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A botanical biography of Professor Paul Richards C.B.E.

Pages 323-370 | Published online: 18 Jul 2013


  • Anon. 1944. The British Bryological Society. Nature 153: 768.
  • Anon. 1947. Report of the Annual Meeting 1946 (Appleby). Transactions of the British Bryological Society 1: 47–49.
  • Anon. 1949. News and Views. [Appointment of Prof. P.W. Richards to Chair of Botany at Bangor]. Nature 163: 354–355.
  • Anon. 1977. New honorary members of the Society. British Ecological Society: Bulletin 8: 5.
  • Anon. 1990. Paul Richards and Korup National Park, Cameroun. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 55: 32–33.
  • Asprey GF. 1971. Review of: Richards PW. The Life of the Jungle. Journal of Ecology 59: 309.
  • Banwell AD, Sowter FA. 1965. Leslie Batten Currie Trotter (1882-1964) [Obituary with photograph]. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 836–837.
  • Brenan JPM. 1952. Plants of the Cambridge Expedition, 1947-1948: II. A new order of flowering plants from the British Cameroons. Kew Bulletin 227–236.
  • Catcheside DG. 1983. The stone that is rolling can gather no moss. In: Perry AR, ed. Reminiscences of some members of the British Bryological Society. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 42: 19. Crum H, Richards PW. 1984 119851. New and interesting mosses from Costa Rica. Journal of Bryology 13: 193–200.
  • Dalby DH. 1970. Honorary Membership of B.B.S., Professor Paul Richards. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 15: 3.
  • Davis TAW, Richards PW. 1933. Vegetation of Moraballi Creek, British Guiana: an ecological study of a limited area of tropical rain forest. Part I. Journal of Ecology 21: 350–384.
  • Davis TAW, Richards PW. 1934. Vegetation of Moraballi Creek, British Guiana: an ecological study of a limited area of tropical rain forest. Part II. Journal of Ecology 22: 106–155.
  • Dixon HN. 1896. The student's handbook of British mosses. Eastbourne: Sumfield & Day.
  • Dixon HN. 1924. The student's handbook of British mosses. 3rd Edition. Eastbourne: Sumfield & Day, 135.
  • Druce GC. 1919 [1920]. Editor's report for 1919. Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles 5: 682.
  • Druce GC. 1922. The Mosses and Liverworts of Oxfordshire. Ashrnolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire, Proceedings and Report for 1921: 25–63 [12].
  • Duckett JG. 1977. The Annual Meeting, [Bangor] 1976. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 29: 4.
  • Duckett JG, Soni SL. 1972. A scanning electron microscope study of leaf surfaces of some species of Scapania Dum. (Hepaticae). Journal of Bryology 7: 75–79.
  • Edwards SR. 1979. Taxonomic implications of cell patterns in haplolepidous moss peristomes. In: Clarke GCS, Duckett JG, eds. Bryophyte Systematics. London, Academic Press, 317–346.
  • Edwards SR. 1980. A revision of West Tropical African Calymperaceae. I. Introduction and Calymperes. Journal of Bryology 11: 49–93.
  • Galston AW, Richards PW. 1984. Terrestrial plant ecology and forestry: an overview. In: Westing AH, ed. Herbicides in war. The long-term ecological and human consequences. London: Taylor & Francis [A publication of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute], 39–42.
  • Gradstein SR, Richards PW. 1986. Frans Verdoorn (1906-1984), and his contribution to bryology [Obituary including photographs and list of bryological publications]. Journal of Bryology 14: 203–213.
  • Greene SW. 1957. The British species of the Plagiothecium denticulatum-P. silvaticum group. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 181–190.
  • Greig-Smith P. 1954. Notes on Lejeuneaceae. II. A quantitative assessment of criteria used in distinguishing some British species of Lejeunea. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 458–469. Anon. 1982. Handbook of the Cambridge University Natural Science Club 1872-1982. 66.
  • Hill MO. 1988. A bryophyte flora of North Wales. Journal of Bryology 15: 377–491.
  • Hingston RWG. 1930. The Oxford University expedition to British Guiana [Meeting held July 1929]. Geographical Journal 76: 1–24.
