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Technical Paper

Next European Torus In-Vessel Components

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Pages 82-144 | Published online: 09 May 2017


  • G. VIEIDER et al., “Blanket Concepts,” European Contribution to the 14th International Tokamak Reactor Workshop, Group F, G. VIEIDER, Ed., Commission of the European Communities (Dec. 1986).
  • F. ENGELMANN, M. F. A. HARRISON, R. ALBANESE, K. BORRASS, O. De BARBIERI, E. S. HOTSTON, A. NOCENTINI, J-G. WÉGROWE, and G. ZAMBOTTI, “Next European Torus Physics Basis,” Fusion Technol., 14, 30 (1988).
  • D. K. OWENS and M. A. ULRICKSON, “PlasmaWall Interaction: Recent TFTR Results and Implications on Design and Construction of Limiters,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • K. J. DIETZ, K. SONNENBERG, E. DEKSNIS, and R. SHAW, “Wall Protection in JET,” JET Report P-(85)16, Joint European Torus (1985).
  • F. ENGELMANN et al., “Plasma Wall Interaction in NET,” Report No. 55, Next European Torus, Garching (Ma. 1986).
  • G. VIEIDER, “Review of First Wall Damage in Existing Large Tokamaks,” European Contribution to the 13th International Tokamak Reactor, Group F, EUR-FU-BRU/XII-52/86/EDV10, Commission of the European Communities (1986).
  • H. Th. KLIPPEL, “Thermal Response Under Plasma Disruption Conditions,” Fusion Technology Progress Report, ECN-185, Netherlands Energy Center (Ma. 1986).
  • B. van der SCHAAF, “Radiation Damage of Stainless Steel,” Fusion Technology Progress Report, ECN-185, Netherlands Energy Center (Ma. 1986).
  • 07.B1.85.150, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Nov. 1985).
  • K. KOIZLIK et al., “Qualification of Plasma Induced Effects on First Wall Materials,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • E. DIEGELE, T. FETT, D. MUNZ, and H. STAMM, “Stress and Lifetime Calculations for First Wall and Blanket Structural Components,” KfK Report, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Sep. 1986).
  • P. SCHILLER, European Contribution to the 14th International Tokamak Reactor Workshop, Commission of the European Communities (Dec. 1986).
  • T. KOBAYASHI and H. JIDA, Japanese Contribution to the International Tokamak Reactor Phase 2A, Part 3, Group F (Mar. 1986).
  • R. AYMAR, J. A. KOSLEI, and J. B. WITLEY, “Engineering Considerations for the TORE SUPRA Pump Limiter,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • M. CHAZALON, F. FARFALETTI-CASALI, E. SALPIETRO, and A. SUPPAN, “Maintenance of InVessel Components in NET,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • P. SCHILLER, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Private Communication (Dec. 1985).
  • H. HOVEN, K. KOIZLIK, J. LINKE, H. NICKEL, and E. WALLURA, “Materials for High Heat Flux Components of the First Wall in Fusion Reactors,” Jül-2002, Kernforschungsanlage Jülich (1985).
  • Y. R. CRUTZEN and M. BIGGIO, “Electromagnetic-Mechanical Coupling Induced in the NET First Wall by a Plasma Disruption Event,” Technical Note No. 1.05.B1.-86.75, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Aug. 1986).
  • R. BÜNDE, J. DEBRAY, H. DJÉRASSI, and J. ROUILLARD, “Reliability Assessment of First Wall Blanket Design for the European Nuclear Fusion Device ‘NET’,” Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Reliability and Maintainability, Biarritz, France, October 6-10, 1986.
  • A. CARDELLA, F. FARFALETTI-CASALI, M. BIGGIO, and A. INZAGI, “A First Wall Concept for INTOR and NET Experimental Power Reactors,” Proc. 13th Symp. Fusion Technology, Varese, Italy, September 24-28, 1984.
  • U. GUERRESCHI, A. CARDELLA, and R. MATERA, “Fabrication, Quality Control and Thermal Fatigue Testing of a Panel Type First Wall,” Proc. 13th Symp. Fusion Technology, Varese, Italy, September 24-28, 1984.
  • G. CASINI, F. FARFALETTI-CASALI, U. GUERRESCHI, O. IOP, R. MATERA, F. MUNSCH, A. CARDELLA, and M. TURRI, “Development of the Brazed First Wall Concept for NET,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • G. VIEIDER et al., “First L-Wall Concepts with Welded Steel Structures for NET,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • J. GRIFFATON, “Net First Wall - Manufacturing Technological Tests,” Final Report on NET-Contract 84-705/B, Framatome (1986).
