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Speaking security: constructing Canada’s 2009 northern strategy


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  • Speech: Address by Minister Cannon at the News Conference for the Arctic Ocean Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, 29 March 2010. In Canada’s Northern Strategy under Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Key Speeches and Documents, 2005-15, ed. P. W. Lackenbauer and R. Dean, 135–37. Calgary: DCASS #6, 2016.
  • Speech by the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence: The Canadian Forces and Canada’s Northern Strategy, 17 January 2012. In Canada’s Northern Strategy under Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Key Speeches and Documents, 2005-15, ed. P. W.Lackenbauer and R. Dean, 215–21. Calgary: DCASS #6, 2016.
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  • Speech from the Throne to Open the Second Session of the 39th, 16 October 2007. In Canada’s Northern Strategy under Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Key Speeches and Documents, 2005-15, ed. P. W. Lackenbauer and R. Dean, 35–36. Calgary: DCASS #6, 2016.
  • Speech: Prime Minister Stephen Harper Addresses the House of Commons in a Reply to the Speech from the Throne, 17 October 2007d. In Canada’s Northern Strategy under Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Key Speeches and Documents, 2005-15, ed. P. W. Lackenbauer and R. Dean, 36–38. Calgary: DCASS #6, 2016.
  • Speech: Prime Minister Stephen Harper Announces New Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships, 9 July 2007. In Canada’s Northern Strategy under Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Key Speeches and Documents, 2005-15, ed. P. W. Lackenbauer and R. Dean, 26–28. Calgary: DCASS #6, 2016.
  • Speech: Speaking Notes for the Honourable Gordon J. O’Connor, P.C., M.P. Minister of National Defence At the Conference of Defence Associations Institute Annual General Meeting, 23 February 2006. In Canada’s Northern Strategy under Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Key Speeches and Documents, 2005-15, ed. P. W. Lackenbauer and Ryan Dean, 3–5. Calgary: DCASS #6, 2016.
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  • Turner, C, The War on Science: Muzzled Scientists and Willful Blindness in Stephen Harper’s Canada, Vancouver: Greystone Books Ltd, 2013.

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