  • Hingston RWG. 1932. A naturalist in the Guiana forest. London: Arnold.
  • Jacobs M. 1980. II. Obituaries and biographical notes. Flora Malesiana Bulletin 33: 3362-3373 [pp. 3365–3373].
  • Jones EW. 1958. An annotated list of British hepatics. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 353–374.
  • Jones EW. 1983. In: Perry AR, ed. Reminiscences of some members of the British Bryological Society. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 42: 23–27.
  • Jones EW. 1991. What am I – botanist, forester, physiologist, ecology [ecologist] or taxonomist? (Abstract). Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 57: 12.
  • Jones V, Richards PW. 1962. Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. Biological Flora of the British Isles. Journal of Ecology 50: 475–487.
  • Klinge H. 1966. Podzol jubilee. Nature, London 211: 557–558.
  • Lang A, et al. 1974. Effects of herbicides in South Vietnam. A. Summary and Conclusion. Washington: National Academy of Sciences.
  • Lightowlers P. 1991. The Paper Reading Meeting, 1990, Cambridge. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 57: 11–16.
  • Margadant WD, Richards PW. 1972. Notes on Johnson's names for bryophytes and lichens (Appendix III). In: Gilmour JSL, ed. Thomas Johnson. Botanical Journeys in Kent and Hampstead. (A facsimile reprint with Introduction and translation of his Iter Plantarum 1629, Descriptio Itineris Plantarum 1632). Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: The Hunt Botanical Library, 147–150.
  • Metcalfe CR. 1952. Medusandra richardsiana Brenan. Anatomy of the leaf, stem and wood. Kew Bulletin 237–244.
  • O'Shea B. 1990. Tropical bryology group – Progress. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 55: 28-29. O'Shea B. 1991. Tropical bryology group – Progress in 1990. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 57: 26–27.
  • Ochyra R. 1986a. On the taxonomic position of Sciaromium lacustre Herz. & Rich. in Rich. Journal of Bryology 14: 109–115.
  • Ochyra R. 1986b. Richardsiopsis lacustris (Herz. & Rich.) Ochyra, comb. nov. Journal of Bryology 14: 113. Ochyra R. 1986c. Richardsiopsis Ochyra, gen. nov. Journal of Bryology 14: 111.
  • Proctor MCF. 1956. A bryophyte flora of Cambridgeshire. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 1–49.
  • Ramsay HP. 1969. Cytological studies on some mosses from the British Isles. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 62: 85–121.
  • Ratcliffe DA. 1968. An ecological account of Atlantic bryophytes in the British Isles. New Phytologist 67: 365–439.
  • Richards PW. 1919 [1920]. (Note by GC Druce) Allium sibiricum L. Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles 5: 682.
  • Richards PWM. 1923. A preliminary moss-flora of Glamorgan. Transactions of the Cardiff Naturalists' Society 55: 44–53.
  • Richards PWM. 1928. Ecological notes on the bryophytes of Middlesex. Journal of Ecology 16: 269–300.
  • Richards PW. 1929. Notes on the ecology of the bryophytes and lichens at Blakeney Point, Norfolk. Journal of Ecology 17: 127–140.
  • Richards PW. 1932a. The Bryophyta of Wicken Fen. In: Gardiner JS, ed. The natural history of Wicken Fen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 539–543.
  • Richards PW. 1932b. Ecology. In: Verdoorn F, ed. Manual of bryology. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 367–395.
  • Richards PW. 1936 [1937]. A collection of bryophytes from the Azores. Annales Bryologici 9: 131–138.
  • Richards PW. 1937. Telaranea nematodes (Gottsche) Howe, found in Ireland, (including characters). Report of the British Bryological Society 4: 61–62.
  • Richards PW. 1938. Telaranea, a genus of hepatics, new to Europe, discovered in Ireland. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 150: 116–117.
  • Richards PW. 1939. Ecological studies on the rain forest of Southern Nigeria. I. The structure and floristic composition of the primary forest. Journal of Ecology 27: 1–61.
