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Research Article

A (Presumably Chinese) tantric scripture and its Japanese exegesis: the Yuqi Jing 瑜祇經 and the practices of the Yogin



  • DNBZ Dai Nihon Bukkyō zensho 大曰本佛教全書[Complete Collection of Japanese Buddhist Texts]. 151 vols. Edited by Bussho kankōkai 佛書刊行会. Tokyo: Bussho Kankōkai 佛書刊行会, 1912–1922.
  • KDZ Kōbō daishi zenshū 弘法大師全集 [The Complete Writings of Kōbō daishi]. 15 vols. Edited by Sofū senyōkai 祖風宣揚会. Tokyo: Yoshikawa kōbunkan,1909–1910.
  • MDJ Mikkyō daijiten 密教大辞典 [Dictionary of Esoteric Buddhism]. Edited by Mikkyō jiten hensankai 密教辞典編纂会. Kyoto: Hōzōkan 法藏館, 1969–70.
  • NDZ Nihon daizōkyō 日本大蔵經 [The Japanese Buddhist Canon]. 51 vols. Edited by Nakano Tetsue 中野達慧 et al. Tokyo: Nihon daizōkyō hensankai 日本大藏經編纂會, 1914-21.
  • SZ Shingonshū zensho 眞言宗全書 [The Complete Writings of the Shingon School]. 44 vols. Edited by Shingonshū zensho kankōkai 眞言宗全書刊行會. Kōyasan: Shingonshū zensho kankōkai 眞言宗全書刊行會, 1933–39.
  • T Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經 [The Taishō-era Revised Canon], 100 vols. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 et al. Tokyo: Taishō Issaikyō kankōkai 大正一切經刊行會, 1924–35.
  • ZSZ Zoku Shingonshū zensho 續眞言宗全書 [The Complete Writings of Shingon School, Continued], 42 vols. Edited by Zoku Shingonshū zensho kankōkai 續眞言宗全書刊行會. Kōyasan: Zoku Shingonshū zensho kankōkai 續眞言宗全書刊行會, 1988.
  • ZTZ Zoku Tendaishū zenshō 續天台宗全書 [The Complete Writings of the Tendai School, Continued], 15 vols. Edited by Tendai shūtenhensanjo 天台宗典編纂所. Tokyo: Shunjūsha 春秋社, 1987–2000.

