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Measuring and understanding global human settlements patterns and processes: innovation, progress and application


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  • Ehrlich, D., M. Melchiorri, A. Florczyk, M. Pesaresi, T. Kemper, C. Corbane, S. Freire, M. Schiavina, and A. Siragusa. 2018. “Remote Sensing Derived Built-Up Area and Population Density to Quantify Global Exposure to Five Natural Hazards Over Time.” Remote Sensing 10: 1378. doi:10.3390/rs10091378.
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  • Florczyk, A. J., M. Melchiorri, J. Zeidler, C. Corbane, M. Schiavina, S. Freire, F. Sabo, P. Politis, T. Esch, and M. Pesaresi. 2019. “The Generalised Settlement Area: Mapping the Earth Surface in the Vicinity of Built-up Areas.” International Journal of Digital Earth, 1–16. doi:10.1080/17538947.2018.1550121.
  • Freire, S., T. Kemper, M. Pesaresi, A. J. Florczyk, and V. Syrris. 2015. “Combining GHSL and GPW to Improve Global Population Mapping.” Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Presented at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGASRSS), IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Milan, 2541–2543. doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326329.
  • Freire, S., M. Schiavina, A. J. Florczyk, K. MacManus, M. Pesaresi, C. Corbane, O. Borkovska, et al. 2018. “Enhanced Data and Methods for Improving Open and Free Global Population Grids: Putting ‘Leaving No One Behind’ Into Practice.” International Journal of Digital Earth, 1–17. doi:10.1080/17538947.2018.1548656.
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  • Melchiorri, M., A. Florczyk, S. Freire, M. Schiavina, M. Pesaresi, and T. Kemper. 2018. “Unveiling 25 Years of Planetary Urbanization with Remote Sensing: Perspectives from the Global Human Settlement Layer.” Remote Sensing 10: 768. doi:10.3390/rs10050768.
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