  • Richards PW. 1940. Literature on the ecology of bryophytes published since 1932. Journal of Ecology 28: 245–248.
  • Richards PW. 1941. Lowland tropical podsols and their vegetation. Nature 148: 129–131.
  • Richards PW. 1942. [Confidential] Report on supplies of Alder Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula) in England and Wales.
  • Report to the Ministry of Supply.
  • [Richards PW I. 1944-45 [1946]. Biological observations on bryophytes. Report of the British Bryological Society 4: 307–308.
  • Richards PW. 1945. Annual Meeting of the British Bryological Society, 1946 [Appleby]. Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique, Nouvelle Serie 15: 216–217.
  • Richards PW. 1946a. Annual Meeting of the British Bryological Society, 1946 [Held at Appleby. PW
  • Richards noted as author in Contents to Volume 49 but not in article itself]. Bryologist 49: 99–100.
  • Richards PW. 1947a. Calypogeia Meylanii Buch, new to Britain. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 1: 17–18.
  • Richards PW. 1947b. The cultivation of mosses and liverworts. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 1: 1–3.
  • [Richards PWI 1947. Biological observations on Bryophytes. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 1: 64.
  • Richards PW, Wallace EC. 1950. An annotated list of British mosses. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 1: i-xxxi (following p. 426, as an appendix to part 4).
  • Richards P. 1950a. A book of mosses. London: Penguin Books.
  • Richards PW. 1950b. Bryophyta. Chambers Encyclopaedia, New Edition 2: 615–616.
  • Richards PW. 1950c. Liverwort. Chambers Encyclopaedia, New Edition 8: 621–622.
  • Richards PW. 1950d. Moss. Chambers Encyclopaedia, New Edition 9: 504–505.
  • Richards PW. 1950e. Sphagnum. Chambers Encyclopaedia, New Edition 13: 88.
  • Richards PW. 1952a. Juncaceae. In: Clapham AR, Tutin TG, Warburg EF, eds. Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1240–1258.
  • Richards PW. 1952b. Notes on African mosses. I. Andreaea camerunensis sp. nov. and other mosses mostly from Nigeria and the British Cameroons. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 66–70.
  • Richards PW. 1952c. The tropical rain fbrest. An ecological study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards PW. 1955. University College of North Wales, Bangor. New science buildings. Nature 176: 527–529.
  • Richards PW. 1956. Progress of the Biological Flora. Nature 177: 1162.
  • Richards PW, Wallace EC. 1956. W.R. Sherrin (1871-1955) [Obituary including bibliography]. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 132–135.
  • Richards PW. 1957. The progress of the Biological Flora. In: Lousley JE, ed. Progress in the study of the British Flora. Arbroath: Buncle & Co, 40–44.
  • Richards PW. 1958. Famous plants [MD] 9, the liverwort, Marchantia. New Biology [Penguin Books] . 27: 87–108 [with 3 photographs].
  • Richards PW. 1962. Juncaceae. In: Clapham AR, Tutin TG, Warburg EF, eds. Flora of the British Isles, 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 983–997.
  • Richards PW. 1963. The tropics: 2. Plant life. The Encyclopedia Americana 27: 151–153.
  • Richards PW, Argent GCG. 1968. Notes on African mosses. IV. New and interesting species mostly from Nigeria and the Cameroons. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 573–586.
  • Richards PW. 1969a. Speciation in the tropical rain forest and the concept of the niche. Journal of Ecology (Tropical Group) 57: 3P–4P (follows p. 854).
  • Richards PW. 1969b. Speciation in the tropical rain forest and the concept of the niche. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society of London 1: 149–153.
  • Richards PW. 1970. The life of the jungle. Our Living World of Nature series. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Richards PW. 1971a. Report to The Royal Society (RSVP/3970/71). Visiting Professor to Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, January-April 1971,1–9.
  • Richards PW. 1971b. Some problems of nature conservation in the tropics. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique 41: 173–187.
  • Richards PW. 1972a. The flora of Hampstead Heath, 1597-1971 (Part 6: Introduction). In: Gilmour JSL, ed. Thomas Johnson. Botanical Journeys in Kent and Hampstead. (A facsimile reprint with Introduction and translation of his her Plantarum 1629, Descriptio Itineris Plantarum 1632). Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: The Hunt Botanical Library, 15–19.
