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The Works of John Smeaton—A Chronological Survey

Pages 37-54 | Published online: 31 Jan 2014


  • Most of this section is based on the records of the Calder and Hebble Navigation formerly in the custody of the British Transport Commission and now in the Public Record Office. For a general account see also C. Hadfield, The Canals of York-shire and North East England. Newton Abbot, 1972, Chap. 2. I am also indebted to Dr. W. N. Slatcher for much help and information.
  • Single page report (1757) by Smeaton, Designs, 6, f. 14v. Also Reports, I, 20.
  • J. Smeaton comments on a paper by Eide Siade Johans on new type of sluice. Read to Royal Society 31 May 1753.
  • British Transport Historical Records (B.T.H.R.), CHN 2/1, Smeaton to Commissioners, Austhorpe, 16 January 1759.
  • 'Wearing' was the local term for sheet piling river banks.
  • The locks were designed for boats 5714 feet by 14 feet.
  • Letter to Pringle, Coldstream Bridge Committee, 15 October 1764. County Surveyor's Office, Northumberland County Council.
  • Designs, 6, ff. 37–49.
  • Reports, I, 39–48.
  • Doncaster Corporation, Courtiers (vol. 4), 63. Smeaton was paid £26 for his work. Brindley obtained 8 guineas.
  • Reports, I, pp. 52–54.
  • Information from Professor A. W. Skempton based on Potterick Carr Trustees Minutes.
  • R. Went, Reports, I, 123, Snow Sewer: Reports, I, 130, Womersley, Reports, I, 127: Misterton Sas, Reports, I, 130.
  • I.C.E. London, Smeaton Letter Book. Smeaton to Weston, 1 August 1764.
  • Report on Potterick Carr, Ed. D. H. T. Evans, Yorkshire Naturalists Trust Ltd., 1973.
  • Major Roy, giving evidence to a Committee of the House of Commons, 8 February 1762.
  • Lord Home on laying the foundation stone on 18 May 1763, said: "I have the honour to lay the first stone of the Union Bridge. I pray God to give Success and Stability to the work, that it may remain a Monument of Real Union between two peoples to the latest posterity. Happy for the future if no other disputes ever more arise among us but who shall be the best subject, the best Countryman and the best neighbour.", British Museum MSS. 1397, f. 37.
  • Most of this item is based on the Coldstream Bridge Minute Books, Northumberland Record Office.
  • Reports, III, 235–251.
  • Glasgow Burgh Records, v. 7, 200.
  • Reports, II, 31–65.
  • Royal Assent, 8 March 1768. Reports, II, pp. 66–97. The politics of the various promoters need not detain us.
  • B.T.H.R., Minutes of Subscribers ( Scotland), Forth and Clyde Navigation records class FCN1-1, 15 April 1768.
  • B.T.H.R., Minutes of London Subscribers, FCN1-91, 2 November 1768.
  • Designs, 5, ff. 1–37.
  • Reports, II, 95.
  • Gwyn was still surveyor to Perth Bridge.
  • Scots Magazine, Edinburgh, vol. 31, 1769, 501.
  • ibid. vol. 35, 1773, 559.
  • J. Hopkirk, Account of the Forth and Clyde Canal. . . Glasgow, 1816, 25.
  • ibid., 26.
  • Minutes of Committee of Management ( B.T.H.R., FCN1-10) noted his death, 30 November 1779. He died 8 November 1779 and is buried at Falkirk.
  • B.T.H.R., FCNI-27, 14 March 1789.
  • Reports, I, p. 174.
  • ibid., 177.
  • B. Faujas de Saint Fond, A Journey through England and Scotland to the Hebrides. London, 1784, vol. 2, 181.
  • The account of Perth Bridge is mainly based on Minutes of the Commissioners for Perth Bridge, Town Clerk's Office, Perth.
  • Designs, 4, f. 124.
  • Drawing, proposed widening of Perth Bridge by Allan D. Stewart, 19 October 1868, Burgh Surveyor's Office, Perth.
  • Designs, 6, ff. 79–80.
  • Reports, II, 172–175.
