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The development of contraceptive vaccines

Pages 1225-1237 | Published online: 24 Feb 2005


  • HUEZO CM: Current reversible contraceptive methods: a global perspective. Int. J. Cynaecol Obstet. (1998) 62\(Suppl. 1):S3–S15.
  • •Useful review.
  • DIEKMAN AB, NORTON EJ, KLOTZ KL, WESTBROOK VA, HERR JC: Evidence for a unique N-linked glycan associated with human infertility on sperm CD52: a candidate contraceptive vaccinogen. Imm. Rev (1999) 171:203–211.
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  • •A good overview of some important studies investigating the use of contraceptive vaccines for the control of animal populations.
  • BARBER MR, FAYRER-HOSKEN RA: Possible mechanisms of mammalian immunocontraception. Reprod. Immunol (2000) 46:103–124.
  • TALWAR GP, SINGH 0, PAL R et al: A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1994) 91:8532–8536.
  • ••The successful Phase II trial of the hCG-based HSD vaccine.
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  • •An excellent overview of broad interest.
  • ACEVEDO HF, TONG JY, HARTSOCK RJ: Human chorionic gonadotropin-beta subunit gene expression in cultured human fetal and cancer cells of different types and origins. Cancer (1995) 76:1467–1475.
  • •Provides evidence that hCG may be a tumour-associated antigen in a range of different cancers.
  • HEARN JP, GIDLEY-BAIRD AA, HODGES JK, SUMMERS PM, WEBLEY GE: Embryonic signals during the peri-implantation period in primates. I Reprod. Feral Sapp]. (1988) 36:49–58.
  • NORWITZ ER, SCHUST DJ, FISHER SJ: Implantation and the survival of early pregnancy. N Engl. J. Med. (2001) 345:1400–1408.
  • •Excellent review of the current state of knowledge regarding implantation of the fetus.
  • LAPTHORN AJ, HARRIS DC, LITTLEJOHN A et al: Crystal structure of chorionic gonadotropin. Nature (1994) 369:455–461.
  • •The X-ray crystallographic structure of hC G.
  • TALWAR GP: Vaccines and passive immunological approaches for the control of fertility and hormone-dependent cancers. Immunol Rev (1999) 171:173–192.
  • •Extensive overview of hCG-based active and passive immunisation.
  • PAL R, SINGH 0: Absence of corpus luteum rescue by chorionic gonadotropin in women immunized with a contraceptive vaccine. Feral Sterd. (2001) 76:332–336.
  • •Provides important evidence that endogenous hormones probably will not act as boosters for contraceptive vaccines.
  • STEVENS VC: Progress in the development of human chorionic gonadotropin antifertility vaccines. Am. I Reprod. Immunol (1996) 35:148–155.
  • JONES WR, BRADLEY J, JUDD SJ et al.: Phase I clinical trial of a World Health Organisation birth control vaccine. Lancet (1988) i:1295–1298.
  • ••The WHO-sponsored trial using the CTPfrom hC G.
  • STEVENS VC: Antifertility vaccines. In: Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology Perlmann, P and Wigzell, H. (Eds) Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. (1999) 133:443–461, •Well worth digging out this authoritativereview.
  • CEKAN SZ, AEDO AR: Assays of antibodies to a C-terminal peptide or the entire 13-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin. I Clin. Lab. Anal. (1998) 12:60–64.
  • MOUD GAL NR, JEYAKUMAR M, KRISHNAMURTHY HN et al.: Development of male contraceptive vaccine-a perspective. Hum. Reprod. Update (1997) 3:335–346.
  • MOUD GAL NR, DIGHE RR: Is FSH based contraceptive vaccine a feasible proposition for the human male? In: Reproductive Immunology Gupta SK (ed.) Narosa, New Delhi, India (1999):346–357.
  • •Summarises the results of the Phase I trial of an FSH-based vaccine and includes supporting data from studies in rats and bonnet monkeys.
  • ADIGA PR, SUBRAMANIAN S, RAO J, KUMAR M: Prospects of riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) as an antifertility vaccine in male and female mammals. Hum. Reprod. Update (1997) 3:325–334.
