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Designing communicative spaces – innovative perspectives on teacher education



  • Angen, Maureen. 2000. Pearls, pith, and provocation. Evaluating interpretive inquiry: reviewing the validity debate and opening the dialogue. Qualitative Health Research, 10, 378–395.
  • Achinstein, Betty. 2006. New teacher and mentor political literacy: Reading, navigating and transforming induction contexts. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 12 (2): 123–138.
  • Aspelin, Jonas and Persson, Sven. 2008. Yrkeskunnande-i-relation. Teoretiska perspektiv på lärares grundkompetens [Professional skills-in-relation. Theoretical perspectives on teachers’ basic competence]. Stockholm: Santéus förlag.
  • Aspfors, Jessica. 2012. Induction practices. Experiences of newly qualified teachers. PhD diss. Åbo Akademi University.
  • Bevan, Ann. 2013. Creating communicative spaces in an action research study. Nurse Researcher 21 (2): 14–17.
  • Bezzina, Christopher. 2007. Beginning teachers’ perceptions about their induction in Malta. In Milena Zupančič Zuljan and Janez Vogrinc (eds.). Professional inductions of teachers in Europe and elsewhere, 260–279. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education.
  • Bodorkós, Barbara and Pataki, György. 2009. Local communities empowered to plan? Applying PAR to establish democratic communicative spaces for sustainable rural development. Action Research 7 (3): 313–334.
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  • Elo, Satu and Kyngäs, Helvi. 2008. The qualitative content analysis process. Journal of Advanced Nursing 62 (1): 107–115.
  • Finne, Håkon, Mordal, Siri and Stene, Trine Marie. 2014. Oppfatninger av studiekvalitet i Lærerutdanningene 2013 [Conceptions of study quality in teacher education 2013]. Research report from the Ministry of Education and Research, Oslo. http://ivu.sintef.no/dok/sintef_1127901.pdf ( Accessed 2014-04-20)
  • Fletcher, Edward, Chang, Joohee and Kong, Younghee. 2008. Organizational socialization applied to teacher induction: An emerging conceptual framework. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development international research conference in the Americas. Panama City, FL.
  • Gadamer, Hans-Georg. 2004. Sandhed og metode. Grundtræk af en filosofisk hermeneutik [Truth and method]. Aarhus: Systime Academic.
  • Gayá Wicks, Patricia and Reason, Peter. 2009. Initiating action research. Challenges and paradoxes of opening communicative space. Action Research 7 (3): 243–262.
  • Glaser Barney G. and Strauss Anselm L. 2012. Discovery of Grounded Theory. Strategies for Qualitative Research. London: Transaction Publishers.
  • Hammerness, Karen. 2013. Examining features of teacher education in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 57 (4): 400–419. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00313831.2012.656285
  • Hansén, Sven-Erik, Eklund, Gunilla and Sjöberg, Jan. 2015. General didactics in Finnish teacher education – the case of class teacher education at Åbo Akademi University. Nordisk Tidskrift för Allmän Didaktik 1 (1): 7–20.
  • Hattie, John. 2009. Visible learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London: Routledge.
  • Haugan, Jan Arvid. 2011. A systematic review of research regarding Norwegian general teacher education 2000–2010. Nordic Studies in Education 31: 229–244.
  • Hiebert, James, Gallimore, Ronald and Stiegler, James W. 2002. A knowledge base for the teaching profession. What would it look like and how can we get one? Educational Researcher 31 (5): 3–15.
  • Hobson, Andrew J., Malderez, Angi, Tracey, Louise, Homer, Matthew, Mitchell, Nick, Biddulph, Max and Tomlinson, Peter. 2007. Newly qualified teachers’ experiences of their first year of teaching. Findings from the phase III of the becoming a teacher project. Nottingham: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF).
  • Hökkä, Päivi and Eteläpelto, Anneli. 2014. Seeking new perspectives on the development of teacher education: A study of the Finnish context. Journal of Teacher Education 65 (1): 39–52.
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  • Munthe, Elaine. 2013. Lærerutdanningsforskning - på langs og på tvers [Research on teacher education]. Keynote at NAFOL seminar. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, November 20.
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  • Murray, Jean. 2008. Towards the re-articulation of the work of teacher educators in higher education institutions in England. European Journal of Teacher Education 31 (1): 17–34.
  • Murray, Jean and Passy, Rowena. 2014. Primary teacher education in England: 40 years on. Journal of Education for Teaching, 40 (5): 492–506.
  • Newton, John and Goodman, Helen. 2009. Only to connect. Systems psychodynamics and communicative space. Action Research 7 (3): 291–312.
  • Nordenbo, Sven Erik, Søgaard Larsen, Michael, Tiftikqi, Neriman, Wendt, Rikke Eline and Østergaard, Susan. 2008. Lærerkompetanser og elevers læring i barnehage og skole: et systematisk review utført for Kunnskapsdepartementet, Oslo [Teacher competences and pupils’ learning in pre-school and school: a systematic review for Ministry of Education and Research, Oslo]. Copenhagen: Dansk Clearinghouse for Uddannelsesforskning, DPU, Aarhus Universitet.
  • Nordic Council of Ministers. 2009. Komparativt studium av nordiske læreruddannelser [Comparative studies of Nordic teacher educations]. TemaNord 2009: 505.
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  • O’Connor, Kate Eliza. 2008. ’You choose to care’: Teachers, emotions and professional identity. Teaching and Teacher Education 24: 117–126.
  • Ogden, Terje. 2012. Klasseledelse. Praksis, teori og forskning [Classroom management. Practice, theory and research]. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
  • Özçınar, Hüseyin. 2015. Mapping teacher education domain: A document co-citation analysis from 1992 to 2012. Teaching and Teacher Education 47: 42–61.
  • Petticrew, Mark and Roberts, Helen. 2006. Systematic reviews in the social sciences: a practical guide. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Rodges, Carol R and Raider-Roth, Miriam B. 2006. Presence in teaching. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 12 (3): 265˗267.
  • Rots, Isabel, Kelchtermans, Geert and Aelterman, Antonia. 2012. Learning (not) to become a teacher. A qualitative analysis of the job entrance issue. Teaching and Teacher Education 28: 1–10.
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  • Valle, Anne Marit. 2014. Lærerens intuitive handlingskompetanse [Teacher’s intuitive interaction competence]. PhD diss. University of Nordland.
  • Wackerhausen, Steen. 2009. Collaboration, professional identity and reflection across boundaries. Journal of Interprofessional Care 23 (5): 455˗473.
  • Westbury, Ian, Hansén, Sven-Erik, Kansanen, Pertti and Björkqvist, Ole. 2005. Teacher education for research-based practice in expanded roles: Finland’s experience. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 49 (5): 475–485.
  • Wideen, Marvin, Mayer-Smith, Jolie and Moon, Barbara. 1998. A critical analysis of the research on learning to teach: Making the case for an ecological perspective on inquiry. Review of Educational Research 68 (2): 130–178.
  • Zeichner, Kenneth. 2014. The struggle for the soul of teaching and teacher education in the USA. Journal of Education for Teaching 40 (5): 551–568. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2014.956544
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