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Angiotensin II Type 1 receptor antagonists in chronic heart failure

Pages 705-716 | Published online: 24 Feb 2005


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  • •Clinical trial showing improvement of morbidity when combining ACE inhibition and high-dose ATI blockade.
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  • PACKER M: Proposal for a new clinical end point to evaluate the efficacy of drugs and devices in the treatment of chronic heart failure.j Cardiac Fail. (2001) 7:176–182.
  • •Sophisticated discussion about surrogate markers and end points in heart failure.
  • JONG P, DEMERS C, McKELVIE RS, LIU PP: Angiotensin receptor blockers in heart failure: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials." Am. Coll Cardiol. (2002) 39: 463–470.
  • ••Meta-analysis of clinical trials with ATIantagonist in heart failure.
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  • •Interesting and clinically relevant observation on the potential harm of a frequently used combination.

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