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Evolving therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection

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Pages 1453-1464 | Published online: 25 Feb 2005


  • DE FRANCESCO V, ZULLO A, RINALDI V et al.: Relationship between antral lymphocyte density and basal gastrin levels in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection. Dig. Liver Dis. (2000) 32:676–681.
  • LEUNG WK, SUNG JJ: Review article: intestinal metaplasia and gastric carcinogenesis. Aliment. Pharmacol Ther. (2002) 16:1209–1216.
  • GISBERT JP, KHORRAMI S, CARBALLO F, CALVET X, GENE E, DOMINGUEZ-MUNOZ E: Meta-analysis: Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy versus antisecretory non-eradication therapy for the prevention of recurrent bleeding from peptic ulcer. Aliment. Pharmacol Then. (2004) 19:617–629.
  • GISBERT JP, PAJARES JM: Review article: Helicobacter pyloriinfection and gastric outlet obstruction - prevalence of the infection and role of antimicrobial treatment. Aliment. Pharmacol Then. (2002) 16:1203–1208.
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  • RICCI C, MENEGATTI M, GATTA L, HOLTON J, MORETTI C, VAIRA D: Association between Helicobacter pylori and disease. In: Helicobacter pylori therapy Holton J, Vaira D, Menegatti M, Miglioli M (Eds.), Mosby-Wolfe, Milan (1998):29–38.
  • ZULLO A, RINALDI V, HASSAN C, LAURIA V, ATTILI AF: Gastric pathology in cholecystectomy patients: role of Helicobacter pylori and bile reflux. I Clin. Gastroenterol (1998) 27:335–338.
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  • DZIERZANOWSKA-FANGRAT K, CRABTREE JE, ROZYNEK E et al: Helicobacter pylori cagA genotype and density of colonization in relation to gastric inflammation in children. Eur. I Gastroenterol Htpatol. (2002) 14:1303–1307.
  • ANNIBALE B, CAPURSO G, DELLE GF: The stomach and iron deficiency anaemia: a forgotten link. Dig. Liver Dis. (2003) 35:288–295.
  • FRANCHINI M, VENERI D. Helicobacter pylori infection and immune thrombocytopenic purpura: an update. Helicobacter (2003) 9:342–346.
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  • ZULLO A, HASSAN C, MORINI S: Hepatic encephalopathy and Helicobacter pylori: a critical reappraisal.' Clin. Gastroenterol (2003) 37:164–168.
  • RICCI V, ZARRILLI R, ROMANO M: Voyage of Helicobacter pyloriin human stomach: odyssey of a bacterium. Dig. Liver Dis. (2002) 34:2–8.
  • •A review regarding the pathogenic mechanisms involved in H pylori infection.
  • MORINI S, ZULLO A, HASSAN C, LORENZETTI R, STELLA F, MARTINI MT: Gastric cardia inflammation: role of Helicobacter pylon and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Am. J. Gastroenterol (2001) 96:2337–2340.
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  • SUTTON P, DOIDGE C: Helkobacter pylori vaccines spiral into the new millenium. Dig. Liver Dis. (2003) 35:675–687.
  • ••A comprehensive review regarding allaspects of vaccine development.
  • DE FRANCESCO V, ZULLO A, MARGIOTTA M et al.: Sequential treatment for Helicobacter pyloriinfection does not share the risk factors of triple therapy failure. Aliment. Pharmacol Then. (2004) 19:407–414.
  • GISBERT JP, MARCOS S, GISBERT JL,PAJARES JM: Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy is more effective in peptic ulcer than in non-ulcer dyspepsia. Eur. I Gastroenterol Hepatol (2001) 13:1303–1307.
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  • GRAHAM DY, LEW GM, MALATY HM, EVANS DG: Factors influencing the eradication of Helicobacter pylon with triple therapy. Gastroenterology (1992) 102:493–496.
  • MALFERTHEINER p, MEGRAUD F, MORAIN CO et al.: Current concepts in the management of Helkobacter pyloriinfection. The Maastricht 2–2000 Consensus Report. Aliment. Pharmacy] Ther. (2002) 16:167–180.
  • •Current European guidelines on H pylori management.
  • LAHEIJ RJ, VAN ROSSUM LG, JANSEN JB, STRAATMAN H, VERBEEK AL: Evaluation of treatment regimens to cure Helicobacter pyloriinfection. A meta-analysis. Aliment. Pharmacol The]: (1999) 13:857–864.
