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Antihypertensive therapy: special focus on drug interactions

Pages 549-579 | Published online: 03 Mar 2005


  • HAJJAR I, KOTCHEN TA: Trends in prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in the United States, 1988-2000. JAMA (2003) 290(2):199–206.
  • ••Most recent data on the prevalence ofhypertension in the US.
  • VASAN RS, BEISER A, SESHADRI S et al.: Residual lifetime risk for developing hypertension in middle-aged women and men: The Framingham Heart Study. JAMA (2002) 287(8):1003–1010.
  • ••This study highlights the risk of beingtreated for hypertension.
  • HYMAN DJ, PAVLIK VN: Characteristics of patients with uncontrolled hypertension in the United States. N EngL J. Med. (2001) 345(7):479–486.
  • •Recent study that highlights the extent of uncontrolled hypertension in the US.
  • MATERSON BJ, REDA DJ, CUSHMAN WC et aL: Single-drug therapy for hypertension in men. A comparison of six antihypertensive agents with placebo. The Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group on Antihypertensive Agents. N EngL J. Med. (1993) 328(13):914–921. Erratum in: N EngL J Med. (1994) 330(23):1689.
  • BERLOWITZ DR, ASH AS, HICKEY EC et aL: Inadequate management of blood pressure in a hypertensive population. N EngL J Med. (1998) 339(27):1957–1963.
  • •Study highlighting the problem of inadequate blood pressure control.
  • AMAR J, VAUR L, PERRET M, BAILLEAU C, ETIENNE S, CHAMONTIN B: Hypertension in high-risk patients: beware of the underuse of effective combination therapy (results of the PRATIK study). J. Hypertens. (2002) 20(4):779–784.
  • LANDI F, GAMBASSI G, LAPANE KL et al.: Comorbidity and drug use in cognitively impaired elderly living in long-term care. Dement. Geriatr. Cogn. Disorcl. (1998) 9(6):347–356.
  • •Evaluation of comorbidity and drug use in a large sample of elderly patients
  • MÜHLBERG W, PLATT D: Age-dependent changes of the kidneys: pharmacological implications. Gerontology (1999) 45(5):243–253.
  • •Reviews the impact of age-related changes of the kidneys on the pharmacokinetics of drugs.
  • PALMER BF: Current concepts: renal dysfunction complicating the treatment of hypertension. N EngL J. Med. (2002) 347(16):1256–1261.
  • KOHLER GI, BODE-BOGER SM, BUSSE R, HOOPMANN M, WELTE T, BOGER RH: Drug-drug interactions in medical patients: effects of in-hospital treatment and relation to multiple drug use. Int. J Gun. PharmacoL Ther. (2000) 38(1 0:504–413.
  • •This study links theoretically possible interactions and observed interactions.
  • CUSHMAN WC, REDA DJ, PERRY HM, WILLIAMS D, ABDELLATIF M, MATERSON BJ: Regional and racial differences in response to antihypertensive medication use in a randomized controlled trial of men with hypertension in the United States. Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group on Antihypertensive Agents. Arch. Intern. Med. (2000) 160(6):825–831.
  • CARTER BL, LUND BC, HAYASE N, CHRISCHILLES E: The extent of potential antihypertensive drug interactions in a Medicaid population. Am. J. Hypertens. (2002) 15(11):953–957.
  • ••Dramatic data regarding the risk for druginteractions in a large hypertensive population.
  • LAZAROU J, POMERANZ BH, COREY PN: Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. JAMA (1998) 279(15):1200–1205.
  • ••Landmark study on possible clinicalrelevance of ADRs.
  • LEVY M, KEWITZ H, ALTWEIN W, HILLEBRAND J, ELIAKIM M: Hospital admissions due to adverse drug reactions: a comparative study from Jerusalem and Berlin. Eur. j Gun. PharmacoL (1980) 17(1):25–31.
  • KELLY WN: Potential risks and prevention, Part 1: fatal adverse drug events. Am. J Health Syst. Pharm. (2001) 58(14):1317–1324.
