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Digital competence in social work practice and education: experiences from Norway

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  • Adedoyin, A. C. A. 2016. “Deploying Virtual Communities of Practice as a Digital Tool in Social Work: A Rapid Review and Critique of the Literature.” Social Work Education 35 (3): 357–370. doi:10.1080/02615479.2016.1154660.
  • Andersen, S., and R. Riise. 2012. “Hvilken IKT Kompetanse Bør En Helsearbeider Ha? [Which ICT Competence a Health Worker Should Have].” In Helse [Health], edited by Blix, Anderssen & Størdal, Digital,66–93. Oslo: Cappelen Damm AS
  • Antonio, L. P., P. G. Raquel, and A.-T. M. M. Victoria. 2018. “e-Social Work: Building a New Field of Specialisation in Social Work?” European Journal of Social Work 21 (6): 804–823. doi:10.1080/13691457.2017.1399256.
  • Arnesen, H. K. L. 2019. “Digitalisering i NAV–henger alle brukergrupper med? En studie av NAV-veilederes erfaringer med digital kommunikasjon rettet mot rusmiddelavhengige brukere under arbeidsavklaring [Digitalisation in NAV– are all user groups involved? A study of NAV supervisors’ experiences with digital communication aimed at drug-addicted users during work clarification].” Master thesis, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
  • Baker, S., J. Warburton, S. Hodgkin, and J. Pascal. 2014. “Reimagining the Relationship between Social Work and Information Communication Technology in the Network Society.” Australian Social Work 67 (4): 467–478. doi:10.1080/0312407X.2014.928336.
  • Barfoed, E. M. 2019. “Digital Clients: An Example of People Production in Social Work.” Social Inclusion 7 (1): 196–206. doi:10.17645/si.v7i1.1814.
  • Bender, K., N. Schau, S. Begun, B. Haffejee, A. Barman-Adhikari, and J. Hathaway. 2015. “Electronic Case Management with Homeless Youth.” Evaluation and Program Planning 50: 36–42. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2015.02.002.
  • Berzin, S. C., and C. J. Coulton. 2017. “Harness Technology for Social Good.” In Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society edited by R. Fong, E. J. Lubben, and R. P. Barth, 483–542. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Berzin, S. C., G. Singer, and C. Chan. 2015. Practice Innovation through Technology in the Digital Age: A Grand Challenge for Social Work. Cleveland, OH: American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare.
  • Best, P., R. Manktelow, and B. J. Taylor. 2016. “Social Work and Social Media: Online Help-seeking and the Mental Well-being of Adolescent Males.” British Journal of Social Work 46 (1): 257–276. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcu130.
  • Carretero, S., R. Vuorikari, and Y. Punie. 2017. DigComp 2.1: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens with eight proficiency levels and examples of use, EUR 28558 EN, doi:10.2760/38842.
  • Chan, C., and M. J. Holosko. 2016. “A Review of Information and Communication Technology Enhanced Social Work Interventions.” Research on Social Work Practice 26 (1): 88–100. doi:10.1177/1049731515578884.
  • Chan, C., and M. Sage. 2021. “A narrative review of digital storytelling for social work practice.” Journal of Social Work Practice, 35:1, 63–77, DOI:10.1080/02650533.2019.1692804.
  • Chudasama, K. M. 2017. Brukermedvirkning Og Sosialt Arbeid I NAV. [ User participation and social work in NAV]. Oslo: Universitetsforl.
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  • Engen, B. K., T. H. Giæver, and L. Mifsud. 2015. “Guidelines and Regulations for Teaching Digital Competence in Schools and Teacher Education: A Weak Link?” Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 10: 172–186. ( Jubileumsnummer).
  • Ferrari, A. 2012. “Digital Competence in Practice: An Analysis of Frameworks.” Publication office of the EU Luxembourg. https://ifap.ru/library/book522.pdf
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  • Fitch, D. 2019. “Using Data to Improve Client Services.” In Digital Social Work: Tools for Practice with Individuals, Organisations, and Communities, edited by L. Goldkind, L. Wolf, and P. P. Freddolino. 337–381. USA: Oxford University Press.
  • Goldkind, L., L. Wolf, and P. P. Freddolino. 2018. Digital Social Work: Tools for Practice with Individuals, Organisations, and Communities. UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Government.no. 2012. “Digital Agenda for Norway-ICT for Growth and Value Creation.” https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld-st-23-20122013/id718084/?ch=1
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  • Grocher, K., L. Wolf, and L. Goldkind 2018. Social Media in Agency Settings. Digital Social Work: Tools for Practice with Individuals, Organisations, and Communities, 168.
  • Halvorsen, C. J. 2017. “Bridging Social Innovation and Social Work: Balancing Science, Values, and Speed.” Research on Social Work Practice 27 (2): 129–130. doi:10.1177/1049731516658353.
  • Hansen, H. T., K. Lundberg, and L. J. Syltevik 2018. “Digitalization, Street-level Bureaucracy and Welfare Ssers’ Sxperiences.” Social Policy & Administration. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/spol.12283
  • Healy, K., and J. Mulholland. 2019. Writing Skills for Social Workers. London: SAGE Publications Limited.