  • S. E. SCHWEIZER, “NET First Wall - Manufacturing Study,” Final Report on NET-Contract 84-705/A, Sulzer (1986).
  • A. CARDELLA and H. GORENFLO, “Parametric Stress Analysis of NET First Wall Designs,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • C. H. WU, “Graphite - Its Application in D-T Fusion Devices,” Next European Torus Report (to be published).
  • A. N. VERTIPOROKH et al., “Study of the Plasma Interaction with a Limiter Under Ohmic Heating in T-10 Tokamak,” Proc. 12th European Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, Hungary, September 2-6, 1985.
  • G. CELENTANO et al., “The JET Belt Limiter,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • L. FERNANDEZ et al., “Graphite Tile Attachment Device Novatome,” Final Report on NET-Contract 84-705/B, Next European Torus (Jul. 1986).
  • S. MALANG, E. DIEGELA, G. HOFMAN, and K. RUST, “A First Wall Concept with Radiatively Cooled Protection Tiles,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • J. BREE, “Elasto Plastic Behaviour of Tubes Subjected to Internal Pressure and Intermittent Heat Fluxes,” J. Strain Anal., 2, 3 (1967).
  • RCC-MR, “Design and Construction Rules for Components of FBR Nuclear Islands,” Paris, France (Jun. 1985).
  • R. MATERA, V. RENDA, G. L. MORLOTTI, and G. GRAGLIA, “First Wall Design Criteria. Thermal Fatigue and Creep Experiments and Theoretical Modelling,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • C. BONNAND and I. P. PEYRENLONGUE, “Paroi pour couverture de reacteur nucléaire à fusion,” Stein Industrie, Paris (July 1986) (patent pending).
  • G. KNERINGER, W. FISCHER, N. REHEIS, and R. STAFFLER, “Metal/Graphite-Composite Materials for Fusion Devices,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • J. E. BROCKELHURST, “Fracture in Polycrystalline Graphite,” Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Vol. 13, p. 145, WALKER and THROWER, Eds. (1977).
  • W. N. REYNOLDS and P. A. THROWER, Phil. Mag., 12, 573 (1965).
  • R. J. PRICE, “Neutron Irradiation Induced Property Changes in Graphites,” Carbon, 13, 201 (1975).
  • W. DELLE, K. KOIZLIK, and H. NICKEL, “Graphitische Werkstoffe für den Einsatz in Kernreaktoren, Teil 2,” p. 193, Karl Thiemig AG, München, FRG (1983).
  • M. BIRCH and J. E. BROCKELHURST, “A Review of the Behaviour of Graphite Under the Conditions Appropriate for Protection of the First Wall of a Fusion Reactor,” ND-R-1434(s), Springfield Nuclear Power Development Laboratories (1987).
  • M. T. ROBINSON, “The Energy Dependence of Neutron Radiation Damage in Solids,” Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Fusion Reactors, Culham, U.K., September 17-19, 1969, Paper 43, p. 364, British Nuclear Energy Society.
  • T. A. GABRIEL, J. D. AMBURGEY, and N. M. GREENE, “Radiation-Damage Calculations: Primary Knock-On Atom Spectra, Displacement Rates, and Gas Production Rates,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 61, 21 (1976).
  • W. L. HSU and R. A. CAUSEY, “Pumping of Hydrogen During Plasma-Graphite Interaction,” Proc. 10th Int. Vacuum Congress, Baltimore, Maryland, October 27-31, 1986, American Vacuum Society (1986).
  • R. A. CAUSEY et al., “The Retention of Deuterium and Tritium in POCO AXF-5Q Graphite,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A4(3) (May/June 1986).
  • R. A. CAUSEY and K. L. WILSON, “Tritium Retention in Carbon Based Plasma Facing Materials,” CA-870316-SL-D1, Sandia National Laboratories (Mar. 1987).
  • J. W. DAVIS, A. A. HAASZ, and P. C. STANGEBY, “Flux and Energy Dependence of Methane Production from Graphite Due to H+ Impact,” CFFTP Report B-86017, Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project (Jun. 1986).
  • C. H. WU, “Chemical Sputtering of Graphite and Tungsten by Oxygen,” J. Nucl. Mater., 145 & 147, 448 (1987).
  • “NET Status Report,” EUR-FU/XII-80/86/51, Commission of the European Communities (Dec. 1985).
