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IL-10-related cellular cytokines and their receptors: new targets for inflammation and cancer therapy

Pages 281-299 | Published online: 02 Mar 2005


  • MOORE KW, DE WAAL MALEFYT R, COFFMAN RL, O'GARRA A: Interleukin-10 and the interleukin-10 receptor. Ann. Rev Immunol (2001) 19:683–765.
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  • DUMONT FJ: Therapeutic potential of IL -10 and its viral homologues: an update. Expert Opin. Ther. Patents (2003) 13:1551–1557.
  • •Recent review of the biology and therapeutic potential of IL-10 and its viral homologues.
  • FICKENSCHER H, HORS, KUPERS H et al: The interleukin-10 family of cytokines. Trends Immunol (2002) 23:89–96.
  • •Review of the molecular biology of IL-10-related cytokines and their receptors.
  • KOTENKO SV: The family of IL-10- related cytokines and their receptors: related, but to what extent? Cytokine Growth Factor Rev (2002) 13:223–240.
  • •Review of the molecular biology of IL-10-related cytokines and their receptors.
  • RENAULD JC: Class II cytokine receptors and their ligands: key antiviral and inflammatory modulators. Nat. Rev brimanol. (2003) 3:667–676.
  • SAUANE M, GOPALKRISHNAN RV, SARKAR D et al.: MDA-7/IL-24: novel cancer growth suppressing and apoptosis inducing cytokine. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev (2003) 14:35–51.
  • •Excellent up-to-date review of IL-24 and its potential for anti-cancer gene therapy.
  • GALLAGHER G, DICKENSHEETS H, ESKDALE J et al.: Cloning, expression and initial characterization of interleukin-19 (IL-19), a novel homologue of human interleukin-10 (IL-10). Genes Inman. (2000) 1:442–450.
  • ••Description of IL-19 and its homology toIL–10.
  • LIAO YC, LIANG WG, CHEN FW et aL: IL-19 induces production of IL-6 and TNF-a and results in cell apoptosis through TNF-a. Immunol (2002) 169:4288–4297.
  • ••Shows that IL-19 has irnmunostimulatoryactivity in vitro.
  • CHANG C, MAGRACHEVA E, KOZLOV S et al.: Crystal structure of interleukin-19 defines a new subfamily of helical cytokines.j Biol. Chem. (2003) 278:3308–3313.
  • ••Characterisation of the structure of IL-19.Shows that, unlike IL-10, IL-19 does not form an intercalating dimer but exists as a monomer in solution.
  • WOLK K, KUNZ S, ASADULLAH K, SABAT R: Immune cells as sources and targets of the IL-10 family members? Immunol (2002) 168:5397–5402.
  • ••Shows that IL-10-related cytokines areproduced by immune cells.
  • GHORESCHE K, THOMAS P BREIT S et al.: Interleukin-4 therapy of psoriasis induces TH2 responses and improves human autoimmune disease. Nat. Med. (2003) 9:40–46.
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  • ••Shows that IL-19 and IL-20 are producedby keratinocytes in psoriasis.
  • BLUMBERG H, CONKLIN D, XU WF et al.: Interleukin 20: discovery, receptor identification, and role in epidermal function. Cell (2001) 104:9–19.
  • ••Description of IL-20 and of one of itsfunctional receptors, IL-20R1/1L-20R2. Suggests a role for IL-20 in skin biology and inflammation, including psoriasis.
  • KINGO K, KOKS S, NIKOPENSIUS T, SILM H, VASAR E: Polymorphisms in the interleukin-20 gene: relationships to plaque-type psoriasis. Genes Litman. (2004) [Epub ahead of print].
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  • DUMOUTIER L, LOUAHED J, RENAULD JC: Cloning and characterization of IL-10-related T cell-derived inducible factor (IL-TIE), a novel cytokine structurally related to IL-10 and inducible by IL-9. J. Immunol. (2000) 164:1814–1819.
  • DUMOUTIER L, VAN ROOST E, COLAU D, RENAULD JC: Human interleukin-10-related T-cell-derived inducible factor: molecular cloning and functional characterization as an hepatocyte-stimulating factor. Proc. Nat! Acad. SclUSA (2000) 97:10144–10149.
