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Chinese and Tibetan Sources on the Dhāraṇī in Roll Seven of the *Śūraṃgama-sūtra




  • B = Dazang jing bubian 大藏經補編. See Secondary Sources, Lan (comp.).
  • BD = Dunhuang Baozang 敦煌寶藏. see Bibliography, Seconday Sources, Huang, ed.
  • Dx. or F. = Dunhuang manuscript collection at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of [дx and ф] Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. Facsimile ed. Ecang Dunhuang wenxian 俄藏敦煌文獻, 17 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1992-2001.
  • P. = Pelliot collection of Dunhuang manuscripts (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris). International Dunhuang Project online database (idp.bl.uk). References to Pelliot chinois unless otherwise noted; e.g., P. Tib.
  • S. = Stein collection of Dunhuang manuscripts (British Library, London). International Dunhuang Project online database (idp.bl.uk).
  • T = Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經. See Bibliography, Secondary Sources, Takakusu & Watanabe, et al., eds.
  • X = (Wan) Xuzang jing (卍)字續藏經. See Bibliography, Secondary Sources, Xinwenfeng chuban gongsi 新文豐出版公司, comp.
  • Z = Zhenyuan xinding Shijiao mulu. See See Bibliography, Primary Sources.

Primary Sources

  • Baqiongshi jinshi buzheng 八瓊室金石補正 [Inscriptions on Ancient Bronzes and Stone Tablets from Eight Jade Room with Addenda and Corrections]. 130 juan. Comp. by Lu Zengxiang 陸增祥 (1806-1882). Xinwenfeng chuban gongsi, comp., Series 1, vols. 6–8.
  • Chanlin sengbao zhuan 禪林僧寶傳 [Chronicles of the Saṃgha Jewel within the Forests of Chan, 1124]. 30 juan. By Juefan Huihong 覺範慧洪 (1071-1128). XZJ no. 1560, vol. 79.
  • Da Foding da tuoluoni 大佛頂大陀羅尼 [Great Dhāraṇī of the Great Buddha’s Sinciput]. 1 juan. Anonymously trans. T no. 944B, vol. 19.
  • Da Foding guangju tuoluoni jing 大佛頂廣聚陀羅尼經 [Dhāraṇī Sūtra of the Buddha’s Sinciput [Delivered to] a Great Assembly]. 4 juan. Anonymously trans. T no. 2021, vol. 19.
  • Da Foding rulai fangguang xidaduo bodaluo da shenli doushe yiqiezhouwang tuoluoni jing Daweide zuizheng jinlun sanmei zhou pin 大佛頂如來放光悉怛多般怛羅大神力都攝一切呪王陀羅尼經大威德最勝金輪三昧呪品 [Section on the Mantra of Yamāntaka’s High Victory Golden Wheel Samādhi from the Great and Powerful Dhāraṇī Sūtra Containing the Mantras of All the Rājas from Sitātapatrā who emanated from the Buddhoṣṇīṣa]. 1 juan. Anonymously trans. T no. 947, vol. 19.
  • Da zhidu lun 大智度論 [Skt. Mahāprajñāpāramitā śāstra; Commentary on the Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra]. 100 juan. Attributed to Nāgārjuna (fl. 2nd c.). Trans. Kumārajīva (Jiumoluoshi 鳩摩羅什; 344-413). T no. 1509, vol. 25.
  • Dafangguang pusazang wenshushili genben yigui jing 大方廣菩薩藏文殊師利根本儀軌經 [(Ārya-)Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa]. 20 juan. Trans. Tianxizai 天息災 (*Devaśanti; a.k.a. *Dharmabhadra [Faxian 法賢]; ?-1000) in the tenth-century. T no. 1191, vol. 20.
  • Foshuo Yuedeng sanmeijing 佛說月燈三昧經 [Skt. *Samādhirāja [candrapradīpasūtra]. 10 juan. Trans. Naliantiyeshe 那連提耶舍 (Narendrayaśas [490-589]). T no. 639, vol. 15.
  • Fozu tongji 佛祖統紀 [Comprehensive History of the Buddhas and Patriarchs]. 54 juan. Comp. Zhipan 志磐 (1220?–1275?) between 1258 and 1269. T no. 2035, vol. 49.
  • Genkō shakusho 元亨釋書 [Buddhist History of the Genkō Era (1321-24)]. 30 kan. Comp. Kokan Shiren 虎關師錬 (1278-1356). B no. 173, vol. 32.
  • Lengyan jing yaojie 楞嚴經要解 [Essential Explanations of the *Śūraṃgama-sūtra]. 20 juan. By Jiehuang 戒環 (active 1120s). XZJ 270, vol. 11.
