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Aldose reductase inhibitors: therapeutic implications for diabetic complications

Pages 2095-2119 | Published online: 23 Feb 2005


  • COSTANTINO L, RASTELLI G, VIANELLO P, CIGNARELLA G, BARLOCCO D: Diabetes complications and their potential prevention: Aldose reductase inhibition and other approaches. Med. Res. Rev. (1999) 19:3–23.
  • CRABBE MJ, GOODE D: Aldose reductase: a window to the treatment of diabetic complications? Prog. Retin. Eye Res. (1998) 17:313–383.
  • DVORNIK D: A perspective of aldose reductase inhibi-tors and diabetic complications. Croat. Chem. Acta (1996) 69:613–630.
  • ••Emphasis on the critical importance of pharmacodynamicsof ARIs in humans.
  • PFEIFER MA, SCHUMER MP, GELBER DA: Aldose reductase inhibitors: The end of an era or the need for different trial designs? Diabetes (1997) 46\(Suppl. 2):S82–S89.
  • ••Key analysis of past ART trials and perspective for design offuture clinical trials.
  • OATES PJ: The polyol pathway: A culprit in diabetic neuropathy? Neurosci. Res. Commun. (1997) 21:33–40.
  • TOMLINSON D: Future prevention and treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes Metab. (1998) 24:79–83.
  • •Emphasis on importance of combined therapy and neurotropic factor deficits in diabetic neuropathy.
  • YABE-NISHIMURA C: Aldose reductase in glucose toxicity: A potential target for the prevention of diabetic complications. Pharmacol. Rev. (1998) 50:21–33.
  • NATHAN D: The pathophysiology of diabetic complica-tions - how much does the glucose hypothesis explain? Ann. Internal Merl. (1996) 124:86–89.
  • THE DIABETES CONTROL AND COMPLICATIONSRESEARCH TRIAL GROUP: The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. N Engl. J. Med. (1993) 329:977–986.
  • •Landmark study of effects of long-term improved glycaemic control in IDDM patients.
  • THE UNITED KINGDOM PROSPECTIVE DIABETES STUDY GROUP: Intensive blood-glucose control with sulfony-l-ureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with Type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33). Lancet (1998) 352:837–853.
  • •Landmark study of effects of long-term improved glycaemic control in NIDDM patients.
  • BROWNLEE M: The pathological implications of protein glycation. Clin. Invest. Med. - Med. Clin. Exper. (1995) 18:275–281.
  • VLASSARA H, BUCALA R: Recent progress in advanced glycation and diabetic vascular disease: role of advanced glycation end product receptors. Diabetes (1996) 45 (Suppl. 3.):S65–66.
  • DERYLO B, BABAZONO T, GLOGOWSKI E, KAPOR-DREZGIC J, HOHMAN T, WHITESIDE C: High glucose-induced mesangial cell altered contractility: Role of the polyol pathway. Diabetologia (1998) 41:507–515.
  • VAN DEN ENDEN MK, NYENGAARD JR, OSTROW E, BURGAN JH, WILLIAMSON JR: Elevated glucose levels increase retinal glycolysis and sorbitol pathway metabolism. Implications for diabetic retinopathy. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. ScL (1995) 36:1675–1685.
  • LEE JW, SATO S, LIZAK MJ, KADOR PF: Glucose dehydro-genase in dog lens and liver. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. ScL (1997) 38:S1024.
  • KADOR PF, SECCHI F, LIZAK MJ, SATO S, LIN L-R, REDDY VN: Metabolism of fluorinated sugars in cultured dog and human lens epithelial cells by 19F-NMR. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. ScL (1997) 38:S1172.
  • VANDER JAGT DL, ROBINSON B, TAYLOR KK, HUNSAKER LA: Reduction of trioses by NADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductases. Aldose reductase, methylglyoxal, and diabetic complications. J. Biol. Chem. (1992) 267:4364–4369.
  • •Basis for possible linkage between intracellular metabolism and glycation.
  • HAMADA Y, ARAKI N, KOH N, NAKAMURA J, HORIUCHI S, HOTTA N: Rapid formation of advanced glycation end-products by intermediate metabolites of glycolytic pathway and polyol pathway. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1996) 228:539–543.
  • •More basis for possible linkage between intracellular metabolism and glycation.
