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George Stephenson: A Commemorative Symposium for the 200th Anniversary of his Birth

George Stephenson—Locomotive Advocate: The Background to the Rainhill Trials

Pages 171-207 | Published online: 31 Jan 2014


  • Gateshead Observer, 3 3 1850.
  • Edwin Clark, The Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges (1850), p. 790.
  • John Smeaton, Smeaton's Reports, vol. 260-5.
  • Brown's Union bridge with a span of 437 ft had been completed in 1820.
  • Thomas Telford, Report respecting The Mail Road between London and the Town of Morpeth. (1827).
  • D. A. Stevenson, Life of Robert Stevenson (1878), Plate VIII.
  • J. G. James, "Ralph Dodd, The Very Ingenious Schemer", Trans. Newc. Soc. vol. 47, 1974–76, p. 170.
  • Gateshead Observer, 3 August 1850. James, op. cit. (2.5), gives the date as 1826.
  • Tyne Mercury, 14 14 1836. Capital of £125,000 was sought.
  • Plan and Section of a proposed Bridge across theRiver Tyne to be called Elswick Bridge. . . (1835). Durham CRO, QDP 68.
  • W. W. Tomlinson, North Eastern Railway (1914), p. 293.
  • R. Grainger, A proposal for concentrating the termini of the several Railways near Newcastle and providing depots with convenient access to the town (Newcastle, 1836).
  • L. Wilkes and G. Dodds, Tyneside Classical (New-castle 1964), p. 105–121.
  • Plan of the Proposed Extension of the Great
  • W. W. Tomlinson, op. cit. (2.9), p. 294.
  • W. Martin "Remarks on the Bridge . . . and also Railways" Martin's Tracts (Newcastle 1836).
  • W. Martin, The Flash of Forked Lightning.
  • W. W. Tomlinson, op. cit. (2.9), p. 294, 5.
  • A plan and section of an Intended Railway Commencing at the Proposed Termination of the Great North of England Railaway Termination of the Great North of England Railway. . . in the County of Durham and terminating in . . . the Chapelry of St. John . . . in the County of Northumberland (1837), Durham CRO, QDP 87.
  • Tyne Mercury, 14 November 1837.
  • Plan and Sectoion of an Intended Railway or Railways in the County of Durham and in the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tye . . . to be called the Northern Union Railway (1839). Durham CRO, QDP 97.
  • Plan and Section of an Intended Railway or Rail-ways in the County of Durham and in the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne. . . to be called the Northern Union Railway (1839). Durham CRO, QDP 97.
  • Plan and Section of a Proposed Bridge across the River Tyne at a High Level between Newcastle and Gateshead with the Approaches Leading thereto (1839). Tyne and Wear CRO, Acc 285/289.
  • B. Green, "On the Arched Timber Viaducts on the Newcastle and North Shields Railway . ., " Min. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., vol. 5, 1846, pp. 219–232.
  • Bridge from Newcastle to Gateshead at a High Level, Prospectus, (Newcastle 1839).
  • Gateshead Observer, 2 2 1841.
  • Plan and Section of a Proposed Bridge across the River Tyne at a High Level between Newcastle and Gateshead with the Approaches thereto (1841), Tyne and Wear CRO, Acc 285/292.
  • Proceedings of the Newcastle Town Council, 27 27 1841.
  • Plan and Section of an Intended Bridge over the River Tyne from Gateshead to Newcastle showing the Approaches thereto. . . (1843). Durham CRO, QDP 134.
  • Proceedings of the Newcastle Town Council, 20 20 1843.
  • Ibid.
  • Plan and Section of a Railway to extend from the Brandling Junction Railway in Gateshead in the County of Durham to Neville Street in the Borough and County of Newcastle upon Tyne and of a Bridge across the River Tyne (1843). Tyne and Wear CRO, Acc 285/290.
  • Newcastle and Carlisle Railway (N & CR), Minutes and Reports of the Directors, 7 7 1843.
  • Ibid, 28 28 1843.
  • Ibid, 5 5 1843.
  • Ibid, 19 19 1843.
  • Proceedings of the Newcastle Town Council, 20 20 1843.
  • N& CR, Minutes and Reports of the Directors, 19 19 1843.
  • Plan and Section of a Proposed Bridge across the River Tyne at a High level between Newcastle and Gateshead with the Approaches thereto (1843). Tyne and Wear CRO, Acc 285/293.
  • Proceedings of the Newcastle Town Council, 20 20 1843.
  • Ibid.
  • B. Green, op. cit. (2.22), note, p. 228.
  • Extension Line of the Brandling Junction Railway through the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne and Part of the County of Northumberland to Fishers Lane (1844). Northumberland CRO, QRUp 62.
  • R. W. Brandling, A Short Account of the For-mation of the Brandling Junction Railway (New-castle, August 1844).
