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Anti-HIV agents targeting the interaction of gp120 with the cellular CD4 receptor

Pages 1199-1212 | Published online: 27 Sep 2005


  • DE CLERCQ E: Emerging anti-HIV drugs. Expert Opin. on Emerging Drugs (2005) 10(2):241–273.
  • ••An excellent review on antiviral agentstargeting different steps of HIV infection.
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  • ••A pivotal paper describing the discovery ofCD4 as the main receptor for HIV.
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  • •An excellent paper describing the importance of Phe43 in the gp120 binding site on CD4.
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  • http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/ epidemiology.asp/ Provides current information on the AIDS epidemic worldwide.
  • http://www.tanox.com/ current information on TNX-355.
  • http://www.indevus.com/ current information on PRO 2000.

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