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Quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome: measurement techniques and relevance of current knowledge

Pages 75-88 | Published online: 09 Jan 2014


  • Constitution of the VVorld Health Organization. Handbook of basic documents. 5th ed. World Health Organization, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland (1952).
  • Guyatt GH, Feeny DH, Patrick DL. Measuring health-related quality of life. Ann. Intern. Med 118(8), 622–629 (1993).
  • ••Review dealing with basic principles ofHRQOL measurement.
  • Thompson WG, Longstreth GF, Drossman DA, Heaton KVV, Irvine EJ, Muller-Lissner SA. Functional bowel disorders and functional abdominal pain. Gut 45\(Suppl. 2), 1143–47 (1999).
  • ••Current diagnostic criteria for IBS - theROME II criteria.
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  • •Systematic review of the literature on HRQOL in B3S.
  • Lea R, Whorwell PJ. Quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome. PharmacoEconomics 19(6), 643–653 (2001).
  • •Overview of the current knowledge of HRQOL measurement in IBS.
  • Luscombe FA. Health-related quality of life and associated psychosocial factors in irritable bowel syndrome: a review. Qual. Life Res 9(2), 161–176 (2000).
  • •Well-written review of HRQOL and psychosocial factors in B3S.
  • Veldhuyzen van Zanten SJ, Talley NJ, Bytzer P, Klein KB, Whorwell PJ, Zinsmeister AR. Design of treatment trials for functional gastrointestinal disorders. Gut 45 (Suppl. 2), 1169–1177 (1999).
  • •Recommendations regarding how to perform treatment trials in functional GI disorders.
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  • Eisen GM, Locke GR 3rd, Provenzale D. Health-related quality of life: a primer for gastroenterologists. Am J. Gastroenterol. 94(8), 2017–2021 (1999).
  • •Easy-to-understand overview of HRQOL in gastroenterology.
  • Sullivan M. Quality of life assessment in medicine. Concepts, definitions, purposes and basic tools. Nord. Bydriatry 46,79–83 (1992).
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  • Gralnek IM, Hays RD, Kilbourne A, Naliboff B, Mayer EA. The impact of irritable bowel syndrome on health-related quality of life. Castmenterology119(3), 654–660 (2000).
  • •Important paper, where HRQOL is compared between IBS and other chronic conditions.
  • Hahn BA, Kirchdoerfer LJ, Fullerton S, Mayer E. Patient-perceived severity of irritable bowel syndrome in relation to symptoms, health resource utilimtion and quality of life. Aliment Pharmacol The]: 11(3), 553–559 (1997).
  • •Study investigating the importance of perceived severity of GI symptoms, HRQOL and costs in IBS patients.
  • Hahn BA, Yan S, Strassels S. Impact of irritable bowel syndrome on quality of life and resource use in the United States and United Kingdom. Digestion 60(1), 77–81 (1999).
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  • •Paper dealing with an often neglected area of research — the impact of functional GI symptoms in the elderly.
  • Patrick DL, Drossman DA, Frederick TO, DiCesare J, Puder KL. Quality of life in persons with irritable bowel syndrome: development and validation of a new measure. Dig. Dis. Sci 43(2), 400–411 (1998). •Initial validation of the IBS-QOL questionnaire.
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  • ••First paper that assessed HRQOL inpatients and nonconsulters with B3S compared with healthy controls.
  • Akehurst PL, Brazier JE, Mathers N etal Health-related quality of life and cost impact of irritable bowel syndrome in a UK primary care setting. PharmacoEconomics 20(7), 455–462 (2002).
  • •Well-performed study that incorporates both HRQOL and related costs in IBS patients in primary care.
  • Stewart AL, Greenfield S, Hays RD eta]. Functional status and well-being of patients with chronic conditions. Results from the Medical Outcomes Study. JA/V/A 262(7), 907–913 (1989).
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  • Ware JE Jr, Sherbourne CD. The MOS 36- item short-form health survey (SF-36). I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Med Care 30(6), 473–483 (1992).
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  • Drossman DA, Patrick DL, Whitehead WE etal. Further validation of the IBS-QOL: a disease-specific quality-of-life questionnaire. Am. J. Castroenterol. 95(4), 999–1007 (2000).
  • Bergner M, Bobbitt RA, Carter VVB, Gilson BS. The Sickness Impact Profile: development and final revision of a health status measure. Med. Care 19(8), 787–805 (1981).
  • •Paper describing the important generic HRQOL instrument, the SIP
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  • •Study comparing patients with IBS in primary and secondary care.
  • Simrén M, Axelsson J, Gillberg R, Abrahamsson H, Svedlund J, Björnsson E Quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease in remission: the impact of IBS-like symptoms and associated psychological factors. Am.j Gastmenterol. 97(2), 389–396 (2002).
  • •Importance of IBS-like symptoms in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and its impact on HRQOL and psychological symptoms (or vice versa) is often neglected.