  • Ibid, p. 5.
  • Ibid, p. 6; also Local Plans and Maps, vol. 2, Lit. & Phil. Soc., Newcastle.
  • Northumberland Railway with Branches, Plans and Sections (1844). Northumberland CRO, QRUp 63.
  • W. W. Tomlinson, op. cit. (2.9), p. 295.
  • R. Nicholson, Report on the Several Projects for Crossing the Tyne (Nov. 1841). Northumberland CRO, 309/B 12.
  • Ibid.
  • Newcastle and Darlington Junction Railway (N & DJR), Minute Book, 4 4 1843.
  • Ibid, 8 8 1843.
  • 3N & DJR, Committee of Management, Minutes, 22 22 1843.
  • Ibid.
  • Gateshead Observer, 7 7 1843.
  • Ibid, 30 30 1841.
  • Ibid, 11 11 1843.
  • N & DJR, Minute Book, 9 9 1843.
  • Ibid.
  • N & DJR, Committee of Management, Minutes, 1 1 1843.
  • Newcastle Journal, 18 November 1843.
  • Ibid, 6 6 1844.
  • A note on the Plan records that it "was deposited in the Office of the Clerk of the Peace for New-castle upon Tyne on the 30th of November 1843 at 5 minutes before 8 o'clock PM by Mr. Benjamin Green".
  • N & DJR, Committee of Management, Minutes. 24 24 1844.
  • Newcastle and Darlington Junction Railway Act, 1844.
  • W. W. Tomlinson, op. cit. (2.9), p. 455, 6.
  • Newcastle and North Shields Railway, Minute Book, 24 24 1845.
  • N& CR, Minutes and Reports of the Directors, 19 19 1843.
  • G. & R. Stephenson, Report to Promoters of Newcastle and Berwick Railway (1844), p. 6.
  • Gateshead Observer, 19 19 1844.
  • Newcastle Town Improvement Committee, Minute Book, 8 8 1844.
  • Gateshead Minute Book, 31 31 1844.
  • Proceedings of the Newcastle Town Council, 8 8 1845.
  • Ibid.
  • Gateshead Observer, 26 26 1844.
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • Letter from T. E. Harrison to R. Nicholson, 18 18 1844. Northumberland CRO, 309/B12.
  • R. Nicholson, Valuation, 6 6 1845. North-umberland CRO, 309/B 9.
  • R. Nicholson, Estimates, n.d. Northumberland CRO, 309/B9.
  • Plans and Sections of a Proposed Railway to be called the Newcastle and Berwick Railway with Branches to Kelso, Alnwick and Blyth (1844). Northumberland CRO, QRUp 58.
  • N & DJR, Minute Book, 4 4 1845.
  • Newcastle and Berwick Railway Act, 1845.
  • N& DJR, Minute Book, 29 29 1841.
  • R. S. Lambert, The Railway King (1934), p. 92.
  • Newcastle and Berwick Railway (N& BR), MinuteBook, 1 October 1845.
  • Ibid, 16 16 1846.
  • Ibid, 23 23 1846.
  • Gateshead Observer, 21 21 1846.
  • Civil Engineer and Architects Journal, March 1843.
  • Sibley and Walker, "Structural Accidents and their Causes", Min. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Pt 1, 1977, 62, May, p. 192.
  • E. Clark, op. cit. (1.2), p.83–184 and 397–458, passim.
  • M. F. Barbey, Civil Engineering Heritage, Northern England (1981), p. 27.
  • L. G. Booth, "Laminated Timber Arch Railway Bridges in England and Scotland", Trans. Newc. Soc., vol. 44, (1971–72), p. 16.
  • E. Clark, op. cit. (1.2), p. 28.
  • R. J. M. Sutherland, "The Introduction of Struc-tural Wrought Iron", Trans. Newc. Soc., vol. 36, (1963–64), p. 70.
  • J. G. James, "The Evolution of Iron Bridge Trusses to 1850", Trans. Newc. Soc., vol. 52, (1980–81), pp. 70, 91, quotes European Magazine, vol. 78, Sept. 1820, p. 236–7.
  • T. H. Bell, "Design of a Catenary Frame Bridge" Mechanics Magazine, vol. 8 (1 Sept, 1827), p. 104.
  • J. G. James, "The Evolution of Iron Bridge Trusses . . .", op. cit. (4.14), pp. 72, 92; see also "Iron Bridges", Encyclopaedia Britannica (1856), p. 603.
  • F. Wishaw, Railways of Great Britain (1840), p. 225.
  • S. C. Brees, Railway Practice (1838), Plates X, XI.
  • Information received from M. F. Barbey.
  • S. C. Brees, op. cit. (4.18), (1840). Robert Stephenson was responsible for bridge design. 4.21 E. Clark, op. cit. (1.2), p. 24, 25.