  • Smeaton wrote four reports on this navigation and may well have written a prior unpublished one.
  • Designs, 5, i f. 38, 39.
  • Designs, 4, f. 48.
  • Reports, I, 295–300: Designs, 5, if. 167–170.
  • Reports, I, 327–332: Designs, 4, if. 105v–109.
  • C. Brown, History ofNewark, Newark, 1907, vol. 2, 294.
  • I am grateful to the Nottinghamshire County Surveyor for drawings and comments on the widening scheme in 1930.
  • Bill received Royal Assent 23 March 1767.
  • Harris, J., History of Plymouth, 1808. MSS copy, 123, vol. 2.
  • Flint, S. R., Mudge memoirs, Truro, 1853, 87.
  • Information kindly supplied by the Plymouth City Engineer.
  • Parliamentary Papers, Reports of Commissioners (Harbours), XXXII, 1847.
  • Reports, I, 302–305.
  • Northumberland R. O., Coldstream Bridge Minute Book. General Meeting, 8 September 1766.
  • The Engineer, vol. 62, 1887, 492. In the re-construction the harbour was deepened to 16 feet at ordinary spring tides.
  • Angus Graham, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. 101, 1968–69. Archaeological Notes on Some Harbours in Eastern Scotland, 200–285. Contains a history of Eyemouth harbour.
  • Parliamentary Papers, loc. cit. (53).
  • I am indebted to the consulting engineers, Leitch and Sharpe, Glasgow, for much information regarding harbour improvements.
  • This account is based mainly on the records of London Trinity House; the kindness of its officers in allowing access is gratefully acknowledged, and also on G. de Boer, The History of the Spurn Light-houses, East Yorkshire Local History Society, York, 1968, who had access to the records of the Kingston-upon-Hull Trinity House. Both Houses co-operated in the assault on Spurn. See also J. Smeaton, A Narrative of the Building of the Eddystone Lighthouse. Appendix relating to Spurn, London, 2nd ed. 1793.
  • In 1808, the fire had to be lowered to the ground for five minutes in every fifteen, G. de Boer, op. cit., (60), 61.
  • Reports, I, 252–260.
  • Trinity House, By-Board Minutes, 11 September 1776.
  • This is one of the few references to W. Jessop when he was working for Smeaton. In view of his con-nections with the Eddystone venture it is rather apposite.
  • Reports, III, 54–56.
  • Information from the Town Council Minutes, 1770, kindly provided by the Town Clerk.
  • Designs, 5, f. 55–56.
  • Reports, III, PP. 38–46.
  • Aberdeen Harbour Act, 13 George III, 1773.
  • W. Robbie, Aberdeen, its traditions and history, Aberdeen, 1893, 294.
  • V. E. Clark, The Port of Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1921,83.
  • Reports, III, 47–50.
  • Sir J. Rennie Theory of the Formation & Construction of British and British and Foreign Harbours, London, 1851–4, vol. 2, 161.
  • I.C.E Library, Smeaton Machine Letters. Smeaton to Abercrombie, 23 June 1788.
  • D.P. smith, The Professional Correspondence of John Smeaton, Trans Newc. soc., 47, (1974–5 and 1975–6), 179–189.
  • I.C.E. Library Letter from "Agricola" (J. Smeaton), 1764: John Smeaton's Letter Book, 18.
  • Reports, III, 60–67: Designs, 5, ff. 81v-83, and 87.
  • Journal of House of Commons, vol. 33, 321.
  • Proceedings and Measures of Government on the Finance Repots, 1797–98, 30th Report, Civil Govt. of Scotland.
  • Reports, III, 68–73: Designs, 5, ff. 84v, 85, 86.
  • Second Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the state and conditions of harbours.,
  • I.C.E. Library, Smeaton Machine Letters, Letters to Captain David Skene, 30 May 1782, 27 June 1782, 5 July 1782.
  • Reports of Committees of House of Commons, vol. 13, 469.
  • Designs, 5, f. 86v.
  • Scottish Record Office, E727/36/1. 19 February 1770.