  • WILLIAMSON JR, CHANG K, FRANGOS M et al.: Hypergly- cemic pseudohypoxia and diabetic complications. Diabetes (1993) 42:801–813.
  • ••Fundamental metabolic consequences of excess substrateflux via AR pathway.
  • HARRISON DH, BOHREN KM, RINGE D, PETSKO GA, GABBAY KH: An anion binding site in human aldose reductase: mechanistic implications for the binding of citrate, cacodylate, and glucose 6-phosphate. Biochem-istry (1994) 33: 2011-2020.
  • CHANDRA A, SRIVASTAVA S, PETRASH JM, BHATNAGARA, SRIVASTAVA SK: Active site modification of aldose reductase by nitric oxide donors. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1997) 1341:217–222.
  • BROWNLEE MA, NISHIKAWA T, EDELSTEIN D, GIARDINO I, BEEBE DA, OATES PJ: Reversal of hyperglycemia-induced PKC activation, intracellular AGE formation, and sorbitol accumulation by inhibition of electron transport complex II. Diabetes (1999) 48 (Suppl. 1):A73.
  • MUNZEL T, HINK U, HEITZER T, MEINERTZ T: Role for NADPH/NADH oxidase in the modulation of vascular tone. Ann. New York Acad. ScL (1999) 874:386–400.
  • RODRIGUEZ L, MA Y, SUGIYAMA K, SINZ A, KADOR P: Intrinsic inhibition of aldose reductase. Invest. Ophthalmol Vis. ScL (1999) 40:69644–69644.
  • KEOGH RJ, DUNLOP ME, LARKINS RG: Effect of inhibi- tion of aldose reductase on glucose flux, diacylgylcerol formation, protein kinase C, and phospholipase A-2 activation. Metab. Clin. Exper. (1997) 46:41–47.
  • •Evidence for linkage between polyol pathway flux and PKC activation in hyperglycemic renal cells. DVORNIK D: Aldose Reductase Inhibition. Biomedical Information Corp., New York (1987). Comprehensive review of preclinical ARI data. GRIMSHAW CE: Aldose reductase: model for a new paradigm of enzymic perfection in detoxification catalysts. Biochemistry (1992) 31:10139-10145. Comprehensive review of AR from enzymologist's point of view.
  • HE Q, KHANNA P, SRIVASTAVA S, VAN KF, ANSARI N: Reduction of 4-hydroxynonenal and 4 -hydroxyhexenal by retinal aldose reductase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1998) 247:719–722.
  • BAYNES J, THORPE S: Role of oxidative stress in diabetic complications - A new perspective on an old paradigm. Diabetes (1999) 48:1–9.
  • ••Emphasis on mechanisms of oxidative and carbonyl stress indiabetic tissues.
  • KING GL, BROWNLEE M: The cellular and molecular mechanisms of diabetic complications. Endocrinol. Metab. Clin. North Amer. (1996) 25:255–270.
  • ••Review emphasising multiple pathogenic effects ofhyperglycemia, viz., AR flux, reductive stress, glycation, PKC activation, reactive oxygen species generation.
  • KOYA D, KING GL: Protein kinase C activation and the development of diabetic complications. Diabetes (1998) 47:859–866.
  • LOW P, NICKANDER K, TRITSCHLER H: The roles of oxidative stress and antioxidant treatment in experi-mental diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes (1997) 46 (Suppl. 2) :S38–542.
  • BURG MB, KWON D, KULTZ D: Regulation of geneexpression by hypertonicity. Ann. Rev. Physiol. (1997) 59:437–455.
  • GRUNEWALDT R, KINNE R: Osmoregulation in the mammalian kidney: The role of organic osmolytes. J. Exper. Zool (1999) 283:708–724.
  • TRUEBLOOD N, RAMASAMY R: Aldose reductase inhibi- tion improves altered glucose metabolism of isolated diabetic rat hearts. Amer. J. Physiol. (1998) 275:H75–H83.
  • RITTNER H, HAFNER V, KLIMIUK P, SZWEDA L, GORONZY J, WEYAND C: Aldose reductase functions as a detoxification system for lipid peroxidation products in vasculitis. J. Clin. Invest. (1999) 103:1007–1013.
