CrossRef citations to date
Professional Wrestling

Being ‘real’ in a staged sport: the process and negotiation of authenticity in wrestling star images



  • Alcott, T., 2019. Not putting away childish things: the importance of childhood in the audience reception of professional wrestling. Participations, 16 (1), 3–29.
  • Ang, I., 1982. Watching Dallas: soap opera and melodramatic imagination. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Banet-Weiser, S., 2012. Authentic: the politics of ambivalence in brand culture. New York and London: New York University Press.
  • Barker, M., et al., 2016. Alien audiences: remembering and evaluating a classic movie. Basingstoke andNew York: Palgrave MacMillian.
  • Baron, C. and Carnicke, S.M., 2008. Reframing screen performance. USA: University of Michigan Press.
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  • Giler, D., Scott, R. 1979. Alien [Film]. ABD: 20th Century Fox. London.
  • Grayson, K. and Martinec, R., 2004. Consumer perceptions of Iconicity and indexicality and their influence on assessments of authentic market offerings. Journal of consumer research, 31 (2), 296–312. doi:10.1086/422109
  • Holmes, S. and Redmond, S., eds., 2006. Introduction. In: Framing celebrity: new directions in celebrity Culture. London and New York: Routledge, 1–16.
  • Hunt, L., 2005. Hell in a cell and other stories: violence, endangerment and authenticity in professional wrestling. In: G. King, ed. The spectacle of the real. Portland, Oregon: Intellect Books, 117–128.
  • King, B., 2016. Stardom, celebrity and the moral economy of pretending. In: P.D. Marshall and S. Redmond, eds. A companion to celebrity. Chichester: Willey Blackwell.
  • Koontz, A., 2010. Constructing authenticity: a review of trends and influences in the process of authentication in consumption. Sociology compass, 4 (11), 977–988. doi:10.1111/j.1751-9020.2010.00334.x
  • Marwick, A. and Boyd, D., 2011. To see and be seen: celebrity practice on Twitter. Convergence: The International journal of research into New media technologies, 17 (2), 139–158. doi:10.1177/1354856510394539
  • Mazer, S., 1998. Professional wrestling: sport and spectacle. Jackson: Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
  • McBride, L.B. and Bird, S.E., 2007. From Smart fan to Backyard wrestler: performance, context and aesthetic violence. In: J. Grey, eds. et al Fandom, identities and communities in mediated world. New York, New York: Mediated Press, 165–176.
  • Meyers, E., 2009. “Can you handle my truth?”: authenticity and the celebrity star image. The journal of popular culture, 42 (5), 890–907. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5931.2009.00713.x
  • Negra, D., 2004. Queen of the indies’ Parker Posey’s Niche stardom and the taste cultures of independent film. In: C. Holmlund and J. Wyatt, eds. Contemporary American Independent Film: from the margins of the mainstream. London, New York: Routledge, 71–88.
  • Newman, M.Z., 2009. Indie culture. Pursuit of the authentic autonomous alternative’ in cinema journal, 48 (3), 16–34. doi:10.1353/cj.0.0112
  • Peterson, R.A., 2005. In search of authenticity. Journal of management studies, 41 (5), 1083–1098. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2005.00533.x
  • Tolson, A., 2001. Being yourself: the pursuit of authentic celebrity. Discourse studies, 3 (4), 443–457. doi:10.1177/1461445601003004007
  • Ward, D., 2013. The best story teller of them all: construction of masculinity and authenticity in wrestling with shadows and beyond the mat’. In: Z. Ingle and D.M. Sutera, eds. Gender and genre in sports documentaries: critical essays. Lanham, Toronto, Plymouth: The Scarecrow Press inc, 17–25.