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Tianshui’s three treasures: water and soil conservation in wartime northwest China


  • Brazelton, Mary A. “Danger in the Air: Tuberculosis Control and BCG Vaccination in the Republic of China, 1930-1949.” Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review (e-journal) 30 (2019): 35–54.
  • Chen, Chao, Ding Huang, Yajun Zhang, Hao Zheng, and Kun Wang. “Invasion of Farmland-Grassland Ecosystems by the Exotic Sweet Clovers, Melilotus officinalis and M. albus.” Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11, no. 1 (2013): 1012–1016.
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  • Jiang Shikui 蒋士奎 and Zhang Bingzhong 张秉忠. “Weihe shangyou yanghuai shuitu baochilin yanjiu baogao  渭河上游洋槐水土保持林研究报告” [Research Report on Black Locust Water and Soil Conservation Forests in the Upper Reaches of the Wei River]. In Shuitu baochi shiyan yanjiu chengguo huibian, 1942–1980 dier ji 水土保持试验研究成果汇编 1942–1980 第二集 [Collection of Water and Soil Conservation Experiment Research Results, 1942–1980, Part 2], edited by Huanghe shuili weiyuanhui Tianshui shuitu baochi kexue shiyanzhan黄河水利委员会天水水土保持科学试验站 [Yellow River Conservancy Commission Tianshui Water and Soil Conservation Scientific Experiment Station]. Zhengzhou: Huanghe shuili weiyuanhui, 1981.
  • Jiang Wenying, Shiling Yang, Xiaoxiao Yang, and Ning Gu. “Negative Impacts of Afforestation and Economic Forestry on the Chinese Loess Plateau and Proposed Solutions.” Quaternary International 399 (2016): 165–173.
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  • Kou Meng, Patricio Garcia-Fayos, Shu Hu, and Juying Jiao. “The Effect of Robinia pseudoacacia Afforestation on Soil and Vegetation Properties in the Loess Plateau (China): A Chronosequence Approach.” Forest Ecology and Management 375 (2016): 146–158.
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