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Research Article

Dunhuang was not isolated: examples such as ‘Master Yixing sets up earth-wheel lamps’ and others from Yunnan


  • Beijing tushuguan shan ben zu 北京圖書館善本組 (ed.). Dunhuang jie yu lu xubian 敦煌劫餘錄續編 [Continued Catalogue of Manuscripts from Dunhuang Remaining after the Theft]. Unpublished Manuscript, 1981.
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  • ——————. ‘Mijiao Zhongguohua de jingdian fenxi: Yi Dunhuang ben Jin’gangding yingqing yi, Jin’gangding xiuxi yujia yi he Tanfa yize wei qieru dian’ 密教中國化的經典分析——以敦煌本《金剛頂迎請儀》《金剛頂修習瑜伽儀》和《壇法儀則》爲切入點 [Analyzing Sinicized Esoteric Texts: Using the Dunhuang Manuscripts Jin’gangding yingqing yi, Jin’gangding xiuxi yujia yi, and Tanfa yize as perspectives]. Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies 圓光佛學學報 [Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies] 19 (2012): 141–172; Originally presented at the inaugural International Conference of Esoteric Buddhism 首屆密教國際學術研討會 in April 2010, it is also included in Hou, Hanchuan Fojiao, Zongjiao yishi yu jingdian wenxian zhi yanjiu: Hou Chong zixuanji漢傳佛教, 宗教儀式與經典文獻之研究——侯沖自選集 [Studies on Chinese Buddhism, Religious Rituals, and Canonical Texts: A Collection of Hou Chong’s Self-chosen articles], 33-59. Taipei: Boyang wenhua shiye youxian gongsi 博揚文化事業有限公司, 2016.
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  • ——————. Baizu xinshi: ‘Bai gu tongji’ yanjiu 白族心史——《白古通記》研究 [A Heart History of the Bai People: Studies on the Chronicles of the Ancient Bai Kingdom]. Kunming: Yunnan minzu chubanshe 雲南民族出版社, 2002 (1st edition); Kunming: Yunnan renmin chubanshe 雲南人出版社, 2011 (2nd edition).
  • ——————. ‘Baimi’ hezai?: Yunnan Hanchuan Fojiao jingdian wenxian yanjiu ‘白密’ 何在——雲南漢傳佛教經典文獻研究 [Where is ‘Esoteric Buddhism of the Bai People’?: Studies on Chinese Buddhist Texts from Yunnan]. Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe 廣西師範大學出版社, 2017.
  • ——————. (trans. Ilia Mozias & Meir Shahar). ‘The Chinese Origins of Dali Esoteric Buddhism’. In Chinese and Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism, edited by Yael Bentor and Meir Shahar, 389–401. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
  • ——————. Zhongguo Fojiao yishi yanjiu: Yi zhaigong yishi wei zhongxin 中國佛教儀式研究——以齋供儀式爲中心 [Studies of Chinese Buddhist Rituals: Centering on Ritual Feasts and Offerings]. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社, 2018.
  • Huang Huang 黃璜. ‘Xiaozai jing kao’ <消災經>考 [A Study on the Ending Calamities Sūtra]. Dunhuang yanjiu 敦煌研究 [Dunhuang Studies] 5 (2018): 77–84.
  • Kuo Li-ying (=Guo Liying) 郭麗英. ‘Dunhuang Hanchuan Mijiao jingdian yanjiu: Yi Jin’gangjun jing weili’ 敦煌漢傳密教經典研究: 以<金剛峻經>爲例 [Studies on Chinese Esoteric Buddhist Texts at Dunhuang: Using Jin’gangjun Jing as an Example]. Dunhuang Tulufan yanjiu 敦煌吐魯番研究 [Studies of Dunhuang and Turfan] 7 (2004): 327–337.
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  • Lü Jianfu 吕建福. Zhongguo Mijiao shi 中國密教史 [History of Chinese Esoteric Buddhism]. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe 中國社會科學出版社, 1995.
  • Ren Jiyu 任繼愈, ed. Guojia tushuguan cang Dunhuang yishu 國家圖書館藏敦煌遺書 [Dunhuang Manuscripts Collected in the Natioanl Libray of China]. 146 vols. Beijing: Guojia tushuguan chubanshe 國家圖書館出版社, 2011.
  • Schmid, Neil. ‘Concept of the Netherworld and Modifications in the Chinese Articulation of Karma’. In Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia, edited by Charles D. Orzech, Henrik Hjort Sørensen, and Richard K Payne, 245–250. Boston: Brill, 2011.
  • Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館 & Shanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社, eds. Shanghai tushuguan cang Dunhuang Tulufan wenxian xulu 上海圖書館藏敦煌吐魯番文獻· 敘錄 [Dunhuang Turfan Manuscripts and Records in the Shanghai Library Collection]. 34 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社, 1999.
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  • Tanaka Kimiaki 田中公明. Tonkō Mikkyō to bijutsu 敦煌密教と美術 [Esoteric Buddhism and Art in Dunhuang]. Kyoto: Hōzōkan 法藏館, 2000.
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  • ——————. Tonkō Zenshū bunken no kenkyū 敦煌禪宗文獻の研究 [Studies of Dunhuang Zen Texts]. Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha 大東出版社, 1983.
  • Ueyama Daishun 上山大峻. Tonkō Bukkyō no kenkyū 敦煌佛教の研究 [Studies of Dunhuang Buddhism]. Kyoto: Hōzōkan 法藏館, 1990.
  • Ye Mingsheng 葉明生. ‘Shilun “Yujiajiao” zhi yanbian jiqi shisuhua shixiang’ 試論 ‘瑜伽教’ 之衍變及其世俗化事象 [Thoughts on Yujiajiao’s Transformation and Its Popularization]. Foxue yanjiu 佛學研究 [Buddhist Studies] (1999): 256–264.
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