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Structure-based HIV-1 integrase inhibitor design: a future perspective

Pages 281-296 | Published online: 24 Feb 2005


  • ENGELMAN A, MIZUUCHI K, CRAIGIE R: 1-11V-1 DNA integration: mechanism of viral DNA cleavage and DNA strand transfer. Cell (1991) 67:1211–1221.
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  • ••First report of drug (mononucleotide)-binding site onintegrase.
  • HEUER TS, BROWN PO: Photo-cross-linking studies suggest a model for the architecture of an active human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 in tegr ase-DNA complex. Biochemistry (1998) 37 (19):6667–6678.
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  • JENKINS TM, ESPOSITO D, ENGELMAN A, CRAIGIE R: Critical contacts between HIV-1 integrase and viral DNA identified by structure-based analysis and photo-crosslinking. EMBO. J. (1997) 16(22):6849–6859.
  • ESPOSITO D, CRAIGIE R: HLV integrase structure and function. Adv. Virus. Res. (1999) 52:319–333.
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  • PLUYMERS W, NEAMATI N, PANNECOUQUE C et al.: Viral entry as the primary target for the antilliV activity of chicoric acid and its tetra-acetyl esters. Ma Pharmacol. (2000) 58(3):641–648.
  • •Argues against the previous reports on the validity of chicoric acids as integrase inhibitors.
  • CHEN IJ, NEAMATI N, NICKLAUS MC et al.: Identification of HIV-1 integrase inhibitors via three-dimensional database searching using ASV and HIV-1 integrases as targets. Bioorg. Med. Chem. (2000) 8(10):2385–2398.
  • ••First report of database searching by docking a large numberof compounds on the integrase crystal structure.
  • SOTRIFFER CA, NI H, MCCAMMON JA: Active site binding modes of HIV-1 integrase inhibitors. J. Med. Chem. (2000) 43(22):4109–4117.
  • ••Describes docking of several reported inhibitors on theintegrase core domain.
  • CAI M, ZHENG R, CAFFREY M, CRAIGIE R, CLORE GM, GRONENBORN AM: Solution structure of the N-terminal zinc binding domain of HIV-1 integrase. Nature Struct. Biol. (1997) 4(7): 567–577.
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  • •Describes the structure of HIV-1 N-terminal domain by NMR.
  • EIJKELENBOOM AP, VAN DEN ENT FM, VOS A, DORELEIJERS JF et al.: The solution structure of the amino-terminal HUICC domain of PIIV-2 integrase: a three-helix bundle stabilized by zinc. Curr. Biol. (1997) 7 (10):739–746.
  • EIJKELENBOOM AP, VAN DEN ENT FM, WECHSELBERGER R, PLASTERK RH, KAPTEIN R, BOELENS R: Refined solution structure of the dimeric N-terminal 1-111CC domain of HIV-2 integrase. J. Biomol. (2000) 18(2):119–128.
  • •Describes a new structure of HIV-2 N-terminal domain by NMR.
  • MACKAY JP, CROSSLEY M: Zinc fingers are sticking together. Trends Biochem. Sci. (1998) 23(1):1–4.
  • MASUDA T, PLANELLES V, KROGSTAD P, CHEN IS: Genetic analysis of human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 integrase and the U3 att site: unusual phenotype of mutants in the zinc finger-like domain./ Viral. (1995) 69(11):6687–6696.
  • NAKAMURA T, MASUDA T, GOTO T, SANO K, NAKAI M, HARADA S: Lack of infectivity of 1-11V-1 integrase zinc finger-like domain mutant with morphologically normal maturation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. CO177177017. (1997) 239(3):715–722.
  • BERG JM, GODWIN HA: Lessons from zinc-binding peptides. Ann. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. (1997) 26:357–371.
  • CHOO Y, KLUG A: Physical basis of a protein-DNA recognition code. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. (1997) 7(1):117–125.
  • RICE WG, TURPIN JA: Virus-encoded zinc fingers as targets for antiviral chemotherapy. Rev. Med. Viral. (1996) 6:187–199.
