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Major Trends in Symbolic Interaction Theory in the Past Twenty-five Years

  • Apple, D. Learning Theory and Socializations,” American Sociological Review, 16: 23–27 (Feb., 1951). Comment by J. Gillin, American Sociological Review, 16: 384 (June 1951).
  • Argyris, C. “The Fusion of an Individual with the Organization,” American Sociological Review, 19: 267–72 (June, 1954).
  • Becker, Ernest. “Socialization, Command of Performance, and Mental Illness,” American Journal of Sociology, 67: 484–501(, Mar., 1962).
  • Becker, Howard S. “Problems of Inference and Proof in Participant Observation,” American Sociological Review, 23: 652–60 (Dec., 1958).
  • Becker, Howard S., and Carper, James. “The Elements of Identification with an Occupation,” American Sociological Review, 21: 341–48 (June, 1956).
  • Becker, Howard S., and Geer, Blanche. “The Fate of Idealism in Medical School,” American Sociological Review, 23: 50–56 (Feb., 1958).
  • Blau, Zena Smith. “Changes in Status and Age Identification,” American Sociological Review, 21: 198–203 (Apr., 1956).
  • Blumer, Herbert. Sociological Analysis and the ‘Variable,’ American Sociological Review, 21: 683–90 (Dec., 1956).
  • Boggs, Stephen T. “An Interactional Study of Ojibwa Socialization,” American Sociological Review, 21: 191–98 (Apr., 1956).
  • Bordua, David J. “Authoritarianism and Intolerance of Nonconformists,” Sociometry, 24: 198–216 (June, 1961).
  • Brim, Orville J., Jr. “Family Structure and Sex Role Learning by Children: A Further Analysis of Helen Koch's Data,” Sociometry, 21: 1–16 (Mar., 1958).
  • Brown, J. C. “An Experiment in Role-taking,” American Sociological Review, 17: 587–97 (Oct., 1952).
  • Bucher, Rue, and Strauss, Anselm. “Professions in Process,” American Journal of Sociology, 66: 325–34 (Jan., 1961).
  • Burke, Kenneth. A Grammar of Motives. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1945.
  • Burke, Kenneth. A Rhetoric of Motives. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1950.
  • Cameron, Norman. The Psychology of Behavior Disorders. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1947.
  • Cartwright, Rosalind Dymond, Seeman, Julius, and Grummon, Donald L. “Patterns of Perceived Interpersonal Relations,” Sociometry, 19: 166–77 (Sept., 1956).
  • Clark, John P. “Measuring Alienation Within a Social System,” American Sociological Review, 24: 849–52 (Dec., 1959).
  • Coates, Chas. H., and Pellegrin, Roland J. “Executives and Supervisors: Contracting Self-Conceptions and Conceptions of Each Other,” American Sociological Review, 22: 217–20 (Apr., 1957).
  • Crowin, Ronald G. “A Study of Identity in Nursing,” Sociological Quarterly, 2: 69–86 (Apr., 1961).
  • Couch, Carl J. “Self-Attitudes and Degree of Agreement with Immediate Others,” American Journal of Sociology, 63: 491–96 (Mar., 1958).
  • Couch, Carl J. “Family Role Specialization and Self-Attitudes in Children,” Sociological Quarterly, 3: 115–21 (Apr., 1962).
  • Cottrell, L. A., Jr. “The Adjustment of the Individual to His Age and Sex Roles,” American Sociological Review, 7: 617–20 (Oct., 1942).
  • Cottrell, L. A., Jr. “The Analysis of Situational Fields in Social Psychology,” American Sociological Review, 7: 370–82 (June, 1942).
  • Cottrell, L. A., Jr. “Some Neglected Problems in Social Psychology,” American Sociological Review, 15: 705–12 (Dec., 1950).
  • Coutu, Walter. Emergent Human Nature. New York: Knopf, 1949.
  • Coutu, Walter. “Role-Playing vs. Role-Taking: An Appeal for Clarification,” American Sociological Review, 16: 180–87 (Apr., 1951). Comment by J. L. Moreno, American Sociological Review, 16: 550–51 (Aug., 1951).
  • Dai, B. “A Socio-Psychiatric Approach to Personality Organization,” American Sociological Review, 17: 44–49 (Feb., 1952).
  • Dai, B. “Personality Problems in Chinese Culture,” American Sociological Review, 6: 688–96 (Oct., 1941).
  • Davis, James A. “A Formal Interpretation of the Theory of Relative Deprivation,” Sociometry, 22: 280–96 (Dec., 1959).
  • Deutsch, Morton, and Solomon, Leonard. “Reactions to Evaluations by Others as Influenced by Self-Evaluations,” Sociometry, 22: 93–112 (June, 1959).
  • Dick, Harry R. “The Office Worker: Attitudes toward Self, Labor and Management,” Sociological Quarterly, 3: 45–56 (Jan., 1962).