  • W. DÄNNER, “Bulk Shield Considerations for NET,” NET/IN/84-086, 9.10.86, Next European Torus (Oct. 1986).
  • W. F. BOGAERTS, M. J. EMBRECHTS, and R. WAEBEN, “Application of the Aqueous Self-Cooled Blanket Concept to a Tritium Producing Shielding Blanket,” Draft Final Report, NET Contract 237/86-6/FU-B (Jan. 1987).
  • B. LIBIN, “NET Shielding Blanket for Extended Plasma,” NET/IN/86-074, 17.12.86, Revised 27.4.87, Internal Note, Next European Torus (1986).
  • M. KÜCHLE, E. BOJARSKY, S. DORNER, U. FISCHER, J. REIMANN, and H. REISER, “Potential and Problems of an Aqueous Lithium Salt Solution Blanket for NET,” Draft, KfK-4271, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Mar. 1987).
  • P. GIERSZEWSKI, L. DEUTSCH, M. EMBRECHTS, and D. STEINER, “A Low-Risk Aqueous Lithium Salt Blanket for Engineering Test Reactor,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Vol. 2, p. 1217, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • W. DÄNNER, M. RIEGER, and K. VERSCHUUR, “Progress in Design and Analysis of the NET Water Cooled Liquid Breeder Blanket,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Vol. 2, p. 1281, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • G. CASINI and G. VIEIDER, “Pb-17Li/Water Breeding Blanket Studies,” EUR-FU-BRU/XII-52/86/EDV20, European Contribution to the 14th International Tokamak Reactor Workshop, Phase IIA, Part 3, Critical Issues, Commission of the European Communities (Dec. 1986).
  • I. A. Van MELLE, “Magneto-Hydrodynamic Calculations for a LiPb Blanket to be Used in a Fusion Reactor,” TNO/86/033, Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onder-zoek (Mar. 1986).
  • J. L. WALNIER, “Evaluation of the MHD Pressure Loads in the LiPb Modules for NET,” nt81/F3200/05/JLW, SCK-CEN (Dec. 1986).
  • U.K. Study Group, Presentation to the NET Team.
  • J. P. PEYRELONGUE, G. VALLÉE, and C. BONNAND et al., “Manufacturing Feasibility Study of Water Cooled Liquid Breeder Blanket Modules for NET,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Vol. 2, p. 1203, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • S. MALANG, “Self-Cooled Lil7Pb83, Blanket,” EUR-FU-BRU/XII-52/86/EDV20, European Contribution to the 14th International Tokamak Reactor Workshop, Phase IIA, Part 3, Critical Issues, Commission of the European Communities (Dec. 1986).
  • F. CARRÉ, G. CHEVEREAU, F. GERVAISE, E. PROUST, and D. LEGER, “Helium Cooled Ceramic Breeder in Toroidal Pin Bundles,” EUR-FU-BRU/XII-52/86/EDV20, European Contribution to the 14th International Tokamak Reactor Workshop, Phase IIA, Part 3, Critical Issues, Commission of the European Communities (Dec. 1986).
  • L. ANZIDEI, M. GALLINA, V. RADO, G. SIM-BOLOTTI, V. VIOLANTE, and V. ZAMPAGLIONE, “A Ceramic Breeder in Poloidal Tubes Blanket for the Next European Torus (NET),” Proc. 12th Symp. Fusion Engineering, Monterey, California, October 12-16, 1987, Euratom, European Nuclear Energy Agency.
  • G. VIEIDER, W. DÄNNER, and B. HAFERKAMP, “Design Concepts for NET First Wall and Blankets,” Proc. 13th Symp. Fusion Technology, Varese, Italy, September 24-28, 1984, Vol. 2, p. 1363.
  • W. DÄNNER, “Neutronics Scoping Studies for the NET Blanket,” Proc. 13th Symp. Fusion Technology, Varese, Italy, September 24-28, 1984, Vol. 2, p. 1363.
  • A CARDELLA, W. DÄNNER, M. ISELI et al., “Design and Thermohydraulic Optimization of a Solid Ceramic Breeder Blanket for NET,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Vol. 2, p. 1291, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • W. DÄNNER and A. CARDELLA, “Ceramic Breeder in Poloidal Canisters with Helium and Water Cooling,” EUR-FU-BRU/XII-52/86/EDV20, European Contribution to the 14th International Tokamak Reactor Workshop, Phase IIA, Part 3, Critical Issues, Commission of the European Communities (Dec. 1986).