Primary sources

  • Dari jing 大日經 [full title: Dapiluzhena chengfo shenbian jiachi jing 大毘盧遮那成仏神変加持經; Skt. Mahavairocana sūtra]. 7 juan. Ttranslated by Śubhākarasiṃha (Shanwuwei 善無畏 [637–735]) and Yixing 一行 (673–727). T no. 848, 18: 1–55.
  • Dari jingshu 大日經疏 [full title: Dapiluzhena chengfo jingshu 大毘盧遮那成仏經疏; A Commentary on the Mahavairocana sūtra]. 20 juan. By Śubhākarasiṃha (Shanwuwei 善無畏 [637–735]) and Yixing 一行 (673–727). T no. 1796, 39: 579–789.
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  • Goshōrai mokuroku 御請來目録 [Catalogue of Texts Brought back by Kūkai].1 kan. By Kūkai 空海 (774-835). T no. 2161, vol. 55.
  • Hakke hiroku 八家秘録 [Full title: Sho ajari shingon mikkyō burui sōroku 諸阿闍梨眞言密教部類總録; Secret Records of the Eight Houses]. 2 kan. By Annen 安然 (841–915?). T no. 2176, vol. 55.
  • Jin’gangfeng louge yiqie yujia yuqi jing/Jp. Kongōbu rōkaku issai yuga yugi kyō 金剛峯楼閣一切瑜伽瑜祇經 [Sūtra of the Yogin [Practicing] Total Union at the Adamantine Peak Pavilion]. 2 juan. Allegedly translated by Vajrabodhi (Jin’gangzhi 金剛智 [671-741]). T no. 867, vol. 18.
  • Kōen hokkegi 講演法華義 [Full title: Nyū shingonmon junyojitsuken kōen hokke ryakugi 入真言門住如実見講演法華略義; Simplified Purports of the Expounded Lotus Sūtra], attributed to Enchin 圓珍 [814-891]. Included in Chishō Daishi zenshū 智証大師全集, Bussho Kankōkai (comp.), Dai Nihon Bukkyō zensho (vols. 25-28), 3: 911-40.
  • Kongōōinryū hiketsu 金剛王院流秘決 [Secrets of the Tradition of the Kongōōin]. Unpublished manuscript, Zentsūji archives, Dozō 土蔵 23–249–13.
  • Nittō shingū shōgyō mokuroku 入唐新求聖教目録 [Catalogue of Newly Discovered Sacred Teachings in the Tang]. 1 kan. By Ennin 圓仁 (794-864). T no. 2167, vol. 55.
  • Reiganji wajō shōrai hōmon dōgu tō mokuroku 靈嚴寺和尚請來法門道具等目録 [Catalogue of Buddhist Texts and Utensils Imported by the Abbot of Reigan Temple]. By Engyō 圓行 (799-852). T no. 2164, vol. 55.
  • Rokugekyōtō mokuroku 錄外經等目錄 [Catalogue of Scriptures and Other Writings not Recorded]. 1 kan. Anonymous. T no. 2175, vol. 55.
  • Shingonshū kyōjigi 眞言宗教時義 [Meaning of Teachings and Times in Shingon]. By Annen 安然 (841–889?). 4 kan. T no. 2396, vol. 75.
  • Shingonshū kyōjigi and Shinshosha shōrai hōmon tō mokuroku: Shingonshū shogaku kyōritsuron mokuroku 眞言宗所學經律論目錄 [Catalogue of Scriptures, Precepts and Treatises for Those Who Study the Shingon Doctrine] (also known as Sangaku roku 三學錄 [Catalogue for Three Kinds of Learning]). 1 kan. By Kukai 空海 (774-835). KDZ 1.
  • Shinshosha shōrai hōmon tō mokuroku 新書寫請來法門等目録 [Catalogue of Teaching Newly Copied and Imported by Shūei]. 1 kan. By Shūei 宗叡 [809-884]. T no. 2174, vol. 55.
  • Taimitsu keigushō 胎密契愚鈔 [A Fool’s Account of the Taizōkai Secret Seals]. 3 kan. Attributed to Dōshō 道照 or Son’en shinnō 尊円親王 (1298-1365). In Mizukami, Taimitsu shisō keisei no kenkyū, 595–670.
  • Yuga yugi hikanshō (瑜伽瑜祇)秘肝鈔 [Treatise on the Secret Core of the Yuqi jing]. 4 kan (one missing). By Monkan 文觀 (1278-1357). Unpublished manuscript, Ninnaji archives.