  • SPECTOR R, VESELL ES: A rational approach to the selection of useful drugs for clinical practice. Pharmacology (2002) 65(2):57–61.
  • ••Summarises criteria for drug selection.
  • NEAFSEY PJ, SHELLMAN J: Misconceptions of older adults with hypertension concerning OTC medications and alcohol. Home. Healthc. Nurse (2002) 20(5):300–306.
  • NO AUTHORS LISTED: 1999 World Health Organization - International Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension. Guidelines Subcommittee. Hypertens. (1999) 17(2):151–183.
  • GUIDELINES COMMITTEE: 2003 European Society of Hypertension-European Society of Cardiology guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J. Hypertens. (2003) 21(6):1011–1053.
  • ••Most recent European guidelines for thetreatment of hypertension.
  • CHOBANIAN AV, BAKRIS GL, BLACK HR et al.: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure; National High Blood Pressure Education Program Coordinating Committee. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA (2003) 289(19):2560–2572. Erratum in: JAMA (2003) 290(2):197.
  • ••Most recent US guidelines for thetreatment of hypertension.
  • RUZICKA M, LEENEN FH: Monotherapy versus combination therapy as first line treatment of uncomplicated arterial hypertension. Drugs (2001) 61(7):943–954.
  • •Review of mono- versus combination therapy of hypertension.
  • BLACK HR, GRAFF A, SHUTE D et al.: Valsartan, a new angiotensin II antagonist for the treatment of essential hypertension: efficacy, tolerability and safety compared to an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, lisinopril. J. Hum. Hypertens. (1997) 11(8):483–489.
  • DICKSTEIN K, KJEKSHUS J: Effects of losartan and captopril on mortality and morbidity in high-risk patients after acute myocardial infarction: the OPTIMAAL randomised trial. Optimal Trial in Myocardial Infarction with Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan. Lancet (2002) 360(9335):752–760.
  • PITT B, POOLE-WILSON PA, SEGAL R et al.: Effect of losartan compared with captopril on mortality in patients with symptomatic heart failure: randomised trial - the Losartan Heart Failure Survival Study ELITE II. Lancet (2000) 355(9215):1582–1587.
  • COHN JN, TOGNONI G: A randomized trial of the angiotensin-receptor blocker valsartan in chronic heart failure. N EngL J. Med. (2001) 345(23):1667–1675.
  • DOHERTY MM, CHARMAN WN: The mucosa of the small intestine: how clinically relevant as an organ of drug metabolism? Clin. Pharmacokinet. (2002) 41(4):235–253.
  • FINCH CK, CHRISMAN CR, BACIEWICZ AM, SELF TH: Rifarnpin and rifabutin drug interactions: an update. Arch. Intern. Med. (2002) 162(9):985–992.
  • WUTTKE H, RAU T, HEIDE R et cll.: Increased frequency of cytochrome P450 2D6 poor metabolisers among patients with metoprolol-associated adverse effects. Clin. PharmacoL Then (2002) 72(4):429–437.
  • •One of the first studies to demonstrate a link between genotype and adverse events in patients taking metoprolol.
  • FUNCK-BRENTANO C, TUREGON J, WOO SLEY RL, RODEN DL: Effect of low dose quinidine on encainide pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Influence of genetic polymorphism. J. PharmacoL Exp. Then (1989) 249(1):134–142.
  • XIE HG, KIM RB, WOOD AJ, STEIN CM: Molecular basis of ethnic differences in drug disposition and response. Annu. Rev. PharmacoL ToxicoL (2001) 41:815–850.
  • ••Reviews ethnic differences ofdrug metabolism.
  • KASHUBA AD, NAFZIGER AN, KEARNS GL et aL: Quantification of intraindividual variability and the influence of menstrual cycle phase on CYP2D6 activity as measured by dextromethorphan phenotyping. Pharmacogenetics (1998) 8(5):403–410.