  • M. DALLE DONNE, U. FISCHER, G. GORDON, E. BOJARSKY, H. REISER, P. NORAYITRA, and E. BOGUSCH, “Pebble Bed Canister: A Ceramic Breeder Blanket with Helium Cooling for NET,” Proc. 13th Symp. Fusion Technology, Varese, Italy, September 24-28, 1984.
  • M. DALLE DONNE, U. FISCHER, G. GORDON, E. BOJARSKY, H. REISER, P. NORAYITRA, and E. BOGUSCH, “Helium Cooled Ceramic Breeder Pebble Bed in Toroidal Canister,” EUR-FU-BRU/XII-52/86/EDV20, European Contribution to the 14th International Tokamak Reactor Workshop, Phase IIA, Part 3, Critical Issues, Commission of the European Communities (Dec. 1986).
  • U. FISCHER, “Multi-Dimensional Neutronics Analysis of the Canister Blanket for NET,” KfK-4255, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Apr. 1987).
  • AVANZINI et al., “Conceptual Design of a Solid Breeder Water Cooled BOT Type Blanket for NET,” CPI-FMF-00406, Ansaldo Ricerche, Genova (Apr. 1987).
  • F. REITER et al., “Interaction of Hydrogen Isotopes with the Liquid Eutectic Alloy Li17Pb83,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (Dec. 1986).
  • H. KOTTOWSKI et al., “State of Art Water Cooled LiPb Fusion Reactor Blanket Safety,” Proc. 4th European Nuclear Conf. and 9th Foratom Congress (ENC ’86) Nuclear Energy of Today and Tomorrow, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1-6, 1986.
  • M. BROC, P. FAUVET, T. FLAMENT, and J. SANNIER, “Compatibility of 316L Stainless Steel with Liquid and Solid Tritium Breeding Materials,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials, Chicago, Illinois, April 13-17, 1986, p. 611.
  • “Corrosion of Ferrous Alloys Exposed to Thermally Corrective Pb-17% Li,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials, Chicago, Illinois, April 13-17, 1986, p. 592.
  • D. VOLLATH and H. WEDEMEYER, “Preparation of the Lithium Silicate Series from Li2SiO3 to Li8SiO6 in Alcoholic Media,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials, Chicago, Illinois, April 13-17, 1986.
  • C. ALVANI, S. CASADIO, L. LORENZINI, and G. BRAMBILLA, “Fabrication of Porous LiAlO2 Ceramic Breeder Material,” Fusion Technol., 10, 106 (1986).
  • P. KENNEDY, “The Preparation, Characterization and Properties of Lithium Oxide and Lithium Meta Zirconate Specimens Irradiated in HFR Petten in the Second and Third Exotic Experiments,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • P. HOFMANN and W. DIENST, “Chemical Compatibility Between Lithium-Based Oxide Ceramics and Stainless Steels,” J. Nucl. Mater., 141-143 (1986).
  • W. DIENST, “Properties and Comparison of Ceramic Oxide Breeder Materials for Fusion Reactor,” PO1B, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (1987).
  • B. RASNEUR, “Physicochemical Properties of Porous γLiA1O2,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • M. BRIEC, F. BOTTER, J. J. ABASSIN, R. BENOIT, P. CHENEBAULT, D. MASSON, B. RASNEUR, P. SCIERS, H. WERLE, and E. ROTH, “In and Out of Pile Tritium Extraction from Samples of Lithium Aluminates,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials, Chicago, Illinois, April 13-17, 1986.
  • E. ROTH, F. BOTTER, and M. ROSTAING, “Tritium Recovery from a Breeder Material Gamma Lithium Aluminate,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials, Chicago, Illinois, April 13-17, 1986.
  • H. WERLE, J. J. ABASSIN, M. BRIEC, R. G. CLEM-MER, H. ELBEL, H. E. HÄFNER, M. MASSON, P. SCIERS, and H. WEDEMEYER, “The Lisa 1 Experiment: In Situ Tritium Release Investigations,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials, Chicago, Illinois, April 13-17, 1986.
  • E. ROTH, J. J. ABASSIN, F. BOTTER, M. BRIEC, M. MASSON, C. MICAUD, B. RASNEUR, N. ROUX, J. SANNIER, and M. TROTABAS, “Study of a Breeding Material - τ Lithium Aluminate,” Proc. 4th European Nuclear Conf. and 9th Foratome Congress (ECN ’86) Nuclear Energy Today and Tomorrow, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1-6, 1986.