  • Yugi hiyōketsu 瑜祇秘要決 [Essential Secrets on the Yuqi jing]. 12 kan. By Shōshin 性心 (1287–1357). SZ 5: 137–434.
  • Yugi kaishinshō 瑜祇開心抄 [Revealing the Essence of the Yuqi jing]. 5 kan. Author unknown, Kamakura period. Kanagawa kenritsu Kanazawa bunko (ed.), Kanazawa bunko shiryō zensho, Butten 仏典 6 (Shingon): 131–216.
  • Yugi sōgyō shiki 瑜祇總行私記 [Private Notes on the Practices of the Yuqi jing]. 1 kan. By Shinjaku 真寂法親王 (886−927). T no. 2229, vol. 61: 504–512; NDZ 36 (kyōzōbu, mikkyō ge 2): 243-257.
  • Yugikyō chōmonshō 瑜祇經聴聞抄 [Lecture Notes of the Yuqi jing]. 3 kan. By Chōgō 澄豪 (1259-1350). ZTZ mikkyō 2 (kyōten chūshaku rui 1): 257–355.
  • Yugikyō gijutsu 瑜祇經義述 [Commentary on the Yuqi Jing]. 7 kan. By Yūhan (or Yūban) 宥範 (1843-1920). NDZ 36: 349–460.
  • Yugikyō gyōbō 瑜祇經行法 [full title: Kongōbu rōkaku issai yugi kyō shugyō hō 金剛峯楼閣一切瑜祇經修行法; Method for Practicing the Yuqi jing]). 3 kan. By Annen 安然 (841–889?). T no. 2228, 61: 485–504 (a.k.a. Yugikyōsho祇經疏, NDZ 36: 185-234).
  • Yugikyō gyōbōki 瑜祇經行法記 [Notes on the Method for Practicing the Yuqi jing]. 1 kan. Attributed to Kūkai 空海 (774-835). NDZ 36 (kyōzōbu, mikkyōbu ge 2): 235–241.
  • Yugikyō hidenshō 瑜祇經秘伝抄 [Secret Transmission on the Yuqi jing]. 6 kan. By Yugi 祐宣 (1536–1612). ZSZ 7, 137–54.
  • Yugikyō jūnibon daikō 瑜祇經十二品大綱 [Outline of the Twelve Chapters of the Yuqi jing]. Kanagawa kenritsu Kanazawa bunko (ed.), Kanazawa bunko shiryō zensho 6, Butten 仏典 6 (Shingon): 115–129.
  • Yugikyō kenmon 瑜祇經見聞 [Lecture Notes on the Yuqi jing]. 1 kan. By Enni Ben’en 圓爾辨圓 (1202-80)/Chikotsu Daie 痴兀大慧 (1229–1312). ZTZ mikkyō 2: 205–217.
  • Yugikyō kenmon (daiichi) 瑜祇経見聞 (第一) [Lecture Notes on the Yuqi jing (Part One)]. By Enni Ben’en 圓爾辨圓 (1202-80)/Chikotsu Daie 痴兀大慧 (1229–1312). Abe et al. (eds.), Chūsei zenseki sōkan 12, Kikō zensekishū –zoku, 545–584.
  • Yugikyō kuketsu nukigaki 瑜祇經口決抜き書き [Excerpts on the Oral Secrets of the Yuqi jing]. 8 kan (ending part missing). Lecture by Chōgō 澄豪 (1259-1350) and notes taken by Kōshū 光宗 (1276-1350). ZTZ mikkyō 2: 217-56.
  • Yugikyō shūkoshō 瑜祇經拾古鈔 [Excerpts of Old Commentaries on the Yuqi jing]. 3 kan. By Raiyu 頼瑜 (1226–1304). NDZ 36 (kyōzōbu, mikkyōbu ge 2): 259–347.
  • Yugisotoran hiketsu 瑜祇經祕決 [Secrets on the Yuqi jing]. 2 kan. Attributed to Jitsuun 實運 (1105–1160). SZ 5, 11–26.
  • Yugisotoran kuden 口伝 [Oral Transmissions on the Yuqi jing]. 2 kan. By Dōhan 道範 (1178–1252), SZ 7: 93–134.
  • Yugisotoran kuketsu 口訣 [Oral Decisions on the Yuqi jing]. 5 kan. By Dōhan 道範 (1178–1252), SZ 5: 27–136.
  • Yuqi jing (Jp. Yugikyō) 瑜祇經. See Jin’gangfeng louge yiqie yujia yuqi jing.
  • Zenrinji Shūei sōmokuroku 禅林寺宗叡総目録 [General Catalogue [of the Texts Brought Back] by Shūei of the Zenrinji]. 1 kan. By Shūei 宗叡 (809-884). T no. 2174b, vol. 55.

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