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The Gas Turbine in Railway Traction

Pages 27-58 | Published online: 31 Jan 2014


  • A. Meyer, 'The combustion gas turbine: its history, development and prospects', (Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., Vol. CXLI, (1939), pp. 197–222. Compares steam, steam-motor, steam-electric and gas-turbine designs pp. 206–207. A general history of the gas-turbine locomotive, with a lengthy classified bibliog-raphy of technical papers and reports is by W. Stoffels, 30 Jahre Gasturbinenlokomotive: Eine Ubersicht der Gasturbinentraktion von 1933 bis 1962, ( Hermann Frey, Ulm-Donau, Germany, 1964). A most valuable source book.
  • Basic principles of the gas-turbine and a review of major variants as judged in the 1940s and 1950s is given by E. H. Lewitt Thermodynamics applied to heat engines, esp. Ch. XXIII 'Gas turbines and jet propulsion', (Pitman, 1959, 1933, pp. 672–735).
  • Brief popular review of gas-turbine types set in context of world energy use is found in H. Thining, Energy for Man: From windmills to nuclear power, (Harper Torchbooks, Harper & Row, NY, 1958, pp. 93–112). First published as Power production, (Harrap, London, 1956).
  • J. N. Westwood, Soviet Railways Today, (Ian Allan, London, 1963, p. 67).
  • M. C. Duffy, 'The Still engine and railway traction', Trans. Newcomen Society, Vol. 59, 1987–88, pp. 31–59 Evolution of the diesel locomotive and the transmission question reviewed in J. Dunlop, 'Internal combustion locomotives', Trans. Inst. Eng. & Ship. in Scotland, Vol. LXVIII, 1924–25, pp. 234–278); J. W. Hobson, 'The internal-combustion locomotive', Trans. N.E. Coast Eng. & Ship., Vol. XLI, 1925 pp. 145–242); G. V. Lomonossoff, 'Diesel traction', Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Vol. 125, 1933, pp. 537–613; L. F. R. Fell, 'the compression-ignition engine and its applicability to British railways', Proc Inst. Mech. Eng., Vol. 124, 1933, pp. 1–66.
  • Marine propulsion, including a review of diesel engines, with a discussion of the fuel issue, is given in A. C. Hardy Modern marine engineering, Vol. 1 & 2, (Caxton, London, 1948), esp. vol. 2, pp. 1–32.
  • S. G. Liddle, Future fuels and engines for railroad locomotives, 2 Vols., (Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, JPL report 81–101, 1 Nov. 1981); R. W. Smock, 'Direct coal fired gas turbine development work shows promise', Power Engineering, April 1988, pp. 53–55.
  • M. C. Duffy, 'The coal-burning locomotive gas-turbine project', Trans. Newcomen Society, Vol. 65, 1993–94, pp. 75–93.
  • R. L. Koch, et al. 'Commercialization considerations for a coal-fuelled diesel locomotive', ASME 86-ICE-5; M. H. McMillan & H. A. Webb, 'Coal-fuelled diesels: systems development', J. for Gas Turbines & Power, July 1989, Vol. 111, pp. 485–497.
  • Railway traction and the fuel question is discussed in J. S. Tritton, 'Presidential address: the challenge to steam', J. Inst. Loco. Eng., Dec. 1947, pp. 462–497; H. R. Cox, 'Some fuel and power projects', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 164, 1961, pp. 407–424; D. L. Mordell, 'An experimental coal-burning gas-turbine', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 169, No. 7, 1954, pp. 163–180; J. C. Wisdom, et al., 'The coal-burning gas-turbine in Australia', Elec. & Mech. Eng. Trans, May 1961, pp. 29–42.
  • M. Hughes, The world high speed train race, (David & Charles, 1988); H. Williams, APT—A promise unfulfilled, (Ian Allan, 1985).
  • E. Soelmgen, The development of coal-burning Diesel engines in Germany: a state of the art review, (US Energy Research & Development Administration), August 1976, FE/WAP0/3387-1. Reviews Pawlikowski's work, 1911–1945.
  • D. W. Rudorff, Steam generators, (Griffin & Co., 1938), pp. 135–152. Describes Vorkauf and Huettner units.
  • F. Schmidt, The internal combustion engine, (Chapman & Hall, 1965), English trans. of German 1951 review of theory and practice before and during the 1940s.
