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Introducing a new tool for greenhouse gas calculation tailored for cropland: rationale, operational framework and potential application

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  • Tirol-Padre A, Minamikawa K, Tokida T, Wassmann R, Yagi K Site-specific feasibility of alternate wetting drying as a greenhouse gas mitigation option in irrigated rice fields in Southeast Asia: a synthesis, Soil Science Plant Nutrition, 64 (1), 2–13 (2018). doi:10.1080/0038076820171409602
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  • Kraus D, Weller S, Klatt S, Haas E, Wassmann R, Kiese R, Butterbach-Bahl K. A new Landscape DNDC biogeochemical module to predict CH4 and N2O emissions from lowland rice and upland cropping systems Plant Soil 386: 125–149 (2015).
  • Katayanagi N, Fumoto T, Hayano M, Shirato Y, Takata Y, Leon A, Yagi K. Estimation of total CH4 emission from Japanese rice paddies using a new estimation method based on the DNDC-Rice simulation model Sci Total Environ 601, 346–355 (2017) doi:10.1016/jscitotenv201705090
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  • Nelson A, Wassmann R, Sander BO, Palao LK. Climate determined suitability of the water saving technology "Alternate Wetting and Drying" in rice systems: A scalable methodology demonstrated for a province in the Philippines PLOS ONE 10(12): e0145268 (2015). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145268.
  • Sander BO, Wassmann R, Palao LK, Nelson A. Climate-based suitability assessment for alternate wetting drying water management in the Philippines: a novel approach for mapping methane mitigation potential in rice production Carbon Management 8, 331–342 (2017).