  • KAWAMURA M, KOPIN IJ, KADOR PF, SATO S, TJURMINA0, EISENHOFER G: Effects of aldehyde/ aldose reductase inhibition on neuronal metabolism of norepinephrine. J. Autonom. Nerv. Sys. (1997) 66:145–148.
  • KAWAMURA M, EISENHOFER G, KOPIN IJ et al.: Aldosereductase, a key enzyme in the oxidative deamination of norepinephrine in rats. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1999) 58:517–524.
  • MATSUURA K, DEYASHIKI Y, BUNAI Y, OHYA I, HARA A: Aldose reductase is a major reductase for isocaproal-dehyde, a product of side-chain cleavage of choles-terol, in human and animal adrenal glands. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1996) 328:265–271.
  • PETRASH JM, HARTER TM, MURDOCK GL: A potential role for aldose reductase in steroid metabolism. Adv. Exper. Merl. Biol. (1997) 414:465–473.
  • SARGES R, OATES PJ: Aldose reductase inhibitors: recent developments. Prog. Drug Res. (1993) 40:99–161.
  • ••Comprehensive review of preclinical data with commentson clinical perspective.
  • CAMERON NE, COTTER MA, DINES KC, HOHMAN TC: Reversal of defective peripheral nerve conduction velocity, nutritive endoneurial blood flow, and oxygenation by a novel aldose reductase inhibitor, WAY-121,509, in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J. Diabetes Complications (1996) 10:43–53.
  • •Important preclinical observations showing strong suppres-sion of the polyol pathway is needed for optimal functional changes in a neuropathy model.
  • GREENE DA, AREZZO JC, BROWN MB, THE ZENARESTAT STUDY GROUP: Effect of aldose reductase inhibition on nerve conduction and morphometry in diabetic neuropathy. Neurology (1999) 53:580–591.
  • ••'Proof of concept' paper for ARI treatment of human diabeticneuropathy.
  • HOHMAN TC, BOCHENEK WJ, MENG X, NEEFE L, BEG M,ARI DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Nerve function and biochemistry in diabetic patients treated with ARI-509, a novel aldose reductase inhibitor. Diabetologia (1997) 40:A552.
  • CAMERON NE, COTTER MA, DINES KC, MAXFIELD EK, CAREY F, MIRRLEES DJ: Aldose reductase inhibition, nerve perfusion, oxygenation and function in streptozotocin-diabetic rats: dose-response considera-tions and independence from a myo-inositol mechanism. Diabetologia (1994) 37:651–663.
  • ••Important preclinical study showing optimal ARI effectswith high ARI doses.
  • TANIMOTO T, MAEKAWA K, OKADA S, YABE-NISHIMURA C: Clinical analysis of aldose reductase for differential diagnosis of the pathogenesis of diabetic complica-tion. Anal. Chim. Acta (1998) 365:285–292.
  • ••Clear demonstration of correlation of AR protein levels withneuropathy in NIDDM patients.
  • DYCK PJ, ZIMMERMAN BR, VILEN TH et al.: Nerve glucose, fructose, sorbitol, myo-inositol, and fiber degeneration and regeneration in diabetic neuropathy. N Engl. J. Med. (1988) 319:542–548.
  • ••Evidence for polyol pathway in human nerve and positivecorrelation of nerve polyol levels with severity of neuropathy.
  • JEZ JM, FLYNN TG, PENNING TM: A new nomenclature for the aldo-keto reductase superfamily. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1997) 54:639–647.
  • PETRASH JM, TARLE I, WILSON DK, QUIOCHO FA: Aldose reductase catalysis and crystallography. Insights from recent advances in enzyme structure and function. Diabetes (1994) 43:955–959.
  • ••Clear summary of enzymatic and crystallographic data onAR.
  • LEE YS, HODOSCEK M, BROOKS BR, KADOR PF: Catalytic mechanism of aldose reductase studied by the combined potentials of quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics. Biophys. Chem. (1998) 70:203–216.
  • LAMOUR V, BARTH P, ROGNIAUX H et al.: Production of crystals of human aldose reductase with very high resolution diffraction. Acta Crystallograph. (1999) D55:721–723.
  • GRIMSHAW CE, LAI CJ: Oxidized aldose reductase: in vivo factor not in vitro artifact. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1996) 327:89–97.