  • O'NEIL WM, GILFIX BM, MARKOGLOU N et aL: Genotype and phenotype of cytochrome P450 2D6 in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients and patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Eur. j Clin. PharmacoL (2000) 56(3):231–240.
  • THUMMEL KE, SHEN DD, PODOLLTD et aL: Use of midazolam as a human cytochrome P450 3A probe: I. In vitro-in vivo correlations in liver transplant patients. J. PharmacoL Exp. Ther. (1994) 271(1):549–556.
  • EAP CB, BERTEL-LAUBSCHER R, ZULLINO D, AMEY M, BAUMANN P: Marked increase of venlafaxine enantiomer concentrations as a consequence of metabolic interactions: a case report. Pharmacopsychiaby (2000) 33(3):112–115.
  • LIN JH, LU AY: Interindividual variability in inhibition and induction of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Annu. Rev. PharmacoL ThxicoL (2001) 41:535–567.
  • PO AL, ZHANG WY: What lessons can be learnt from withdrawal of mibefradil from the market? Lancet (1998) 351(9119):1829–1830.
  • STAFFA JA, CHANG J, GREEN L: Cerivastatin and reports of fatal rhabdomyolysis. N EngL J Med. (2002) 346(7):539–540.
  • WEINSHILBOUM R: Inheritance and drug response. N EngL J. Med. (2003) 348(6):529–537.
  • ••Up-to-date review on the inheritance ofdrug response.
  • EVANS WE, MCLEOD HL: Pharmacogenomics - drug disposition, drug targets, and side effects. N EngL J Med. (2003) 348(6):538–549.
  • ••Up-to-date review on pharmacogenomics.
  • ROSES AD: Pharmacogenetics and the practice of medicine. Nature (2000) 405(6788):857–865.
  • ••Comprehensive reviewof pharmacogenetics.
  • FLOCKHART DA, TANUS-SANTOS JE: Implications of cytochrome P450 interactions when prescribing medication for hypertension. Arch. Intern. Med. (2002) 162(4):405–412.
  • ••Comprehensive review of antihypertensivedrugs and CYP450 interactions.
  • SINGH BN: Effects of food on clinical pharmacokinetics. Clin. Pharmacokinet. (1999) 37(3):213–255.
  • •A nice overview on the impact of food on clinical pharmacokinetics.
  • MELANDER A, MCLEAN A: Influence of food intake on presystemic clearance of drugs. am. Pharmacokinet. (1983) 8(4):286–296.
  • BAILEY DG, MALCOLM J, ARNOLD 0, SPENCE JD: Grapefruit juice-drug interactions. Br. J. Clin. PharmacoL (1998) 46(2):101–110.
  • •Reviews interactions of grapefruit juice and drugs.
  • SPAHN-LANGGUTH H, LANGGUTH P: Grapefruit juice enhances intestinal absorption of the P-glycoprotein substrate talinolol. Eur. j Pharm. Sci. (2001) 12(4):361–367.
  • BAILEY DG, DRESSER GK, KREEFT JH, MUNOZ C, FREEMAN DJ, BEND JR: Grapefruit-felodipine interaction: effect of unprocessed fruit and probable active ingredients. Clin. PharmacoL Ther. (2000) 68(5):468–477.
  • CHAN WK, DELUCCHI AB: Resveratrol, a red wine constituent, is a mechanism-based inactivator of cytochrome P450 3A4. Lifi Sci. (2000) 67(25):3103–3112.
  • XIN X, HE J, FRONTINI MG et aL: Effects of alcohol reduction on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Hypertension (2001) 38(5):1112–1117.
  • •A nice meta-analysis concerning the effects of alcohol on blood pressure.
  • BHARDWAI RK, GLAESER H, BECQUEMONT L, KLOTZ U, GUPTA SK, FROMM MF: Piperine, a major constituent of black pepper, inhibits human P-glycoprotein and CYP3A4. j PharmacoL Exp. Ther. (2002) 302(2):645–650.
  • RUSCHITZKA F, MEIER PJ, TURINA M et aL: Acute heart transplant rejection due to Saint John's wort. Lancet (2000) 355(9203):548–549.
