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Representations of the Wutai Mountains in classical Japanese literature


Abbreviations of Standard Collections

  • DNBZ: Dai Nihon Bukkyō Zensho 大日本佛教全書 [Great Collected Works of Japanese Buddhism] (Suzuki Gakujutsu Zaidan 鈴木学術財団);
  • NKBT: Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 日本古典文学大系 [Compendium of Japanese Classical Literature] (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店);
  • NST: Nihon Shisō Taikei 日本思想体系 [Compendium of Japanese Thought] (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店);
  • SNKBT: Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 新日本古典文学大系 [New Compendium of Japanese Classical Literature] (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店);
  • SNKBZ: Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshū 新編日本古典文学全集 [Complete Works of Japanese Classical Literature, New Edition] (Tokyo: Shōgakukan 小学館).
  • Most classical literary works will be found under their titles, followed by the names of editors or translators. Exceptions include editions or translations that are part of larger scholarly studies such as doctoral dissertations and other special cases. Heavily annotated editions of primary sources are treated as “Modern Studies” and will be found in that section under the annotator’s name.

Primary Sources

  • Chōya Gunsai 朝野群載 [Collected Official and Unofficial Writings]. Shintei Zōho Kokushi Taikei 新訂増補国史大系vol. 29A. Yoshikawa Kōbunkan 吉川弘文観. 1964.
  • Dai Nihon Komonjo: Hennen Monjo 大日本古文書:編年文書 [Great Japan Ancient Documents: Chronological Documents]. Tokyo Daigaku Shiryō Hensanjo, ed. Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai 東京大学出版会. 1968.
  • Dai Nihon Koku Hokke Kyō Genki 大日本國法華經驗記 [Miraculous Tales of the Lotus Sūtra from Japan] in Ōjōden Hokke Genki 往生伝 • 法華験記 [Accounts of Rebirth and Records of Lotus Miracles]. Inoue Mitsusada 井上光貞 and Ōsone Shōsuke 大曽根章介 eds. NST vol. 7. 1974.
  • Eiga Monogatari 榮華物語 [A Tale of Flowering Fortunes]. Yamanaka Yutaka 山中裕, Akiyama Ken 秋山虔, Ikeda Naotaka 池田尚隆, and Fukunaga Susumu 福長進 eds. SNKBZ vols. 31-33. 2006-08.
  • Enkyoku Shū 宴曲集 [Banquet Song Collection]. Shinma Shin’ichi 新間進一 ed. NKBT vol. 44. 1965.
  • Genpei Jōsuiki 源平盛衰記 [A Record of the Rise and Fall of the Minamoto and Taira]. Mizuhara Hajime 水原一 ed. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Ōraisha 新人物往来社. 1988.
  • Gozan Bungaku Zenshū 五山文學全集 [The Complete Works of Gozan Literature]. Kamimura Kankō 上村観光 ed. Kyoto: Shibunkaku Shuppan 思文閣出版. 1992 (reprint).
  • Honchō Ichinin Isshu 本朝一人一首 [Our Court: One Poem by Each Author]. Kojima Noriyuki 小島憲之 ed. SNKBT vol. 63. 1994.
  • Honchō Monzui 本朝文粹 [The Literary Essence of Our Court]. Ōsone Shōsuke 大曽根章介, Kinpara Tadashi 金原理, and Gotō Akio 後藤昭雄 eds. SNKBT vol. 27. 1992.
  • Heike Monogatari 平家物語 [The Tale of the Heike]. Ichiko Teiji 市古貞次 ed. SNKBZ vols. 45-46. 2004-06.
  • Hosshin Shū 發心集 [Awakening to Buddhism Collection]. In Hōjōki Hosshinshū 方丈記 • 発心集 [A Record of my Hut; Awakening to Buddhism Collection]. Miki Sumito 三木紀人 ed. Shinchō Nihon Koten Bungaku Shūsei 新潮日本古典集成. Tokyo Shinchōsha 新潮社. 1976.