  • BORCH-JOHNSEN K, ANDERSEN PK, DECKERT T: The effect of proteinuria on relative mortality in Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia (1985) 28:590–596.
  • QUINN M, ANGELICO MC, WARRAM JH, KROLEWSKI AS: Familial factors determine the development of diabetic nephropathy in patients with IDDM. Diabetologia (1996) 39:940–945.
  • THE DIABETES CONTROL AND COMPLICATIONS RESEARCH TRIAL GROUP: Clustering of long-term complications in families with diabetes in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Diabetes (1997) 46:1829–1839.
  • •Important analysis showing large hyperglycemia-dependent familial effect for diabetic nephropathy in IDDM patients.
  • IMPERATORE G, HANSON R, PETTITT D, KOBES S, BENNETT P, KNOWLER W: Sib-pair linkage analysis for susceptibility genes for microvascular complications among Pima Indians with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes (1998) 47:821–830.
  • PATEL A, HIBBERD ML, MILLWARD BA, DEMAINE AG: Chromosome 7q35 and susceptibility to diabetic microvascular complications. J. Diabetes Complications (1996) 10:62–67.
  • GRAHAM A, HEATH P, MORTEN JEN, MARKHAM AF: Thehuman aldose reductase gene maps to chromosome region 7q35. Hum. Genet. (1991) 86:509–514.
  • FOGARTY DG, MOCZULSKI DK, MAKITA Y et al: Evidence for a susceptibility locus for diabetic nephro-pathy on chromosome 7q in Caucasian families with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes (1999) 48 (Suppl. 1):A47.
  • GRAHAM A, BROWN L, HEDGE PJ, GAMMACK AJ, MARKHAM AF: Structure of the human aldose reductase gene. J. Biol. Chem. (1991) 266:6872–6877.
  • •Definition of human AR2 gene structure.
  • WANG K, BOHREN KM, GABBAY KH: Characterizationof the human aldose reductase gene promoter. J. Biol. Chem. (1993) 268:16052–16058.
  • WILLIAMSON JR, CHANG K, TILTON RG et al.: Increasedvascular permeability in spontaneously diabetic BB/W rats and in rats with mild versus severe streptozocin-induced diabetes. Prevention by aldose reductase inhibitors and castration. Diabetes (1987) 36:813–821.
  • KO BCB, RUEPP B, BOHREN KM, GABBAY KH, CHUNG SS: Identification and characterization of multiple osmotic response sequences in the human aldose reductase gene. J. Biol. Chem. (1997) 272:16431–16437.
  • FERRARIS JD, WILLIAMS CK, JUNG K-Y, BEDFORD JJ,BURG MB, GARCIA-PEREZ A: ORE, a eukaryotic minimal essential osmotic response element. J. Biol. Chem. (1996) 271:18318–18321.
  • AIDA K, TAWATA M, IKEGISHI Y, ONAYA T: Induction ofrat aldose reductase gene transcription is mediated through the cis-element, osmotic response element (ORE): Increased synthesis and/or activation by phosphorylation of ORE-binding protein is a key step. Endocrinology (1999) 140:609–617.
  • DAOUDAL S, TOURNAIRE C, HALERE A, VEYSSIERE G, JEAN C: Isolation of the mouse aldose reductase promoter and identification of a tonicity-responsive element. J. Biol. Chem. (1997) 272:2615–2619.
  • IWATA T, MINUCCI S, MCGOWAN M, CARPER D: Identifi-cation of a novel cis-element required for the constitu-tive activity and osmotic response of the rat aldose reductase promoter. J. Biol. Chem. (1997) 272:32500–32506.
  • BUSIK JV, HOOTMAN SR, GREENIDGE CA, HENRY DN: Glucose-specific regulation of aldose reductase in capan-1 human pancreatic duct cells in vitro. J. Clin. Invest. (1997) 100:1685–1692.
  • KO BC-B, LAM KS-L, WAT NM-S, CHUNG SS-M: An (A-C)n dinucleotide repeat polymorphic marker at the 5' end of the aldose reductase gene is associated with early-onset diabetic retinopathy in niddm patients. Diabetes (1995) 44:727–732.
  • ••Discovery of (A-C)n microsatellite region near AR promoterregion and its association with rapid onset of human diabetic retinopathy.