  • Ibid.
  • J. C. Jeaffreson and W. Pole, The Life of Robert Stephenson FRS (1864), vol. 2, p. 120, 121.
  • See Appendix for bridge dimensions.
  • Information from British Rail, C.C.E.O., Hudson House, York.
  • Gateshead Observer, 21 21 1846.
  • N & DJR, Committee of Management, Minutes, 11 December 1846.
  • N & CR, Minutes and Reports of the Directors, 15 15 1844.
  • N & DJR, Committee of Management, Minutes, 7 7 1847.
  • Ibid, 20 20 1848.
  • Ibid, 2 2 1848.
  • Ibid, 20 20 1848.
  • E. Clark, op. cit. (1.2), Plate XLV.
  • T. Oliver, The Topographical Conductor. . . to . . . Newcastle and Gateshead (Newcastle 1851).
  • Newcastle Journal, 2 2 1848.
  • Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Application of Iron to Railway Structures (HMSO, 1849), p. 359.
  • "Iron Bridges", Encyclopaedia Britannica (1856), p. 605.
  • B. N. Laffan, "Notes upon the High Level Bridge at Newcastle", Reports from the Commissioners for Railways, 12, (1850), Appendix 83–85.
  • High Level Bridge, Iron Work Contract, Specification (July 1846).
  • Newcastle and Berwick Railway Act, 1845.
  • The Builder, 8 8 1845.
  • Gateshead Observer, 21 21 1846.
  • Letter from T. E. Harrison to John Close (Sec, N & DJR) 17 17 1846.
  • Gateshead Observer, 25 1846 quoting North British Advertiser.
  • "Iron Bridges", Encyclopaedia Britannica (1856), p. 604.
  • Gateshead Observer, 2 2 1846.
  • N & DJR, Committee of Management, Minutes, 19 19 1846.
  • T. L. Donaldson, Handbook of Specifications (London, n.d.). p. 928.
  • Gateshead Observer, 27 27 1846.
  • Ibid, 25 25 1846.
  • N& DJR, Minute Book, 17 17 1846.
  • Gateshead Observer, 23 23 1846.
  • Civil Engineer and Architects Journal, July 1849, p. 216.
  • Gateshead Observer, 16 16 1847.
  • J. C. Jeaffreson and W. Pole, op. cit. (4.23), vol. 2, p. 127.
  • T. L. Donaldson, op. cit. (5.9), p. 932.
  • "Iron Bridges", Encyclopaedia Britannica (1856), p. 604.
  • N & BR, Minute Book, 9 9 1847.
  • Gateshead Observer, 21 21 1847.
  • Ibid, 19 19 1848.
  • Ibid, 3 3 1850.
  • "Iron Bridges", Encyclopaedia Britannica (1856), p. 605.
  • Gateshead Observer, 27 27 1847.
  • Report of the Commissioners (1849), op. cit. (4.36), p. 333.
  • Gateshead Observer, 17 17 1847.
  • Ibid, 24 24 1847.
  • J. C. Jeaffreson and W. Pole, op. cit. (4.23), p. 127.
  • N & BR, High Level Bridge, Newcastle. Drawing held by British Rail, C.C.E.O., Hudson House, York.
  • J. C. Jeaffreson and W. Pole, op. cit. (4.23), p. 127.
  • Contract Pay Bills, High Level Bridge . . . PRO-Rail 772.48.
  • Gateshead Observer, 3 3 1850.
  • Newcastle Journal, 2 2 1848; Crawshay and Hudson were related by marriage.
  • Local Collections, Gateshead (1850), p. 115.
  • N & BR, Minute Book, 23 23 1846.
  • N & DJR, Minute Book, 17 August 1846. 5.37 Ibid, 19 19 1849.
  • Newcastle Courant, 30 30 1850.
  • J. Dobson, Central Station, Newcastle-Costs, PRO-Rail 509/79.
  • Newcastle Journal, 3 3 1850.
  • Gateshead Observer, 3 August 1850, quoting letter from T. E. Harrison, 14 14 1846.
  • The Builder, 7 7 1860, p. 221.
  • Ibid.
  • S. Smiles, Life of George Stephenson (1857), p. 410.
  • M. A. Richardson, The Local Historians Table Book, 1846, p. 308.
  • N & DJR, Minute Book, 44 1842. 6.8 S. Smiles, op. cit. (6.5), p. 410.
  • Letter from G. Stephenson to M. Longridge, 22 22 1845. Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
  • N & DJR, Minute Book, 5 5 1845.
  • N& BR, Minute Book, 30 30 1845.
  • Newcastle Journal, 2 2 1848.
  • W. O. Skeat, George Stephenson, the Engineer and his Letters (1973), p. 199.

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