  • F. BOTTER, F. LEFEVRE, B. RASNEUR, M. TROTABAS, and E. ROTH, “Effects of Radiation on Lithium Aluminate Samples Properties,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials, Chicago, Illinois, April 13-17, 1986.
  • F. LEFEVRE, G. THEVENOT, B. RASNEUR, and F. BOTTER, “Irradiation Devices for Fusion Reactor Materials. Results Obtained from Irradiated Lithium Aluminate at the Osiris Reactor,” Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Effects of Radiation on Materials, Seattle, Washington, June 23-25, 1986.
  • J. D. ELEN, ECN-185, Fusion Technology Project, Progress Report 1985 (Ma. 1986).
  • J. M. DUPOUY, “Activity Report on the Solid Breeding Materials,” NET/IN/86-46, Internal Note, Next European Torus (1986).
  • “Ceramic Breeders - 1,” Design/R/87.339, CEA Progress Report 1982-1986, Fusion Technology Program (Apr. 1987).
  • H. Th. KLIPPEL, “Thermal Analysis of Bare and Coated SS 316 First Wall Under Plasma Disruption Conditions,” Culham-First Wall Mtg., Culham, U.K. (Jun. 1985).
  • F. MOONS, “Material Loss and Lifetime Estimation of Divertor Plates Exposed to Disruption Heat Loads,” NET/86/NE/R-03, Next European Torus (1986).
  • G. FEDERICI, “Experimental Analysis of Feasibility and Preliminary Design of the W-5Re and Cu Plates of the Divertor for the NET (Next European Torus) Fusion Reactor,” Technical Note No. 1.06.Bl.86.40, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Ma. 1986).
  • V. RENDA and G. FEDERICI, “Feasibility Study for an Engineering Concept of a Stainless Steel/Copper Divertor Plate Protected by Tungsten-5% Rhenium Alloy or Graphite Armour,” Technical Note No. I.87.48, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Apr. 1987).
  • K. KLEEFELDT, “Compound Divertor Plate with Tungsten Tiles,” European Contribution to the 14th International Tokamak Reactor Workshop, Phase IIA, Part 3, Critical Issues, EUR-FU-BRU/XII-52/86/EDV20, Commission of the European Communities (Dec. 1986).
  • E. ZOLTI, “Thermal and Structural Study of the NET Divertor Plates,” NET/IN/86-019-28.4.1986, Internal Note, Next European Torus (1986).
  • M. DALLE DONNE, “Pebble Bed Canister: A Ceramic Breeder Blanket with Helium Cooling for NET,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Ho.04, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • E. ZOLTI, “Thermal and Mechanical Behaviour of the Helium Cooled Bare Divertor Plates for NET,” NET/IN/86-056/EZ-29.10.1986, Internal Note, Next European Torus (1986).
  • A. CARDELLA and B. PAVAN, “The Hypervapotron Divertor Design for NET,” NET/87/IN-015, Next European Torus (1987).
  • “Thomson-CSF Vapor-Phase Andar and Collector-Cooling Techniques,” NTG-6112, Thomson-CSF, France (Jun. 1977).
  • R. HAANGE, “Design of Calorimeter and Ion Dump for JET Neutral Injection Beam Line,” Proc. 9th Symp. Engineering Problems of Fusion Research, Chicago, Illinois, October 26-29, 1981, IEEE-81-CH-l716-2NPS, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
  • W. WORRACKER and V. K. THOMPSON, “Study of the Reactor Relevance of the NET Design Concept,” CLM-R 278, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham, U.K. (Aug. 1987).
  • D. R. HARRIES, “The Materials Requirements for NET,” Radiat. Eff., 101, 3 (1986).
  • Compte rendu de fabrication de la tôle 20639 en acier AISI 316L 167 SPH, Creusot-Loire (1981).
  • E. A. LITTLE, D. R. HARRIES, F. B. PICKERING, and S. R. KEOWN, “Effects of Heat Treatment on Structure and Properties of 12% Cr Steels,” Metals Technol., 4, 205 (1977).
  • P. PATRIARCA, “Use of Ferritic Steels in Breeder Reactors Worldwide,” Proc. Topl. Conf. Ferritic Alloys for Use in Nuclear Energy Technologies, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 19-23, 1983, p. 107, Metals Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (1984).
  • K. EHRLICH, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Private Communication (1987).