  • ••Description of human IL-22 andcharacterisation of its role as an inducer of acute-phase proteins.
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  • ••Description of human IL-22 anddemonstration that it signals through the IL -22R1/IL-10R2 receptor complex.
  • DUMOUTIER L, VAN ROOST E, AMEYE G, MICHAUX L, RENAULD JC: IL-TIF/IL-22: genomic organization and mapping of the human and mouse genes. Genes Inainuna (2000) 1:488–494.
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  • ••Structural analysis of IL-22 and evidencethat it exists as a monomer in solution.
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  • •Discovery of the human IL-24 gene.
  • HUANG EY, MADIREDDI MT, GOPALKRISHNAN RV et al.: Genomic structure, chromosomal localization and expression profile of a novel melanoma differentiation associated (inda-4 gene with cancer-specific growth suppressing and apoptosis-inducing properties. Oncogene (2001) 20:7051–7063.
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  • ••Demonstration that IL-24 acts as acytokine with irmrtunostimulatory properties.
  • WANG M, TAN Z, ZHANG R, KOTENKO SV, LIANG P: Interleuldn 24 (MDA-7/M0B-5) signals through two heterodimeric receptors, IL-22R1/IL-20R2 and IL-20R1/IL-20R2. I Biol. Chem. (2002) 277:7241–7347.
  • ••Demonstration that IL-24 acts as acytokine that signals through two distinct receptors.
  • SCHAEFER G, VENKATARAMAN C, SCHINDLER U: FISP (IL-4-induced secreted protein), a novel cytokine-like molecule secreted by TH2 cells. J. Immuna (2001) 166:5859–5863.
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  • •Shows that IL-24 is produced by macrophages.
  • EKMEKCIOGLU S, ELLERHORST J, MHASHILKAR AM etal.: Down-regulated melanoma differentiation associated gene (mda-4 expression in human melanomas. Int. Cancer (2001) 94:54–59.
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  • MADIREDDI MT, DENT P, FISHER PB: Regulation of mda-7gene expression during human melanoma differentiation. Oncogene (2000) 19:1362–1368.
  • MADIREDDI MT, DENT P, FISHER PB: AP-1 and C/EBP transcription factors contribute to mda-7gene promoter activity during human melanoma differentiation. Cell . Physic] (2000) 185:36–46.
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  • ••Description of IL-26 and its homologywith IL–10.
  • GORIS A, MARROSU MG, VANDENBROECK K: Novel polymorphisms in the IL-10-relatedAK155 gene (chromosome 12q15). Genes Liman. (2001) 2:284–286.
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  • KOTENKO SV, PESTKA S: Jak-Stat signaltransduction pathway through the eyes of cytokine Class II receptor complexes. Oncogene (2000) 19:2557–2565.
  • JOSEPHSON K, LOGSDON NJ, WALTER MR: Crystal structure of the IL-10/IL-10R1 complex reveals a shared receptor binding site. Immunity (2001) 15:35–46.
  • PARRISH-NOVAK J, XU W, BRENDER T et al.: Interleukins 19, 20, and 24 signal through two distinct receptor complexes. Differences in receptor-ligand interactions mediate unique biological functions. J. Biol. Chem. (2002) 277:47517–47523.
  • ••Shows that IL-19, -20 and -24 share theType 1 and 2 IL-20R complexes.
  • DUMOUTIER L, LEEMANS C, LEJEUNE D, KOTENKO SV, RENAULD JC: STAT activation by IL-19, IL-20 and mda-7through IL-20 receptor complexes of two types. Immuna (2001) 167:3545–3549.
  • ••Shows that IL-19, IL-20 and IL-24 sharethe Type 1 and Type 2 IL-20R complexes.
  • SHEIKH F, BAURIN VV, LEWIS -ANTES A et al.: IL-26 signals through a novel receptor complex composed of IL-20 receptor 1 and IL-10 receptor 2. Immuna (2003) 172:2006–2010.
