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Cardiovascular system as a ‘core’ of sexual life

Pages 2223-2230 | Published online: 12 Oct 2005


  • LUE TF, TANAGHO EA: Physiology of erection and pharmacological management of impotence. J. Uri)] (1987) 137(5):829–836.
  • •One of the early studies that described the mechanism of erection.
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  • •An interesting review that answered a clinically relevant question.
  • GOLDSTEIN I, LUE TF, PADMA-NATHAN H, ROSEN RC, STEERS WD, WICKER PA: Oral sildenafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil Study Group. N. Engl. J. Med. (1998) 338(20):1397–1404.
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  • •An interesting paper that showed the cardiovascular effects of tadalafil.
  • TRAVERSE JH, CHEN YJ, DU R, BACHE RJ: Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase type 5 activity limits blood flow to hypoperfused myocardium during exercise. Circulation (2000) 102(24):2997–3002.
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  • ••An important paper that investigated theeffects of sildenafil citrate on human haemodynamics.
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  • •A relevant paper that investigated the different haemodynamic effects of sildenafil in men with severe CAD.
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  • ••An interesting investigation described the relationship between ED and vascular diseases.
  • POLSON JB, STRADA SJ: Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases and vascular smooth muscle. Ann. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol (1996) 36:403–427.
  • •Early investigation for PDEs.
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  • ••Very interesting early investigation ofPDEs.
  • RYBALKIN SD, BRONFELDT KE, SONNENBURG WK et al.: Calmodulin-stimulated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE1C) is induced in human arterial smooth muscle cells of the synthetic proliferative phenotype. J. Clin. Invest. (1997) 100:6211–6221.
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  • ••An interesting review of the effects ofsexual activity on cardiovascular risk.
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  • http://www.duj.com/Article/Lue.html EL-SAKKA Al, LUE TF: Physiology of penile erection. Digital Urol. J. (1998)

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