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Lactic acidosis related to nucleoside therapy in HIV-infected patients

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Pages 1321-1329 | Published online: 02 Mar 2005


  • SCHAMBELAN M, BENSON CA, CARR A et al.: Management of metabolic complications associated with antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 infection: recommendations of an international AIDS Society-USA panel. I. Acquic Immune Defic. Syndr: (2002) 31(3):257–275.
  • ••The most recent recommendations on themanagement of metabolic complications, including lactic acidosis, associated with antiretroviral therapy.
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  • JOHN M, MOORE CB, JAMES IR et al: Chronic hyperlactatemia in HIV-infected patients taking antiretroviral therapy. AIDS(2001) 15(6):717–723.
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