  • Ikkyū Oshō Nenpu 一休和尚年譜 [Chronicle of Ikkyū]. Imaizumi Yoshio 今泉淑夫 ed. 1998. Tōyō Bunko 東洋文庫vols. 641-42. Tokyo: Heibonsha 平凡社.
  • Jikkin Shō 十訓抄 [Ten Lessons]. Asami Kazuhiko 浅見和彦 ed. SNKBZ vol 51. 2003.
  • Kankyo no Tomo 閑居友 [A Friend of the Quiet Life]. In Hōmotsushū Kankyo no Tomo Hirasan Kojin Reitaku 宝物集 • 閑居友 • 比良山古人霊託 [A Collection of Treasures, A Friend of the Quiet Life, Mysterious Oracles of an Old Man of Mount Hira] Koizumi Hiroshi 小泉弘, Yamada Shōzen 山田昭全, Kojima Takayuki 小島孝之, and Kinoshita Motoichi 木下資一eds. SNKBT vol. 40. 1993.
  • Kasuga Ryūjin 春日龍神 [The Dragon God of Kasuga]. In Yōkyoku Hyakuban 謡曲百番 [One Hundred Noh Plays], Nishino Haruo 西野春雄, ed., SNKBT vol. 57, 1998, pp. 508–13.
  • Kokon Chomonjū 古今著聞集 [Collection of Old and New Stories Heard]. Nagazumi Yasuaki 永積安明 and Shimada Isao 島田勇雄, eds. NKBT, vol. 84. 1966.
  • Konjaku Monogatari shū 今昔物語集 [Tales of Times now Past]. Mabuchi Kazuo 馬淵和夫, Kunisaki Fumimaro 国東文麿 and Inagaki Taiichi 稲垣泰一 (eds.). SNKBZ vols. 35–38. 2003-06.
  • Nihon Ōjō Gokuraku Ki 日本往生極樂記 [A Record of Japanese Rebirth in Paradise] in Ōjōden Hokke Genki 往生伝 • 法華験記 [Accounts of Rebirth and Records of Lotus Miracles]. Inoue Mitsusada 井上光貞 and Ōsone Shōsuke 大曽根章介 eds. NST vol. 7. 1974.
  • Nihon Ryōiki 日本靈異記 [A Record of Miraculous Events in Japan]. Nakada Norio 中田祝夫 ed. SNKBZ vol. 10. 2004.
  • Ōgishō 奥義抄 [Selected Deep Meanings], in Nihon Kagaku Taikei 日本歌学大系, Sasaki Nobutsuna 佐佐木信綱 ed. Vol. 1. Tokyo: Kazama Shobō 風間書房. 1983.
  • Ryōjin Hishō 梁塵秘抄 [Secret Selections of Dust on the Rafters] Usuda Jingorō 臼田甚五郎, Shinma Shin’ichi, Tonomura Natsuko 外村南都子 and Tokue Gensei 徳江元正 ed. 2000. SNKBZ vol. 42.
  • Shijū Hyakuinnen Shū 私聚百因縁集 [Anthology of Numerous Tales of Cause and Condition, Personally Collected] DNBZ vol. 92.
  • Shin Kokin Wakashū 新古今和歌集 [New Collection of Japanese Poems from Ancient and Modern Times]. Minemura Fumito 峯村文人(ed.). 1995. SNKBZ vol. 43.
  • Shūgyokushū 拾玉集 [Gathered Jade Anthology]. Ishikawa Hajimi 石川一 and Yamamoto Hajime 山本一 eds., 2008. Tokyo: Meiji Shoin 明治書院.
  • Shūi Waka Shū 拾遺和歌集 [The Collection of Gleanings of Japanese Poetry]. Komachiya Teruhiko 小町谷照彦 ed. 1990. SNKBT vol. 7.
  • Saigyō Monogatari 西行物語 [A Tale of Saigyō]. In Zoku Gunsho Ruijū 続群書類従, vol. 32A. Zoku Gunsho Ruijū Kanseikai 続群書類従完成会, pp. 375–419. 1984.
  • Tōdaiji Yōroku 東大寺要録 [Essential Records of Tōdaiji]. Tsutsui Eishun 筒井英俊ed. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai 国書刊行会, 1977.