  • JANSSEN MJR, VAN OIJEN AH, VERBEEK AL, JANSEN JB, DE BOERWA: A systematic comparison of triple therapies for treatment of Helicobacter py/oriinfection with proton pump inhibitor/ ranitidine bismuth citrate plus clarithromycin and either amoxycillin or a nitroimidazole. Aliment. Pharmacol Ther. (2001) 15:613–624.
  • •A comprehensive meta-analysis on standard triple therapy efficacy.
  • DELLA MONICA P, LAVAGNA A, MASOERO G, LOMBARDO L, CROCELLA L, PERA A: Effectiveness of Helicobacter pylon eradication treatments in a primary care setting in Italy. Aliment. Pharmacol Ther. (2002) 16:1269–1275.
  • CALVET X, GARCIA N, LOPEZ T, GISBERT JP, GENE E, ROQUE M: A meta-analysis of short versus long therapy with a proton pump inhibitor, clarithromycin and either metronidazole or amoxycillin for treating Helkobacter pyloriinfection. Aliment. Pharmacol Ther. (2000) 14:603–608.
  • GENE E, CALVET X, AZAGRA R, GISBERT JP: Triple versus quadruple therapy for treating Helicobacter pylori infection: an updated meta-analysis. Aliment. Pharmacol The]: (2003) 18:543–544.
  • GRAHAM DY, BELSON G, ABUDAYYEDI S, OSATO MS, DORE MP, EL ZIMAITY HM: Twice daily (midday and evening) quadruple therapy for H pylori infection in the United States. Dig. Liver Dis. (2004) 36:384–387.
  • ZULLO A, HASSAN C, MORINI S: Quadruple therapy as a first-line Helicobacter pyloritreatment: past or future? Dig. Liver Dis. (2004) 36:377–379.
  • ZULLO A, RINALDI V, WINN S et al: A new highly effective short-term therapy schedule for Helicobacter pylon eradication. Aliment. Pharmacol Ther. (2000) 14:715–718.
  • ZULLO A, VAIRA D, VAKIL N et al: High eradication rates of Helicobacter pylori with a new sequential treatment. Aliment. Pharmacol The]: (2003) 17:719–726.
  • •First large, randomised study showing that a novel sequential therapy is more effective than standard triple therapy.
  • DE FRANCESCO V, ZULLO A, HASSAN C et al.: The prolongation of triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori does not allow reaching therapeutic outcome of sequential scheme: a prospective, randomised study. Dig. Liver Dis. (2004) 36:322–326.
  • CAMMAROTA G, CIANCI R, CANNIZZARO O et al: Efficacy of two one-week rabeprazole/levofloxacin-based triple therapies for Helicobacter pylori infection. Aliment. Pharmacol Ther. (2000) 14:1339–1343.
  • ZULLO A, HASSAN C, DE FRANCESCO V et al.: A third-line levofloxacin-based rescue therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication. Dig. Liver Dis. 2003 35:232–236.
  • WATANABE Y, AOYAMA N, SHIRASAKA D et al.: Levofloxacin-based triple therapy as a second-line treatment after failure of Helicobacter pylori eradication with standard triple therapy. Dig. Liver Dis. (2003) 35:711–715.
  • ZULLO A, HASSAN C, LORENZETTI Ret al: Helicobacter pylori eradication: do we have another ace up our sleeve? Dig. Liver Dis. (2001) 33:805–806.
  • DI MARIO F, ARAGONA G, BO ND, INGEGNOLI A et al.: Use of lactoferrin for Helicobacter pylori eradication. Preliminary results. Clin. Gastroenterol (2003) 36:396–398.
  • DI MARIO F, ARAGONA G, DAL NB et al.: Use of bovine lactoferrin for Helicobacter pylon eradication. Dig. Liver Dis. (2003) 35:706–710.
  • GUTTNER Y, WINDSOR HM, VIIALA CH, MARSHALL BJ: Human recombinant lactoferrin is ineffective in the treatment of human Helicobacter pylori infection. Aliment. Pharmacol Ther. (2003) 17:125–129.
  • GUTTNER Y, WINDSOR HM, VIIALA CH, DUSCI L, MARSHAL BJ: Nitazoxanide in treatment of Helicobacter pylori. a clinical and in vitrostudy. Antimicrob. Agents Chernother. (2003) 47:3780–3783.
  • GUO CY, WU YB, LIU HL, WU JY et al: Clinical evaluation of four one-week triple therapy regimens in eradicating Helicobacter py/oriinfection. World J. Castroenterol (2004) 10:747–749.