  • Liangzhe jinshi zhi 兩浙金石志 [Gazetteer of Ancient Bronzes and Stone Inscriptions in Eastern and Western Zhejiang]. 19 juan. Comp. by Ruan Yuan 阮元 (1764-1846); Xinwenfeng chuban gongsi, comp., Series 1, vol. 14.
  • Mizhou yuanyin wangsheng ji 密咒圓因往生集 [Collection of Secret Spells on the Perfect Cause (for Obtaining) Rebirth]. 1 juan. Comp. Zhiguang 智廣 (active 1200s) and Huizhen 慧真 (active 1200s) in 1200. T no. 1956, vol. 46.
  • Modengnü jiexing zhong liushi jing 摩登女解形中六事經 [Sūtra of the Girl Mātaṅgī who Reveals the Six Matters]. 1 juan. Anonymously trans. T no. 552, vol. 14.
  • Modengnü jing 摩登女經 [Skt. Mātaṅga-sūtra]. Trans. An Shigao 安世高 (active 140s-160s) ca. 148-170. T no. 551, vol. 14.
  • Modengqie jing 摩登伽經 [Skt. Mātaṇga-sūtra]. 2 juan. Trans. Zhulüyan 竺律炎 (active 220s-230s) and Zhiqian 支謙 (active 220s-250s) ca. 230. T no. 1300, vol. 21.
  • San Tendai Godaisan ki 参天台五臺山記 [Record of Travels to Mount Tiantai and Wutai]. By Jōjin’s 成尋 (1011-1081). CBETA 2021.Q4, B32, no. 174; references also made to Fujiyoshi, San Tendai Godaisanki (ue) and Shimazu, Jōjin Ajari no haha shū, San Tendai Godaisanki no kenkyū.
  • Sho ajari shingon mikkyō burui sōroku 諸阿闍梨真言密教部類總録 [General Catalog of Esoteric Mantras for the Ācāryas, divided by Categories]. 2 kan. Annen’s 安然 (841?-915), T no. 2176, vol. 55.
  • Shoulengyan jing 首楞嚴經 [*Śūraṃgama-sūtra; Book of the Hero’s March]. 10 juan. Allegedly trans. Bolamidi 般刺 [= 剌] 蜜帝 (Pāramiti; d.u.). T no. 945, vol. 19.
  • Shoulengyan sanmei jing 首楞嚴三昧經 [Skt. Śūraṃgama-samādhi-sūtra]. 2 juan. Trans. Kumārajīva 鳩摩羅什 (344-413). T no. 642, vol. 15.
  • Shoulengyan yishu zhujing 首楞嚴義疏注經 [Commentary on the Shoulengyan jing]. 10 juan. By Zixuan 子璿 (965-1038). T no. 1799, vol. 39.
  • Song Gaoseng zhuan 宋高僧傳 [Song Biographies of Eminent Monks]. 30 juan. By Zanning 贊寧 (919-1001) and others in 988. T no. 2061, vol. 50.
  • Song shi 宋史 [History of the Song dynasty]. 496 juan. Comp. Tuotuo 脫脫 (1314-1355), et al. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 1977.
  • Tuoluoni jijing 陀羅尼集經 [Collected Dhāraṇī Sūtras]. 12 juan. Trans. Adiquduo 阿地瞿多 (Atigupta; Wujigao 無極高; active 650s). T no. 901, vol. 18.
  • Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經 [Skt. Sukhāvatīvyūha]. 2 juan. Trans. Kangsengkai 康僧鎧 (Saṅghavarman [active 250s]). T no. 360, vol. 12.
  • Wuxing jinshi ji 吳興金石記 [Records from Ancient Bronzes and Stone Inscriptions in Wuxing (County)]. 16 juan. Comp. by Lu Xinyuan 陸心源 (1839-1894). Xinwenfeng chuban gongsi, comp., Series 1, vol. 14.
  • Xianmi yuantong chengfo xinyao ji 顯密圓通成佛心要集 [Collection of Essentials for Realization of Buddhahood in the Perfect Penetration of the Exoteric and Secret Teachings]. 2 juan. By Daochen 道㲀 (1056-?). T no. 1955, vol. 46.
  • Yuedeng sanmeijing 月燈三昧經 [Skt. *Samādhirāja [candrapradīpasūtra]. 1 juan. Trans. Xiangong 先公 (of the Liu Song dynasty [320-479]). T no. 641, vol. 15.
  • Yuedeng sanmeijing 月燈三昧經 [Skt. *Samādhirāja [candrapradīpasūtra]. 1 juan. Trans. Xiangong 先公 (of the Liu Song dynasty [320-479]). T no. 640, vol. 15.
  • Zenrin shōkisen 禪林象器箋 [Notes on Images and Implements from the Groves of Zen]. By Mujaku Dōchū 無著道忠 (1653-1745). References made to Yanagida, ed., Zenrin shōkisen, Kattō gosen, Zenrin kushū benbyō.
  • Zhenyuan xinding shijiao mulu 貞元新定釋教目錄 [Newly Revised Catalogue of Buddhist Scriptures made during the Zhenyuan-era]. 30 juan. Comp. by Yuanzhao 圓照 (d. u.), ca. 799 or 800. T no. 2157, vol. 55. Nos. follow the Nanatsudera MS in Miyabayashi & Ochiai, ‘Teigan shinjō shakkyō mokuroku kan dai 29–30’, and Gakujutsu Furontia jikkō iinkai, Nihon genson hasshu issaikyō Taishō mokuroku tsuke Tonkō Bukkyō bunken.

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