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The freedom to tinker: patent law and experimental use

Pages 167-200 | Published online: 22 Apr 2005


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  • Muntz v Foster (1844) 2 WPC 96.
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  • Frearson v Loe (1878) 9 Ch. D. 48 at 66.
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  • Monsanto v Stauffer Chemical Co. (UK) (1985) RPC 515.
  • Monsanto v Stauffer Chemical Co. (UK) (1985) RPC 515 at 522.
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  • Monsanto v Stauffer Chemical Co. (UK) (1985) RPC 515 at 538.
  • Monsanto v Stauffer Chemical Co. (UK) (1985) RPC 515 at 542.
  • Monsanto Co. v Stauffer Chemical Co. (NZ) (1984) FSR 559.
  • Monsanto v Stauffer (1988) FSR 57
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  • Smith Kline & French Laboratories Ltd v Evans Medical Ltd (1989) F.S.R. 513.
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  • Auchincloss v Agricultural & Veterinary Supplies Ltd (1999) R.P.C. 397 at 405.
  • Inhale Therapeutic Systems v Quadrant Healthcare Plc (2002) RPC 21.
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  • Ethofumesate (1990) GRUR 997.
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