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Dark wind for seven days and nights: a Chinese apocalyptic disaster



  • MQMJ = Ming Qing minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian. See Secondary Sources, Wang and Lin, eds.
  • SYFZ = Song Yuan fangzhi congkan 宋元方志叢刊. See Secondary Sources.
  • T = Taishō shinshū daizōkyō. See Secondary Sources, Takakusu and Watanabe, eds.
  • XXSK = Xuxiu siku quanshu 續修四庫全書. See Secondary Sources.

Primary sources

  • Gaoshang yuhuang benxing jijing 高上玉皇本行集經 [Combined Scripture of the Founding Acts of the Jade Emperor on High]. 1 juan. Author unknown. Early 13th century. Reference made to Zhang, Zhengtong daozang, Vol. 2.
  • Guangdong tongzhi 廣東通志 [Comprehensive Gazetteer of Guangdong]. 30 juan. Compiled by Quan Guangzu 金光祖 and others, 1697.
  • Huangji jindan jiulian zhengxin guizhen huanxiang baojuan 皇極金丹九蓮正信皈眞還鄉寳卷 [The Precious Scroll of Rectifying Beliefs, Returning to the Truth, and Returning to the True Home of the Nine-Petalled Lotus of the August Ultimate and Golden Elixir]. Author and precise date of compilation unknown. In MQMJ, Vol. 4.
  • Huangyan xianzhi 黄巖縣志 [Gazetteer of Huangyan County]. 40 juan. Compiled by Wang Yongni 王詠霓 and others, 1877.
  • Jiading chicheng zhi 嘉定赤城志 [Gazetteer of Chicheng from the Jiading year period (1208–1224)]. 40 juan. Compiled by Chen Qiqing 陳耆卿, 1223. In SYFZ, vol. 7.
  • Longhuajing 龍華經 [Dragon Flower Scripture]. No juan division. Author unknown, circa late 17th century. In MQMJ, vol. 5.
  • Menghan zazhuo 夢厂雜著 [Mixed Writings from the Cliff of Dreams]. 10 juan. By Yu Jiao 俞蛟 (fl. 1774–1801). 1801 preface. Reprinted in XXSK.
  • Menglin xuanjie 夢林玄解 [Deep Explanations of the Forest of Dreams]. 34 juan. By Shao Yong 邵雍 (1011–1077). Reprinted in XXSK.
  • Mengzhan yizhi 夢占逸旨 [Remarkable Meanings of Dream Prognostication]. 8 juan. By Chen Shiyuan 陳士元 (1516–1597). Reprinted in XXSK.
  • Pingshan xianzhi 平山縣志 [County Gazetteer of Pingshan]. 8 juan. Compiled by Guo Chengxian 郭程先 and others, 1854.
  • Qifo bapusa suoshuo da tuoloni shenzhou jing 七佛八菩薩所說大陀羅尼神呪經 [Great Dhāraṇī or Divine Spell Sūtra Spoken by the Seven Buddhas and Eight Bodhisattvas]. No juan division. Author or translator unknown, roughly 317 to 420 CE. T no. 1332, vol. 21.
  • Soushen ji 搜神記 [Record of the Search for the Divine]. 20 juan extant. By Gan Bao 干寳 (fl. late 3rd century–336). References are made to Wang Shaoying 汪紹楹 ed., Soushenji 搜神記 [Record of the Search for the Divine]. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 1979.
  • Taiping guangji 太平廣記 [Extensive Records from the Yearperiod of the Newly Arisen Nation in Great Peace (976–984)]. 500 juan. Compiled by Li Fang 李昉 (925–996) and others, 978. References are made to Li Fang, Taiping guangji 太平廣記. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 1959 or subsequent reprints.
  • Taishang jiuzhen miaojie jinlu duming bazui miaojing 太上九真妙戒金籙度命拔罪妙經 [Marvellous Scripture for Salvation and the Redemption of Sins through the Golden Register of the Marvellous Commandments of the Nine True Men]. Author unknown, from the Tang period. References are made to Zhang, Zhengtong daozang, vol. 5.
  • Taishang zushi sanshi yinyou zonglu 太上祖師三世因由總錄 [Overall Record of the Circumstances Under which the Three Patriarchs On-High Travelled Around and Taught]. Author unknown, 1683. Reference made to MQMJ, vol. 6.
  • Wugong mojie jing 五公末劫經 [Scriptures of the Five Lords on the Apocalypse]. Author unknown, date unknown. This edition was originally printed in 1903. References are made to Pu, comp., Minjian baojuan, vol. 8.
  • Xuantian shangdi qishenglu 玄天上帝啟聖錄 [Record of the Revelations of Saintliness by the Supreme Emperor of Dark Heaven]. Author unknown, early 14th century. References made to Zhang, Zhengtong daozang, vol. 32.
  • Xuxiu Taizhou fuzhi 續修台州府志 [Sequel to the Prefectural Gazetteer of Taizhou]. 140 juan. Compiled by Yu Changlin 喻長霖 and others, 1936.

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