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Pages 273-277 | Published online: 18 Jul 2013

Bibliography Library History

  • Balenstiefen, Angelika, 'Orte medialer Wirksamkeit: zur Eigenart und Funktion der Bibliotheken Rom', in Blumenthal and Schmitz, op. cit., pp. 123-60.
  • Blumenthal, Elke, 'Privater Buchbesitz im pharaonischen Agypten', in Blumenthal and Schmitz, op. cit., pp. 51-86.
  • Blumenthal, Elke, and Wolfgang Schmitz, eds, Bibliotheken im Altertum, WolfenbUt-teler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens, 45 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011).
  • Boyd, C. Trenton, ‘The Lost History of American Veterinary Medicine: The Need for Preservation’, Journal of the Medical Library Association, 99 (2011), 8-14 doi:10.3163/1536-5050.99.1.004>.
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  • Cambers, Andrew, Godly Reading: Print, Manuscript and Puritanism in England, 1580-1720 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011). Chapter 4, 'Reading the Library', pp. 118-57, discusses various types of libraries.
  • Egremont, Max, ‘The Friends of the National Libraries: A Short History’, The Book Collector, 60 (2011), 191-204.
  • Elliott, J. E., ‘The Cost of Reading in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Auction Sale Catalogues and the Cheap Literature Hypothesis’, ELH: English Literary History, 77 (2010), 353-84 doi:10.1353/elh.0.0087>.
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  • Honeybone, Diana, and Michael Honeybone, eds, The Correspondence of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society 1710-1761, Publications of the Lincoln Record Society, 99 (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2010). Includes several references to the Spalding Gentlemen's Society Library and to libraries in general.
  • Houfe, Simon, ‘A Taste for the Decorative: Jeremy Mass's Victorian Books’, The Private Library, 3 (2010), 70–77.
  • Houfe, Simon, ‘Anne Buck at the Times Book Club, 1933-8’, The Book Collector, 60 (2011), 85-92.
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  • Kaproncszay, Katalin, László András Magyar, and Constance E. Putnam, ‘The Library of the Royal Society of Physicians in Budapest Becomes Today's Sem-melweis Medical History Library’, Journaly of the Medical Library Association, 99 (2011), 31-39 doi:10.3163/1536-5050.99.1.007>.
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  • Moate, Gerard G., ‘The “Lost” Library of William Burkitt, 1650-1703’, The Library, 12. (2011), 119-41 doi:Io.I093/library/I2.2.119>.
  • Müller, Carl Werner, `Griechische Büchersammlungen und Bibliotheken vom sech-sten Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis in hellenistische Zeit', in Blumenthal and Schmitz, op. cit., pp. 101-22.
  • Paulus Jr., Michael J., ‘The Converging Histories and Futures of Libraries, Archives, and Museums as Seen through the Case of the Curious Collector Myron Eells’, Libraries & the Cultural Record, 46 (2011), 185-205 doi:10.1353/lac.2011.0008>.
  • Roffman, Karin, From the Modernist Annex: American Women Writers in Museums and Libraries (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2010).
  • Schlechter, Armin, `Klassische lateinische Literatur in der Bibliotheca Palatina', in Blumenthal and Schmitz, op. cit., pp. 251-70.
  • Schmitz, Wolfgang, ‘Horst Kunz: Bibliothekar, Buchwissenschaftler und Bibliophiler im Sozialismus. 2.5.81909-15.11.2009-’, Leipziger Jahrbuch zur Buchge-schichte, 19 (2010), 335-60.
  • Shales, Ezra, Made in Newark: Cultivating Industrial Arts and Civic Identity in the Progressive Era (New Brunswick: Rivergate Books, 2010). About the reconfiguring of Newark's library at the beginning of the twentieth century.
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  • Towheed, Shafquat, Rosalind Crone and Katie Halsey, eds, The History of Reading: A Reader (London: Routledge, 2011). A collection of previously published essays, including a section on ‘Reading Communities’ pertaining to libraries.
  • Vestermark, J., ‘History of the Rise and Progress of the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library at Yale University’, Art Libraries Journal, 36 (2011), 5–11.
  • Welch, Bryan, ‘The Library and Bookplate of Sir Richard Francis Burton’, The Bookplate Journal, 9 (2011), 39-43.
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Information History

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