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Blind Hierarchism and Radical Organizational Forms

Pages 379-395 | Published online: 18 Aug 2010

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  • Wolin inspects this equation in state of nature arguments, particularly in Locke, in "Fugitive Democracy," pp. 19-21.
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  • Thucydides . "The Civil War in Corcyra," ” . In The Peloponnesian War 236 – 245 . which Hobbes translated as his first publication.
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  • Habermas , J. 1992 . "Further Reflections on the Public Sphere," ” . In Habermasand the Public Sphere , Edited by: Calhoun , C. 421 – 461 . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . It is for this reason that he admonished German students in the 196Os-J. Habermas, Towards a Rational Society: Student Protest, Science, and Politics (London: Heinemann, 1971-and constantly warns against "the avenging force of the lifeworld," asserting that deliberative fora "do not govern," should be "self-limiting," and should not engage themselves inappropriately in controlling the economy. See particularly
  • Blaug , R. 1999 . Democracy, Real and ideal: Discourse Ethics and Radical Politics , 115 – 117 . 125 143 – 145 . 148 Albany : State University of New York Press . Regarding the use of certain "unfair" practices where they have been agreed upon in open discussion, see
  • Marshall , P. 1993 . "Pierre-Joseph Proudhoru The Philosopher of Poverty," ” . In Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism , 234 – 262 . London : Fontana . Anarchist thought has long argued that the rejection of hierarchy does not result in a "tyranny of structurelessness." See, for example,
  • Goodwyn , L. 1981 . "Organizing Democracy: The Limits of Theory and Practice," . Democracy , 1 One of which is the question of whether anti-institutional movements can ever prevent themselves being transformed into hierarchical organizations, on which see ); R. Blaug, "Engineering Democracy," forthcoming in Political Studies.
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