  • SHAH VO, SCAVINI M, NIKOLIC J et al: Z-2 microsatellite allele is linked to increased expression of the aldose reductase gene in diabetic nephropathy. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1998) 83:2886–2891.
  • ••Demonstration that Z-2 allele of AR gene is strongly linkedto human diabetic nephropathy and is associated with increased AR mRNA in white blood cells.
  • HAMADA Y, KITOH R, RASKIN P: Crucial role of aldose reductase activity and plasma glucose level in sorbitol accumulation in erythrocytes from diabetic patients. Diabetes (1991) 40:1233–1240.
  • HAMADA Y, NISHIMURA C, KOH N et al.: Influence of interindividual variability of aldose reductase protein content on polyol-pathway metabolites and redox state in erythrocytes in diabetic patients. Diabetes Care (1998) 21:1014–1018.
  • HAMADA Y, KITO R, RASKIN P: Increased erythrocyte aldose reductase activity in Type 1 diabetic patients. Diabetic Med. (1991) 8:226–231.
  • KICIC E, PALMER TN: Increased white cell aldosereductase mRNA levels in diabetic patients. Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (1996) 33:31–36.
  • ITO T, NISHIMURA C, TAKAHASHI Y, SAITO T, OMORI Y: The level of erythrocyte aldose reductase: A risk factor for diabetic neuropathy? Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (1997) 36:161–167.
  • OGATA M, IWASAKI N, KANAMORI M et al.: Polymor-phism of the aldose reductase gene is associated with aldose reductase protein levels and diabetic microan-giopathy. Diabetologia (1997) 40:A168.
  • TAKAHASHI Y, TACHIKAWA T, ITO T, TAKAYAMA S, OMORI Y, IWAMOTO Y: Erythrocyte aldose reductase protein: a clue to elucidate risk factors for diabetic neuropathies independent of glycemic control. Diab. Res. Clin. Pract. (1998) 42:101–107.
  • RATLIFF DM, VANDER JAGT DJ, EATON RP, VANDER JAGTDL: Increased levels of methylglyoxal-metabolizing enzymes in mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells from insulin-dependent diabetic patients with diabetic complications: aldose reductase, glyoxalase I, and glyoxalase II-a clinical research center study. J. Endocrinol. Metab. (1996) 81:488–492.
  • OHNISHI A, TANIMOTO T, NAGAKI J, JINNOUCHI T, ISHIZU H: Relationship between erythrocyte aldose reductase level and diabetic complications among 98 NIDDM patients. J. Japan. Diabetes Soc. (1996) 39:783–788.
  • NISHIMURA C, SAITO T, ITO T, OMORI Y, TANIMOTO T: High levels of erythrocyte aldose reductase and diabetic retinopathy in NIDDM patients. Diabetologia (1994) 37:328–330.
  • YAGIHASHI S, YAMAGISHI S-I, WADA R et al.: Galacto-semic neuropathy in transgenic mice for human aldose reductase. Diabetes (1996) 45:56–59.
  • MAEDA S, HANEDA M, YASUDA H et al. Diabetic nephropathy is not associated with the dinucleotide repeat polymorphism upstream of the aldose reductase (ALR2) gene but with erythrocyte aldose reductase content in Japanese subjects with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes (1999) 48:420–422.
  • SHAH VO, DORIN RI, SUN Y, BRAUN M, ZAGER PG: Aldose reductase gene expression is increased in diabetic nephropathy. j Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1997) 82:2294–2298.
  • KAO Y-L, DONAHUE K, CHAN A, KNIGHT J, SILINK M: A novel polymorphism in the aldose reductase gene promoter region is strongly associated with diabetic retinopathy in adolescents with Type I diabetes. Diabetes (1999) 48:1338–1340.
  • ••Evidence linking polymorphism of basal AR promoter andits association with the Z-2 polymorphism and retinopathy in IDDM patients.
  • HEESOM AE, GRAHAM A, MILLWARD BA, DEMAINE AG: Characterization of the osmotic response elements of the aldose reductase gene in Type I diabetic patients. Diabetologia (1998) 41:A295.
  • HEESOM AE, MILLWARD A, DEMAINE AG: Susceptibility to diabetic neuropathy in patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in associated with a polymorphism at the 5' end of the aldose reductase gene. J. Neural. Neurosurg. Psychiatry (1998) 64:213–216.