  • WU H, YANG WP, BARBAS CF 3RD: Building zinc fingersby selection: toward a therapeutic application. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1995) 92(2):344–348.
  • YI J, ARTHUR JW, DUNBRACK RL JR, SKALKA AM: An inhibitory monoclonal antibody binds at the turn of the 11TH motif in the N-terminal domain of 111V-1 integrase. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
  • EIJKELENBOOM AP, LUTZKE RA, BOELENS R, PLASTERK RH, KAPTEIN R, HARD K: The DNA-binding domain of ERV-1 integrase has an SH3-like fold. Nature Struct. Biol. (1995) 2(9):807–810.
  • EIJKELENBOOM AP, SPRANGERS R, HARD K ET AL: et al.,Refined solution structure of the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of human immun ovir us-1 integrase. Proteins (1999) 36(4):556–564.
  • LODI PJ, ERNST JA, KUSZEWSKI J, HICKMAN AB: Solution structure of the DNA binding domain of HIV-1 integrase. Biochemistry (1995) 34(31):9826–9833.
  • SMITHGALL TE: 5I-12 and 5I-13 domains: potential targets for anticancer drug design. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods (1995) 34(3):125–132.
  • FLETCHER TM 3RD, SOARES MA, MCPHEARSON S: Complementation of in tegr ase function in ERV-1 virions. EMBO. J (1997) 16 (16):5123–5138.
  • DIVITA G, RESTLE T, GOODY RS, CHERMANN JC, BAILLON JG: Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 reverse transcriptase dimerization using synthetic peptides derived from the connection domain. J. Biol. Chem. (1994) 269:13080–13083.
  • SCHRAMM HJ, BOETZEL J, BUTTNER J et al.: The inhibi-tion of human immunodeficiency virus proteases by 'interface peptides'. Antiviral Res. (1996) 30 (2-3):155–170.
  • QUERE L, WENGER T, SCHRAMM HJ: Triterpenes as potential dimerization inhibitors of FIEV-1 protease. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1996) 227 (2):484–488.
  • MCPHEE F, GOOD AC, KUNTZ ID, CRAIK CS: Engineering human immunodeficiency virus 1 protease hetero-dimers as macromolecular inhibitors of viral matura-tion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1996) 93(21):11477–11481.
  • MCMILLAN K, ADLER M, AULD DS etal.: Allosteric inhibi-tors of inducible nitric oxide synthase dimerization discovered via combinatorial chemistry. Proc. Nail. Acad. Sci. USA (2000) 97(4):1506–1511.
  • GALLAY P, HOPE T, CHIN D, TRONO D: HIV-1 infection of nondividing cells through the recognition of integrase by the importin/karyopherin pathway. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1997) 94(18):9825–9830.
  • POPOV S, REXACH M, RATNER L, BLOBEL G, BUKRINSKY M: Viral protein R regulates nuclear import of the HIV-1 pre-integration complex. EMBO. J. (1998) 17(4):909–917.
  • GULIZIA J, DEMPSEY MP, SHAROVA N et al.: Reduced nuclear import of human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 preintegration complexes in the presence of a prototypic nuclear targeting signal. J Vim/. (1994) 68 (3):2021–2025. three-helix bundle stabilized by zinc. Curr. Biol. (1997) 7 (10):739–746.
  • EIJKELENBOOM AP, VAN DEN ENT FM, WECHSELBERGER R, PLASTERK RH, KAPTEIN R, BOELENS R: Refined solution structure of the dimeric N-terminal 1-111CC domain of HIV-2 integrase. J. Biomol. (2000) 18(2):119–128.
  • •Describes a new structure of HIV-2 N-terminal domain by NMR.
  • MACKAY JP, CROSSLEY M: Zinc fingers are sticking together. Trends Biochem. Sci. (1998) 23(1):1–4.
  • MASUDA T, PLANELLES V, KROGSTAD P, CHEN IS: Genetic analysis of human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 integrase and the U3 att site: unusual phenotype of mutants in the zinc finger-like domain./ Viral. (1995) 69(11):6687–6696.
