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Menai Bridge (1818–1826) and its influence on Suspension Bridge Development

Pages 87-110 | Published online: 31 Jan 2014


  • Finley, J. A description of the chain bridge. Union Town: 1811. 3.
  • Drewry, C.S. A memoir on suspension bridges. 1832. 13.
  • Fletcher, R. and Snow J.P. "A history of the development of wooden bridges." Trans.Am.Soc.CE (1933). Paper 1864. 326.
  • Paxton, R.A. The influence of Thomas Telford...on the use of improved constructional materials in civil engineering practice. 1975. 381, (eqn.2). (Thesis in Heriot-Watt Univ. and I.C.E. libraries).
  • Finley, J. op.cit. 4–5.
  • Finley, J. "A description of the patent chain bridge." The Portfolio, new series, Philadelphia and New York. 1810(June). III. No.6. frontis.
  • Monthly Magazine 1808 (Nov.). 344.
  • ibid. 1811 (May). 361.
  • Gentleman's Magazine 1811 (Sept). 275.
  • Pope, T. A treatise on bridge architecture. New York: 1811. A copy bearing Telford's signature is in LCE. library.
  • Telford, T. "Report respecting Runcorn Bridge...13 March 181 Z". Report of the Select Committee. Warrington: 1817. 11.
  • Papers relating to a bridge over the Menai Strait. P.P., H.C. 1819 (60)V. 4.
  • Provis, W.A. An historical and descriptive account of the suspension bridge constructed over the Menai Strait.... 1828, 8. From a copy published at ten guineas with proof plates marked "No. 9" on the half title and inscribed in Provis's hand to the Holyhead Road Commissioner "Sir Thomas Mostyn Bart, M.P. with the respectful compliments of the Author.'
  • Paxton, R.A. op.cit. 120–1.
  • Telford, T. "...Report to the... Treasury, respecting the great roads, from Holyhead through North Wales. 22 April 1811.". Report from Committee on Holyhead Roads. 30 May 1811. P.P., H.C. 1810-11(197)111. 27–8, pill.
  • Telford, T. "Method of constructing an iron bridge.". Jrnl. of Nat. Phil. ed. Wm. Nicholson 1813(May). XXXV.
  • Loudon, J.O.. "Design for a bridge across the Mersey at Runcorn.". Annals of Phil. 1818(Jan.). XI, 14–27, pl.
  • Anderson, J. Report relative to a design for a chain bridge...over the Frith of Forth at Queensfeny. Edinburgh: 1818. Telford's complimentary copy is at the LC.E. library.
  • Seward, J. "On suspension chain bridges.". Phil.Mag. LAW See Mech.Mag. 1824. I. 389.
  • Stevenson, R. "Description of bridges of suspension.". Edin.Phil.Jrnl. V. 1821. 242. pl.VIII.
  • Camden, W. Britannia. Trans. R. Gough. 1789. II, 417.
  • Ware, S. Tracts on vaults and bridges. 1822. III. 31–43, p1.1.
  • Dumbell, J. A letter to...the Mayor of Liverpool relative to a bridge at Runcorn. 1813.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 13.
  • Dumbell, J. op.cit. 26–7.
  • Nickson, C. History of Runcorn... Warrington: 1887. 181.
  • Telford, T. MS. pocket book "Runcorn Bridge" (1814–17). LC.E. library.
  • Telford, T. "Report respecting Runcorn Bridge...13 March 181 7.". op.cit. 13–14.
  • ibid. 12, pl.
  • (Telford, T.) M.S. calculations "Runcorn Bridge, dimensions and estimate., 1814. "Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust. Almost certainly in the hand of W.A. Provis with annotations by Telford.
  • Telford, T. Life of...containing a descriptive narrative of his professional labours.... 1838. p1.83, part.
  • Barlow, P. An essay on the Strength and Stress of Timber. 1817. pin, part.
  • ibid 228.
  • Telford, T. "Supplementary report. Runcorn Bridge. 22 July 181 7." Report of the Select Committee. Warrington: 1817. 15.
  • Papers relating to a bridge. op.cit. 14.
  • Barlow, P. op.cit. 232–7..
  • Telford, T. "Report respecting Runcorn Bridge...13 March 181 7.". op.cit. 15.
  • Telford, T. Life of.. op.cit. 546.
  • Barlow, P. op.cit. 226.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 16.
  • Dumbell, J. op.cit. 22.
  • (Telford, T.) MS. calculations "Latchford Bridge, dimensions, estimate &c. I814.". Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust. Almost certainly in the hand of W.A. Provis with annotations by Telford.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 17.
  • Telford, T. Part of an original drawing, 22 July 1817. Telford folio of drawings 1810–30. L 17. I.C.E. library.
  • Papers relating to a bridge. op.cit. 7.
  • Telford, T. Life of... op.cit. 547.