  • Glia A, Lindberg G. Quality of life in patients with different types of functional constipation. Land. j Gastmenterol. 32(11), 1083–1089 (1997).
  • Yacavone RF, Locke GR 3rd, Provenzale DT, Eisen GM. Quality of life measurement in gastroenterology: what is available? Am..j Gastroenterol. 96(2), 285–297 (2001).
  • •Easy-to-understand overview of HRQOL measures in gastroenterology.
  • Dimends E, Carlsson G, Glise H, Israelsson B, Wiklund I. Relevance of norm values as part of the documentation of quality of life instruments for use in upper gastrointestinal disease. Scand. I Gastroenteml (Suppl.) 221,8–13 (1996).
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  • •Important point-of-view in the development of several new disease-specific HRQOL measures in functional GI disorders.
  • Hahn BA, Kirchdoerfer LJ, Fullerton S, Mayer E. Evaluation of a new quality of life questionnaire for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 11(3), 547–552 (1997).
  • •Initial validation of the IBSQOL.
  • Watson ME, Lacey L, Kong S eta]. Alosetron improves quality of life in women with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. Am. J. Gastroenterol 96(2), 455–459 (2001).
  • •Paper describing the effects of alosetron on HRQOL in two large and well-performed trials.
  • Chassany 0, Bergmann JE Quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome, effect of therapy. Eur.j Surg. Suppl. 583,81–86 (1998).
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  • •Initial validation of the FDDQL.
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  • •Paper describing the often difficult extracolonic features of IBS.
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  • •Promising tool for assessing cognitive functioning in functional bowel disorders.
  • Toner BB, Segal ZV, Emmott S etal. Cognitive—behavioral group therapy for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Int. J. Group flychother 48(2), 215–243 (1998).
  • Thompson WG, Creed F, Drossman DA, Heaton KW, Mazzaca G. Functional Bowel Disease and Functional Abdominal Pain. Gastmenterol. Inter 5(2), 75–91 (1992).
  • •ROME I criteria.
  • Irvine EJ, Ferrazzi S, Pare P, Thompson WG, Rance L. Health-related quality of life in functional GI disorders: focus on constipation and resource utilization. Am. Gastroenterol. 97(8), 1986–1993 (2002).
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  • •Comparison between primary-care patients and hospital outpatients with IBS.
  • Drossman DA, McKee DC, Sandler RS et al. Psychosocial factors in the irritable bowel syndrome. A multivariate study of patients and nonpatients with irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology 95 (3), 701–708 (1988).
  • ••Landmark paper describing differences between patients with B3S and people in society with B3S not seeking healthcare.
  • Manning AP, Thompson WG, Heaton KVV, Morris AF. Towards positive diagnosis of the irritable bowel. Br Med. J. 2(6138), 653–654 (1978).
  • ••Very important paper trying to achieve apositive diagnosis of IBS.
  • Mearin F, Badia X, Balboa A etal. Irritable bowel syndrome prevalence varies enormously depending on the employed diagnostic criteria: comparison of Rome II versus previous criteria in a general population. Land. j Gastroenterol. 36(11), 1155–1161 (2001).
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  • Badia X, Mearin F, Balboa A et a/. Burden of illness in irritable bowel syndrome comparing Rome land Rome II criteria. PhannacoEconomics20(11), 749–758 (2002).
  • •Paper that emphasizes the importance of how B3S is defined, when interpreting HRQOL (and other?) studies.
  • Chassany 0, Sagnier P, Marquis P, Fullerton S, Aaronson N. Patient-reported outcomes: The example of health-related quality of life — a European guidance document for the improved integration of health-related quality of life assessment in the drug regulatory process. Drug Inform J. 36,209-238 (2002).
  • •Guidelines for HRQOL evaluation in treatment trials.
  • Revicki DA, Osoba D, Fairdough D etal. Recommendations on health-related quality of life research to support labeling and promotional claims in the United States. Qua]. Life Res. 9(8), 887–900 (2000).
  • •Guidelines for HRQOL evaluation in treatment trials.
  • Santanello NC, Baker D, Cappelleri JC etal. Regulatory issues for health-related quality of life — PhRMA Health Outcomes Committee workshop, 1999. Value Health 5(1), 14–25 (2002).
  • •Guidelines for HRQOL evaluation in treatment trials.
  • Mathias JR, Clench MET, Abell TL etal. Effect of leuprolide acetate in treatment of abdominal pain and nausea in premenopausal women with functional bowel disease: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study. Dig. Dir. Li. 43(6), 1347–1355 (1998).
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  • Watson ME. Minimum meaningful difference scores for the irritable bowel syndrome quality of life questionnaire (IBSQOL). Value Health 3,54–55 (2000).
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  • •Clinical audit of the first 250 patients treated with hypnotherapy in a specialized center.
  • Houghton LA, Heyman DJ, Whorwell PJ. Symptomatology, quality of life and economic features of irritable bowel syndrome-the effect of hypnotherapy. Aliment Pharmacol Thor. 10(1), 91–95 (1996).
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