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A methodological quest for systematic literature mapping



  • Anderson, J.T., & Collins, D. (2014). Prevalence and causes of urban homelessness among indigenous peoples: A three-country scoping review. Housing Studies, 29, 959–976. doi:10.1080/02673037.2014.923091
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  • O'Malley, L., & Croucher, K. (2005). Supported housing services for people with mental health problems: A scoping study. Housing Studies, 20, 831–845.
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  • Voils, C.I., Sandelowski, M., Barroso, J., & Hasselblad, V. (2008). Making sense of qualitative and quantitative findings in mixed research synthesis studies. Field Methods, 20(1), 3–25. doi:10.1177/1525822X07307463
  • Wallace, A., Bevan, M., Croucher, K., Jackson, K., O’Malley, L., & Orton, V. (2005). The impact of empty, second and holiday homes on the sustainability of rural communities: A systematic literature review. York: Centre for Housing Policy.
  • Wallace, A., Croucher, K., Bevan, M., Jackson, K., O'Malley, L., & Quilgars, D. (2006). Evidence for policy making: Some reflections on the application of systematic reviews to housing research. Housing Studies, 21, 297–314. doi:10.1080/02673030500484935
  • Wallace, A., Croucher, K., Quilgars, D., & Baldwin, S. (2004). Meeting the challenge: Developing systematic reviewing in social policy. Policy & Politics, 32, 455–470. doi:10.1332/0305573042009444
  • Wang, Y., Chau, C.K., Ng, W.Y., & Leung, T.M. (2016). A review on the effects of physical built environment attributes on enhancing walking and cycling activity levels within residential neighborhoods. Cities, 50, 1–15. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2015.08.004
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  • Willis, N., Phillips, M., Ryan, K., Bursac, Z., & Ferguson, A. (2017). Examining the strength of state habitability laws across the United States of America. International Journal of Housing Policy, 17, 541–568. doi:10.1080/19491247.2016.1270609
  • Woodhall-Melnik, J.R., & Dunn, J.R. (2016). A systematic review of outcomes associated with participation in Housing First programs. Housing Studies, 31, 287–304. doi:10.1080/02673037.2015.1080816