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  • MILLAR R, LOWE S, CONKLIN D, PAWSON A et al.: A novel mammalian receptor for the evolutionarily conserved Type II GnRH. Proc. Nati Acad. Sci. USA (2001) 98:9636–9641.
  • •Further important evidence that both GnRH and GnRH receptors comprise several different isoforms, showing a hitherto unappreciated complexity.
  • NEILL JD, DUCK LW, SELLERS JC, MUSGROVE LC: A gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor specific for GnRH II in primates. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2001) 282:1012–1018.
  • •Another paper indicating the potential complexity of different GnRH isoforms and receptors.
  • FERRO VA, KHAN MA, LATIMER VS et al.: Immunoneutralisation of GnRH-I, without cross-reactivity to GnRH-II, in the development of a highly specific anti-fertility vaccine for clinical and veterinary use. J. Reprod. Immunol (2001) 51:109–129.
  • GUPTA A, PAL R, AHLAWAT S et al.: Enhanced immunogenicity of a contraceptive vaccine using diverse synthetic carriers with permissible adjuvant. Vaccine (2001) 19:3384–3389.
  • SEFERIAN PG, MARTINEZ ML: Immune stimulating activity of two new chitosan-containing adjuvant formulations. Vaccine (2001) 19:661–668.
  • SINGH M, SINGH 0, TALWAR GP: Biodegradable delivery system for a birth control vaccine: immunogenicity studies in rats and monkeys. Pharm. Res. (1995) 12:1796–1800.
  • MUKHOPADHYAY A: Reversible protection of disulfide bonds followed by oxidative folding render recombinant hCC,I3 highly immunogenic. Vaccine (2000) 18: 1802-1810.
  • GUPTA A, CHANDRASEKHAR S, PAL R et al.: High expression of human chorionic gonadotrophin I3-subunit using a synthetic vaccinia virus promoter. J. Ma Endocrinoi (2001) 26:281–287.
  • ROCK EP et al.: Immunogenicity of a fusion protein linking the 13 subunit carboxyl terminal peptide (CTP) of human chorionic gonadotropin to the B subunit of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LTB). Vaccine (1996) 14:1560–1568.
  • JACKSON AM, KLONISCH T, LAPTHORN AJ et al: Identification and selective destruction of shared epitopes in human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit. Repro. Immunol (1996) 31:21–26.
  • PORAKISHVILI N, DALLA CHIESA M, CHIKADZE N et al.: Elimination of luteinizing hormone cross-reactive epitopes from human chorionic gonadotropin. Vaccine (2002) 20:2053–2059.
  • DALLA CHIESA M, MARTENSEN PM, SIMMONS C et al.: Refocusing of B-cell responses following a single amino acid substitution in an antigen. Immunology (2001) 103:172–178.
  • TONG Z-B, DEAN J: Contraceptive vaccine strategies that target the zona pellucida. In: Reproductive Immunology. Bronson RA, Alexander NJ, Anderson D, Branch DW, Kutteh WH (Eds). Blackwell Science, Cambridge, MA, USA. (1996):683–692.
  • GUPTA SK, GOVIND CK, SENTHIL D et al.: Molecular characterization of non-human primate zona pellucida glycoproteins. In: Reproductive Immunology Gupta SK (Ed). Narosa, New Delhi, India (1999):33–44.
  • LEA IA, WIDGREN EE, O'RAND MG et al.: Analysis of recombinant mouse zona pellucida protein 2 (ZP2) constructs for immunocontraception. Vaccine (2002) 20:1515–1523.
  • •This study utilised a fusion protein between sperm and egg antigens; similar approaches may eventually lead to a highly efficacious vaccine.
  • VANDEVOORT CA, SCHWOEBEL ED, DUNBAR BS: Immunization of monkeys with recombinant complimentary deoxyribonucleic acid expressed zona pellucida proteins. Feral. Sterd. (1995) 64:838–847.
