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Identification of new therapeutic targets for prevention of CNS inflammation

Pages 203-215 | Published online: 25 Feb 2005


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  • ••Probably the only clinical trial that willever be carried out of IFNI in MS.
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  • •This paper provides a mechanistic explanation why IFNI/ blockade might worsen EAE.
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  • ••Shows that the excitotoicin glutamatemediates axonal damage in EAE, and that this is critical for disease.
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  • ••One of the first two papers to show thatCD8+ T cells can induce EAE. This paper also showed that IFN-y blockade alleviated EAE.
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  • ••This paper demonstrates that bothmacrophages and resident microglial cells are major sources of the inflammatory cytokine TNF in EAE.
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  • ••This paper showed the potential for TNF tokill oligodendrocytes, a finding that spurred a generation of research on TNF in MS.
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  • ••An important paper, which shows thatmembrane-bound TNF is not very important for inflammation, but is critical for lymphoid development.
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  • •Shows that TNF is not necessary for EAE, but plays a critical role in promoting leukocyte entry to the CNS.
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  • ••Shows a potentially protective role for TNF in the CNS, at the level of oligodendrocyte growth promotion.
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  • •This paper shows interplay between the adaptive immune response mediator IFNI and the innate CNS glial response to injury.
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