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Best pharmacological practice: urinary tract infections

Pages 693-704 | Published online: 02 Mar 2005


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  • ••Important literature review and evidence-based recommendations.
  • NICOLLE LE, HOEPELMAN AIM, FLOOR ME, VERHOEF J,NORGARD K: Comparison of three days therapy with cefcanel daloxate or amoxicillin in the treatment of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection. Scam/. J Infect. Dis. (1993) 25:631–637.
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  • GUPTA K, HOOTON TM, STAMM WE: Increasing antimicrobial resistance and the management of uncomplicated community-acquired urinary tract infections.Ann. Intern. Med. (2001) 135:41–50.
  • ••Discusses the evolution of resistance andpotential impact on management.
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  • •Discusses potential excess antimicrobial use because of failure to obtain pre-therapy culture in acute cystitis.
  • ELKHARRAT D, CHASTANG C, BOUDIAF M, LECORRE A,RASKINE L, CAULIN C: Relevance in the emergency department of a decisional algorithm for outpatient care of women with acute pyelonephritis.Eur. Emerg. Med. (1999) 6:15–20.
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  • •Describes risk factors for resistance in a population of predominantly complicated urinary infection patients.
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