  • Richards PW. 1972b. Hedwig, Johann. In: Gillispie CC, ed. Dictionary of scientific biography. Volume 6. New York: Scribner, 218–220.
  • Richards PW. 1973. The tropical rain forest. Scientific American 229 (6): 58–67.
  • Richards PW. 1974a. Biological productivity. In: Section ‘Ecosystems’, subsection ‘Jungles and Rain Forests’. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica 15th edition 17: 1034–1035.
  • Richards PW. 1974b. Biotic Factors. In: Section ‘Ecosystems’, subsection ‘Jungles and Rain Forests’. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica 15th edition 17: 1031–1034.
  • Richards PW. 1974c. Hedw. and Schp. Biographical notes on Johann Hedwig and Wilhelm Philipp Schimper (Abstract). Journal of Bryology 8: 181.
  • Richards PW. 1975a. Doomsday for the world's tropical rain forests? UNESCO Courier 28: 16-24,32.
  • Richards PW. 1975b. Schimper, Wilhelm Philipp. In: Gillispie CC, ed. Dictionary of scientific biography. Volume 12. New York: Scribner, 168–169.
  • Richards P, Richards A. 1975. Contribution in: Humphrey Gilbert-Carter. A Memorial Volume. University Botanic Garden: Cambridge, 14–15.
  • Richards PW. 1977. Robert Hooke's chapter on mosses (Abstract). Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 29: 4–5.
  • Richards PW. 1978a. Pasoh in perspective. Malayan Nature Journal 30: 145–148.
  • Richards PW. 1978b. Report to The Royal Society. Inter University Council Visiting Professor to the University of Ibadan, Nigeria (November 1977-March 1978).
  • Richards P. 1979. Sir Edward Salisbury (1886-1978): An appreciation. British Ecological Society Bulletin 10: 30–31.
  • Richards PW. 1981. Robert Hooke on mosses. Occasional Papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany 16: 137–146.
  • Richards PW. 1983. The British Bryological Society 1923-1983. British Bryological Society, Pamphlet distributed at Jubilee Meeting, 1983, and later included in: British Bryological Society, Special Volume 1, Cardiff The British Bryological Society [see also same title in Richards 1984 and 1985] 1-7 (with Erratum insert).
  • Richards PW. 1984a. The bryologically underworked regions of the world, with special reference to West Africa and a proposal for a Bryologia Africana. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 55: 165–172.
  • Richards PW. 1984b. The ecology of tropical forest bryophytes. In: Schuster RM, ed. New Manual of Bryology, Vol. 2. Nichinan, Japan: The Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 1233–1270.
  • Richards PW. 1984c. The forests of South Viet Nam in 1971-1972. A personal account. Environmental Conservation 11: 147–153.
  • Richards PW. 1984d. Sciaromium lacustre Herzog & Richards, sp. nov., a deep-water moss from Lake Titicaca (South America), with notes on its ecology. Journal of Bryology 13: 33–38.
  • Richards P. 1987. E.C. (Ted) Wallace (1909-1986) [Obituary including photograph and list of bryological publications]. Journal of Bryology 14: 603–608.
  • Richards PW, Whitehouse HLK. 1988. Fifty years of the Cambridge bryological excursions [with v.c. records list and with photographs on inside front and back covers]. Nature in Cambridgeshire 30: 41–49.
  • Richards PW. 1988a. John Turner at Cambridge. In: Clifford HT, ed. Cambridge-Castlemaine. A tribute to John Stewart Turner on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Queensland, Australia: Dept of Botany University of Queensland, 43–44.
  • Richards PW. 1988b. The original editors of the Biological Flora. British Ecological Sociey: Bulletin 19: 179–180.
  • Richards PW, Whitehouse HLK. 1990. Fifty years of the Cambridge bryological excursions [with v.c. records list]. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 55: 39–47.
  • Richards PW. 1991. My first steps in tropical bryology (Abstract). Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 57: 12.
