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Moving monks and mountains: Chōgen and the cults of Gyōki, Mañjuśrī, and Wutai


Primary sources

  • Antoku Tennō chokusho 安徳天皇勅書 [Emperor Antoku Imperial Edict]. Issued in Emperor Antoku’s (1178–85; r. 1180–85) name, most likely by Retired Emperor Go-Shirakawa 後白河 (1129–92; r. 1155–58), 1181/6. In Tsutsui Kanshū 筒井寬秀, ed., 11–12, Tōdaiji zoku yōroku 東大寺続要録 [Continued Essential Records of Tōdaiji]. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai 国書刊行会, 2013. Also in Kobayashi, Shunjōbō Chōgen shiryō shūsei, 35–36.
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