  • ••Shows that IL-26 signals through the IL -20R1/IL-10R2 receptor complex.
  • PLETNEV S, MAGRACHEVA E, KOZLOV S et al.: Characterization of the recombinant extracellular domains of human interleukin-20 receptors and their complexes with interleukin-19 and interleukin-20. Biochemistry (2003) 42:12617–12624.
  • ••Shows that IL-19 and -20 bind with highaffinity to IL-20R2 alone. This creates a new site to which IL-20R1 binds, resulting in formation of a signaling receptor complex that consists of one ligand molecule and one molecule of each receptor chain.
  • KOTENKO SV, IZOTOVA LS, MIROCHNITCHENKO OV et al.: Identification of the functional interleukin-22 (IL-22) receptor complex: the IL-10R2 chain (IL-101213) is a common chain of both the IL-10 and IL-22 (IL-10-related T cell-derived inducible factor, IL-TIF) receptor complexes. J. Biol. Chem. (2001) 276:2725–2732.
  • •Characterisation of the IL-22 receptor complex.
  • AGGARWAL S, XIE MH, MARUOKA M, FOSTER J, GURNEY AL: Acinar cells of the pancreas are a target of interleukin-22. .1 Interferon Cytokine Res. (2001) 21:1047–1053.
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  • RAMESH R, MHASHILKAR AM, TANAKA F et al.: Melanoma differentiation-associated gene 7/interleukin (IL)-24 is a novel ligand that regulates angiogenesis via the IL-22 receptor. Cancer Res. (2003) 63:5105–5113.
  • ••Demonstrates that IL-24 inhibitsendothelial cell differentiation and migration by acting via the IL-22 receptor.
  • DUMOUTIER L, LEJEUNE D, COLAU D, RENAULD JC: Cloning and characterization of IL-22 binding protein, a natural antagonist of IL-10-related T cell-derived inducible factor/IL-22. J. Immunol. (2001) 166:7090–7095.
  • •Description of IL-22BP and characterisation of its role as an IL-22 antagonist.
  • KOTENKO SV, IZOTOVA LS, MIROCHNITCHENKO OV et al.: Identification, cloning and characterization of a novel soluble receptor that binds IL-22 and neutralizes its activity. Immunol. (2001) 166:7096–7103.
  • •Description of IL-22BP and characterisation of its role as an IL-22 antagonist.
  • XU W, PRESNELL SR, PARRISH -NOVAK J et al.: A soluble Class II cytokine receptor, IL-22RA2, is a naturally occurring IL-22 antagonist. Proc. Natl. Acad. &L USA (2001) 98:9511–9516.
  • •Description of IL-22BP and characterisation of its role as an IL-22 antagonist.
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  • •Review of the role of IL-20 in skin inflammation.
  • WANG YC, LI HL, CHEN P et al: IL-20:promoter analysis and characterization of biological function. Ear: Cytokine Netw. (2003) 14:64.
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  • ••Demonstrates that IL-20 selectivelyenhances the proliferation of multipotential haematopoietic progenitors.
  • LEJEUNE D, DUMOUTIER L, CONSTANTINESCU S et al: Interleukin-22 (IL-22) activates the JAK/STAT, ERK, JNK, and p38 MAP kinase pathways in a rat hepatoma cell line. Pathways that are shared with and distinct from IL-10. J. Biol Chem. (2002) 277:33676–33682.
  • ••Analysis of the signaling pathwaysrecruited by IL-22 in hepatoma cells. Demonstrates that IL-22, but not IL-10, induces STAT3 serine phosphorylation and MAPK activation.
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  • •First demonstration of the anti-tumour activity of Ad.mda-7
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  • SU ZZ, LEBEDEVA IV, SARKAR D et al: Melanoma differentiation associated gene-7, mda-7/IL-24, selectively induces growth suppression, apoptosis and radiosensitization in malignant gliomas in a p53-independent manner. Oncogene (2003) 22:1164–1180.
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  • http://www.introgen.com/ Introgen Therapeutics homepage.
  • http://www.zymogenetics.com/ Zymogenetics homepage.

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