  • DERGAL JM, GOLD JL, LAXER DA et aL: Potential interactions between herbal medicines and conventional drug therapies used by older adults attending a memory clinic. Drugs Aging (2002) 19(11):879–886.
  • FOSTER BC, VANDENHOEK S, TANG R, BUDZINSKI JW; KRANTIS A, LI KY: Effect of several Chinese natural health products of human cytochrome P450 metabolism. J. Pharm. Sci. (2002) 5(2): 185–189.
  • IOANNIDES C: Pharmacokinetic interactions between herbal remedies and medicinal drugs. Xenobiotica (2002) 32(6):451–478.
  • •Illustrative review of herb-drug interactions.
  • ROBY CA, ANDERSON GD, KANTOR E, DRYER DA, BURSTEIN AH: St John's Wort: effect on CYP3A4 activity. CIM. PharmacoL Ther. (2000) 67(5):451–457.
  • OBACH RS: Inhibition of human cytochrome P450 enzymes by constituents of St. John's Wort, an herbal preparation used in the treatment of depression. PharmacoL Exp. Ther. (2000) 294(1):88–95.
  • DURR D, STIEGER B, KULLAK-UBLICK GA et al.: St John's Wort induces intestinal P-glycoprotein/MDR1 and intestinal and hepatic CYP3A4. Gun. Pharmacol. Ther. (2000) 68(6):598–604.
  • ERNST E: St John's Wort supplements endanger the success of organ transplantation. Arch. Surg (2002) 137(3):316–319.
  • DRESSER GK, SCHWARZ UI, WILKINSON GR, KIM RB: Coordinate induction of both cytochrome P4503A and MDR1 by St John's wort in healthy subjects. Pharmacol. Ther. (2003) 73(1):41–50.
  • HALLER CA, BENOWITZ NL: Adverse cardiovascular and central nervous system events associated with dietary supplements containing ephedra alkaloids. N Engl. J. Med. (2000) 343(25):1833–1838.
  • ZAHN KA, LI RL, PURUSSELL RA: Cardiovascular toxicity after ingestion of 'herbal ecstasy'. J. Emerg Med. (1999) 17(2):289–291.
  • HALLBERG P, KARLSSON J, KURLAND Let aL: The CYP2C9 genotype predicts the blood pressure response to irbesartan: results from the Swedish Irbesartan Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation versus Atenolol (SILVHIA) trial. Hypertens. (2002) 20(10):2089–2093.
  • YASAR U, ELIASSON E, DAHL ML et al.: Validation of methods for CYP2C9 genotyping: frequencies of mutant alleles in a Swedish population. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1999) 254(3):628–631.
  • YASAR U, FORSLUND-BERGENGREN C, TYB RING G et al.: Pharmacokinetics of losartan and its metabolite E-3174 in relation to the CYP2C9 genotype. Pharmacol. Ther. (2002) 71(1):89–98.
  • FISCHER TL, PIEPER JA, GRAFF DW et al.: Evaluation of potential losartan-phenytoin drug interactions in healthy volunteers. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (2002) 72(3):238–246.
  • KATOH M, NAKAJIMA M, SHIMADA N, YAMAZAKI H, YOKOI T: Inhibition of human cytochrome P450 enzymes by 1,4-dihydropyridine calcium antagonists: prediction of in vivo drug-drug interactions. Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. (2000) 55(11-12):843–852.
  • MINERS JO, REES DL, VALENTE L, VERONESE ME, BIRKETT DJ: Human hepatic cytochrome P450 2C9 catalyzes the rate-limiting pathway of torsemide metabolism./ Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (1995) 272(3):1076–1081.
  • DE GROOT MJ, ACKLAND MJ, HORNE VA, ALEX AA, JONES BC: A novel approach to predicting P450 mediated drug metabolism. CYP2D6 catalyzed N-dealkylation reactions and qualitative metabolite predictions using a combined protein and pharmacophore model for CYP2D6. J. Med. Chem. (1999) 42(20):4062–4070.
