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Professional formation and the final thesis in European teacher education: a fusion of academic and professional orientation


  • Admiraal, W., & Berry, A. (2016). Video narratives to access student teachers´ competence as teachers. Teachers and Teaching, Theory and Practice, 22(1), 21–34.
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  • Dysthe, O., & Engelsen, K. S. (2011). Portfolio practices in higher education in Norway in an international perspective: Macro-, meso-, and micro-level influences. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 36(1), 63–79.
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  • Erixon Arreman, I., & Erixon, P.-O. (2015). The degree project in Swedish teacher education and care: What is at stake? Education Inquiry, 6(3), 309–332.
  • Erixon Arreman, I., & Erixon, P.-O. (2017). Professional and academic discourse: Swedish student teachers´ final degree project in early childhood education and care. Linguistics and Education, 37, 52–62.
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  • Rifá-Valls, M. (2011). Experimenting with visual storytelling in students’ portfolios: Narratives of visual pedagogy for pre-service teacher education. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 30(2), 293–306.
  • Smith, K., & Tillema, H. (2007). Use of criteria in assessing teaching portfolios: Judgemental practices in summative evaluation. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 51(1), 103–117.
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