  • Dinitz, Simon, Mangus, A. R., and Passamanick, Benjamin. “Integration and Conflict in Self-Other Conceptions as Factors in Mental Illness,” Sociometry, 22: 44–55 (Mar., 1959).
  • Faris, R. E. L. Social Psychology. New York: Ronald Press, 1952.
  • Faris, R. E. L. “Sociological Causes of Genius,” American Sociological Review, 5: 689–99 (Oct., 1940).
  • Foote, Nelson N. “Anachronism and Synchronism in Sociology,” Sociometry, 21: 17–29 (Mar., 1958).
  • Foote, Nelson N. “Identification as a Basis for a Theory of Motivation,” American Sociological Review, 16: 14–21 (Feb., 1951). Comment by R. Bendix, American Sociological Review, 16: 22 (Feb., 1951).
  • Garretson, Wynona Smutz. “The Consensual Definition of Social Objects,” Sociological Quarterly, 3: 107–13 (Apr., 1962).
  • Gerth, Hans, and Mills, C. Wright. Character and Social Structure. New York: Harcourt Brace and Co. 1953.
  • Getzels, J. W., and Guba, E. G. “Role, Role Conflict and Effectiveness: An Empirical Study,” American Sociological Review, 19: 164–75 (Apr., 1954).
  • Glaser, Daniel. “Criminality Theories and Behavioral Images,” American Journal of Sociology, 61: 433–44 (Mar., 1956).
  • Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday Anchor, 1959.
  • Goldhamer, H. “Recent Developments in Personality Studies,” American Sociological Review, 13: 555–65 (Oct., 1948).
  • Gough, H. G. “A New Dimension of Status: I. Development of a Personality Scale,” American Sociological Review, 13: 401–9 (Aug., 1948).
  • Gross, Neal, Mason, Ward S., and McEachern, Alexander W. Explorations in Role Analysis: Studies of the School Superintendent Role. New York: Wiley, 1958.
  • Halbwachs, M. “Individual Psychology and Collective Psychology,” American Sociological Review, 3: 615–23 (Oct., 1938).
  • Heider, Fritz. The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations. New York: Wiley, 1958.
  • Hyman, H. The Psychology of Status (Archives of Psychology, vol. 38, no. 269, 1942).
  • Ichheiser, G. “Structure and Dynamics of Interpersonal Relations,” American Sociological Review, 8: 302–5 (June, 1943).
  • Jackson, Jay. “Reference Group Processes in a Formal Organization,” Sociometry, 22: 307–27 (Dec., 1959).
  • Kohn, Melvin L. “Social Class and the Exercise of Parental Authority,” American Sociological Review, 24: 352–66 (June, 1959).
  • Kohn, A. Robert, and Fiedler, Fred E. “Age and Sex Differences in the Perceptions of Persons,” Sociometry, 24: 157–64 (June, 1961).
  • Kuenzli, Alfred E. (ed.). The Phenomenological Problem. New York: Harper, 1959. Papers by Combs, Snygg, McLeod, Brewster Smith, Jessor, et al.
  • Lemert, Edwin M. Social Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill, 1951.
  • Lindesmith, A. R. “The Drug Addict as a Psychopath,” American Sociological Review, 5: 914–20 (Dec., 1940).
  • Littman, Richard A., Moore, Robt. C. A., and Jones, John Pierce. “Social Class Differences in Child Rearing: A Third Community for Comparison with Chicago and Newton,” American Sociological Review, 22: 694–704 (Dec., 1957).
  • Lundy, Richard M. “Self Perceptions and Descriptions of Opposite Sex Sociometric Choices,” Sociometry, 19: 272–77 (Dec., 1956).
  • Lundy, Richard M. “Self Perceptions Regarding M-F and Descriptions Same and Opposite Sex Sociometric Choices,” Sociometry, 21: 238–46 (Sept., 1958).
  • McKee, John P., and Sherriffs, Alex C. “Men's and Women's Beliefs, Ideals, and Self-Concepts,” American Journal of Sociology, 64: 356–63 (Jan., 1959).
  • McPartland, T. S., Cumming, John H., and Garretson, Wynona S. “Self-Conception and Ward Behavior in Two Psychiatric Hospitals,” Sociometry, 24: 111–24 (June, 1961).
  • Mead, George Herbert. Mind, Self, and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1934.
  • Mead, George Herbert. Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936.
  • Mead, George Herbert. The Philosophy of the Act. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938.
  • Merrill, Francis. “Stendhal and the Self: A Study in the Sociology of Literature,” American Journal of Sociology, 66: 446–53 (Mar., 1961).
  • Merton, Robert K., and Skitt, Alice S. “Contributions to the Theory of Reference Group Behavior,” in R. K. Merton and P. F. Lazarsfeld, (eds.), Continuities in Social Research: Studies in the Scope and Method of “The American Soldier.” Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1950.
