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Infantile spasms

Pages 2039-2048 | Published online: 02 Mar 2005


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  • •This article summarises the seminal research on surgical treatment for children with intractable infantile spasms and malformations of cortical development.
  • CHUGANI HT, SHEWMON DA, SANKAR R et al.: Infantile spasm.II: Lenticular nuclei and brainstem activation on positron emission tomography. Ann. Neurol. (1992) 31:212–219.
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  • •This article is particularly important in the discussion of the consequences of infantile spasms with its ongoing epileptic encephalopathy.
  • SANKAR R, SHIN D, MAZARATI AM, LIU H, WASTERLAIN CG: Ontogeny of self-sustaining status epilepticus.Dev. Neurosci. (1999) 21(3–5):345–351.
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  • BARAM TZ: Pathophysiology of massiveinfantile spasm: perspective on the putativerole of brain adrenal axis. Ann. Nemo]. 33:231–236.
  • •This article puts forth a compelling hypothesis about the pathophysiology of infantile spasms.
  • BARAM TZ, SCHULTZ L: Corticotropin-releasing hormone is a rapid and potent convulsant in the infant rat. Dev. Brain Res. (1991) 61:97–101.
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  • LOMBROSO CT: A prospective study of infantile spasms: clinical and therapeutic correlations. Epilepsia (1983) 24:135–158.
  • ••The most comprehensive study, so far, ofthe clinical aspects of infantile spasms and the efficacy of various treatments.
  • GLAZE DG, HRACHOVY RA, FROST JD, KELLAWAY P, ZION TE: Prospective study of outcome of infants with infantile spasms treated duringcontrolled studies of ACTH andprednisone. Pediatr. (1988) 112:389–396.
  • •Another good study of the efficacy of treatment of infantile spasms.
  • JEAVONS PM, BOWER BD: Infantile spasms, a review of the literature and a study of 112 cases. In: Clinics in Developmental Medicine, no. 15. William Heinemann Medical Books, London (1964):8–25; 82.
  • LACY JR, PENRY JK: Infantile Spasms. Lance JW (Ed.), Raven Press, New York, USA (1977).
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  • AICARDI J: Treatment of infantile spasms. In: Intractable Epilepsy: Clinical and Experimental Aspects. Schmidt D,Morselli PL (Eds), Raven Press, New York, USA (1986):147–156.
  • HRACHOVY RA, FROST, JD, KELLAWAYPR ZION TE: Double-blind study of ACTH versus prednisone therapy in infantile spasms. Pediatr. (1983) 103:641–645.
  • HRACHOVY RA, FROST JD, KELLAWAY PR, ZION TE: A controlled study of prednisone therapy in infantile spasms. Epilepsia (1979) 20:403–407.
  • HRACHOVY RA, FROST JD, KELLAWAY PR, ZION TE: A controlled study of ACTH therapy in infantile spasms. Epilepsia (1980) 21:631–636.
  • SNEAD OC, BENTON JW, MYERS GJ: ACTH and prednisone in childhood seizure disorders. Neurology (1983) 33:966–970.
  • SNEAD OC, BENTON JW, HOSEY LC et al.: Treatment of infantile spasms with high dose ACTH: efficacy and plasma levels of ACTH and cortisol. Neurology (1989) 39:1027–1030.
  • •This article discusses the use of high dose ACTH for the treatment of infantile spasms.
  • BARAM TZ, MITCHELL WG, TOURNAY A, SNEAD OC, HANSON RA, HORTON EJ: High dose corticotropin (ACTH) versus prednisone for infantile spasms: a prospective, randomised, blinded study. Pediatrics (1996) 97:375–379.
  • FAVATA I, LEUZZI V, CURATOLO M: Mental outcome in West syndrome: prognostic value of some clinical factors. .1 Ment. Defic. Res. (1987) 31:9–15.
