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Cell-based therapies for disorders of the CNS

Pages 1361-1376 | Published online: 30 Sep 2005


  • ARMSTRONG RJE, JAIN M, BARKER RA: Stem cell transplantation as an approach to brain repair. Expert Opin. They. Patents (2001) 11(10):1–19.
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  • ••Demonstrated that cortical neurogenesiscan occur using a highly selective lesion.
  • KEMPERMANN G, GAST D, KRONENBERG G, YAMAGUCHI M, GAGE FH: Early determination and long-term persistence of adult-generated new neurons in the hippocampus of mice. Development (2003) 130(2):391–399.
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  • PALMER TD, WILLHOITE AR, GAGE FH: Vascular niche for adult hippocampal neurogenesis. J. Comp. NeuroL (2000) 452:479–494.
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  • •The first to demonstrate that new neurons in the dentate gyrus functionally integrate into the existing circuitry.
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  • ••Demonstrated that decreasinghippocampal neurogenesis using an anti-mitotic agent impairs hippocampal-dependent but not hippocampal-independent memory formation.
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  • ••Demonstrated that neurogenesis was required for the behavioural effects of antidepressants.
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  • GHEUSI G, CREMER H, MCLEAN H, CHAZAL G, VINCENT J-D, LLEDO P-M: Importance of newly generated neurons in the adult olfactory bulb for odor discrimination. Proc. NatL Acad. Sci. USA (2000) 97(4):1823–1828.
  • EN WERE E, SHINGO T, GREGG C, FUJIKAWA H, OHTA S, WEISS S: Aging results in reduced epidermal growth factor receptor signaling, diminished olfactory neurogenesis, and deficits in fine olfactory discrimination. J. Neurosci. (2004) 24(38):8354–8365.
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  • LAZIC SE, GROTE H, ARMSTRONG RJE et al.: Decreased hippocampal cell proliferation in R6/1 Huntington's mice. Neuroreport (2004) 15(5):811–813.
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  • CURTIS MA, PENNEY EB, PEARSON AG et al.: Increased cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the adult human Huntington's disease brain. Proc. NatL Acad. Sci. USA (2003) 100(15):9023–9027.
  • •Identified an increase in neurogenesis in the human HD post-mortem brain.
  • CURTIS MA, PENNEY EB, PEARSON J, DRAGUNOW M, CONNOR B, FAULL RLM: The distribution of progenitor cells in the subependymal layer of the lateral ventricle in the normal and Huntington's disease human brain. Neuroscience (2005) 132:777–788.
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  • •Demonstrated that dopaminergic denervation reduces proliferation of NPCs in the hippocampus and SVZ.
  • YOSHIMI K, REN YR, SEKI T et aL: Possibility for neurogenesis in substantia nigra of parkinsonian brain. Ann. Neurol. (2005) 58(1):31–40.
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