  • Mills, C. Wright. “Language, Logic and Culture,” American Sociological Review, 4: 670–80 (Oct., 1939).
  • Mills, C. Wright. “Situated Actions and Vocabularies of Motive,” American Sociological Review, 5: 904–13 (Dec., 1940).
  • Miyamoto, S. Frank, and Dornbusch, Sanford M. “A Test of Interactionist Hypotheses of Self-Conception,” American Journal of Sociology, 61: 399–403 (Mar., 1956).
  • Motz, A. B. “The Role Conception Inventory: A Tool for Research in Social Psychology,” American Sociological Review, 17: 465–71 (Aug., 1952).
  • Mullahy, Patrick. The Contributions of Harry Stack Sullivan. New York: Hermitage House, 1952.
  • Nathanson, Maurice. The Social Dynamics of George H. Mead. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1956.
  • Pfuetze, Paul E. The Social Self. New York: Bookman Associates, 1954.
  • Phillips, Bernard S. “A Role Theory Approach to Adjustment in Old Age,” American Sociological Review, 22: 212–17 (Apr., 1957).
  • Reckless, Walter C., Dinitz, Simon, and Murray, Ellen. “Self Concept as an Insulator Against Delinquency,” American Sociological Review, 21: 744–46 (Dec., 1956).
  • Reckless, Walter C., Dinitz, Simon, and Kay, Barbara. “The Self Component in Potential Delinquency and Potential Non-Delinquency,” American Sociological Review, 22: 566–70 (Oct., 1957).
  • Rose, Arnold, (ed.). Human Behavior and Social Processes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1962.
  • Rosengren, William R. “The Self in the Emotionally Disturbed,” American Journal of Sociology, 66: 454–62 (Mar., 1961).
  • Sarbin, Theodore, “Role Theory,” in Gardner Lindzey, (ed.), Handbook of Social Psychology (Cambridge, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., 1945), vol. 1, ch. 6, pp. 223–58.
  • Schuessler, K. F. and Strauss, A. “A Study of Concept Learning by Scale Analysis,” American Sociological Review, 15: 752–62 (Dec., 1950).
  • Shibutani, Tamotsu. Society and Personality. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1961.
  • Simpson, Richard L., and Simpson, Ida Harper. “The Psychiatric Attendant: Development of an Occupational Self-Image in a Low-Status Occupation,” American Sociological Review, 24: 389–92 (June, 1959).
  • Slater, Philip E. “Parental Role Differentiation,” American Journal of Sociology, 67: 296–311 (Nov., 1961).
  • Strauss, Anselm. Mirrors and Masks: The Search for Identity. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1959.
  • Stryker, Sheldon. “Role-Taking Accuracy and Adjustment,” Sociometry, 20: 286–96 (Dec., 1957).
  • Sullivan, Harry Stack. “A Note on the Implications of Psychiatry. The Study of Interpersonal Relations for Investigations in the Social Sciences,” American Journal of Sociology, 42: 846–61 (May, 1937).
  • Sullivan, Harry Stack. “Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry,” Psychiatry, 3: 1–117 (1940).
  • Sullivan, Harry Stack. Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry. Washington: Wm. A White Psychiatric Foundation, 1947.
  • Sullivan, Harry Stack. The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry. New York: Norton, 1953.
  • Swanson, Guy E. “Mead and Freud: Their Relevance for Social Psychology,” Sociometry, 24: 319–39 (Dec., 1961).
  • Tagiuri, Renato, and Petrullo, Luigi (eds.). Person Perception and Interpersonal Behavior. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1958.
  • Tremmel, Wm. C. The Social Concepts of George Herbert Mead. Emporia State Research Studies, Kansas State Teachers College vol. 5, no. 4 (June, 1957).
  • Troyer, W. L. “Mead's Social and Functional Theory of Mind,” American Sociological Review, 11: 198–202 (Apr., 1946).
  • Turner, R. H. “Moral Judgment: A Study in Roles,” American Sociological Review, 17: 70–77 (Feb., 1952).
  • Turner, R. H. “Self and Other in Moral Judgment,” American Sociological Review, 19: 249–59 (June, 1954).
  • Videbeck, Richard. “Self-Conception and the Reactions of Others,” Sociometry, 23: 351–59 (Dec., 1960).
  • Videbeck, Richard, and Bates, Alan P. “An Experimental Study of Conformity to Role Expectations,” Sociometry, 22: 1–11 (Mar., 1959).
  • Watson, Jeanne. “A Formal Analysis of Sociable Interaction,” Sociometry, 21:269–80 (Dec., 1958).
  • White, L. A. “Culturological vs. Psychological Interpretations of Human Behavior,” American Sociological Review, 12: 686–98 (Dec., 1947).
  • Whorf, Benjamin Lee. Language, Thought and Reality. New York: Wiley and the Technology Press of MIT, 1956.
  • Wylie, Ruth. The Self Concept: A Critical Survey of Pertinent Research Literature. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1961.

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