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Resistance to antiplatelet drugs: current status and future research

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Pages 2027-2045 | Published online: 03 Oct 2005


  • GURBEL PA, BLIDEN KP, HAYES KM, TANTRY U: Platelet activation in myocardial ischemic syndromes. Expert Rev. Cardiovasc. Ther. (2004) 2:535–45.
  • ••A recent comprehensive review about theimportance of platelet activation and reactivity, and its role in coronary artery diseases.
  • JACKSON SP, NESBITT WS, KULKARNI S: Signaling events underlying thrombus formation. J. Thromb. Haemost. (2003) 1:1602–1612.
  • RUGGERI ZM: Platelets in atherothrombosis. Nat Med. (2002) 8:1227–1234.
  • ••Excellent review about the physiologicalrole of platelets during the development of atherothrombotic processes.
  • LEVY-TOLEDANO S: Platelet signal transduction pathways: could we organize them into a 'hierarchy'? Haemostasis (1999) 29:4–15.
  • SHANKARAN H, ALEXANDRIDIS P, NEELAMEGHAM S: Aspects of hydrodynamic shear regulating shear-induced platelet activation and self-association of von Willebrand factor in suspension. Blood (2003) 101:2637–2645.
  • GAWAZ M: Role of platelets in coronary thrombosis and reperfitsion of ischemic myocardium. Cardiovasc. Res. (2004) 61:498–511.
  • SAMARA WM, GURBEL PA: The role of platelet receptors and adhesion molecules in coronary artery disease. Coron. Artery Dis. (2003) 14:65–79.
  • BRASS LF: Thrombin and platelet activation. Chest. (2003) 124(3 Suppl.):18S–25S.
  • DORSAM RT, TULUC M, KUNAPULI SP: Role of protease-activated and ADP receptor subtypes in thrombin generation on human platelets. Thromb. Haemost. (2004) 2:804–812.
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  • JIN J, QUINTON TM, ZHANG J, RITTENHOUSE SE, KUNAPULI SP: Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced thromboxane A(2) generation in human platelets requires coordinated signaling through integrin a(II6)0(3) and ADP receptors. Blood (2002) 99:193–198.
  • DORSAM RT, KUNAPULI SP: Central role of the P2Y12 receptor in platelet activation. J. Clin. Invest. (2004) 113:340–345.
  • ••A very informative review about the role ofthe P2Y12 receptor during platelet activation and thombus formation.
  • LI Z, ZHANG G, LE BRETON GC, GAO X, MALIK AB, DU X: Two waves of platelet secretion induced by thromboxane A2 receptor and a critical role for phosphoinositide 3-kinases. Biol. Chem. (2003) 278:30725–30731.
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  • GURBEL PA, KEREIAKES DJ, DALESANDRO MR, BAHR RD, O'CONNOR CM, SEREBRUANY VL: Role of soluble and platelet-bound P-selectin in discriminating cardiac from noncardiac chest pain at presentation in the emergency department. Am. Heart J. (2000) 139:320–328.
  • MATSAGAS MI, GEROULAKOS G, MIKHAILIDIS DP: The role of platelets in peripheral arterial disease: therapeutic implications. Ann. Vasc. Surg. (2002) 16:246–258.
  • MATETZKY S, SHENKMAN B, GUETTA Vet al.: Clopidogrel resistance is associated with increased risk of recurrent atherothrombotic events in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Circulation (2004) 109:3171–3175.
  • •• Important clinical evidence relating clopidogrel resistance to the occurrence of recurrent atherothrombotic events
  • GURBEL PA, BLIDEN KP, ZAMAN KA, YOHO JA, HAYES KM, TANTRY US: Clopidogrel loading with eptifibatide to arrest the reactivity of platelets: results of the clopidogrel loading with eptifibatide to arrest the reactivity of platelets (CLEAR PLATELETS) study. Circulation (2005) 111:1153–1159.
  • ••Important clinical trial demonstrating therelation of lower myocardial necrosis marker release to the superior platelet inhibition by GP IIb/IlA inhibitor during elective coronary stenting.
  • GURBEL PA, BLIDEN KP, SAMARA W, et al: The Clopidogrel Resistance and Stent Thrombosis (CREST) study. J. Am. Coll Cardiol (2005) In press.
  • BLIDEN KP, TANTRY U, ZAMAN K, BASSI A. HAYES K, YOHO J, GURBEL PA: High platelet reactivity is a risk factor for post-discharge ischemic complications following elective coronary stenting. J. Am. Coll Cardiol (2005) 45:33A.
  • CLAGETT GP, SOBEL M, JACKSON MR, LIP GY, TANGELDER M, VERHAEGHE R: Antithrombotic therapy in peripheral arterial occlusive disease: the seventh ACCP conference on antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy. Chest (2004) 126:609S–626S.
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  • ANTITHROMBOTIC TRIALISTS' COLLABORATION: Collaborative meta-analysis of randomised trials of antiplatelet therapy for prevention of death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in high risk patients. Br. Med. J. (2002) 324:71–86.
