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Hero or Anti-Hero?

Narratives of newswork and journalistic identity construction in complex digital megastories



  • Aarva, Pauliina, and Marja Pakarinen. 2006. “Studying the Striving and Opposing Forces in Newspaper Journalism: The Actantial Model of Health Promotion.” Health Promotion International 21 (2): 160–168. 10.1093/heapro/dal010
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  • Coddington, Mark. 2014. “Defending Judgment and Context in ‘Original Reporting’: Journalists’ Construction of Newswork in a Networked Age.” Journalism 15 (6): 678–695. 10.1177/1464884913501244
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  • Djerf-Pierre, Monika. 2007. “The Gender of Journalism: The Structure and Logic of the Field in the Twentieth Century.” Nordicom Review: 81–104.
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  • Graber, Doris. 2003. “The Media and Democracy: Beyond Myths and Stereotypes.” Annual Review of Political Science 6: 139–160.10.1146/annurev.polisci.6.121901.085707
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  • Hanitzsch, Thomas. 2011. “Populist Disseminators, Detached Watchdogs, Critical Change Agents and Opportunist Facilitators: Professional Milieus, the Journalistic Field and Autonomy in 18 Countries.” International Communication Gazette 73 (6): 477–494.10.1177/1748048511412279
  • Høyer, Svennik, and Epp Lauk. 2003. “The Paradoxes of the Journalistic Profession: An Historical Perspective.” Nordicom Review 24 (2): 3–17.
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  • Lynch, Lisa. 2013. “WikiLeaks after Megaleaks: The Organization’s Impact on Journalism and Journalism Studies.” Digital Journalism 1 (3): 314–334.10.1080/21670811.2013.816544
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  • Örnebring, Henrik. 2010. “Technology and Journalism-as-Labour: Historical Perspectives.” Journalism 11 (1): 57–74.10.1177/1464884909350644
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  • Singer, Jane. 2003. “Who Are These Guys? The Online Challenge to the Notion of Journalistic Professionalism.” Journalism 4 (2): 139–163.
  • Singer, Jane. 2004. “More than Ink-Stained Wretches: The Resocialization of Print Journalists in Converged Newsrooms.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 81 (4): 838–856.
  • Steel, John. 2013. “Leveson: Solution or Symptom? Class, Crisis and the Degradation of Civil Life.” Ethical Space 10 (1): 8–14.
  • Thorsen, Einar, Chindu Sreedharan and Stuart Allan. 2013. “WikiLeaks and Whistle-Blowing: The Framing of Bradley Manning.” In Beyond WikiLeaks, edited by Benedtta Brevini, Arne Hintz, and Patrick McCurdy, 101–122. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
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  • Underwood, Doug. 2013. The Undeclared War between Journalism and Fiction: Journalists as Genre Benders in Literary History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.10.1057/9781137353481
  • Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin. 2014. “Is Wikileaks Challenging the Paradigm of Journalism? Boundary Work and beyond.” International Journal of Communication 8: 2581–2592.
  • Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin, and Joanne Hunt. 2012. “Journalism, Accountability and the Possibilities for Structural Critique: A Case Study of Coverage of Whistleblowing.” Journalism 13 (4): 399–416.10.1177/1464884912439135
  • Williams, Kevin. 2006. “Competing Models of Journalism?: Anglo-American and European Reporting in the Information Age.” Journalistica 2: 43–65.
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