  • •Evidence linking polymorphism of human AR gene with diabetic neuropathy.
  • OLMOS P, MAIZ A, ACOSTA AM et al.: (AC)-n polymor-phism at the 5' end of the aldose reductase gene and progression of retinopathy in NIDDMs. In: Diabetic Complications Conference. Boston, Massachusetts (1998):12.
  • HEESOM AE, HIBBERD ML, MILLWARD A, DEMAINE AG:Polymorphism in the 5'-End of the aldose reductase gene is strongly associated with the development of diabetic nephropathy in Type I diabetes. Diabetes (1997) 46:287–291.
  • •Evidence linking polymorphism of human AR gene with diabetic nephropathy.
  • CHISTYAKOV DA, TURAKULOV RI, GORASHKO NM et al:Polymorphism of a dinucleotide repeat within the aldose reductase gene in normalcy and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with vascular complica-tions. Molekul. Biolog. (Moscow) (1997) 31:778–783.
  • ISERMANN B, SCHMIDT S, BIERHAUS A, NAWROTH PP,RITZ E: Diabetic nephropathy and (CA)n dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the 5'-end of the aldose reductase (AIR) gene. J. Amer. Soc. Nephrol. (1998) 9:633a.
  • NAZIM J, DZIATKOWIAK H, SANAK M, CIESLIK G: Polymorphism in the 5'-end of the aldose reductase gene in diabetic adolescents and young adults with microalbuminuria. Diabetologia (1999) 42 (Suppl. 1):A267.
  • KOTTER R, SCHNEPF R, BECKER S et al: A microsatellitevariant in the aldose reductase gene is associated with elevated risk of nephropathy in Type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia (1998) 41:A33.
  • MOCZULSKI DK, BURAK W, DORIA A et al. The role of aldose reductase gene in the susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy in Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia (1999) 42:94–97.
  • CHAVERS BM, BILOUS RW, ELLIS EN, STEFFES MW, MAUER SM: Glomerular lesions and urinary albumin excretion in Type I diabetes without overt proteinuria. New Engl. J. Med. (1989) 320:966–970.
  • GAMBARA V, MECCA G, REMUZZI G, BERTANI T: Hetero-geneous nature of renal lesions in Type II diabetes. J. Amer. Soc. Nephrol. (1993) 3:1458–1466.
  • EL-KABBANI 0, WILSON DK, PETRASH JM, QUIOCHO FA: Structural features of the aldose reductase and aldehyde reductase inhibitor-binding sites. Molec. Vis. (1998) 4:19 http://www.mo1vis.org/molvis/v4/p19.
  • BOHREN KM, GRIMSHAW CE, LAI CJ et al: Tyrosine-48 is the proton donor and histidine-110 directs substrate stereochemical selectivity in the reduction reaction of human aldose reductase: enzyme kinetics and crystal structure of the Y48H mutant enzyme. Biochemistry (1994) 33:2021–2032.
  • NAKANO T, PETRASH JM: Kinetic and spectroscopic evidence for active site inhibition of human aldose reductase. Biochemistry (1996) 35:11196–11202.
  • WILSON DK, TARLE I, PETRASH JM, QUIOCHO FA: Refined 1.8A structure of human aldose reductase complexed with the potent inhibitor zopolrestat. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1993) 90:9847–9851.
  • •First successful x-ray structural determination of ARI co-crystallised with AR.
  • URZHUMTSEV A, TETE-FAVIER F, MITSCHLER A et al.: A 'specificity' pocket inferred from the crystal structures of the complexes of aldose reductase with the pharma-ceutically important inhibitors tolrestat and sorbinil. Structure (1997) 5:601–612.
  • HARRISON DHT, BOHREN KM, PETSKO GA, RINGE D, GABBAY KH: The alrestatin double-decker: Binding of two inhibitor molecules to human aldose reductase reveals a new specificity determinant. Biochemistry (1997) 36:16134–16140.
  • ROGNIAUX H, VAN DORSSELAER A, BARTH P et al.: Binding of aldose reductase inhibitors: correlation of crystallographic and mass spectrometric studies. J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (1999) 10:635–647.
  • HOHMAN TC, EL-KABBANI 0, MALAMAS MS et al.: Probing the inhibitor-binding site of aldose reductase with site-directed mutagenesis. Eur. j Biochem. (1998) 256:310–316.