  • D. W. Rudorff, Op. cit., ref. 13, pp. 48–71. G. Pio-Ulsky, 'Velox steam generators and their signifi-cance for power plants', Waerme, Vol. 58, 1935, pp. 249–251, in German. W. G. Noack, 'Three years' experience with the Velox steam generator', 1 d. Oesterr. Ing. and Archit. Ver., Vol. 88, 1936, pp. 37–41.
  • Compound diesel engines are described by Duffy, Dunlop, Hobson, Lomonossoff & Fell, Op cit, re f. 5.
  • D. W. Rudorff, Op cit, ref. 13. H. W. Dickinson, A short history of the steam engine, ( Babcock & Wilcox, Cambridge U.P., 1938).
  • D. W. Rudorff, Op cit, ref. 13, pp. 40–47; M. C. Duffy, 'The American steam-turbine-electric loco-motive', Trans. Newcomen Society, Vol. 57, 1985–86, pp. 79–99; E.G. Bailey, A. R. Smith, & P. S. Dickey, 'Steamotive, a complete steam generating unit, its development and test', Mech. Eng. [USA], Vol. 58, 1936, pp. 771–780.
  • W. Stoffels, Lokomotivbau und dampftechnik, (Birkhauser, 1976), Review of steam locomotive exper-iments. Brief description and illustration of Velox locomotive pp. 67–69. Rudorff, Op cit, ref. 13 refers to Buchli Suggestions concerning modern steam locomotives, (Schweiz. Bauztg., 1936, p. 113).
  • Ibid. Stoffels lists as references, 'Possibilities of Velox boiler for locomotives, Rly. Gaz. Vol. 69, No. 22, 1938 II, pp. 895–910); 'French locomotive with Velox boiler', Rly. Gaz. Vol. 70, No. 13, 1939 I, pp. 544–546. G. Chan, 'Locomotive a chaudiere Velox de la SNCF', Rev. Gen. C.d.F., Vol. 58, No. 6. 1939, pp. 417–433; 'La Locomotive 230, a chaudiere Velox', Le Genie Civil, Vol. 115, No. 2, 1939 II, pp. 25–30.
  • A. Stodol, Steam and gas turbines, Vol. 1 & 2 (McGraw Hill, 1927).
  • H. O. Farmer, 'Free-piston compressor-engines', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 156, 1947, pp. 253–271. States Pescara began work in 1922 and built first machine in Paris in 1925. Mentions British patents for free-piston compressors dated 1921, 1922 taken out by innovators who did not develop the idea.
  • General reviews of practice in the 1930s and 1940s given by T. A. Crowe, 'Gas turbine as applied to marine propulsion', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 158, 1948, pp. 103-116. H. Constant, 'Prospect of land and marine gas-turbines', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 159, 1949, pp. 191–197.
  • W. Stoffels, Op cit, ref. 1 Stoffels refers to 'World review of gas-turbine locomotives', The oil engine and gas turbine, Vol. 20, 1952–53, 227, pp. 22–29; Vol. 24, 1956–57, 276, pp. 157–163, Vol. 25, 1957–58, 299, pp. 119–123.
  • Stoffels refers to 'Gas generator locomotives', Diesel Railway Traction, Vol. 11, 1957, 303, 297; 'Buchli gas-turbine plant with a diesel engine as its gas producer, Diesel Railway Traction, Vol. 2, 1948, 195.
  • H. O. Farmer, Op cit, ref. 22. Farmer's paper strongly suggests that it was first conceived as a com-pressor, with its use as a gas-generator for turbines developing in the late 1930s.
  • A. C. Hardy, Op. cit., ref. 6, vol. 2, pp. 126–127. Hardy refers to a 1000 hp installation in which the gas drove steering engines, winches, and capstans in addition to the main propulsion The gas was used to drive reciprocating as well as rotary engines. The gas-generator was sometimes referred to as a 'diesel-boiler'. Stoffels lists A.C. Hardy, 'Diesel boiler', (Diesel Railway Traction, Oct. 1933, p. 504.); L. H. Tenger, 'Crank-piston gas generator locomotives', SAE Paper 214 C, August 1960.
  • Contemporay diesel-electric and electric locomotives are reviewed by D.W. & M. Hinde, Electric and diesel-electric locomotives, (Macmillan, 1948) the Brown-Boveri gas-turbine-electric locomotive is described pp 255–259.
