CrossRef citations to date
Thematic Cluster: Reflections of Covid-19

Advising and controling: science communication at a crossroads



  • Airhart, M. 2020. “Antibodies from Llamas Could Help in Fight Against COVID-19.” UT News.
  • Baird, D., and I. Hacking. 1988. “Representing and Intervening: Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Natural Science.” Noûs. doi:10.2307/2215864.
  • Bauer, M. W. 2009. “The Evolution of Public Understanding of Science – Discourse and Comparative Evidence.” Science, Technology and Society 14 (2): 221–240. doi: 10.1177/097172180901400202
  • Bourdieu, P. 1984. Question de sociologie, Reprise, les éditions de Minuit. Paris: Les éditions de Minuit.
  • Byerly, C. M. 2013. The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Journalism. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Cachán Alcolea, C. G. C. 2014. Manual de buenas prácticas periodísticas: recomendaciones para los profesionales de información de salud. Madrid: Aula Nebrija-MSD de Ciecnia y Comunicación.
  • Collins, H., and R. Evans. 2002. “The Third Wave of Science Studies: Studies of Expertise and Experience.” Social Studies of Science 32 (2): 235–296. doi: 10.1177/0306312702032002003
  • Cueto, M. 2020. “La Covid-19 y las epidemias del neoliberalismo.” El País, 27 March. https://elpais.com/ciencia/2020-03-27/la-covid-19-y-las-epidemias-del-neoliberalismo.html.
  • Scheufele, D. A. 2000. “Agenda-Setting, Priming, and Framing Revisited: Another Look at Cognitive Effects of Political Communication.” Mass Communication & Society 3 (2–3): 297–316. doi: 10.1207/S15327825MCS0323_07
  • Suldovsky, B., A. Landrum, and N. J. Stroud. 2019. “Public Perceptions of Who Counts as a Scientist for Controversial Science.” Public Understanding of Science 28 (7): 797–811. doi:10.1177/0963662519856768.
  • Wrapp, D., D. De Vlieger, K. S. Corbett, G. M. Torres, N. Wang, W. Van Breedam, K. Roose, et al. 2020. “Structural Basis for Potent Neutralization of Betacoronaviruses by Single-domain Camelid Antibodies.” Cell. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2020.04.031.