  • Heponiemi, T., V. Jormanainen, L. Leemann, K. Manderbacka, A.-M. Aalto, and H. Hyppönen. 2020. “Digital Divide in Perceived Benefits of Online Health Care and Social Welfare Services: National Cross-sectional Survey Study.” Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (7): e17616. doi:10.2196/17616.
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  • Janssen, J., S. Stoyanov, A. Ferrari, Y. Punie, K. Pannekeet, and P. Sloep. 2013. “Experts’ Views on Digital Competence: Commonalities and Differences.” Computers & Education 68: 473–481. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.06.008.
  • Kamali, M., and J. H. Jönsson. 2018. Neoliberalism, Nordic Welfare States and Social Work. Current and future challenges, UK: Routledge.
  • Kingsley, C., S. Goldsmith, L. Goldkind, and L. Wolf 2018. Getting big data to the good guys. Digital Social Work: Tools for Practice with Individuals, Organisations, and Communities, 129.
  • Knowles, A. J., and T. S. Cooner. 2016. “International Collaborative Learning Using Social Media to Learn about Social Work Ethics and Social Media.” Social Work Education 35 (3): 260–270. doi:10.1080/02615479.2016.1154662.
  • López Peláez, A., R. Pérez García, and M. V. Aguilar-Tablada Massó. 2018. “e-Social Work: Building a New Field of Specialization in Social Work?” European Journal of Social Work 21 (6): 804–823. doi:10.1080/13691457.2017.1399256.
  • Lyneborg, A. O. 2019. Social Work in the Danish Digitalised Welfare State–and the Use of Digital Technologies for Professional Knowledge in Child service.In Big Data: Promise, Application and Pitfalls. 224-244. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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  • Mishna, F., D. Levine, M. Bogo, and M. Van Wert. 2013. “Cyber Counselling: An Innovative Field Education Pilot Project.” Social Work Education 32 (4): 484–492. doi:10.1080/02615479.2012.685066.
  • Newman, L., K. Biedrzycki, and F. Baum. 2012. “Digital Technology Use among Disadvantaged Australians: Implications for Equitable Consumer Participation in Digitally-mediated Communication and Information Exchange with Health Services.” Australian Health Review 36 (2): 125–129. doi:10.1071/AH11042.
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  • Olsson, T., U. Samuelsson, and D. Viscovi. 2019. “At Risk of Exclusion? Degrees of ICT Access and Literacy among Senior Citizens. Information.” Communication & Society 22 (1): 55–72.
  • Räsänen, J.-M. 2012. “Accounting for IT-based Use of Information in Emergency Social Work Encounters.” Nordic Social Work Research 2 (1): 21–37. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2012.667249.
  • Reamer, F. G. 2013. “Social Work in a Digital Age: Ethical and Risk Management Challenges.” Social Work (United States) 58 (2): 163–172. doi:10.1093/sw/swt003.
  • Reamer, F. G. 2015. “Clinical Social Work in a Digital Environment: Ethical and Risk-management Challenges.” Clinical Social Work Journal 43 (2): 120–132. doi:10.1007/s10615-014-0495-0.
  • Røhnebæk, M. 2012. “Standardised Flexibility: Thechoreography of ICT in Standardisation of Service Work.” Current Cultural Research, 4, 679–698. http://www.cultureunbound.ep.liu.se/v4/a37/cu12v4a37.pdf
  • Schou, J., and A. S. Pors. 2019. “Digital by Default? A Qualitative Study of Exclusion in Digitalised Welfare.” Social Policy & Administration 53 (3): 464–477. doi:10.1111/spol.12470.
  • Siddiq, F. 2018. “A Comparison between Digital Competence in Two Nordic Countries’ National Curricula and an International Framework: Inspecting Their Readiness for 21st Century Education.” Seminar.Net14 (2), 144–159. https://journals.oslomet.no/index.php/seminar/article/view/2977
  • Stanfield, D., and L. Beddoe. 2016. “Social Work and Social Media in Aotearoa New Zealand: Educating Social Workers across Shifting Boundaries of Social Work Identity.” Social Work Education 35 (3): 284–296. doi:10.1080/02615479.2016.1154663.
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  • Steiner, O. 2020. “Social Work in the Digital Era: Theoretical, Ethical and Practical Considerations.” The British Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcaa160.
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  • Vuorikari, R., Y. Punie, S. C. Gomez, and G. Van Den Brande 2016. DigComp 2.0: The digital competence framework for citizens. Update phase 1: The conceptual reference model. Luxembourg Publication Office of the European Union. EUR 27948 EN. doi:10.2791/11517.
  • Zhang, Y., and B. M. Wildemuth. 2009. “Qualitative Analysis of Content.” Applications of Social Research Methods to Questions in Information and Library Science 308: 319.
  • Zhu, H., and S. T. Andersen. 2018. “User-driven Innovation and Technology-use in Public Health and Social Care: A Systematic Review of Existing Evidence.” Journal of Innovation Management 6 (2): 138–169. doi:10.24840/2183-0606_006.002_0008.
  • Zhu, H., and S. T. Andersen. 2020. “ICT-mediated Social Work Practice and Innovation: Professionals’ Experiences in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration.” Nordic Social Work Research 1–15. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2020.1740774.