  • Liverpool Mercury 9 Sept. 1814.
  • ibid. 11 Oct. 1816.
  • ibid. 1 Nov. 1816.
  • Report of the Select Committee. (Runcorn Bridge). Warrington: 1817, 4–5.
  • Brown, Capt. S. MS. patent ( Scottish). 1818. Scottish R.O., Edin. C 20/18/15.
  • Brown, Capt. S. "On the proposed plan of erecting a patent wrought-iron bridge of suspension over the Thames...". Technical Repository 1824. V. 292.
  • Dutens, J. Memoires sur les travaux publics d7'Angleterre. 1819. p1.9.
  • Dupin, C. The commercial power of Great Britain. 1825. I, 379.
  • Patent No.4137, 10 July 1817.
  • Loudon, J.C. op.cit. 19.
  • Repertory of Arts, 2nd series. 1805. VIL 90–3.
  • Runcorn Bridge. Subscription paper. Liverpool R.O. Holt & Gregson MS S. 4.
  • Touzeau, J. The rise and progress of LiverpooL. Liverpool: 1912. 780.
  • (Telford, T.) MS. note of meeting "Runcorn Bridge 20th May 1817". I.G.M.T.
  • Fletcher, J. MS. ltr. to Telford. 2 Apr. 1817. I.C.E. T/H0.15.
  • Telford, T. "Supplementary report. Runcorn Bridge. 22 July 1817.". op.cit. 17–18.
  • ibid. 21.
  • Papers relating to a bridge. op.cit. 10–11.
  • Runcorn Transporter Bridge - Souvenir booklet. 1905. n.p.
  • Gibb, Sir A. The story of Telford. 1935. 170.
  • Papers relating to a bridge. op.cit. 3–4, pl.
  • Provis, W.A. op.ciL p1.1, part.
  • A plan and view of a chain bridge bridge erecting over the Menai at Bangor Ferry. J. Taylor. 1820. cont. aquatint with dimensions, weights and other details.
  • Papers relating to a bridge. op.cit. 15–16.
  • ibid. 13.
  • ibid 12.
  • Second report from Committee on Holyhead Roads.... P.P., H.C. 1810–11(252)111. 43.
  • Compiled from MSS. T/H0.92,94-5 I.C.E. library and Holyhead Road Commissioners accounts WORK 6, 83. P.R. O. (Kew).
  • Telford, T. Life of.. op.cit. 584.
  • Smiles, S. Lives of the Engineers. 1861. II. 459.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 18.
  • ibid. 22.
  • ibid 25.
  • Third report from the Select Committee on the road from London to Holyhead. P.P., H.C. 1819(256)V. 25–6, pl.
  • ibid 32.
  • ibid 27–8.
  • Further estimate, &c., Miscellaneous services for the year 1823. P.P., H.C. 1823(429)X111. 66.
  • Gilbert, D. "On some properties of the catenation curve with reference to bridges by suspension.". Qrtly. JrnL of Science...Royal Instn. 1821(Jan.). X. 230–5.
  • Provis, W.A. op.ciL p1.10, part.
  • ibid. 47.
  • Hodgkinson, E. "A few remarks on Menai Bridge.". Memoirs of the Lit. & Phil. Soc. of Manchester, 2nd series. 1831. V. 404.
  • Chapman, W. Report on the projected patent wrought iron suspension bridge across the River Tyne at North and South Shields. Newcastle' 1825. 6.
  • Telford, T. MS. ltr to D. Gilbert 13 March 1826. Royal Inst. of Cornwall, Truro.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 105.
  • Ware, S. op.cit. 27–30.
  • Probably originating from Rouse's table. See Smeaton J. Experimental Inquiry Concerning the Natural Powers of Wind. 2nd ed. 1796. 60.
  • Telford, T. Life of.. op.cit. 684.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 47–8.
  • ibid. 27.
  • ibid 33,40.
  • ibid. 41.
  • ibid 51–2.
  • ibid. 30.
  • Rolt, L.T.C. Thomas Telford. Scientific Book Club. 1959. 123.
  • Telford, T. Life of.. op.cit. 229.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 56.
  • Minutes of the Holyhead Road Commissioners 30 June 1824. MS. P.R.0.(Kew). WORK 6, 80.
  • Wilkins, C. The history of the Iron, Steel... Trades of Wales. Merthyr Tydfil. 1903, 135.
  • Minutes of the Holyhead Road Commissioners 22 Apr. 1826. MS. P.R.0.(Kew). WORK 6, 80.
  • Abstract of expenditure on Menai Bridge. MS. I.C.E. library. T/ H0.92.
  • Holyhead Road Commissioners accounts. MS. P.R.O. (Kew). WORK 6,83.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 34.
  • This chain bar is now mounted on the boardroom wall of Telford College, Edinburgh.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 87.
  • ibid p1.4, part.