  • LEE YS, CHEN Z, KADOR PF: Molecular modeling studies of the binding modes of aldose reductase inhibitors at the active site of human aldose reductase. Bioorg. Med. Chem. (1998) 6:1811–1819.
  • KIM H, OH J: Screening of Korean forest plants for rat lens aldose reductase inhibition. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. (1999) 63:184–188.
  • NAKAMURA H, YAMAGUCHI S, HAYASHI T et al.: Studies on the biological activities of marine algae (III) anti-tumor promoting activity and inhibitory effect on aldose reductase. Natural Med. (1997) 51:162–169.
  • SIMA AA, BRIL V, NATHANIEL V et al.: Regeneration and repair of myelinated fibers in sural-nerve biopsy specimens from patients with diabetic neuropathy treated with sorbinil. N Engl. J. Med. (1988) 319:548–555.
  • •Evidence of positive impact of ARI on human nerve function and morphometric parameters.
  • EATON RP, SIBBITT WL, JR., SHAH VO, DORIN RI, ZAGER PG, BICKNELL JM: A commentary on 10 years of aldose reductase inhibition for limited joint mobility in diabetes. J. Diabetes Complications (1998) 12:34–38.
  • ••Longest known human exposure to ARI therapy showingsustained efficacy on limited joint mobility and no untoward effects of chronic ARI therapy.
  • DIDANGELOS TP, ATHYROS VG, KARAMITSOS DT, PAPAGEORGIOU AA, KOURTOGLOU GI, KONTOPOULOS AG: Effect of aldose reductase inhibi-tion on heart rate variability in patients with severe or moderate diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Clin. Drug Invest. (1998) 15:111–121.
  • JUHL B, KLEIN F, CHRISTIANSEN JS: Unchanged glomerular hyperfiltration following 3 months of aldose reductase inhibition with tolrestat in normoal-buminuric IDDM patients. Endocrinol. Metab. (1997) 4:305–311.
  • MCAULIFFE AW, BROOKS BA, FISHER EJ, MOLYNEAUX LM, YUE DK: Administration of ascorbic acid and an aldose reductase inhibitor (tolrestat) in diabetes: effect on urinary albumin excretion. Nephron (1998) 80:277–284.
  • PEDERSEN MM, CHRISTIANSEN JS, MOGENSEN CE: Reduction of glomerular hyperfiltration in normoal-buminuric IDDM patients by 6 mo of aldose reductase inhibition. Diabetes (1991) 40:527–531.
  • •Demonstration of ARI activity on functional end point in human diabetic kidney.
  • PEDERSEN MM, MOGENSEN CE, CHRISTIANSEN JS: Reduction of glomerular hyperfiltration during short-term aldose reductase inhibition in normoalbu-minuric, insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Endocrinol. Metab. (1995) 2:55–62.
  • AREZZO JC, KLIOZE SS, PETERSON MJ, LAKSHMINARAY-ANAN MY: Efficacy and safety results of a Phase II multicenter study of the aldose reductase inhibitor zopolrestat in patients with peripheral symmetrical diabetic polyneuropathy. Diabetes (1996) 45 (Suppl. 2):276A.
  • •Evidence of beneficial effect of ARI therapy on human diabetic heart function.
  • LEE AYW, CHUNG SK, CHUNG SSM: Demonstration that polyol accumulation is responsible for diabetic cataract by use of transgenic mice expressing the aldose reductase gene in the lens. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1995) 92:2780–2784.
  • •Strong evidence for AR-dependent osmotic stress in sugar cataract formation.
  • ELLIS EA, GRANT MB, MURRAY FT et al.: Increased NADH oxidase activity in the retina of the BBZ/Wor diabetic rat. Free Rad. Biol. Med. (1998) 24:111–120.
  • WOLFF SP: The potential role of oxidative stress in diabetes and its complications: Novel implications for theory and therapy. In: Diabetic Complications. Scientific and Clinical Aspects. Crabbe MJC, (Ed.), Churchill Living-stone, Edinburgh (1987):167–220.
  • KUBO E, MIYOSHI N, FUKUDA M, AKAGI Y: Cataract formation through the polyol pathway is associated with free radical production. Exp. Eye Res. (1999) 68:457–464.
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