  • Tsutsumi Chūnagon Monogatari 堤中納言物語 [The Riverside Counselor’s Stories]. Inaga Keiji 稲賀敬二 ed. SNKBZ vol. 17, 2008.
  • Uji Shūi Monogatari 宇治拾遺物語 [A Collection of Tales from Uji]. Kobayashi Yasuharu 小林保 and Masuko Kazuko 治増古和子 eds. SNKBZ vol. 50. 2003.
  • Wakan Rōseishū 和漢朗詠集 [Japanese and Chinese Poems to Sing]. Sugano Hiroyuki 菅野禮行 ed. SNKBZ vol. 19. 2008.
  • Yōkyokushū 謡曲集 [Noh Play Collection]. Koyama Hiroshi 小山弘志 and Satō Ken’ichirō 佐藤健一郎 eds. SNKBZ vols. 58-59. 2003.
  • Zoku Honchō Ōjō Den 續本朝往生傳 [Biographies of People who Achieved Rebirth from Our Land, Continued]. In Ōjōden Hokke Genki 往生伝 • 法華験記 [Accounts of Rebirth and Records of Lotus Miracles]. Inoue Mitsusada 井上光貞 and Ōsone Shōsuke 大曽根章介 eds. NST vol. 7. 1974.

Modern Studies and Translations

  • Arntzen, Sonja. 1986. Ikkyū and the Crazy Cloud Anthology. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press.
  • Augustine, Jonathan Morris. 2005. Buddhist Hagiography in Early Japan: Images of Compassion in the Gyōki Tradition. London: Routledge Curzon.
  • Blue Cliff Record, The. Cleary, Thomas (trans.). 1998. Berkeley CA: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research.
  • Borgen, Robert. 2004, “Stone Bridge: A Pilgrimage Performed,” in Performing Cultures in East Asia: China, Korea, Japan, Stanca Scholz-Cionca and Robert Borgen eds. pp. 639–44, special issue of Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques, vol. 58 no. 3, Summer, 2004.
  • Borgen, Robert. (Forthcoming), “A Japanese Pilgrim’s Visit to Wutai in the Winter of 1072”.
  • Brown, Delmar M. & Ishida, Ichirō. 1979. Future and the Past: A Translation and Study of the Gukanshō. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Collection of Tales from Uji, A. Mills, Douglas Edgar (trans.). 1970. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cranston, Edwin. 2006. A Waka Anthology Volume Two: Grasses of Remembrance. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Denecke, Wiebke. 2016. “The Literary Essence of Our Court (Honchō monzui),” in Haruo Shirane, Tomi Suzuki, and David Lurie eds., The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press).
  • Hao Xiangman 郝祥満. 2012. Diaoran yu Songchu de Zhongri Fofa Jiaoliu 奝然与宋初的中日佛法交流 [Chōnen and Sino-Japanese Buddhist Exchange during the Early Song]. Beijing: Shangwu Yinshuguan 商务印书馆.
  • Hare, Thomas. 2002-03, “The Emperor’s Noh Clothes: Medieval Japanese Kingship and the Role of the Child in Noh Drama.” Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 13: 411–425.
  • Hayashiya Tatsusaburō 林屋辰三郎 (ed.). 1973. Kodai Chūsei Geijutsu Ron 古代中世芸術論 [Ancient and Medieval Essays on the Arts]. NST vol. 23.
  • Heianchō Kanbungaku Sōgō Sakuin 平安朝漢文学総合索引 [A Complete Index to Literature in Chinese from the Heian Period]. Heianchō Kanbungaku Kenkyūkai 平安朝漢文学研究会 ed. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan 吉川弘文館. 1987.
  • Heldt, Gustav. 1997. “Saigyō’s Traveling Tale: A Translation of Saigyō Monogatari.” Monumenta Nipponica 52. 4: 467–521.
  • Hirano Sōjō 平野宗浄. 1976. Kyōunshū Zenshaku 狂雲集全釈 [Kyōunshū Completely Annotated]. Tokyo: Shunjūsha 春秋社.
