗产对我们的启示” [The Duet between Transplanting and Indigenization: What the Modern Architectural Legacy of Dongwu Missionary University Has Told Us]. Xinjianzhu 新建筑 [New Architecture], no. 1 (2006): 64–68.
  • Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿. “Zhongguo xin yishu yundong de huigu yu qianzhan 中国新艺术运动的回顾与前瞻” [Review of and Prospects for the Chinese New Art Movement]. Shishi xinbao 时事新报 [The New Times], March 15, 1943.
  • Xu Fenglin 徐凤林. “Dongzhengjiao yinyue qianshi 东正教音乐浅释” [Approaching the Music of Eastern Orthodoxy]. Shijie zongjiao wenhua 世界宗教文化 [Global Religious Cultures], no. 3 (2011): 19–24.
  • Xu Min 徐敏. “Zhongguo jindai jidu zongjiao jiaotang jianzhu gaishu: Zhongguo jindai jianzhu buke hushi de zhongyao yichan 中国近代基督宗教教堂建筑概述:中国近代建筑不可忽视的重要遗产” [Overview of Christian Church Architecture in Modern China: An Essential Legacy of Chinese Modern Architecture]. Nanjing yishu xueyuan xuebao 南京艺术学院学报 [Journal of Nanjing Art Institute], no. 6 (2012): 163–173.
  • Xu Zheng 许政 and Chen Zecheng 陈泽成. “Rushi jingshen de chushi jianzhu: Aomen de tianzhujiao jiaotang 入世精神的出世建筑:澳门的天主教教堂” [Secular Spirit of Devine Buildings: The Catholic Churches in Macao]. Xinjianzhu 新建筑 [New Architecture], no. 2 (2009): 89–93.
  • Yan Fei 燕飞. “Chen Yuandu yu minguo shiqi tianzhujiao meishu 陈缘督与民国时期天主教美术” [Chen Yuandu and Catholic Art in Republican China]. Zhongguo tianzhujiao 中国天主教 [Catholic Church in China], no. 3 (2012): 56–59.
  • Yang Bingde 杨秉德. “Guanyu Zhongguo jindai jianzhushi shiqi minzu xingshi jianzhu tansuo licheng de zhengti yanjiu 关于中国近代建筑史时期民族形式建筑探索历程的整体研究” [A Comprehensive Study of the Pursue of Architecture with National Forms in Modern Chinese Architectural History]. Xinjianzhu 新建筑 [New Architecture], no. 1 (2005): 48–51.
  • Yang Boda 杨伯达. “Shiba shiji zhongxi wenhua jiaoliu dui Qingdai meishu de yingxiang 十八世纪中西文化交流对清代美术的影响” [Impact of Eighteenth-Century Sino–Western Cultural Exchange on Qing Dynasty Fine Art]. Gugong bowuyuan yuankan 故宫博物院院刊 [Palace Museum Journal], no. 4 (1998): 70–77.
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  • Yang Minkang 杨民康. Bentuhua yu xiandaixing: Yunnan shaoshu minzu jidujiao yishi yinyue yanjiu 本土化与现代性:云南少数民族基督教仪式音乐研究 [Indigenization and Modernity: A Study of Christian Liturgical Music among Yunnan Ethnic Minority Peoples]. Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe, 2008.
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  • Yang Minkang 杨民康. “Yunnan shaoshu minzu jidujiao zanmeishi de wenzi jipufa yanjiu 云南少数民族基督教赞美诗的文字记谱法研究” [A Study of Yunnan Ethnic Minority Peoples’ Methods of Transcribing Christian Hymns]. Yinyue yanjiu 音乐研究 [Music Research], no. 3 (2005): 49–57.
  • Yuan Yu 袁昱. “Yanjing daxue yinyuexi fazhan lishi yu jiaoxue yanjiu 燕京大学音乐系发展历史与教学研究” [A Study of the Development of and Teaching in the Department of Music at Yenching University]. Tianjin yinyue xueyuan xuebao 天津音乐学院学报 [Journal of Tianjin Conservatory of Music], no. 1 (2012): 94–102.
  • Zhai Fengjian 翟风俭. “Yang Yinliu: Zhongguo zongjiao yinyue yanjiu de tuohuangzhe 杨荫浏:中国宗教音乐研究的拓荒者” [Yang Yinliu: Pioneer of Chinese Religious Music Studies]. Zhongguo zongjiao 中国宗教 [China Religion], no. 1 (2009): 22–25.
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