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Students’ experiences of social integration in schoolwide activities—an investigation in the Finnish context


  • Allen, Kelly and Bowles, Terence. 2013. Belonging as a guiding principle in the education of adolescents. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 12: 108−87.
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  • Roffey, Sue. 2013. Inclusive and exclusive belonging – the impact on individual and community well-being. Educational and Child Psychology 30 (1): 38−49.
  • Rowe, Fiona and Stewart, Donald. 2009. Promoting connectedness through whole-school approaches: a qualitative study. Health Education 109 (5): 396−413.http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09654280910984816 ( Accessed 2016-17-03)
  • Rowe, Fiona and Stewart, Donald. 2011. Promoting connectedness through whole-school approaches: key elements and pathways of influence. Health Education 111 (1): 49−65. doi: 10.1108/09654281111094973.
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  • Upadyaya, Katja and Salmela-Aro, Katariina. 2013. Development of school engagement in association with academic success and well-being in varying social contexts. A review of empirical research. European Psychologist 18 (2): 136–147. doi: 10.1027/1016-9040/a000143.
  • Wellmer, Albrecht. 2014. On critical theory. Social Research: An International Quarterly 81 (3): 705–733. doi: 10.1353/sor.2014.0045.