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Microparticles for oral delivery of vaccines

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Pages 791-806 | Published online: 16 Sep 2005


  • RAPPUOLI R, LLER HI, FALKOW S Medicine. The inteigiblevdueof vaxi nation. Sci slice (2002) 297(5583):937–939.
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  • HAGAN DT: Micropatidesed polymersfor the mucosi ddi very of vaxi nes Adv. Drug Div. Re. (1998) 34(2–3):305-320.
  • •Provides detailed information on theofPLG micropatides in mucosi immunisation.
  • SERLIAN D, ETCHART N: Entry dtesfor or vaxi nes aid drugs A rolefor M cells enterocytesed dendritic cells? Ss-nin. Immund. (1999) 11(3):217–224.
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  • •A broad overview of nonliving delivery systems
  • WEINER HL: Or toleraice immune mechaii s-nsaid thegeneraion of Th3-type TGF-beta-secreting regulaory cells MicrcbesInfed. (2001) 3(11):947–954.
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  • KUNISAWA J, TAKAHASHI I, OKUDAIRA A et al.: Lack of aligen- Tecific immune responses nL-7receptor dpha than alibody-treeted Peyer'spach-null micefollowing intestine immunization with microencapailaed Eur. J I mmund. (2002) 32(8):2347–2355.
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  • MORENO-FIERROS L, GARCIA N, GUTIERREZ R, LOPEZ-REVILLA R, VAZQUEZ-PADRON RI: I ntraiasid, recta aid intraperitoned immunization with protoxin Cry1Ac from Ba011us thuringeidsind UCES compatmenta zed 9Br um, intestine, vagina aid pulmonay immune responses in Bdb/c mice Micrcbes I nfed (2000) 2(8):885–890.
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  • PHALIPON A, CORTHESY B: Novel functi ons of the polyrneric I g receptor: well beyond traidport of immunogl obul ins Trends! mmund . (2003) 24(2):55–58.
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  • HUSSAIN N, JAITLEY V, FLORENCE AT: Recent advaicesin the understaiding of uptae of micropaticulaesacrosthegastrointestind lyrnphaics Adv. Drug Div. Re/. (2001) 50(1-2):107–142.
  • SHAKWEH M, PONCHEL G, FATTAL E: Patideuptae by Ftwr's patches a pahway for drug aid vane delivery. Expel Opin. Drug Div. (2004) 1:141–163.
  • •Up-to-date revi ew on micropatideuptae in Peyer's patches
  • BJORK E, ISAKSSON U, EDMAN P ARTURSSON P:Sach microTheres induce pulsati le del ivery of drugs aid peptides acrossthe epithelia bat er by reverd blea-ati on of the tight junctions J Drug Target (1995) 2(6):501–507.
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  • SHREEDHAR VK, KELSALL BL, NEUTRA MR: Cholera toxin induces migration of dendri tic oellsfrom the albepithelid dome region to T- aid B-oell a-ees of Feyer'spaches I nfed. I mmun. (2003) 71(1):504–509.
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  • •R-ovi desa helpful background on M Is
  • BEIER R, GEBERT A: Kinetics of pa-tide uptdce in the domes of Fbyer'spdches Am. Phyad. (1998) 275(1 Pt 1): G130–G137.
  • KIM B, BOWERSOCK T, GRIEBEL P et al.: Mucosa immune reeponsesfollowing or immunization with rotavirusaligens encapailated in dgi nate microspheres Ccntrd Re(2002) 85(1–3):191–202.
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  • ••Demonstrates that lectinscan tagetmicropatidesto M I
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  • ••Exploits invasive mechaii sns usad bybacteria to enhaice the uptdce of pati des in theintedine
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  • ••Anti -M -I-ficaiti body tagetsmicropatideto M oells
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  • •M icroencapsuldecl aligens ae processed aid preeented in both MHC dass I aid 11 reetricted pathways
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  • GUPTA RK, SINGH M, O'HAGAN DT: Fbly(laoti de-co-glycol ide) mi cropa-ti desfor the devel opment of a ngle-dos controlled-releasevaocines Adv. Drug Div. Rat. (1998) 32(3):225–246.