  • Honma Yōichi 本間洋 一. 1994. Honchō Mudaishi Zenchūshaku 本朝無題詩全注釈 [Poems without Topics from Our Court Completely Annotated]. Tokyo: Shintensha 新典社.
  • Ichikawa Hakugen 市川白弦, Iriya Yoshitaka 入谷義高, and Yanagida Seizan. 1991. Myōan Eisai, Ikkyū Sōjun 妙菴栄 • 西一休宗純 vol. 10 of Genten Nihon Bukkyō no Shisō 日本仏教の思想 Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店.
  • Ichiki Takeo 市木武雄. 1993. Baika Mujinzō Chūshaku [Baika Mujinzō Annotated] 梅花無尽蔵註釈. Tokyo: Zoku Gunsho Ruijū Kanseikai 続群書類従完成会.
  • Ii Haruki 井伊春樹. 1996. Jōjin Ajari no Haha no Shū Zenshaku 成尋阿闍梨母集全釈 [The Collection of the Mother of the Ācārya Jōjin Completely Annotated]. Tokyo: Kazama Shobō 風間書房.
  • Kakimura Shigematsu 柿村重松. 1968. Honchō Monzui Chūshaku 本朝文粹註釋 [The Literary Essence of our Court, Annotated]. Tokyo: Fuzanbō 冨山房.
  • Kawaguchi Hisao 川口久雄 and Honchō Reisō wo Yomu Kai 本朝麗藻を読む会 (eds.). Honchō Reisō Kanchū 本朝麗藻簡注 [Elegant Literature of Our Court Annotated Simply]. Tokyo: Benseisha 勉誠社, 1993.
  • Kim, Yung-Hee. 1994. Songs to Make the Dust Dance: The Ryōjin hishō of Twelfth-Century Japan. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Kimiya Yukihiko 木宮之彦. 1983. Nissō Sō Chōnen no Kenkyū 入宋僧奝然の研究 [A Study of Chōnen, a Monk who went to the Song]. Shizuoka: privately published.
  • Mère du révénd Jōjin: Un malheur absolu, La. Frank, Bernard (trans.). 2003. Paris: Éditions Gallimard.
  • McKinney, Meredith. 2002. “A Study of Saigyō monogatari”. PhD. dissertation, Australian National University.
  • Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition. Nakamura, Kyoko Motomochi (trans.). 1973. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Miraculous Tales of the Lotus Sutra from Ancient Japan. Dykstra, Yoshiko Kurata (trans.). 1983. Osaka: Kansai University of Foreign Studies.
  • Miller, Stephen D. 2013. The Wind from Vulture Peak: The Buddhification of Japanese Waka in the Heian Period (with Patrick Donnelly contributing to the translations). Ithaca: East Asian Program Cornell University.
  • Mintzer. Robert Alfred. 1978. “Jōjin Azari no haha shū: Maternal Love in the Eleventh Century, An Enduring Testament”. Ph. D dissertation, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University.
  • Morrell, Robert E. 1973. “The Buddhist Poetry in the Goshūishū”. Monumenta Nipponica 28.1: 87–100.
  • Morrell, Robert E. 1982. “Passage to India Denied: Zeami’s Kasuga Ryūjin”. Monumenta Nipponica 37.2: 179–200.
  • Nakahara, Gladys E. 2003. A Translation of Ryōjinhishō: A Compendium of Japanese Folk Songs (Imayō) from the Heian Period (794-1185). Lewiston NY: The Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Oyler, Elizabeth and Michael Watson (eds.). 2013. Like Clouds or Mists: Studies and Translations of Nō Plays of the Genpei War. Ithaca, New York: East Asia Program, Cornell University.
  • Oyler, Elizabeth. 2016. “Vernacular Histories: Eiga Monogatari, Ōkagami, Gukanshō,” in Haruo Shirane, Tomi Suzuki, and David Lurie eds., The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press).
  • Oyler, Elizabeth. 2016. “The Rise of Medieval Warrior Tales: Hōgen Monogatari and Heiji Monogatari,” in Haruo Shirane, Tomi Suzuki, and David Lurie eds., The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press).