  • IWAO E, YAMAMOTO K, YOKOYAMA Y et al: Potent antibacterial activity of Y-754, a novel benzimidazole compound with selective action against Heliwbacterpylori I Infect. Chemother. (2004) 10:90–96.
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  • DE GIORGIO R, STANGHELLINI V, BARBARA G et al.: Rifaximin and Helicobacter pylori eradication. Lim Rev Med. Pharmacol Sci. (1997) 1:105–110.
  • PERRI F, FESTA V, CLEMENTE R et al:Rifabutin-based 'rescue therapy' for Helicobacter pyloriinfected patients after failure of standard regimens. Aliment. Pharmacol Then. (2000) 14:311–316.
  • PERRI F, FESTA V, CLEMENTE R et al.: Randomized study of two 'rescue' therapies for Helicobacter pylori-infected patients after failure of standard triple therapies. Am. .1. Castroenterol (2001) 96:58–62.
  • CANDUCCI F, OJETTI V, OIKA O et al:Rifabutin-based Helicobacter pylori eradication 'rescue therapy'. Aliment. Pharmacol Then. 2002; 15:143 (letter).
  • CAREANAGUE D, SHUE YK, WOUNOLA MA et al.: Novel structures derived from 2- [[(2-pyridyl)mathyl]thiol-1H-benzimidazole as anti- Helicobacter pylori agents, Part 2. Med. Chem. (2002) 45:4300–4309.
  • KOBOYASHI I, MURAOKA H, HASEGAWA M et al.: In vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of BAS-118, a new benzamide derivative. Antimicrob. Chemother: (2002) 50:129–132.
  • KATSURA Y, NSHINO S, INOUE Y et al.: Anti- Helicobacter pylori agents. 5.2-(Substituted guanidino)-4-arylthiazoles and aryloxazole analogues. I Med. Chem. (2002) 45:143–150.
  • ••In this study, a molecule with the highestin vitro antibacterial activity against H pylori was described.
  • HASUOKA A, NISHIKIMI Y, NAKAYAMA Y et al.: Synthesis and anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of pyloricidin derivatives II. The combination of amino acid residues in the dipeptidic moiety and its effect on the anti-Helicobacter pylori activity. Antibiot. (2002) 55:499–507.
  • ••This interesting study showed a very highefficacy of a novel family of natural antibiotics against H pylon both in vitro and in vivo.
  • YOSHIDA Y, MATSUDA K, SASAKI H et al.: Studies on anti-Helicobacter pylori agents. Part 3: a novel, efficacious cephem derivative, FR193879. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. (2004) 14:2627–2631.
  • SANCHEZ JEG, SAENZ NG, RINCON MR et al: Susceptibility of Heticobacterpy/ori to mupirocin, oxazolidinones, quinupristin/dalfopristin and new quinolones. Antimicrob. Chemother: (2000) 46:283–285.
  • IWAO E, YOKOYAMA Y, YAMAMOTO K, HIRAYAMA F, HAGA K: In vitro and in vivo anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of Y-904, a new fluoroquinolone. Infect. Chemother: (2003) 9:165–171.
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  • ••This is an exhaustive review on protonpump inhibitors.
  • GRAHAM DY, HAMMOUD F, EL-ZIMAITY MT et al.: Meta-analysis: proton pump inhibitor of H2-recptor antagonist for Helicobacter pylori eradication. Aliment. Pharmacol Then. (2003) 17:1229–1236.
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  • GATTA L, PERNA F, FIGURA N et al:Antimicrobial activity of esomeprazole versus omeprazole against Helicobacter pylori. .1. Antimicrob. Chemother: (2003) 51:439–442.
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  • HAMILTON-MILLER JM: The role of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of Helicobacter pylori infection. Int. .1. Antimicrob. Agents (2002) 22:360–366.
  • ••This is a systematic review on the role ofprobiotics in H pylori treatment.
  • CANDUCCI F, ARMUZZI A, CREMONINI F et al.: A lyophilized and inactivated culture of Lactobacillus acidophils increases Helicobacter pylori eradication rate. Ailment. Pharmacol Then. (2000) 14:1625–1629.
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  • ARMUZZI A, CREMONINI F, OJETTI V et al.: Effect of Lactobacillus CC supplementation on antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal side effects during Helkobacter pylon eradication therapy: a pilot study. Digestion (2001) 63:1–7.
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  • ••First demonstration of a vaccine withprotective effect against H pylori infection.
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  • ••First demonstration of a vaccine withtherapeutic effect in H pylori-infected mice.
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