  • CLELAND JL, LIM A, DAUGHERTY A et al.: Development of a a ngle-tiot sibunit vapcinefor H 1V-1. 5. progranmdolein vivo aJtoboaa aid long lasting neutrd ng reepons.J Pharm. ai. (1998) 87(12):1489–1495.
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  • ELLIS RW: Development of combinaion vaxines Vaccine(1999) 17(13–14):1635–1642.
  • PEYRE M, SESARDIC D, MERKLE HP, GANDER B, JOHANSEN P: An expel mentd divdent vaxinebaed on biodegraddlemicrwheresinduoes protective immunity agdnst tetalus aid diphtheria J. Pharm. S:i. (2003) 92(5):957–966.
  • PEYRE M, AUDRAN R, ESTEVEZ F et al.: Childhood aid mdala vaxi nes combined in biodegraddlemicrwheres produce i mmunity with synergistic interdtions J Ccntrd Re(2004) 99(3):345–355.
  • DIWAN M, TAFAGHODI M, SAMUEL J Enhalcement of immune responsas by co-delivery of a CpG oligodeoxynudeotide aid talustoxoid in biodegraddlenalwheres J. Ccntrd Re(2002) 85(1-3):247–262.
  • GILL RF, MONTGOMERY PC: Enhaloement of rat tea- I gA all body responsasfollowing intralasei immunization with altigen aid CpG 0 D N . Curr. Eye Res (2002) 24(3):228–233.
  • HUNTER SK, ANDRACKI ME, KRIEG AM: Biodegraddlemicrwheres contdning group B areptocomusvaxine immuneresponin mice. Am. J. Ob. Gynexi. (2001) 185(5):1174–1179.
  • AUDRAN R, PETER K, DANNULL J et al.: Encepailaion of peptides i n bi odegraddl e mi crwheres prolongs thei r M H C dass-I presentaion by dendritic cells aid maxophagesin vitro Vaccine(2003) 21(11–12):1250–1255.
  • LACOMBE SJ, RAHMAN D, 0' HAGAN DT: Saiva-y, gut, vin d aid nal all body responses ater ord immunization with biodegraddle micropa-tides Vaccine(1997) 15(2):169–175.
  • ••Or immunisation with micropatides sti mulates the common mucosei immune system.
  • MALOY KJ, DONACHIE AM, 0' HAGAN DT, MOWAT AM: Induction of mucosi aid sydemic mmune responses by immunization with ovdbumin entrdped in pol y(Ixti de-co-glycol ide) micropa-tid es I mmundcgy (1994) 81(4):661–667.
  • ••Or immunisation with micropatides sti mulates CT L responses
  • ELDRIDGE JH, GILLEY RM, STAAS JK et al.: Biodegraddle micradheres vaxine delivery syclern for or immunization. Curr. Tcp. Micrcbid. I mmund . (1989) 146:59–66.
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  • EDELMAN R, RUSSELL RG, LOSONSKY G et al.: Immunization of rdbitswith enterotoxigenic E. di colonization fdtor all gen (CFA/I) enCEpallated in biodegraddle mi cradheres of poly (lacti de-co-glycol ide). Vaccine (1993) 11(2):155–158.
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  • •Oral immunisation with micropatides protects mice agdnst respiratory chd lenge.
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  • CHEN SC, JONES DH, FYNAN EF et al.: R-otectiveimmunity induced by ord immunization with a rotayirus D NA vaxineencaailad in micropa-tides Vi rd. (1998) 72(7):5757–5761.
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  • JONES DH, CORRIS S, MCDONALD S, CLEGG JC, FARRAR GH: Fbly(dl-lactide-co-gycolide)-encepailated plamid DNA el icitssflemic aid mucosal altibody responses to Encoded protein ater ord administration. Vaccine(1997) 15(8):814–817.
  • VAJDY M, O'HAGAN DT: Micropa-tides for intralasel immunization. Adv. Drug Div. Rev. (2001) 51(1-3):127–141.
  • •Good review on the u of micropatides for or immunisation.
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