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  • DEONNA T, VOUMARD C: Reversiblecerebral atrophy and corticotrophin. Lancet (1979) 2:207
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  • HOROWITZ P, NEERGAARD K, PEDERSEN H: Cranial computed tomography in infantile spasms. Primary findings related to long term mental prognosis. Acta Paediatr. Scand. (1990) 79:1087–1091.
  • GLAZE DG, HRACHOVY RA,FROST JD, ZION TE, BRYAN RN: Computed tomography in infantile spasms: effects of hormonal therapy. Pediatr. Neurol. (1986) 2:23–27.
  • CHIRON C, DULAC 0,BEAUMONT D et al: Therapeutic trial of vigabatrin in refractory infantile spasms. Child Nemo]. (1991) 6:(Suppl. 2):552–559.
  • APPLETON RE, PETERS AC, MUMFORD JP, SHAW DE: (1999). Randomised, placebo-controlled study of vigabatrin as the first line treatment of infantile spasms. Epilepsia 40(11):1627–1633.
  • •This is an excellent article, looking at the efficacy of vigabatrin in the treatment of infantile spasms.
  • AICARDI J, MUMFORD JP, DUMAS C, WOOD S: Vigabatrin as initial therapy for infantile spasms: a European retrospective study. Sabril IS Investigator and Peer Review Groups. Epilepsia (1996) 37:638–642.
  • COSSETE P, RIVIELLO JJ,CARMANT L: ACTH versus vigabatrin therapy in infantile spasms: a retrospective study. Neurology (1999) 52:1691–1694.
  • VIGEVANO F, CILIO MR: Vigabatrin versus ACTH as first line treatment for infantile spasms: a randomised, prospective study. Epilepsia (1997) 38:1270–1274.
  • ELTERMAN RD, SHIELDS WD, MANSFIELD KA, NAKAGAWA J: Randomised trial of vigabatrin in patients with infantile spasms. The US Infantile Spasms Vigabatrin Study Group. Neurology (2001) 57:1416–1421.
  • GROSS-TSUR V, BANIN E, SHAHAR E, SHALEV RS, LAHAT E: Visual impairment in children with epilepsy 2047treated with vigabatrin. Ann. Neural. 48: 60–64.
  • SIEMES H, SPOHR HL, MICHAEL T, NAU H: Therapy of infantile spasms with valproate: results of a prospective study. Epilepsia (2000) 29:553–560.
  • BACHMAN DS: Use of valproic acid in treatment of infantile spasms. Arch. Neural. (1982) 39:49–52.
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  • ZIMMERMAN JF, ISHAK KG: Valproate induced hepatic injury: analysis of 23 fatal cases. Hepatelegy (1982) 2:591–607.
  • GLAUSER TA, CLARK PO, STRAWSBURG R: A pilot study of topiramate in the treatment of infantile spasms. Epilepsia (1998) 39(12):1324–1328.
  • •This is the only article which has been published concerning the efficacy of topirarnate in the treatment of infantile spasms.
  • HOSAIN S, NAGARAJAN L, CARSON D, SOLOMON G, MAST J,LABAR D: Felbamate for refractory infantile spasms. J. Child Neural. (1997) 12(7):466–468.
  • PELLOCK JM, BRODIE MJ: Felbamate: 1997 Update. Epilepsia (1997) 38(12):1261–1264.
  • •This article summarises the cumulative data about the risks of aplastic anaemia and liver failure when using felbarnate.
  • FARRELL K: Benzodiazepines in the treatment of children with epilepsy. Epilepsia (1986) 27\(Suppl. 1):545–551.
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  • PIETZ J, BENNINGER C, SHAEFER H et al.: Treatment of infantile spasms with high dosage vitamin B6. Epilepsia (1993) 34:757–763.
  • CHUGANI HT, SHEWMON DA, SHILEDS WD et al.: Surgery for intractable infantile spasms: Neuroimaging perspectives. Epilepsia (1993) 34:764–771.
  • •This is an excellent article about surgery for intractable infantile spasms.
  • ASARNOW RE LOPRESTI C, GUTHRIE D et al: Developmental outcomes in children receiving resection surgery for medically intractable infantile spasms. Dev. Med. Child. Neurology (1997) 39:430–440.

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