  • M. C. Duffy, 'André Chapelon, thermodynamics and the steam locomotive', Trans. Newcomen Society, Vol. 58, 1986–87, pp. 11–17. Included with Chapelon Symposium papers by J. T. Van Riemsdijk and G. W. Carpenter pp. 1–26. A. Chapelon, 'La locomotive 242-A-1 de la S.N.C.F.', Rev. Gin. de Chemins de Fer, Dec. 1947, No. 12, pp. 397 VII, W. Stoffels, 'Lokomotivbau und Dampftechnik',(Birkhauser, 1976), M. L. Camboumac, 'Progres recents dans les installations et le materiel de la S.N.C.F.', Mémoires de la Societe des Ingénieurs Civils de France, Fasc. 1 et 2, Jan-Fey. 1949, pp. 172–264.
  • Picard, 'Line nouvelle locomotive a turbine a gaz avec generateurs a pistons libres', Rev. Gin. de Chemins de Fer, Vol. 71, 1952, No. 5, pp. 189–199; 'An experimental turbo-diesel locomotive', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 169, 1955, pp. 820–828.
  • J. Bolter, 'Parsons—North British coal burning gas turbine locomotive', Trans. Newcomen Society, vol. 66, 1994–95, pp. 121–151
  • British post-war traction policy, and prototype designs reviewed by J. Johnson & R. A. Long, British Railways engineering 1948–80, ( Mechanical Engineering Press, London, 1981). Diesel policy pp. 157-200. L. F. R. Fell, 'The Fell diesel mechanical locomotive, J. Instn. Loco. Engrs., Vol. 42, 1952, No. 227, pp. 223 et seq.
  • W. Stoffels refers to 'La nouvelle locomotive a generateur a pistons libres, turbine a gas, transmission mécanique', Rev. de l'Assoc. Française des Amis des Chemins de Fer, Nov.-Dec., 1959, pp. 167–175; 'Les 2 nouvelles locomotives Françaises a turbines h gas alimentées par generateur a pistons libres', Rev. Geri. des Chemins de Fer, Vol. 81, Jan. 1962, pp. 5–16.
  • W. Stoffels, Op cit, ref. 1, p. 47 and Fig. 42.J. N. Westwood, Op cit, ref. 4, p 80.
  • W. Stoffels, Op cit, ref. 1, p. 73., includes refs to 'GM tests free-piston engine', Railway Locomotives & Cars, Vol.131, 1957, No 5, p. 10; Vol. 133, 1959, No.7, pp 24–25.
  • A. J. R. Lysholm, 'A new rotary compressor', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 150, 1944, pp. 11–16. Discussion of MEYER (Ref. 37).
  • D. H. Mallinson & W. G. E. Lewis, 'Part-load performance of various gas-turbine schemes', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs, Vol. 159, 1949, pp. 191–197.
  • A Meyer, 'The first gas turbine locomotive', 'Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 150, 1944, pp. 11–16.
  • D. W. & M. Hinde Op cit, ref. 28, pp. 257–259.
  • K. Robertson, 'The Great Western Railway gas turbines: a myth exposed', (Alan Sutton, 1989).
  • A. W. J. Dymond, 'Operating experiences with two gas turbine locomotives', Jnl. Instn. Loco. Engrs., Vol. 43, Part 2, No. 232, 1953, pp. 268–336.
  • B. Webb, The "Deltic" locomotives of British Rail', (David & Charles, 1982).
  • 'English Electric mainline diesel-electric locomotives of British Rail', (David & Charles, 1976).
  • K. Robertson, Op cit, ref. 39. A. W. J. Dymond, Op. cit., re f. 40.
  • B. Webb & J. Duncan, 'AC Electric locomotives of British Railways', (David & Charles, 1979).
  • R. M. Tufnell, 'The Diesel impact on British Rail, ( David & Charles, 1979).
  • A. S. Lee, 'The English Electric Gas-Turbine Locomotive GT3', Paper first read at Evolution of Modern Traction Meeting, Imperial College, London, 16 November 1996, ( Proceedings, pp. 144–185)
  • W. Stoffels, Op cit, ref. 1, pp. 50–51, Figs. 46, 47. Quotes refs: 'First Soviet gas turbine locomotive', Rly. gazette, Vol. 112, 1960, No. 24, pp. 683–684. 'Soviet gas turbine locomotive', 'Diesel Railway Traction, Vol. 14, 1960, 338, 271; 'Sowjetische Gasturbinenlokomotive fur 3500 PS', Deutsche Eisenbahntechnik, Vol. 9, 1961, 5; 235.