  • KUDO S, UCHIDA M, ODOMI M: Metabolism of carteolol by cDNA-expressed human cytochrome P450. Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 1997 52(6):479–485.
  • GRAFF DW, WILLIAMSON KM, PIEPER JA et al.: Effect of fluoxetine on carvedilol pharmacokinetics, CYP2D6 activity, and autonomic balance in heart failure patients. J Gun. Pharmacol. (2001) 41(1):97–106.
  • OLDHAM HG, CLARKE SE: In vitro identification of the human cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in the metabolism of R(+)- and S(-)-carvedilol. Drug. Metab. Dispos. (1997) 25(8):970–977.
  • HERMANN DJ, KROL TF, DUKES GE et al.: Comparison of verapamil, diltiazem, and labetalol on the bioavailability and metabolism of imiprarnine. J. Clin. Pharmacol. (1992) 32(2):176–183.
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  • GEUN SHINY, BOLTON JL, VAN BREEMEN RB: Screening drugs for metabolic stability using pulsed ultrafiltration mass spectrometry. Comb. Chem. High Throughput Screen. (2002) 5(1):59–64.
  • ZHOU HH, ANTHONY LB, RODEN DM, WOOD AJ: Quinidine reduces clearance of (+)-propranolol more than (-)-propranolol through marked reduction in 4-hydroxylation. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (1990) 47(6):686–693.
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  • YUN CH, LEE HS, LEE H, RHO JK, JEONG HG, GUENGERICH FP: Oxidation of the angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan (DuP 753) in human liver microsomes. Role of cytochrome P4503A(4) in formation of the active metabolite EXP3174. Drug Metab. Dispos. (1995) 23(2):285–289.
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  • MOUSA O, BRATER DC, SUNBLAD KJ, HALL SD: The interaction of diltiazem with simvastatin. Gun. Pharmacol. Ther. (2000) 67(3):267–274.
  • •Interesting study demonstrating a significant effect of diltiazem on simvastatin plasma concentration.
  • KAESER YA, BRUNNER F, DREWE J, HAEFELI WE: Severe hypotension and bradycardia associated with verapamil and clarithromycin. Am. J Health Syst. Pharm. (1998) 55(22):2417–2418.
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  • LOWN KS, BAILEY DG, FONTANA RJ et al.: Grapefruit juice increases felodipine oral availability in humans by decreasing intestinal CYP3A protein expression. J. Clin. Invest. (1997) 99(10):2545–2553.
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  • KATOH M, NAKAJIMA M, YAMAZAKI H, YOKOI T: Inhibitory potencies of 1,4-dihydropyridine calcium antagonists to P-glycoprotein-mediated transport: comparison with the effects on CYP3A4. Pharm. Res. (2000) 17(10):1189–1197. Erratum in: Pharm. Res. (2001) 18(5):718.
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  • AYRTON A, MORGAN P: Role of transport proteins in drug absorption, distribution and excretion. Xenobiotica (2001) 31(8-9):469–497.
  • ••Reviews the role of transport proteins indrug absorption, distribution and excretion.
  • WIESFELD AC, REMME WJ, LOOK MP, KRUIJSSEN DA, VAN HOOGENHUYZE DC: Acute hemodynamic and electrophysiologic effects and safety of high-dose intravenous diltiazem in patients receiving metoprolol. Am. J. Cardiol (1992) 70(10:997–1003.
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  • http://www.cdc.govinchs/fastats/drugs.htm NO AUTHORS LISTED: NCHS-FASTATS — Drug Use Health Facts.
  • •Valuable intemet page on the statistics of drug prescriptions and use in the US.
  • http://www.ncbi.nkn.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi PubMed/MedLine website.
  • http://www.fda.gov/cder FDA website.
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  • http://www.bfarm.de/gb_ver/drugs German drug authority BfArM.
  • http://medicine.iupui.edu/flockhart
  • •Very useful intemet page on GYP metabolism of drugs.

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