  • SKINNER SM, PRASAD SV, NDOLO, TM, DUNBAR BS: Zona pellucida antigens: targets for contraceptive vaccines. Am. Reprod. Immunol. (1996) 35:163–174.
  • MAHI-BROWN CA: Primate response toimmunization with a homologous zona pellucida peptide. I Reprod. Feral. Sapp]. (1996) 50:165–174.
  • GOVIND CK, GUPTA SK: Failure of female baboons (Papio anubis) to conceive following immunization with recombinant non-human primate zona pellucida glycoprotein-B expressed in Escherichia coil. Vaccine (2000) 18:2970–2978.
  • •A small but important study providing optimism for the use of ZP antigens in contraceptive vaccines.
  • PATERSON M, JENNINGS ZA, WILSON MR, AITKEN RJ: The contraceptive potential of ZP3 and ZP3 peptides in a primate model. I Reprod. Immunol (2002) 53:99–107.
  • MARTINEZ ML, HARRIS JD: Effectiveness of zona pellucida protein ZPB as an immunocontraceptive antigen. J. Reprod. Perth. (2000) 120:19–32.
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  • AITKEN RJ, PATERSON M, VAN DUIN M: The potential of the zona pellucida as a target for immunocontraception. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. (1996) 35:175–180.
  • LOU Y, ANG J, THAI H, MCELVEEN F,TUNG KS: A zona pellucida peptide vaccine induces antibodies and reversible infertility without ovarian pathology. I Immunol (1995) 155:2715–2720.
  • AFZALPURKAR A, SHIBAHARA H, HASEGAWA A, KOYAMA K. GUPTA SK: Immunoreactivity and in-vitro effect on human sperm-egg binding of antibodies against peptides corresponding to bonnet monkey zona pellucida-3 glycoprotein. Hum. Reprod. (1997) 12:2664–2670.
  • SUN W, LOU YH, DEAN J, TUNG KS: A contraceptive peptide vaccine targeting sulfated glycoprotein ZP2 of the mouse zona pellucida. Biol. Reprod. (1999) 60:900–907.
  • HINSCH E, OEHNINGER S, SCHILL WB, HINSCH KD: Species specificity of human and murine anti-ZP3 synthetic peptide antisera and use of the antibodies for localization and identification of ZP3 or ZPC domains of functional significance. Hum. Reprod. (1999) 14:419–428.
  • SHIGETA M, HASEGAWA A, HAMADA Y, KOYAMA K: Analysis of B cell epitopes of a glycoprotein porcine zona pellucida (pZP1).j Reprod. I,nmunol. (2000) 47:159–168.
  • GOVIND CK, HASEGAWA A, KOYAMA K, GUPTA SK: Delineation of a conserved B cell epitope on Bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata) and human zona pellucida glycoprotein-B by monoclonal antibodies demonstrating inhibition of sperm-egg binding. Biol. Reprod. (2000) 62:67–75.
  • PATERSON M, JENNINGS ZA, VAN DUIN M, AITKEN RJ: Immunocontraception with zona pellucida proteins. Cells Tissues Organs (2000) 166:228–232.
  • HASEGAWA A, HAMADA Y, SHIGETA M, KOYAMA K: Contraceptive potential of synthetic peptides of zona pellucida protein (ZPA). Reprod. Immunol (2002) 53:91–8.
  • DIEKMAN AB, HERR JC: Sperm antigens and their use in the development of an immunocontraceptive. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol (1997) 37:111–117.
  • •Review from one of the leading groups investigating sperm antigens as components of contraceptive vaccines.
  • GOLDBERG E: Infertility in female rabbits immunized with lactate dehydrogenase X. Science (1973) 181:458–459.
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  • GOLDBERG E, HERR JC: LDH-C4 as acontraceptive vaccine. In: Reproductive ImmunologyGupta SK (Ed). Narosa, New Delhi, India (1999):309–315.
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  • •A candidate for passive immunisation against human sperm.
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  • http://www.un.org/popin POPIN: United Nations Population Information Network.
  • ••An extensive web-based source of information on all matters relating to population.

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