  • W. Stoffels, Op cit, ref. 1, p. 43, Fig. 37; quotes 'Tschechoslowakische Gasturbinenlpkomotive mit mechanische Ubertragung', Deutsche Eisenbahntechnik, Vol. 7, 1959, 6, 315.
  • R. Barnes, Broader than broad: Hitler's great dream—three metre gauge rails across Europe, (Locomotives International Publications/ P. Catchpole Ltd., 1998) Barnes quotes the authoritative source as A. Joachimsthaler, Die Breitspurbahn, (Munchen, 1985)
  • Gunther, 'Locomotives for high speeds', Glasers Annalen, Heft 13/14, Juli 1943, pp 210 et seq.
  • W. Bode, 'Atom Locomotive, Yes or No?', 'Bulletin International Railway Congress Association' Electric traction on railways, Feb. 1964, pp. 70–87; L. Borst, 'Design of the first atom locomotive', Verkehr und Technik, Vol. 7, 1954, pp. 80–81.
  • M. C. Duffy, 'Power supply to DC electric railways, 1890–1920, Trans. Newcomen Soc., Vol. 68, 1996–97, pp. 191–216; W. M. Middleton, 'The interurban era', Kalmbach, USA, 1961), The time of the trolley, (Kalmbach, 1967), When the steam railroads electrified, (Kalmbach, 1979).
  • D. P. Morgan, Diesel-electric locomotive in North America, (Concise Encyclopedia of World Railway Locomotives, Hutchinson, 1955), pp. 107–142.
  • W. Stoffels, Op cit, ref. 1, pp. 54–73.
  • M. C. Duffy, Op. cit, ref. 8.
  • M. J. Hapeman & S. D. Savkar, 'Economic assessment of coal burning locomotives', (ASME/IEEE Joint Railroad Conference, April 1987, IEEE Proc. CH2399-4/87, pp. 39–50). 'Economic assessment of coal burning diesel locomotives', (ASME 86-ICE–140)
  • W. Stoffels, Op cit, ref. 1 quotes 'Building a gas-turbine switcher', Railway Age, Vol. 136, 1954 Pt.1, 4, 52; 'Diverse Boeing 502 applications, Part 1; Use in a locomotive'., The Oil Engine & Gas Turbine, Vol. 23, 1955–56, 264, 75–77.
  • Baldwin-Westinghouse locomotive described in, 'A compact locomotive-type gas turbine,' ( Westinghouse Engineer Vol. 7, 1947, No.2, pp. 35–39), 'A 2000 hp gas turbine on trial', Westinghouse Engineer, Vol. 8, 1948, No.2, pp. 39–41 'Operating record of the Westinghouse-Baldwin gas turbine locomotive,' (ASME Paper No 52-A-153, [19521); Westinghouse gas turbine locomotive', Diesel Railway Traction, Vol. 8, 1954, 265, 142–145. The Sante Fe railway experiment is described in 'An oil-burning locomotive power plant', the Oil Engine & Gas Turbine, Vol. 70, 1948, No. 4, pp. 301–306.
  • J. I. Chisman, 'Gas turbine locomotives of the Union Pacific railroad', J. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Rly. Div., 1971, Vol. 2., Pt. 2, pp. 189–203. An illustrated history is provided by T. R. Lee, Turbines Westward, (T.Lee Publ./AG Press, Manhattan, Kansas, 1975)
  • W. Stoffels, Op cit, Ref. 1 refers to 'a 4500 hp gas turbine electric locomotive', ASME Paper No. 49-A-46, [1949]; 'Design features of a 4800 hp locomotive gas turbine power plant', Mechanical Engineering [USA] Vol. 70, 1948, No. 4, pp. 301–306; 'Tests of a 4800 hp gas turbine power plant, ASME Paper No 48-A-98, [1948]; Gas turbine electric locomotive, General Electric Review, August 1949, pp. 9–12.
  • The Union Pacific gas-turbine fleet is described in the following sources reviewed by W Stoffels: 'Union Pacific's gas turbines in regular service', Railway Age, Vol. 132, 1952 Pt. 1, 25, pp. 71–72; 'How gas turbines perform on the Union Pacific', Railway Age, Vol. 134, 1953 Pt. 1, 7, pp. 39–43; Where the gas turbine locomotive is heading, 'Railway Locomotive & Cars', Vol. 128, 1954, 6, pp. 61–64; What causes gas turbines road failures? Railway Locomotives & Cars, Vol. 131, 1957, No. 5, pp. 48–50, 52 'The GE gas turbine locomotives', Diesel Railway Traction, Vol. 8, 1954, 261, pp. 41–45.