  • Pollack, David. 1985. Zen Poems of the Five Mountains. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company.
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  • Rimer J. Thomas, and Chaves, Jonathan. 1997. Japanese and Chinese Poems to Sing: The Wakan Rōei Shū. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Riverside Counsellor’s Stories, The. Backus, Robert L. (trans.). 1985. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Sakaida Shirō 境田四郎and Wada Katsushi 和田克司(eds.). 1974. Nihon Setsuwa Bungaku Sakuin 日本説話文学索引 [Index to Japanese Tale Literature]. Osaka: Seibundō 清文堂.
  • Sanford, James H. 1981. Zen-Man Ikkyū. Harvard Studies in World Religions no. 2. Chico California: Scholars Press.
  • Shirane, Haruo. 2000. “Introduction: Issues in Canon Formation”. In Haruo Shirane and Tomi Suzuki, eds., 1–27; Inventing the Classics: Modernity, National Identity, and Japanese Literature (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
  • Shimazaki, Chifumi and Stephen Comee. 2012. Supernatural Beings from Japanese Noh Plays of the Fifth Group. Ithaca, New York: East Asia Program, Cornell University.
  • Steininger, Brian. 2017. Chinese Literary Forms in Heian Japan: Poetics and Practice. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center.
  • “Stone Bridge (Shakkyō)”. Borgen, Robert (trans.). 2003. In Japanese Language and Literature 37.2 (Oct. 2003): 105–16.
  • Tabata Ōjun 田畑應順, Taya Raishun 多屋賴俊, Kabutogi Shōkō 兜木正亨, and Teshima Takahiro 手島崇祐. 2014, Heian Jidai no Taigai Kankei to Bukkyō 平安時代の対外関係と佛教. Tokyo: Azekura Shobō 校倉書房.
  • Tale of Flowering Fortunes, A. McCullough, William H. and Helen Craig McCullough (trans.). 1980. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
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  • Three Jewels, The. Kamens, Edward (trans.). 1988. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies.
  • Tomikura Tokujirō 富倉徳治郎. 1987. Heike Monogatari Zenchūshaku [The Tale of the Heike Completely Annotated]. Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten 角川書店.
  • Ueda Setsuo 上田設夫. 2001. Ryōjin Hishō Zenchūshaku 梁塵秘抄全注釈 [Ryōjin Hishō Completely Annotated] Tokyo: Shintensha 新典社.
  • Ury, Marian. 1992. Poems of the Five Mountains. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan.
  • Wang, Zhenping. 1994. “Chōnen’s Pilgrimage to China, 983-986,” Asia Major, 3rd series, 7, pt. 2: 63–97
  • Wetzler, Peter Michael. 1977. “Yoshishige no Yasutane: Lineage, Learning, Office and Amida’s Pure Land.” Ph.D. dissertation, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley. 1765
  • Yamanaka Yutaka 山中裕 (ed.). 1994. Midō Kanpakuki Zenchūshaku 御堂関白記全註釈 [Chancellor Michinaga’s Diary: Complete Annotation and Translation]. Tokyo: Takashina Shoten 高階書店.
  • Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. 1987. Ikkyū Ryōkan [Ikkyū and Ryōkan], vol. 26 of Daijō Butten (Chūgoku Nihon hen) 大乗仏典 (中国 • 日本). Tokyo: Chūō Kōronsha 中央公論社.
  • Yoshihara Hiroto 吉原浩人. 2011. “Yoshishige no Yasutane ‘Chōnen Shōnin Nittō Ji I Bo Shūzen Ganmon” 慶滋保胤「奝然上人入唐時為母修善願文」考 [Yoshishige no Yasutane’s “Prayer for Benefit of the Mother of the Sage Chōnen on the Occasion of his Departure for China]. In Hayashi Masahiko 林雅彦and Koike Jun’ichi 小池淳一(eds.), Shōdō Bunka no Hikaku Kenkyū唱導文化の比較研究 [Comparative Research on the Culture of Proselytising]. Tokyo: Iwata Shoin 岩田書院.

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