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Present and future pharmacotherapy for heart failure

Pages 915-930 | Published online: 25 Feb 2005


  • FRANCIS GS: Pathophysiology of chronic heart failure. Am. I Med. (2001) 110(7A):37S–46S.
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  • •Recently revised guidelines for the treatment of HE
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  • •Trial showing similar mortality rates with ACEI and ATI antagonist.
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  • •Trial showing the benefits of ACE inhibition and ATi antagonist combination
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  • •Landmark trial showing the benefit of spironolactone in severe HE
  • FARQUHARSON CAJ, STRUTHERS AD: Spironolactone increases nitric oxide bioavailability, improves endothelial vasodilator dysfunction, and suppresses vascular angiotensin I/angiotensin II conversion in patients with chronic heart failure. Circulation (2000) 101:594–597.
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  • •Trial suggesting that spironolactone will benefit mild-to-moderate HE
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  • •Landmark trial showing the benefits of carvedilol in HE
  • THE MERIT-HF INVESTIGATORS: Effect of metoprolol CR/XL in chronic heart failure: Metoprolol CR/XL Randomised Intervention Trial in Congestive Heart Failure (MERIT-HF). Lancet (1999) 353:2001–2007.
  • •Trial showing the benefits of metoprolol in HE
  • DOGGRELL SA: Carvedilol versus other P-blockers in heart failure. Expert Opin. Investig. Drugs (2001) 10:971–980.
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  • PACKER M, COATS AJ, FOWLER MR et al.: Effect of carvedilol on survival in severe chronic heart failure. N Engl. I Med. (2001) 344:1651–1658.
  • •Recent trial demonstrating the benefit of carvedilol in severe HE
  • GOLDSTEIN S, FAGERBERG B, HJALMARSON A et al.: Metoprolol controlled release/extended release in patients with severe heart failure. I Am. Coll. Cardiol (2001) 38:932–938.
  • •Recent trial demonstrating the benefit of metoprolol in severe HE
  • METRA M, GIUBBINI R, NORARI S et al.: Differential effects of beta-blockers in patients with heart failure: A prospective, randomized, double-blind comparison of the long-term effects of metoprolol versus carvedilol. Circulation (2000) 102:546–551.
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  • •Meta-analysis showing that amiodarone prevents sudden cardiac death.
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  • •Another meta-analysis showing that amiodarone prevents sudden cardiac death.
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  • •Recent trial demonstrating the benefits of nesiritide in decongested heart failure.
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