  • The author is indebted to Mr J. V. Vickers ( Member) for information about the poor part-load charac-teristics of gas-turbines. Mr Vickers refers to R. R. Whyte (Metrovick.), Engineering progress through development and Janes World Railways 1950–51. See D. H. Mallinson & W. G. E. Lewis, Op cit, ref.36.
  • M. J. Hapeman & S. D. Savkar, Op cit, re f. 55.
  • M. C. Duffy, Op cit, ref. 8; J. Bolter, Op cit., ref. 31.
  • Early British projects for fuelling internal-combustion engines with coal favoured the gas-generator as was used on roads during the 1939–45 war. See 'Coal as a fuel for internal combustion engines', (Papers and correspondence related to conference at Swansea, 27 March 1941), Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., 1941, pp. 339–40, 363–428. Turbines briefly mentioned. P. Lloyd, 'Fuel problems in gas-turbines,' Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 159, 1949, pp. 198–219.
  • M. J. Havekar & S. D. Savkar, Op cit, ref. 55. E. Soehngen, Op cit, re f. 12.
  • J. Bolter, Op cit, re f. 31.
  • W. Stoffels, Op cit, ref. 1, pp. 78–79.
  • M. C. Duffy, 'The American steam-turbine-electric locomotive', Trans. Newcomen Society, Vol. 57, 1985–86, pp. 79–99.
  • Stoffels refers to: '1958 gas turbine progress report', Railroad Trans ASME Series A', Vol. 81, 1959, No. 3, pp. 298–310; aussische Gasturbinenlokomotiven', Motortechnische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart', Vol. 24, 1963, No. 8, pp. 286–288.
  • M. C. Duffy, Op cit, ref. 5, pp. 49–51.
  • J. Bolter, Op cit, ref. 31; The coal-turbine, and other types of locomotive gas turbine are reviewed by W. F. Glasspoole, 'Some thoughts on gas turbine locomotives', J. Instn. Loco. Engrs., Vol. 47, Pt.5, No. 256, 1957, pp. 521–543.
  • D. L. Mordell, Op cit, ref. 10. Stoffels lists. 'Canadian experimental coal fired plant', Oil Engine and Gas Turbine, Vol. 22, 1954 No. 253, pp. 114–116; 'The Canadian coal burning experiments', Ibid, No. 258, pp. 319–320.
  • J. P. McGee & R. C. Corey, 'Bureau of Mines coal-fired gas-turbine project', Combustion, USA, April 1960, pp. 67–72; J. E. Yellott, 'Development of a direct-fired coal-burning gas-turbine locomotive', (ASME Paper 54-A-201, [1954]).
  • M. C. Duffy, Op cit, ref. 8.; T. R. Lee, Op cit, ref. 58. Lee provides general arrangement drawing. J. Joseph, '5000 HP dual-fuel (oil & coal) turbine, a first on the rails: Union Pacific's coal-burning gas-turbine-electric locomotive', Diesel & Gas Turbine Progress, Vol. 30, pt. 4, April 1964, pp. 56–58.
  • 'Coal-fired gas-turbine is road tested in freight service', Railway Locomotives & Cars, Vol. 137, pt. 1, Jan. 1963, pp. 28–29.
  • M. Hughes, Rail 300: The World high speed train race, (David & Charles, 1988, Outline history of the advent and development of very high speed railway operations).
  • Y. M. Tassin, F. Nouvion & J. Woimant, Histoire de la traction electrique, Tome 2: De 1940 a nos jours, (La Vie du Rail, Paris, 1986) esp. Ch.XIV, 'La traction electrique et les grandes vitesses', pp. 481–506.
  • H. Williams, APT: A promise unfulfilled, (Ian Allan, 1985).
  • Tassin et al, Op cit, ref. 77, p. 482, 485.
  • Ibid. T. Rahn, H. Hochbruck & F. W. Moller, ICE, high-tech on rails, (Hestra-Verlag, Darmstadt, 1986); P. Semmens, High speed in Japan, Shinkansen-the World's busiest high-speed railway, (Platform 5 Publishing, 1997).
  • Note in Railway Gazette International, Nov. 1998, p. 750.
  • L. J. K. Setright, 'Some unusual engines', (Mech. Eng. Publ., London, 1975).

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