  • ibid. 90.
  • Rhodes, T. Ltr. to Telford 23 Oct. 1825. MS. I.C.E. library. T/H0.88.
  • Rhodes, T. Ltr. To Telford 30 Dec. 1825. MS. I.C.E. library. T/H0.101.
  • Rhodes, T. Ltr. to Telford 8 Jan. 1826. MS. I.C.E. library. T/HO. 104.
  • Rhodes, T. Ltr. to Telford 10 Feb. 1826. MS. LC.E. library. T/HO. 115.
  • Rhodes, T. Ltr. to Telford 20 Feb. 1826. MS. I.C.E. library. T/HO 124.
  • Provis, W.A. op.cit. 75.
  • Pasley, C.W. "Description of the Suspension Bridge at Montrose.". Trans.I.C.E. 1839. IIL pt.III. 227.
  • Drewry, C S. op.cit. 63.
  • Telford, T. "Report 17 June 1826.". Report of His Majesty's Postmaster-General ...mail road between Lon-don and Liverpool. HMSO. 1826. 12.
  • Gibb, Sir A. op.cit. 247.
  • Pugsley, Sir A. The works of Isam bard Kingdom Brunel. An engineering appreciation. 1976. 52.
  • Provis, W.A. "Observations on the effects produced by wind on the suspension bridge over the Menai Strait". Trans.1. CE. 1824. III. pt.V. 360 pl.
  • ibid. 362–5.
  • Holyhead Road Commissioners accounts. MS. P.R.0. (Kew). WORK 6, 88 f.34.
  • Maude, T.J. "Account of alterations...Menai Bridge.". Trans.I.CE. 1842. IIL pt.V. 374, pl.XVII, part.
  • Maunsell, G.A. "Menai Bridge reconstruction.". JrnLLCE. 1945-6(Feb.). 168.
  • Tudsbery, H.T. & Gibbs A.R. "An account of the examination of the Menai Suspension Bridge.". Min.Proc.LCE 1923–4. CCXVIL Pt.1. 215.
  • ibid 233.
  • Maunsell, G.A. op.cit. 197.
  • Tudsbery, H.T. and Gibbs A.R. op.cit. 218.
  • Photo. by courtesy of the proprietor of the Antelope Inn, Menai Bridge.
  • Pasley, C.W. op.cit. 219–20.
  • Sykes. J. Local Records. Newcastle: 1833. IL 281.
  • Hodgkinson, E. "Appendix to the paper on the chain bridge at Broughton.". Memoirs of the Lit. & Phil. Soc. of Manchester, 2nd series. 1831. V. 545–53.
  • Mechanics' Magazine. London: 1831. XIV. 320.
  • ibid 1833. XVHL 211.
  • Weale, J. ed. The Theory, Practice and Architecture of bridges. 1843. p1.90
  • civil Engineer and Architect's Jrnl. 1841. W. 205.
  • Drewry, CS. op.cit. 82–8.
  • Brunel, L The life of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. 1870. Reprint, 1971. 59–60, pl.H.
  • Mechanics' Magazine 1850. LIL 329.
  • Clark, W.T. An account...of the suspension bridge...uniting Pesth with Buda. 1852–3.
  • Now maintained by Stiathclyde Regnl. Cncl. Links re-headed and deck reconstructed.
  • Dredge, J. Thames Bridges. (1897). 52.
  • Brunel, L op.cit. 46–58.
  • Brown, Capt. S. Plan and elevation of the patent iron bar bridge...at New Waterford near Berwick. J. Taylor. 1822. cont. aquatint with dimensions and other details.
  • Telford, T. Life of.. op.cit. p1.70, with dimensions and other details.
  • Cresy, E. An Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering. 1847. 507, 509-17.
  • Stevenson, R. op.cit. 249.
  • Paxton, R.A. op.cit. 382–93, stress calculations.
  • Porter, Goff R.F. D. "Brunel and the design of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.". Proc.I.C.E. 1974(Aug). 56. pt.l. 314.
  • Navier, C.L.M.H. Rapport a Monsieur Becquey...et melnoire sur les ponts suspendus. Paris: 1823. 19–23.
  • Drewry, C.S. op.cit. 97.
  • Pugsley, Sir A. op.cit. 62.
  • Civil Engineer and Architect's Jrnl. 1845. VIII. 250.
  • Robison, J. A system of Mechanical Philosophy. Edinburgh: 1822. L 71. (written in 18th. cent.)
  • Loudon, J.C. op.cit 18.
  • Ware, S. op.cit. 145–68.
  • Gregory, O. Mathematics for Practical Men. 1825. 177–8.
  • ibid 2nd. ed. 1832.
  • Hodgkinson, E. "A few remarks on the Menai Bridge.". op.cit. 398–406.
  • civil Engineer and Architect's Jrnl. 1838. L 317.

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