  • ••Important meta-analysis of trials studyingthe benefits of antiplatelet therapy.
  • PATRONO C, COLLER B, FITZGERALD GA, HIRSH J, ROTH G: Platelet-active drugs: the relationships among dose, effectiveness, and side effects: the seventh ACCP conference on antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy. Chest (2004) 126(3 Suppl.):2345–2645.
  • ••Important meta-analysis of trials studyingthe benefits of antiplatelet therapy.
  • PATRONO C, BACHMANN F, BAIGENT C et al: Expert consensus document on the use of antiplatelet agents. The task force on the use of antiplatelet agents in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease of the European society of cardiology. Eur. Heart J. (2004) 25:166–181.
  • ANTMAN EM, ANBE DT, ARMSTRONG PW et al: American College of Cardiology; American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction-executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (writing committee to revise the 1999 guidelines for the management of patients with acute myocardial infarction). Circulation. (2004) 110:588–636.
  • CAMPBELL CL, STEINHUBL SR: Variability in response to aspirin: do we understand the clinical relevance? J. Thromb. Haemost. (2005) 3(4):665–669.
  • GURBEL PA: Clopidogrel response variability and drug resistance. Haematologica (2004) 897(7 Suppl.):9–11.
  • GONZALEZ-CONEJERO R, RIVERA J, CORRAL J, ACUNA C, GUERRERO JA, VICENTE V: Biological assessment of aspirin efficacy on healthy individuals: heterogeneous response or aspirin failure? Stroke (2005) 36:276–280.
  • TANTRY U, BLIDEN K, HAYES K, YOHO J, GURBEL Pk Overestimation of aspirin resistance. J. Am. Coll Cardiol. (2005) 45:427A.
  • ••A recent study demonstrating the lowprevalence of aspirin resistance.
  • LAU WC, GURBEL PA, WATKINS PB et al.: Contribution of hepatic cytochrome P450 3A4 metabolic activity to the phenomenon of clopidogrel resistance. Circulation (2004) 109:166–171.
  • TAUBERT D, KASTRATI A, HARLFINGER S et al.: Pharmacokinetics of clopidogrel after administration of a high loading dose. Thromb. Haemost. (2004) 92:311–316.
  • ZIMMERMANN N, WENK A, KIM U et al: Functional and biochemical evaluation of platelet aspirin resistance after coronary artery bypass surgery. Circulation (2003) 108:542–547.
  • PAYNE DA, JONES CI, HAYES PD, WEBSTER SE, ROSS NAYLOR A, GOODALL AH: Platelet inhibition by aspirin is diminished in patients during carotid surgery: a form of transient aspirin resistance? Thromb. Haemost. (2004) 92:89–96.
  • MACCHI L, CHRISTIAENS L, BRABANT S et al: Resistance to aspirin in vitro is associated with increased platelet sensitivity to adenosine diphosphate. Thromb. Res. (2002) 107:45–49.
  • KAWASAKI T, OZEKI Y, IGAWA T, KAMBAYASHI J: Increased platelet sensitivity to collagen in individuals resistant to low-dose aspirin. Stroke. (2000) 31:591–5.
  • SCHAFER Al: Genetic and acquired determinants of individual variability of response to antiplatelet drugs. Circulation (2003) 108:910–911.
  • O'DONNELL CJ, LARSON MG, FENG D et al: Genetic and environmental contributions to platelet aggregation: the Framingham heart study. Circulation (2001) 103:3051–3056.
  • BARRAGAN P, BOUVIER JL, ROQUEBERT PO et al: Resistance to thienopyridines: clinical detection of coronary stent thrombosis by monitoring of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation. Catheter Cardiovasc. Interv. (2003) 59:295–302.
  • CATELLA-LAWSON F, REILLY MP, KAPOOR SC et al: Cyclooxygenase inhibitors and the antiplatelet effects of aspirin. N Engl. J. Med. (2001) 345:1809–1817.
  • ••Excellent article about the drug-druginteraction between aspirin and ibuprofen.
  • PATRONO C: Aspirin resistance: definition, mechanisms and clinical read-outs. j Thromb. Haemost. (2003) 1:1710–1713.
  • ••Excellent review article about aspirinresistance.
  • WALLER BF: Nonatherosclerotic coronary heart disease. In: Hurst 's the heart, 9th edn. Alexander RW, Schlant RC, Fuster V (Eds), McGraw Hill, New York (1998):1197–1240.
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  • SAKARIASSEN KS, HANSON SR, CADROY Y: Methods and models to evaluate shear-dependent and surface reactivity-dependent antithrombotic efficacy. Thromb. Res. (2001) 104:149–174.
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  • ••Landmark clinical study demonstrating theresponse variability to clopidogrel and prevalence of clopidogrel resistance.
  • GURBEL PA, BLIDEN KP, HIATT BL, O'CONNOR CM: Clopidogrel for coronary stenting: response variability, drug resistance, and the effect of pretreatment platelet reactivity. Circulation (2003) 107:2908–2913.
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