  • These appear in vol. 3 of his Reports. They are the bridges at Bewlie and Conon, the piers at Portleich and Inverbreakie and the mills at New Tarbet.
  • Scottish Record Office, E727/34/10. Letter from colin Mackenzie, Factor at Cromarty.
  • Information from the Couty Surveyor, Ross and Cromarty.
  • Scottish Record Office, E721/11. Board minutes.
  • Designs, 5, f. 170v
  • Appendix C to the Second Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the state and condition of harbours, shores and navigable rivers of the united kingdom, 1847, 300.
  • Reports, III, pp. 349–352: Designs, 4, ff. 119–121.
  • Information from the County Surveyor of the old Banff county council.
  • W. Cramond, Annals of Banff vol. 1, Aberdeen, 1891, 289–321.
  • Colonel, later General, Skene was Inspector of Roads in North Britain from 1767. A James Kyle was described as superintendent of military Roads and Bridges in 1796. Reports of Committees of House of Commons, vol 13, 469.
  • Journals of House of Commons, 1772-1779.
  • Cramond, op. cit. (94).
  • Communication from the consulting engineers, Cowan and Linn, Glasgow.
  • Designs, 4, ff. 100–103.
  • "Abstract of the Expence of building the new bridge at Ambresbury,a and altering the course of the River", Ambresbury, and altering the course of the River" Amesbury Abbey Collection, Wiltshire Record Office.
  • Private communication from Sir Phillip Antrobus who also gave permission to view.
  • Designs, 4, ff. 95 v–98.
  • Designs, 4, f. 94v.
  • Designs, 2, if. 56- 58v.
  • Reports, II, 324–332.
  • J. C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland, London, 1899, 382.
  • Warkworth Parish Registers, 20 September 1785, buried Susannah, dau. of George Kendall. Copy in Society of Genealogists' Library.
  • Designs, 3, ff. 51 v–60.
  • Reports, II, pp. 299–315.
  • Most of this section is based on information kindly supplied by Professor A. W. Skempton.
  • Designs, 6, f. 98.
  • A drawing of it is included in the Trevelyan Papers at Newcastle upon Tyne University Library.
  • Most of this section is based on Smeaton's Reports, III, 267–344, the Errington collection of papers ZAN.M/17/57 (131–153) at Northumberland County Record Office and E. C. Ruddock, The foundations of Hexham Bridge, Geotechnique, vol. 27, No. 3, 1977, 385–404.
  • Ruddock, op. cit. (113).
  • A plan and elevation by William Johnson dated 1796, in the Drawings Collection of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
  • Drawing No. B/A 6079/1/3 in the County Surveyor's Office of Northumberland County Council shows the method of framing and setting at Hexham.
  • Designs, 4, f. 104.
  • Designs, 1, ff. 72–75.
  • P. Mathias, The Brewing Industry in England 1700-1830, London, 1959, 60.
  • Greorge Ross was also a significant investor in the Forth and Clyde Canal.
  • Scottish Record Office. E727/38/5. Letter dated 3 August 1782.
  • Designs, 5, ff. 71–75.
  • I.C.E. Smeaton Machine Letters. Letter to Gwyn, 4 June 1783.
  • T. Turner, "John Gwyn and the building of North Bridge, Kingston-upon-Hull, 1784-1787", Trans-port History, vol. 3, 1970, 154–163.
  • ibid.
  • Designs, 4, ff. 60–63.
  • North Bridge Papers, Hull Corporation Archives.
  • This was reprinted in Reports, III, 74–128.
  • From an annotated copy of the sale catalogue of Aubert 's effects, University College, London, Library. There are several items made by Smeaton.
  • Gwyn died 11 June 1789, aged 56 years. Buried at St. Lawrence, Ramsgate.
  • Designs, 4, f. 146.
  • For instance in an unsigned letter, 11 February 1790 he records that he is in better health than for the past ten years. I.C.E. Library, Smeaton Machine Letters, vol. 3.
  • Smeaton to Aubert, undated, probably Feb. 1785. I.C.E. Library, Smeaton Machine Letters, vol. 3.

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