  • NAKAMURA T, MASUDA T, GOTO T, SANO K, NAKAI M, HARADA S: Lack of infectivity of 1-11V-1 integrase zinc finger-like domain mutant with morphologically normal maturation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. CO177177017. (1997) 239(3):715–722.
  • BERG JM, GODWIN HA: Lessons from zinc-binding peptides. Ann. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. (1997) 26:357–371.
  • CHOO Y, KLUG A: Physical basis of a protein-DNA recognition code. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. (1997) 7(1):117–125.
  • RICE WG, TURPIN JA: Virus-encoded zinc fingers as targets for antiviral chemotherapy. Rev. Med. Viral. (1996) 6:187–199.
  • WU H, YANG WP, BARBAS CF 3RD: Building zinc fingersby selection: toward a therapeutic application. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1995) 92(2):344–348.
  • YI J, ARTHUR JW, DUNBRACK RL JR, SKALKA AM: An inhibitory monoclonal antibody binds at the turn of the 11TH motif in the N-terminal domain of 111V-1 integrase. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
  • EIJKELENBOOM AP, LUTZKE RA, BOELENS R, PLASTERK RH, KAPTEIN R, HARD K: The DNA-binding domain of ERV-1 integrase has an SH3-like fold. Nature Struct. Biol. (1995) 2(9):807–810.
  • EIJKELENBOOM AP, SPRANGERS R, HARD K ET AL: et al.,Refined solution structure of the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of human immun ovir us-1 integrase. Proteins (1999) 36(4):556–564.
  • LODI PJ, ERNST JA, KUSZEWSKI J, HICKMAN AB: Solution structure of the DNA binding domain of HIV-1 integrase. Biochemistry (1995) 34(31):9826–9833.
  • SMITHGALL TE: 5I-12 and 5I-13 domains: potential targets for anticancer drug design. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods (1995) 34(3):125–132.
  • FLETCHER TM 3RD, SOARES MA, MCPHEARSON S: Complementation of in tegr ase function in ERV-1 virions. EMBO. J (1997) 16 (16):5123–5138.
  • DIVITA G, RESTLE T, GOODY RS, CHERMANN JC, BAILLON JG: Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 reverse transcriptase dimerization using synthetic peptides derived from the connection domain. J. Biol. Chem. (1994) 269:13080–13083.
  • SCHRAMM HJ, BOETZEL J, BUTTNER J et al.: The inhibi-tion of human immunodeficiency virus proteases by 'interface peptides'. Antiviral Res. (1996) 30 (2-3):155–170.
  • QUERE L, WENGER T, SCHRAMM HJ: Triterpenes as potential dimerization inhibitors of FIEV-1 protease. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1996) 227 (2):484–488.
  • MCPHEE F, GOOD AC, KUNTZ ID, CRAIK CS: Engineering human immunodeficiency virus 1 protease hetero-dimers as macromolecular inhibitors of viral matura-tion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1996) 93(21):11477–11481.
  • MCMILLAN K, ADLER M, AULD DS etal.: Allosteric inhibi-tors of inducible nitric oxide synthase dimerization discovered via combinatorial chemistry. Proc. Nail. Acad. Sci. USA (2000) 97(4):1506–1511.
  • GALLAY P, HOPE T, CHIN D, TRONO D: HIV-1 infection of nondividing cells through the recognition of integrase by the importin/karyopherin pathway. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1997) 94(18):9825–9830.
  • POPOV S, REXACH M, RATNER L, BLOBEL G, BUKRINSKY M: Viral protein R regulates nuclear import of the HIV-1 pre-integration complex. EMBO. J. (1998) 17(4):909–917.
  • GULIZIA J, DEMPSEY MP, SHAROVA N et al.: Reduced nuclear import of human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 preintegration complexes in the presence of a prototypic nuclear targeting signal. J Vim/. (1994) 68 (3):2021–2025.

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