  • Richards PW. 1994. Richard Spruce (1817-1893), the man. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 63: 54–58.
  • Richards PW. 1995a. David Catcheside (1907-1994) [Obituary including photograph and list of bryologi-cal publications]. Journal of Bryology 18: 833–835.
  • Richards P. 1995b. Early memories of G.C. Druce. BSBI News 68: 18–19.
  • Richards PW. 1996a. The tropical rain forest. An ecological study. 2nd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards PW. 1996b. Two letters from Spruce to Braithwaite about the illustrations to Hepaticae Amazonicae Andinae. In: Seaward MRD, FitzGerald SMD, eds. Richard Spruce ( 1817-1893). Botanist and explorer. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, 151–155.
  • Rieley JO. 1971. The effect of canopy and bryophyte layer on the amount and chemical composition of the precipitation in a sessile oakwood (Abstract). Transactions of the British Bryological Society 6: 390.
  • Rieley JO, Richards PW, Bebbington ADL. 1979. The ecological role of bryophytes in a North Wales woodland. Journal of Ecology 67: 497–527.
  • Rilstone F. 1949. A bryophyte flora of Cornwall. III. Hepaticae. Addenda (Musci). Transactions of the British Bryological Society 1: 165 [156-165].
  • Schroeter C. 1908. Das Pflanzenleben der Alpen. Zurich: Albert Rausten.
  • Scott GAM. 1985. Southern Australian liverworts. Canberra: Australian Government Printing Services.
  • Scott GAM. 1987. Studies in ancient bryology. I. Introduction and liverworts to 1500 A.D. Journal of Bryology 14: 625–634.
  • Scott GAM. 1988. Studies in ancient bryology. II. Mosses to 1500 A.D. Journal of Bryology 15: 1–15.
  • Scott GAM, Stone IG. 1976. The mosses of Southern Australia. London: Academic Press.
  • Sheail J. 1987. Seventy-five years in ecology: The British Ecological Society. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
  • Sheail J. 1988. Seventy-five years in ecology. British Ecological Sociey: Bulletin 19: 241–244.
  • Skuja H. 1944. Untersuchungen fiber die Rhodophyceen des Stisswassers, X. Im Stisswasser vetretene Formen aus den Gattungen Ballia Harvey und Ptilothamnion Thuret. Acta Horti Botanici Universitatis (Riga) 14: 35–44 [plus drawings].
  • Smith AJE, Newton ME. 1966. Chromosome studies on some British and Irish mosses. I. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 117–130.
  • Smith AJE, Newton ME. 1967. Chromosome studies on some British and Irish mosses. II. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 245–270.
  • Smith AJE, Newton ME. 1968. Chromosome studies on some British and Irish mosses. III. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 463–522.
  • Smith AJE. 1978. The moss flora of Britain & Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Smith AJE. 1990. The liverworts of Britain & Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Southwood R. 1987. Dwain Westmacott Richards (1901-1984). Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 33: 539–571.
  • Stevenson EH. 1944-45[19461. Report of meeting held in September 1945. Report of the British Bryological Society 4: 244–245.
  • Tansley AG. 1953. Review of: Richards PW, The tropical rain forest: An ecological study. Journal of Ecology 41: 393–398.
  • Taylor FJ. 1954. Bryophyte county floras. I. The Channel Islands, England and Wales. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 446–457.
  • Taylor FJ. 1955. Bryophyte county floras. II. Scotland and Ireland. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 539–551.
  • Turrill WB. 1953. Review of: Richards PW, The tropical rain forest: An ecological study. Nature 172: 177–178.
  • Watson EV. 1955. British mosses and liverworts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2nd and 3rd editions, 1968 and 1981).
  • Watson W, Richards PW. 1929. Lichens. In: Oliver FW, ed. Report of the Blakeney Point Research Station, 1927-1929. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 12: 630–653 [645-647].
  • Whitmore TC. 1980. Review of: Richards PW, The tropical rain forest [Paperback edition, 1979]. New Phytologist 85: 325.
  • Whitmore TC. 1989. Forty years of rain forest ecology. 1948-1988 in perspective. Geo Journal 19.4: 347–360.

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