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Pages 715-733 | Published online: 25 Feb 2005


  • NUSSENBLATT RB, WHITCUP SM, PALESTINE AG: Uveitis: Fundamental and Clinical Practice (2nd edition). Mosby–Year Book, St. Louis, MO, USA (1996):32–38.
  • • A useful introduction of basic concepts in ocular immunology.
  • SPENCER WH: Ophthalmic Pathology: An Atlas and Textbook (4th edition). WB Sunders Co. (1996):1439.
  • WHITCUP SM, NUSSENBLATT RB: Immunologic ocular disease. In: Clinical Immunology. Principles and Practice. Rich RR (Ed.), St. Louis, Mosby, USA (1995):579–1591.
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  • ••Insightful review of ocular immunity.
  • GERY I, STREILEIN JW: Autoimmunity in the eye and its regulation. Curr. Opin. Immunol (1994) 6(6):938–945.
  • •A comprehensive review of the immunopathogenic mechanisms of uveitis.
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  • •This cutting edge paper was the first to demonstrate that animals expressing high levels of uveitogenic proteins in the thymus are resistant to uveitis and those expressing very low levels are susceptible to disease induction.
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  • ••This paper describes a very innovative experimentalapproach to treating intraocular inflammatory diseases.
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