  • T. LECHTENBERG, C. DAHMS, and H. ATTAYA, “An Assessment of Magnetic Effects in Ferromagnetic Martensitic Steels for Use in Fusion Machines,” Proc. Topl. Conf. Ferritic Alloys for Use in Nuclear Energy Technologies, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 19-23, 1983, p. 179, Metals Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (1984).
  • B. van der SCHAAF, “Irradiation Effects on Mechanical Properties on the NET 316L Reference Heat,” Proc. 14th Symp. Fusion Technology, Avignon, France, September 8-12, 1986, Pergamon Press (1986).
  • E. E. BLOOM, “Mechanical Behaviour of Materials in Fusion Reactor First Wall and Blanket Systems,” J. Nucl. Mater., 85 & 86, 795 (1979).
  • J. M. DUPOUY, J. ERLER, and R. HUILLERY, “Post-Irradiation Mechanical Properties of Annealed and Cold Worked 316 Stainless Steel After Irradiation to High Fast Neutron Fluences,” Proc. Int. Conf. Radiation Effects in Breeder Reactor Structural Materials, Scottsdale, Arizona, June 19-23, 1977, p. 83, Metals Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (1984).
  • B. van der SCHAAF, M. GROSSBECK, and H. SCHEURER, “Oak Ridge Matrix Tests No. 5B and 5C HFIR Irradiations. Post Irradiation Tensile Tests in Support of Fusion Reactor First Wall Material Development,” EUR-10659, Commission of the European Communities (1986).
  • H. R. HIGGY and F. H. HAMMAD, “Effect of Fast-Neutron Irradiation on Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steels: AISI Types 304, 316, and 347,” J. Nucl. Mater., 55, 177 (1975).
  • F. W. WIFFEN and P. J. MASZIASZ, “The Influence of Neutron Irradiation at 55°C on the Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steels,” J. Nucl. Mater., 103 & 104, 821 (1981).
  • H. L. HEINISCH, S. D. ATKIN, and C. MARTINEZ, “Spectral Effects in Low-Dose Fission and Fusion Neutron Irradiated Metals and Alloys,” J. Nucl. Mater., 141 & 143, 807 (1986).
  • C. WASSILIEW, K. HERRSCHBACH, E. MATER-NA-MORRIS, and K. EHRLICH, “Irradiation Behaviour of 12% Cr Martensitic Steels,” Proc. Topl. Conf. Ferritic Alloys for Use in Nuclear Energy Technologies, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 19-23, 1983, p. 607, Metals Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (1984).
  • R. L. KLUEH and J. M. VITEK, “Evaluated Temperature Properties of Irradiated 9Cr-1MoVNb Steel,” J. Nucl. Mater., 132, 27 (1985).
  • R. L. KLUEH and J. M. VITEK, “Tensile Behaviour of Three Commerical Ferritic Steels After Low Temperature Irradiation,” Proc. Topl. Conf. Ferritic Alloys for Use in Nuclear Energy Technologies, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 19-23, 1983, p. 615, Metals Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (1984).
  • E. A. LITTLE, “Fracture Mechanics Evaluations of Neutron Irradiated Type 321 Austenitic Steel,” J. Nucl. Mater., 139, 261 (1986).
  • F. H. HUANG and G. L. WIRE, “Irradiation Effects on the Fracture Toughness of 20% Cold Worked Type 316 Stainless Steels,” Proc. Int. Conf. Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Behavior of Irradiated Metals and Alloys, Brighton, Sussex, U.K., April 11-14, 1983, Paper 25, p. 135, British Nuclear Energy Society.
  • W. L. HU and D. S. GELLES, “Miniature Charpy Impact Test Results for Irradiated Ferritic Alloys HT-9 and Modified 9Cr-1Mo,” Proc. Topl. Conf. Ferritic Alloys for Use in Nuclear Energy Technologies, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 19-23, 1983, p. 631, Metals Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (1984); see also W. L. HU, “Charpy Impact Test Results of Ferritic Alloys at Fluence to 6 × 1022 n/cm2,” HEDL-7517, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory.
  • K. EHRLICH and K. ANDERKO, “Development of Materials for LMFBR Fuel Elements of High Burnup,” Proc. Int. Symp. Fast Breeder Reactors–Experience and Future Trends, Lyons, France, July 22-26, 1985, p. 231.
  • J. M. VITEK, W. R. CORWIN, R. L. KLUEH, and J. R. HAWTHORNE, “On the Saturation of the DBTT Shift of Irradiated 12Cr-lMoVNb with Increasing Fluence,” J. Nucl. Mater., 141 & 143, 948 (1986).
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